5G Killgrid Currently Being Installed in all schools

The end is neigh.

The sons of Adam Kadmon want you dead.


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K boomer.

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I’m pretty sure that most of you know the definition of a miracle is something that’s occurred which is not explainable by natural or scientific laws, and therefore is considered to be the work of a divine agency—while at the same time you’re knowing this, many of you may not have seen one fully documented—UNTIL NOW!
So right here, and right now, I present to all of you a fully documented bonafide miracle guaranteed to amaze and astound—that began with virtually unknown Democrat Party US Congressman Frank Pallone—who just eight days after his 31 October 2019 vote to approve the resolution that formally authorized the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, on 8 November 2019 to be exact, introduced for the first time a bill titled H.R.4998 - Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019—that rocketed through the US House of Representatives in relative light-speed fashion, and where, on 16 December 2019, it was approved by a unanimous voice vote of all Democrat and Republican members of the US House—and yesterday, on 27 February 2020, was likewise approved by a unanimous voice vote of all Democrat and Republican members in the US Senate—and today sits on the desk of President Trump awaiting his signature to become a final law.

Since President Trump was sworn into office, you should know, this is the first time he’s been presented with a law rushed to his desk unanimously approved by every single “at war to the death” Democrat and Republican member of the US Congress—who even in the calmest times can’t agree on anything—but were united in a fear of something so terrifying to them all, they were left no choice but to act—a fear shown in this new law that immediately bans the purchase in America of telecom equipment from Chinese manufacturers like Huawei and ZTE—and that further staggeringly gives $1 billion in emergency funding to help smaller rural telecoms “rip and replace” from their telecom systems every single Chinese made piece of equipment they have.
If you’re wondering why this miracle bill was rushed to the desk of President Trump, you should really take a good look at the CT scans of patients having Radiation-Induced Lung Injury and compare them with the CT scans of patients infected with the coronavirus COVID-19 disease—which will explain to you why the Radiological Society of North America has just issued an emergency alert declaring that CT scans should be used as the primary screening tool for COVID-19.


In want of better words, all of the evidence is pointing towards COVID-19 being a “Telephone Disease” directly caused and/or greatly accelerated by the fifth generation wireless technology for digital cellular networks that began wide deployment in 2019 known as 5G—a wireless technology that, on 13 September 2017, over 230 of the top scientists and doctors in the world sounded a grave alarm about warning:

We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry.
5G will substantially increase exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)… and has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.


Another perplexing mystery solved when viewing the COVID-19 coronavirus as a “Telephone Disease” sheds new light on the current situation of the world’s cruise ships, too—as these massive ships carrying thousands of passengers are nearly all equipped with 5G technology for their passengers’ communications benefit—and are now being turned away from countries living in dread of them—such as the nations of Jamaica and Cayman Islands turning away the MSC Meraviglia cruise ship and its 6,000 passengers—but that Mexico did allow to come into port because of humanitarian concerns.
As this COVID-19 coronavirus “Telephone Disease” continues its global spread, I’d like to further direct your attention to the hourly updated global map maintained by the medical scientists at John Hopkins University—where it’s very interesting to notice that the spread of this disease is entirely centered in those nations having 5G technology—as opposed to the world’s countries having no 5G technology whatsoever, and whose only cases are from those who entered their nations from other more advanced parts of the world.


And here’s something else I think it’s important for you to know—what the exact symptoms for COVID-19 are—which according to the World Health Organization are “fever, tiredness, and dry cough”—according to the United States Centers for Disease Control are “fever, cough and shortness of breath”—and according to the scientists at John Hopkins University, are symptoms exactly one would have if infected with a flu virus.

