He means you

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>the stock market means rich people only!!!!

No surprise. Thats a Jew

Yes, that's why we need to keep everyone locked up for 9 months (or more) to make sure no one dies of coronavirus. Sure, crops might not get planted or harvested, we won't have any electricity, and the economy may collapse. But it's better for grandma to die alone of starvation than face a 2% risk of getting seriously ill from this virus.

That's also why we restrict driving to 20 mph / 30 kmh on all highways, since safety always trumps economic prosperity.

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we have to make sure the least amount of people realize that they too can invest. we need them spending all their money on shit consumer goods so these companies can meet earnings.

A Jew with toxoplasmosis and Ashkenazi paranoid psychosis.

and we're going to assume that this is all because the evil rich people and no fault at all lays on the backs of the people who decide to stay ignorant on investing.

Shh! Don't tell him the truth, he wants to believe that anyone in America can just boot strap their way to wealth!

Stop being poor

>people on median income should have bootstrapped and invested

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I wonder if the number of domestic insurgents like this America has has got anything to do with recent Guantanamo Bay facility expansions and all the trucks and tanks we're seeing in leftist stronghold cities

they can if we're just talking upper middle or lower upper. yeah, not going to bootstrap being a billionaire, but i hope people aren't imagining that when they use that lame ass argument.

>pay day loan sharks charge way more interest than any person can get anywhere else
>look at all the oil companies that are yielding 25-45%
>lets not buy any
>continue to complain and make jokes about bootstrapping
oh look, a loser

When boomers talk about some sacrifices being made so they can live for 3 more years before the alcoholism kills them, they mean you. Look I know being a debtslave until you're 50 sucks and a depression sucks too but these boomers dont wanna die yet after fucking you over in 08!

>Trump didn't actually say that
Why are you communist faggots such disingenuous shills?

>Kill whites
>White men are done
>H-he means you!!!
Wow, this changes nothing.

A lot of those people would have died of the flu within the next 12 months anyway.
What good did it do to rob me of my job?

no, people, at least males, on median should be asking themselves what reason they have for being a faggot and working a job that pays median when they have the physical ability to make more.

>what is compound interest
>why does investing small amounts early beat large amounts later
>gee, i guess i should just accept my status in life and complain about it
>maybe someone will take something from someone else and give it to me
kill yourself


>he keeps shitting on the poor, even during a pandemic that could drag everyone down
>still unholding class antagonism
Your country is fucked mate

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>physical abilty = primary gauge of economic worth
U wot?

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This isn't about stocks, its about millions of people being out of work for months on end

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I knew a cat lady in the making

>30 yr roastie
>tall as fuck
>strong independent woman
>works as a bartender/receptionist
>complained about being single all the time
>had one hook up once a month
>expressed interest in a cat
>her fridge was full of booze

Do you just find it fun to act like a retard online? Or do you really believe in these false equivalencies.

I had to give you another you cause (your) post is so retarded
>what is median
>more people should move up from median

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I'm not shitting on the poor m8
I'm actually somewhat of a local philanthropist.
It's just sad and tiring that this generation has such a gross feeling of entitlement.
>Your country is fucked mate
kek shall we start looking at the in store prices?

Yeah that doesn't mean that buying some stocks magically equates to being richr or somehow negates the immediate needs. Only white people who have benefited from generational wealth think everything is okay just because "the economy is booming".

How is it false?

It always has been. That poster can be dirt poor but is hanging onto the 1/100000 chance that he'll be the next Bezos.

"If hard work equals success, than show me a rich donkey"

Based Trump flushing burgers down the toilet!

The Jews haven't pushed something so hard since the Russia hoax
Once the world finds out that this is yet another scam... oh boy, shit's gonna get real ugly

How many people die when the food runs out?

Yes. I don't matter. You don't matter. Our economy is worth more than millions of lives. Let em die.

"No deaths are acceptable, zero, none." Trump
What the fuck is she talking about?

He actually said (you cunt) "No loss of life is acceptable to me, no life. I don't want anyone to die."

Zero if you stop letting Jews shut down the economy with their fake virus scare

>How many people die when the food runs out?
Zero because the food isn't going to run out. The food is still being produced, the food is still being transported.

There's just a supply issue due to massive demand (ie panic buying).

yeah, it is a risk. not guaranteed. much like everything else in life.

making leafs proud

troll or are you actually that stupid? you wouldn't make more at any random labor job than being some faggot working retail? wow, world must have changed a lot since i had those type of jobs.

>hard work
you realize this doesn't mean being the best fry cook at mcdonalds, right? are people actually this simple minded?

Fear mongers should be executed

Did he really at that? Where's the video clip? Hm?

>Yas Forums REEEEs about Jews and how they rip off goyims
>Yas Forums REEEEs when public opinion is against greedy non-Jews
Nice hypocrisy.

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>makes him lose less money
This bitch unironically thinks that the President wants to save the stock market so that he, personally, will lose less money - and not because it's his goddamned job as the President.

I would tell you to let that sink in, but frankly it's just going to piss all over the carpet.

