Why do people have such hatred towards landlords right now? They had to pay rent before Corona as well. What changed?

Why do people have such hatred towards landlords right now? They had to pay rent before Corona as well. What changed?

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It's a reddit raid--they think if they make a bunch of communist threads it'll actually convince us that communisim is rad.

They don't realize they're obvious retards. Pretty sure some of them are chink bots as well--the chinks own reddlt and the teen retards come here to spew their propaganda here thinking they aren't obviously 12 year old results of the public education system.

pretty much

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Fuck squatters

Why do poltards never have any arguments against the anti-landlord stuff except whining about reddit?

>kikelord shows her job list
>shieeeeeeet where mah gibes at honkey?

Why would I argue with a child. They make up their own history, make up their own version of economics, and don't even make coherent logic statements. It's more akin to arguing with a religious zealot that having an intellectual discussion.

Most of them aren't sincere in the first place.

you're here shilling every day leaf, which makes you a poltard

>what changed
idk man maybe that world is on fire thingy and people having no money for food. Could that be it?

A lot of people got laid off and the part time gig they got at Walmart isn't covering the bills like their old job. Also, with most people living paycheck to paycheck, missing more than a few days of work is enough to cause financial problems.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day
What the fuck are you eating? What type of toilet paper are you using?
I use one roll of toilet paper every 2-3 weeks and one sheet per wipe.
Change your diet and your toilet paper.

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And this, "the world is on fire" is why I'm certain you're a child.

90% of the rest of the world always lives like that. Your problem is you're so self absorbed (like a normal child) that you don't understand how you got to where you are. You don't understand why the economy is the way it is--you think you do but you clearly don't--and you are attacking the WRONG targets.

You need to sit in a class, ask questions, and learn from the encyclopedias of knowledge here: but you don't you come with retard solutions for problems that you clearly don't understand and annoy the fuck out of the people that do.

they would lie then

Because landlords are honorary jews.

Sure, the squatters are equally bad, but let's not pretend that landlords don't deserve the hate they get

You’ve literally said nothing but “you’re a child” and “read a book”

3.3 million americans just filed for unemployment you stupid fucking nigger

Fucking new fag. I eat one piece of toilet paper after every meal and thus i don't use any when i shit. 1 roll last me 3 months.

I love that copypasta.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
stale bait

>Why do poltards never have any arguments against the anti-landlord stuff except whining about reddit?
We do, all the time. I've built homes and operated rentals before. It's painfully evident that the people who hate landlords have done neither of those things.

It's a stupid larp. Not even women use one roll a day.

If you eat the toilet paper after your food, it will wipe your butthole on the way out.

Its self cleaning.

This post right here is why America is fucked. The false dichotomy set up is that you either have to suffer the consequences of AnCapistan, or suffer the consequences of authoritarian Communism. What should is that the state should be pumping liquid cash into the bank accounts of both tenants and landlords as well as regulate a suspension on rent and expenses while everyone quarantines themselves from this literal pandemic. What we get instead is two kike parties arguing and hemming and hawing over whether or not they should give you an interest free loan that doesn't even cover what most people need, meanwhile they are throwing unlimited cash at the banks and have no intention to stopping. The resulting discussion from this is arguing either for boomer bootstrapism or blue haired pro-tranny marxist-leninism. What we need is relief from the state that is supposed to protect and represent us, but you retards have been so zogged in the head to reject any economic assistance as Stalinism 2.0 that you will fight to death to reject it and announce your undying loyalty to die on the alter of the holy church of GDP. You will never move past this, even when faced with a global crisis, and this post will either be ignored or accused of being shilling from a transexual neo-communist. At least I have the satisfaction of watching both conservatives and shitlibs down in their own fucking lungs you worthless shabbos jew loving slaves lol

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>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
In what world? I live in a house of 4 and we don't use a roll in a day.