The problem with these COVID-19 symptom descriptions given by these top scientific experts, aside from them describing just about every single illness and/or disease a human can get from Allergies to the Zika Virus, are that they come nowhere close to the COVID-19 symptoms being described coming from China via their GreatFire group of censorship-busting websites—where tens-of-thousands of posts describe the first symptom of COVID-19 being a dry cough that makes those infected tired—that normal cough medicines and herbal cures cure rather fast—but for those who are already ill or aged, sees them having to take stronger cough medicines prescribed by doctors—which cures the vast majority of them—and if not, sees these ill and aged COVID-19 infected people admitted to hospital to receive oxygen treatments, where about 2% of them die—statistics which exactly matches the age, sex, existing conditions of COVID-19 cases and deaths compiled by Western scientists—but even more concerning, are symptoms exactly matching those having a Radiation-Induced Lung Injury, which are:
Grade 1: Mild symptoms of dry cough on exertion
Grade 2: Persistent cough requiring narcotic anti-tussive agents and/or dyspnea with minimal exertion, but not at rest
Grade 3: Severe cough that is nonresponsive to narcotic agents, and/or dyspnea at rest or radiographic evidence of acute pneumonitis continuous oxygen or assisted ventilation
Grade 5: Death



Okay Fuck Off Zoomer

At this point I’d normally be railing against the monsters who unleashed this “Telephone Disease” on the world, but I honestly can’t right now—and the reason is because of the warning I told you about issued by the world’s top scientists in this field in 2017—but whose first warning about the grave health dangers posed by 5G technology came in 2015—that was immediately followed by the greatest scientific undertaking in all of human history when the United States began pouring billions-of-dollars into a company named Space X to produce as many as 42,000 small satellites that will remove all internet transmission technology from our planet’s surface and put it into space where its radiation can’t harm anyone—the latest 60 which were launched into space on 6 January, that brings the number of these Starlink satellites in orbit now to 180.
Now I’ve got to get a little technical here, but it’s important for you to understand this—the United States is the only nation on Earth capable of accomplishing the historic feat of placing 42,000 of these satellites in orbit to protect humanity from 5G radiation—and for those of us closely following these events, it made perfect sense when President Trump created his Space Force to protect these tens-of-thousands of satellites—because they are a part of the war between the Ku and Ka frequency bands these satellites operate on and Chinese 5G technology—the standards of which for global internet communications will decide who rules the remainder of the 21st Century—and is why Trump is threatening every nation in the world if they buy and deploy Chinese 5G technology, and the US Congress has outlawed its usage in all of America.


In a normal world, as you know, everything I’ve told you about here should have been made known to you years ago—and even as I write these words, those like us trying to tell the truth about this “Telephone Disease” are now being targeted for destruction by those seeking to keep the truth from you—a destruction only YOU can prevent by supporting those few of us left who keep telling you true things.
The importance of viewing the coronavirus COVID-19 as a “Telephone Disease” is that by doing so it explains some perplexing mysteries about the spread of this disease—such as why this disease has struck the Gulf nations and monarchies in the Persian Gulf region, but becomes explainable when one notices their ongoing 5G revolution—most particularly in Iran, where this country is completely blanketed to its smallest village with 4G technology coverage—but who are now putting the finishing touches on rolling out 5G technology throughout their entire nation in the coming weeks—finishing touches that included Iran activating their Chinese bought 5G technology for testing—that was immediately met by Iran having more coronavirus cases and deaths of any nation outside of China—and whose Vice President is one of seven of their top government officials now infected.


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>hangs up


The end is neigh lads.

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Corona is a meme. The dems first reaction to its spread was 'WE HAVE TO REMOVE TRUMP' it wasn't to close borders or stop travel. They said
This is China in a last ditch attempt to become the NWO global hegemony along with the cabal.
The panic they are trying to cause is the end game to crash the US, subjugate EU in its entirety, and let China steamroll the world.
You think the cabal wouldn't mind 5G gait, vein and heartbeat analysis for tracking and a Social Credit score across the entire globe?
>Mastercard is pioneering new payment technology that identifies commuters by the way they walk
>We have been testing heartbeat, vein technology, and the way people walk to authenticate people.”