I hate this leftist propaganda that people with nigger-logic fall for, people who hold stocks can wait a few months or even years for this irrational panic to be over. But small businesses that are shut down cannot. America got fleeced of so many freedoms after the irrational fear after 9/11...

I implore you, the rest of the West, don't be so fucking stupid to fall for it.

Eat the poor. Theres plenty to go around and well get automation.

food and electrical industries aren't being shut down, retard

It's not a bad idea. If everyone that had a twitter account dies, would it be a tragedy?

how many ubi payments will be needed if the market doesn't recover and the very large generation of boomers then finds themselves with zero savings? would that reality cause boomers to have a change of heart on issues like socialism? is that something we want?

what are pensions invested in?
what are 401ks invested in?
what are 403bs invested in?
what are annuities invested in?
what are iras invest in?

how likely are we to see rates return to historic averages in our lifetime? if we're going with something along the lines of "not anytime soon", how are people expected to grow what they save?

Either way, yes people will starve as the majority of people aren't fucking working. There aren't enough supermarket jobs to cover everyone. And gibs will result in monstrous inflation.

yeah, find with an extended downturn as long as it doesn't result in dividend cuts across the board. reinvesting at a discount will pay off down the road.

>don't be so fucking stupid
i wouldn't count on it

>gibs will result in monstrous inflation
proof? We already had a trillion dollar deficit before the stimulus bill and inflation was not only not high, it was too low

>Either way, yes people will starve as the majority of people aren't fucking working.
Essential industries (such as food production, food transport and food selling) are not shut down in any state.

Unemployment benefits aka money are given to anyone who is out of work due to the virus. Charities are giving food to anyone who asks for it.

why do they want it higher?

does the you include jews?

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So sick of this hysteria. You know what, when these morons say "just shut down the entire economy", they're killing people too. Look it up, there's a death toll associated to unemployment, especially mass unemployment, and it's far worse than COVID-19s worst case scenario. These people would cure a headache with a shotgun blast to the forehead. Trump is right, and this is probably the only time I'll say that, we need to get back to work, and now, or you fucking knuckle draggers are going to WISH we just had a "pandemic" to worry about when you see what 40% unemployment means.

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but trump said zero lives lost are acceptable. hmmm mayhaps this person is spreading inaccuracies.

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Hes right though

>he means you
He actually means those who will die soon anyway. It doesn't make sense to stunt a whole generation by fucking the economy just so grandma can live an extra 6 months.

way more lives will be destroyed by what this is doing to the country than the virus. it won't even be close

do you actually expect a response different than that? is the public able to accept a true answer at this point?

phillips curve. inflation and economic growth go together by definition, if the economy is doing well people spend more so businesses raise prices. with the low unemployment we have we should have high inflation, we means we would've been able to raise the interest rate without causing a recession. Since inflation was low we couldn't raise our already low rates, meaning we didn't have enough basis points to induce inflation when the rona hit. basically, if there's another shock to the economy we are fucked. It's what happened in Japan, google the "Lost Decade"

ok, and what percentage of Americans have jobs at publicly traded companies? Fucking dumb piece of shit.

Thanks for proving that this society exists to serve the economy.

After all, under Capitalism (aka soulless materialism) the people and the state exist to serve the Economy.

>just so grandma can live an extra 6 months.
>I'm fine with white people dying just as long as they're of a certain age.

if the economy collapses, we ALL die.

Us and youi, but NO Jews, why that would be anudda' holocaust!

tell that to your grandma you retard

"The economy" isn't some wolf of wall street shit, it's you having food to eat, and a place to stay. You're goddamn right it's about the economy, that's how we survive you morons. Do you children think life and your faggot NEET bucks fall out of the sky?

40% unemployment means large swathes of fighting age men who are hungry, pissed off, and have nothing else to do, and that you bring Ciudad Juarez and Aleppo to the streets of America. And for what? A pandemic that is demonstrably less lethal than influenza, or diarrhea? This is a media driven hysteria that will cost more lives than you low IQs can comprehend, and will destroy an entire generation.

corporate debt levels and government debt levels. do they want to raise rates when those would be impacted? inflation would make servicing the debt easier, right?

not 100% but just what i usually seen as reasoning

I'm fine with any stranger dying if the alternative is massive unemployment during the most financially important period of my life. Early gen z could end up broke and working shit jobs just like melenials who got fucked in 2008 because they had nowhere to gain experience in their field.

>"The economy" isn't some wolf of wall street shit, it's you having food to eat, and a place to stay. You're goddamn right it's about the economy, that's how we survive you morons. Do you children think life and your faggot NEET bucks fall out of the sky?
Imagine thinking that money and possessions define who you are as a person.

>I'm fine with any stranger dying
>they're my people but because I don't personally know them, they need to die.

> if the alternative is massive unemployment
>I care more about jobs than I do my people

>John McAfee
This guy doesn't know shit about viruses

2% fatality with an average of 15 years lost. 2% of 15 years is .3 years. If you want people to give up more than 3 months of their life then the death rate had better go from 2% to 0.

It's not about money, it's about TIME. Lost time is lost money and vice versa.