This. It was a chapo raid


>bunch of words
>says literally nothing
>r*ddit spacing
Yeah, fuck off retard. There are people who had their jobs shut down and those people aren't able to work anymore while landlords who don't do shit still sit there and demand their cut when they are already sitting on a pile of cash. These landlords literally can't go one or two months without their paypigs ponying up. The point of all these places closing up is to help stop the virus from spreading and getting another job that's actually running goes against that.
Say something of actual substance instead of:
because you're the one looking like a retarded child.

No, I said children are obvious and you should ask questions about the things you don't understand.

You just made two assertions and didn't ask any questions or engage in any way.

You literally demonstrated why your retard commie threads die every time and are obviously retard tier.

You're writing ability is about 8th grade level. Do you know what fiat currency even is kid?

>Trust me bro
Make an argument

>This post right here is why America is fucked. The false dichotomy set up is that you either have to suffer the consequences of AnCapistan, or suffer the consequences of authoritarian Communism. What should is that the state should be pumping liquid cash into the bank accounts of both tenants and landlords as well as regulate a suspension on rent and expenses while everyone quarantines themselves from this literal pandemic. What we get instead is two kike parties arguing and hemming and hawing over whether or not they should give you an interest free loan that doesn't even cover what most people need, meanwhile they are throwing unlimited cash at the banks and have no intention to stopping. The resulting discussion from this is arguing either for boomer bootstrapism or blue haired pro-tranny marxist-leninism. What we need is relief from the state that is supposed to protect and represent us, but you retards have been so zogged in the head to reject any economic assistance as Stalinism 2.0 that you will fight to death to reject it and announce your undying loyalty to die on the alter of the holy church of GDP. You will never move past this, even when faced with a global crisis, and this post will either be ignored or accused of being shilling from a transexual neo-communist. At least I have the satisfaction of watching both conservatives and shitlibs down in their own fucking lungs you worthless shabbos jew loving slaves lol
Decent pasta but it could really use a fedora.
>inb4 see this is what I'm talking about
Nothing you mentioned is novel or Earth-shattering, but you seem to think this post is worthy is remembrance. It's a basic-bitch take on what's wrong with the world.

True, and i make the anti-landlord points just to watch if the lolberts have any arguments

So far, nothing.

All over Winnie the Flu

Landlords are terrified right now because they have no options if tenants don't pay. What are they going to do? Change the locks? No one is leaving their homes. Evict them? No sheriff is going to help you evict anyone right now. You can get ready to sue once all this blows over, but as of right now the only thing landlords can do is bend over and take it.

Cry harder. Like normal commies: you're barely literate and you've no idea how the economy fucntions.

This is all about you not understanding even the basic navigation of your reality. You've never been out of the USA, your writing is atrocious, and yet you expect some sort of respect for making zero point beyond pushing your childish talking points.

Ok boomer


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>Make an argument
No, that's your job. Landlords exist. Why is that a bad thing? Make your case.

Shouldbe easy to win the argument, then. So make some. All i've seen so far is "tranny, wagie, neet, reddit, reeeeeeeee" adhons.

>local redditor gets triggered

>Landlords are terrified right now because they have no options if tenants don't pay. What are they going to do? Change the locks? No one is leaving their homes. Evict them? No sheriff is going to help you evict anyone right now. You can get ready to sue once all this blows over, but as of right now the only thing landlords can do is bend over and take it.
This is precisely why being a landlord is not without risk, and why rent costs more than a mortgage. Rent is risk free - holding a mortgage on a house is not.

When do the /ptg/ retards go back? Its been like 4 years...

Jannies are deleting your threads chapo. Whatcha gunna do now?

>Shouldbe easy to win the argument
Ok, tell us why landlords are bad.

I have terrible fucking sticky shits and I still wouldn't use 1 roll a day, doubt it would last me a week, but surely like 3-4 days.

You still aren't saying anything and r*ddit spacing. Fuck off, retard.

>landlords who don't do shit
You ever tried to manage property before?

hey faggot, go back to being gay on reddit they actually like it there

PTG is funded--Just like most of the other political stuff. I don't think you understand where you are if you don't understand even what the ptg is.