>A Survey on Detection, Tracking and Identification in Radio Frequency-Based Device-Free Localization
>In particular, the research domain of RF-based device-free localization has been steadily evolving since its inception slightly over a decade ago. Many novel techniques have been developed regarding the three core aspects of DFL: detection, tracking, and identification. The increasing use of channel state information (CSI) has contributed considerably to these developments. In particular, the progress it enabled regarding the exceptionally difficult ‘identification problem’ has been highly impressive.


when you run out of money for meds so you make a 5g thread

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>Millimetre wave person recognition: Hand-crafted vs learned features
>Imaging using millimeter waves (mmWs) has many advantages including ability to penetrate obscurants such as clothes and polymers

>Poster: Deep Gait Recognition via Millimeter Wave
>With the aid of a deep recurrent network, we propose a human recognition system that identifies gaits based on millimeter wave (MMwave).

A few things Charles Lieber, the recently arrested kike who was on the CCP payroll, was researching.

Structural basis underlying viral hijacking of a histone chaperone complex

A method for single-neuron chronic recording from the retina in awake mice

The radical 'brain mesh' that could make the Matrix a reality and stop the brain aging

Brain Science

Nanowire probes could drive high-resolution brain-machine interfaces

Injectable device delivers nano-view of the brain

Genomics Center to Reveal Gates Foundation Is Donor

Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases

I believe so.
Spotlight on Wuhan
>This was the university's route to establishing the Joint Nano Key Laboratory, set up by Prof. Charles M. Lieber.

Why did a Chinese university hire Charles Lieber to do battery research?
>An affidavit outlining the charges against Lieber notes that in January 2013, he signed an agreement between Harvard and Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China.

Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases
>Zaosong Zheng, 30, a Chinese national, was arrested on Dec. 10, 2019, at Boston’s Logan International Airport and charged by criminal complaint with attempting to smuggle 21 vials of biological research to China.

5G is literally scheduled to be implemented this year, just type 5G in google.

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honestly what the fuck

that's an aggressive ass cop

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How do you disable 5G towers?

You don't, they probably all have cameras on them and if you disable one they'll just send someone to repair it. I hear tinfoil works, i know a guy that sleeps in a tent inside his house that's covered in tinfoil.

Another thread filled with uninformed idiots playing keyboard warrior from their parent basement.
5g is literally just invisible waves you incompetent, illiterate, rock smashing fools.

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You glow

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Radiation is also invisible waves but it can fucking kill you or give you cancer, user.

bump wtf is this

>tinfoil thread
>10+ posts by this id schizo wordvomit
every time

every time

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So normies will die, whatever.

Full on complete and utter retardation Boomer squad lie that could endanger millions of they take this bullshit seriously.

>also a shill
every time

post your flag

Tinfoil hats? Really?
I cant tell if this is a radiation joke or Im being called a glownigger

>endanger millions

Not trusting faster internet access than we have right now is endangering millions? How is being skeptical of 5G endangering millions of lives?

>Tinfoil hats? Really?
Do not doubt the power of the tin foil hat
>In 2020, an Uzbekistani citizen tried to cross the Belarusian-Lithuanian border illegally using aluminum foil padding of the attire and a tin foil hat, to avoid detection by thermographic cameras. It was reported that the border guards face similar violations quite regularly.

>yfw when ALL Intel CPUs are backdoored by Israel
... not a peep
>Chinese sell media server boxes in Canada

Bitch please. This is just more fake hysteria ginned up by Jews.
Electromagnetic radiation and ionizing radiation are not even remotely the same thing you fucking brainlet. Read a book boomer.

Yes, really. Look it up, but just a hat won't do it has to be your whole body.

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wuflu shutdown is a cover up for a massive 5G install in everyone's churches, schools, government buildings etc.

Where's no pozzed proof then, nigger?

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Take your meds schizo boomer tranny discord jew

If you really want to block shit get copper foil. More expensive tho.
t. shoplifter

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Bruh half the catalog is shill threads already so it doesn't really make a difference

I deployed 5G antennas in Ottawa over a year ago, please tell me about the killgrid I deploy and manage. You obviously know more about it than I do.