You can inb4 it all you want, it doesn't disprove anything I said. You're saying it isn't a novel or ground-breaking take, which to that I say is another reason why people like you are retarded. You're placing the value of a post into whether or not it's a "hot take" instead of prioritizing whether or not it is true. That's not the point, the point is that both sides of the argument are regulated by kikes and YES, mr. retard, you are doing what I'm talking about.

You deserve the rope just like everyone else

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Imagine a world without land lords, would be horrible...

They hated them before but the nature of modern society kept them seperated. Now it is easier to see that your neighbors are also suffering. As such you can "unionize" and protest rent prices.

>it takes a pandemic affecting every county in every state in america to put landlords at risk

>You deserve the rope just like everyone else
Yeah yeah another edgy "I've got the right idea on this and all those who disagree will be led to the gallows" post. Insufferable.

You can have your own version just buy a house. The state is always your landlord due to taxes and better believe they take the place and boot you out if you don't show fealty by paying them.

Inb4 chapos post adam smith

They are bitter at being too financially irresponsible to save up for a down payment and buy their own home. they resent the fact that they are literally wasting thousands of dollars per year to line someone else's pocket and pay someone else's mortgage. they want to paint those who own rental properties as evil to justify taking their property and wealth by force. It's a standard tactic. In the Spanish Civil War they killed landlords and stole their houses, that's the end goal.

you reddlt retards don't understand how obvious you are--and cry so hard when you get called out for it.

I space how I want--I do it mostly to make people like you REEEE.

I also do it for readability. Most retards here read at the 8th grade reading level and I have to adjust accordingly.

I have a question
What's the alternative to landlords? It'd seem like then the government would just own all the property and thus become an even shittier version of landlords, like imagine how shit city landlords are than then triple their jewery

Is there some kinda dumbass commie hot-take on what they'd prefer instead of actual people owning properties?

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>and not a single argument was made

You don't deserve death for disagreeing with me, you deserve the gallows for supporting the cancerous anti-white system.

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>it takes a pandemic affecting every county in every state in america to put landlords at risk
No, all it takes is a shitty tenant who burns your house down because they're retards and now your insurance company is balking at exactly how much they're willing to fix on the house. Or here comes a recession, nobody can pay the rent and I can't pay the mortgage, time to hand the keys to the bank while I declare bankruptcy, the house sits unoccupied for a year and falls apart due roof damage and/or a burst pipe, then the bank sells it for 50% of its original value until a contractor decides he can probably get it back in fighting shape. Or the property values in my area dropped and I'm underwater in my mortgage, why the fuck did I even bother doing this.

Because they engage in usury.

They qualify for loans the average wagie does not becaue they are decades older, so they get mortgages and buy up houses, which drives up the cost, making more wagies dependant on renting, which raises the rent past the mortgage payment.

What the landlord does is essentially lend the typical wagie a downpayment, but the interest is the value of the house and the monthy profit on the rent.

Landlords dont pay for upkeep - tenants do, via the rent.

Landlords dont pay property tax - tenants do, via the rent

Landlords dont pay for repairs - tenants do, via the rent.

If everone's landlord magically dissapeared and ownership transfered to the tennants, nobody would care. The expenses would be the same, less the landlord's profit. Landlords represent an unnecessry middleman getting a cut to do nothing. If landlords dissapeared, housing would be cheaper because nobody would be hoarding housing to profit from it. If landlords dissapeared, people would have a stake in their country rather than be cosmopolitan residents of convenince.

Ergo, landlords don't perform any useful function except undermine national cohesion and be leeches and should be removed.

I love that if you aren't a bot: you have no problem emulating one. Just like the rest of the children like you who's brains aren't done growing (functionally retarded)

It's a raid. Non-stop threads on this subject completely out of nowhere

Its like these threads are copy pasted same shit non stop

>You don't deserve death for disagreeing with me, you deserve the gallows for supporting the cancerous anti-white system.
There are plenty of white genocide threads for you to post in, faggot. We're talking landlords here. kys

What argument? Pay what you owe or fuck off and build your own house.

Ib4 you dont argue the point and call them trannies instead . Peak spiritual redditism. This isnt the pol i joined


I spelled nothing wrong and my grammar is fine. Kill yourself, r*dditor.

Yeah I was wondering this too.
Do these people not understand that being a landlord is just like a regular business? If they can't afford to keep the place open then the banks will foreclose and the idiots won't have a place to live.

Pay some boomer for being alive first and buying up all the fucking housing? Why?

some on Yas Forums are communists in denial because they want free shit and get pissy when someone takes something from them

At no point did you approach any coherent logic.

usuray is made possible by the Federal Reserve--most of what you're talking about is a byproduct of the Fiat systm not land owners.

This is why no one engages you: you're not connecting your argument to reality and attacking the wrong targets in the process.

This guy gets it

>They qualify for loans the average wagie does not becaue they are decades older
no, they qualify because they can demonstrate that they have an income and put up a large enough down payment. you don't get a loan automatically because you're old

>buy up houses, which drives up the cost,
individual people buying up houses would still drive up the cost. people still need houses no matter what

>Landlords represent an unnecessry middleman getting a cut to do nothing.
If it's so easy, why haven't you done it? Couldn't be because you were too irresponsible throughout your life to have a high paying job and save whatever money you earned to put up a decent down payment. Nah, must be because landlords all magically acquired their properties for free and are now milking the poor tenants by force.

Also nice leddit spacing.

You say you're a pol veteran, but you never even checked my quads. Back to chapo two faced commie

Just dont pay. Please. It will over burden the police to have evict en mass or there will be rent forgiveness.
Either way, it pulls heat off me


>p-please stop tying this issue to the current system of control!

Hey leaf, how about you fuck off with your 'luxury soup'?

Glass house, stones....

I literally destroyed everything about you child--this is the best comeback you got: thanks for the complement.

We dont rent

The opposite of people owning property and having rights is full-on communism lol

>Why do people have such hatred towards landlords right now? They had to pay rent before Corona as well. What changed?
There's quite a huge reason to hate landlords and the biggest one are landlords not adhering to regulations and repairing units. Despite rules and laws existing, most rental units are in disrepair and in violation of many national codes, which largely gets ignored because tenants fail to report it.

I know, because I used to lease my building and I would literally snitch out my landlord for concrete work, warehouse lighting, electrical problems. He would always bitch at me about having to pay for all this and says it costs him too much money. But ever since I built my own building, I realized what utter bullshit landlords lie about because my maintenance costs are literally a pittance. And property taxes? Lol what a joke. I barely pay anything now. I used to pay a Shitton a month and the guy couldn't even bother to fix my mailbox ever. I even had to pay for the handicap spaces and the landlord claimed he did it for me and wanted to charge me for something I was forced to do.
Yeah, fuck landlords. If they can't maintain a property because they've entered into some banking scheme, they deserve to be executed in public. I suspect the same attitude from residential units, because all I have to do is drive down these places and see how fucking runned down they are.

If there was proper enforcement to these places, most issues people have with landlords would disappear.

Everywhere hiring will shut down within a week... you people are insane to think the virus is slowing down.

Part and parcel with capitalism. The landlord should've looked ahead and planned for it instead of buying a fourth car and a small yacht.

>current system of control!
you sound like an "intersectionalist" retard. you literally just injected some racist bullshit into your leftist theory to dupe the nazi retards here into supporting your leftist agenda.


>if i type out the words "zogged" and "shabbos jew" then they won't think i'm a transexual neo-communist
dial8 til the skin rips, xir

>Brevity is a hallmark of intelligence
Meanwhile in lefty land: obfuscate with bullshit and hit the buzzwords:

because the landlords are acting like a bunch of entitled faggots

How's this: why should people who took the risk of investing in properties and managing them have to take on extra burden?

>Yas Forums still doesn't realize (((who))) most rental property is owned by

Unwitting zogbot