>wuflu shutdown is a cover up for a massive 5G install in everyone's churches, schools, government buildings etc

I did most of my deployments last year and now I am in change freeze. Which telecomm do you work for?

Yeah because of faggots like you who like to shut down real discourse. If you don't agree move along, and leave this shit alone

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Cool story, my moms got corona, believe me

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You make fun but the dude with the tinfoil looks like a chad. The zoomers in the background look like trannies.

Which telecomm do you work for?

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oh 5g and any electronic devices defiantly make you feel like shit if you stay close for them for too long

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>Bruh half the catalog is shill threads already so it doesn't really make a difference
Shill threads are just like the noise of TV internet and journalists screaming at normies in everyday life.
Noise, and it is on purpose.

5g is about 100% full surveilance - maybe it can be weaponized, but on the basis of tagging people by blood vein volume, and gait analysis is frightening.

>Mastercard is pioneering new payment technology that identifies commuters by the way they walk
>We have been testing heartbeat, vein technology, and the way people walk to authenticate people.”

>A Survey on Detection, Tracking and Identification in Radio Frequency-Based Device-Free Localization
>In particular, the research domain of RF-based device-free localization has been steadily evolving since its inception slightly over a decade ago. Many novel techniques have been developed regarding the three core aspects of DFL: detection, tracking, and identification. The increasing use of channel state information (CSI) has contributed considerably to these developments. In particular, the progress it enabled regarding the exceptionally difficult ‘identification problem’ has been highly impressive.

>Millimetre wave person recognition:
>Hand-crafted vs learned features
>Imaging using millimeter waves (mmWs) has many advantages including ability to penetrate obscurants such as clothes and polymers

Poster: Deep Gait Recognition via Millimeter Wave
>With the aid of a deep recurrent network, we propose a human recognition system that identifies gaits based on millimeter wave (MMwave).

it weakens your immunize system to be exact thus causing the virus to be More Vicious


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1) How long did it take to set up
2) What company
3) I googled "ottawa 5G" and it says in mid-January of this year that they're rolling 5G out in main Canadian cities, but you said you set it up a year ago? Wanna explain this?
4) Do you genuinely have no reservations about 5G whatsoever?

I don't work for one. Can you verify? I haven't found any solid proof, just ODing on boomer memes. It makes sense to me especially when you think of the negative reaction most of the public has to 5G installs.

Set up a basic magnetic pulse bang. Should be easy to buy on alibaba.

5g linked to urban areas 5g everywhere on the globe

*Shouldn't, sorry

>everyone dying around me

>"its still a flu"

>1) How long did it take to set up
Depends on what you mean by set up. Mount the tower? Configure the transceiver?

>2) What company
Check my other posts

>3) I googled "ottawa 5G" and it says in mid-January of this year that they're rolling 5G out in main Canadian cities, but you said you set it up a year ago? Wanna explain this?
Towers have been up and active for over a year in Canada for testing in a few cities, they still work as they would when subscribers are allowed to connect

4) Do you genuinely have no reservations about 5G whatsoever
You're asking me if I think my 11 billion dollar company is deploying a killgrid to murder it's nationwide customer base. The answer is no I don't believe we are. That would be retarded.

elon musk wants to put bluetooth in your brain wdym

>4) Do you genuinely have no reservations about 5G whatsoever
>You're asking me if I think my 11 billion dollar company is deploying a killgrid to murder it's nationwide customer base. The answer is no I don't believe we are. That would be retarded.

I've known a few people who do your job, and its all slack jawed retards, so I'm taking what you say with a grain of salt. You don't understand the question. Nice comprehension.

>I've known a few people who do your job, and its all slack jawed retards, so I'm taking what you say with a grain of salt. You don't understand the question. Nice comprehension

Really? You do? What's my job, then? I mean you'd have to be a complete clown to make this statement and have no clue what it is I do.

The government never does sneaky shit.

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