Q-tardery is Falsifiable

If you believe something to be factual, it inherently must be falsifiable. Qtards need to come to terms with the fact that their false prophet, Qanon, has met the conditions of being a liar that has deceived them. If Qtards cannot admit Qanon is a false prophet, then they should clearly state what conditions should be met before they will admit Qanon is a false prophet.

Qanon makes flaming lies: "Oh, this is just disinfo hurrrrrrrrrr"
Qanon makes a vague reference to some coincidence: "Huuuurrrrrrr see it's a Q PROOF Durrrrrr"
No arrest. No arrests. No arrests. NOTHING of any significance has happened. When will the Qtards admit they were following a false prophet?

U mad, bro?

Its faggots like you that turned me from a skeptic into feeling neural about Q in general. The amount of shilling that goes on in every pro Q thread is alarming.

Because it's embarrassingly dumb

Mad at what? If Qfag's claims actually happen, that's great, but literally NOTHING has happened. At what point will Qtards admit Qfag is a fake and false prophet?

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Q groupies seem to be like SUV drivers; you'll never meet one who isn't a blithering idiot.


It's pathetic they can't even state at what point Qtard would be proven false in their eyes. 1year? 2 year? 10 years? Zero arrests in 2 years of bullshit and hyped up lies. MUH STORM! DURRRRR They are in fact the normies.

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Because it's all a lie and nothing has happened as claimed.

Because it has duped good, hardworking middle class people into doing nothing, while making them look like complete idiots.

Well, based on the shit I've read, it looks like "Easter" is supposed to be when this is happening. If everything is true, I understand it takes time. Not necessarily believing it, but I know that "Project Redill Pill the normies" is not going to be quick.

The amount of shilling for these threads is pretty weird, though. That makes me skeptical af too.

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That's it? Pro Q fags have a lot of evidence to support their claim. And every time an user like you say that nothing has happened they point out things that did happen.

Are there ANY Qtard shills out there who can state what criteria must be met to prove Qanon is a false prophet faggot?

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Yet these so called hard working people spread awareness and try to redpilling normies which does benefit the cause of redpilling the lemmings

Give me a list of arrests or any action against the bad people of the world? You can't can you?


>someone says something pro-q
Not shilling
>someone says something anti-Q

Are you really so stupid that you haven't figured out yet that you're simply labeling people "shills" for disagreeing with you?

Question: have you ever accused someone of being a shill for AGREEING with you? Nope.
Conveniently, magically, ALL "shills" are on the opposite side of you on any given issue.

Reddit and "shill" fags ruined pol

I'm neutral about the whole thing. Yet, I know a Q supporter would direct you to NXIVM. That sex trafficking group that got dismantled

The amount of seething in every Q thread just doesn't feel natural at all. It feels forced.

That was broken up before Qtard came along. Also, it wasn't a massive operation either. What's happened in Britain with the sex trafficking is 1000x larger.

>can't state at what point Q would be proven false
I kept asking for dates from people 2+ years ago. I asked them how long they would wait for something to happen. At what point would they agree that nothing happening is proof of Q being false.
Very few would even pretend to give an answer
>the storm comes when it comes
>trust the plan
>trump knows all
>nothing can stop what's coming
>trump won't let us down
Etc, etc.

Only Trump losing 2020 will wake these faggots up

>>the storm comes when it comes
Right. All vague non-specific statements.
>>trust the plan
>>trump knows all
>>nothing can stop what's coming
>>trump won't let us down

>they spread awareness
Of things that haven't happened?
Have you any idea how much bullshit has been mixed with the *small* amount of truth???
So normies hear 5 lies for every 1 truth, and you think this is a good thing?

When someone tells you 4 lies and 1 truth, most people focus on the 4 lies and ignore the 1 truth

>hillary eats babies for breakfast
>trump was recruited by military intelligence
>there is a shadow group that pulls the strings in world politics
>McCain was executed after a military tribunal
>the 2018 midterms are safe!
Now answer me this: if you told those 4 lies and 1 truth, do you actually think you have redpilled anyone?
Do you *really* think normies are waking up from 4 lies and a truth?

Qtards are fucking nuts. Every true thing that Q ever posted was already posted on Yas Forums days/weeks/months before Q, but we are under no pressure to fall for disinfo (which Q falsely says is necessary)

This entire thread is falsifiable

You believe Q that Q is a LARP

Your claim that Q is a LARP is falsifiable.

You need to come to terms that Q isn't claiming to be a prophet an.

You have met the conditions of being a liar that is trying to deceive people from looking into Qanon

Qanon is real.

It's a team, not one person.

They have done a lot in the past few years. A lot more has been achieved than you can imagine.

For starters. Now present your proof it's a conspiracy. Proof instead of your personal impatience.


It takes long because they do a thorough job.

Hmm 3,900+ posts from Q. The average person doesn't have notes/maps connecting that much information.
>pic related

Stop asking for their opinions. Find a smart person or read it yourself.

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Fuck Qunts memeflag

There is literally an online public police arrest record for Tom hanks that noone talked about.

You ran out of arguments.

Epstein case is closed because the trump admin let him get killed. Ghislaine maxwell is still free and she was Epstein’s handler.

2007 called. It was for you.

Okay black cube shill

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I thought q user was a larp but the amount of absurd shilling against q is at least double any other shilling on the board.

Ooooh. So you 'feel' like there's shilling, so it must be true. Get fucked, Q-tard. People are sick of Q's bullshit and his braindead supports making excuses for him.

Advanced tactic. B+

Anyone with above a room temperature IQ can see that Q is real in that Trump is working with whoever Q is the only thing that's yet to be proved is if they're actually white hats.

Oh no! He didn't put the slashes! That proves he's a shill!

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Black cube is part of the deep state.

You're retarded if you ever thought you would get a specific date. Why the hell would you tell your enemies exactly when you're going to strike? The hard limit for me is before election. If he hasn't unsealed indictments before then I'm calling bullshit.

Because Qanon is a cult. They're completely brainwashed. If Q tells them to drink the poisoned kool-aid, they will do it gladly (as evidenced by the people drinking bleach).

been on Yas Forums since 2011
this dude is unironically based and repilled. back in the day on Yas Forums (and /new/ and /n/) you actually had to substantiate your claims and defend them instead of just screaming "SHILLS SHILLS PEOPLE DISAGREEING WITH ME MUST MEAN I'M RIGHT"

Idk something about this post seems forced. Obviously it’s leaving out a lot of details. Like how one post talking about q user leads to 20 posts about it being fake. Also I have thought q posters were larping but frankly these shill fags with constant bombardment of shitty posts ironically have made me believe that q is real.

>the overwhelming number of rational people who detest such utter nonsense made me believe said nonsense

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Reverse psychology works on you. If everyone started bashing pedos would you say pedos are secretly the good guys trying to bring down the deep state?

I’m not even sure if q said there would be mass arrest but just a pipe dreaM from people interpreting q post

no it proves he's a newfag
A qtard saved one of my posts and added it to his infographic yesterday, pic related
I'm confused as to why it doesn't make sense in any context

Attached: a qtard saved my post.jpg (1560x2124, 1.18M)

Or a lazy fag


>a lot of evidence
>but I won't post any of it because I'm a cunt

>met the conditions of being a liar
>but I won't name any of them because I'm a cunt

>there is literally an online public police arrest record
>but I won't link it because I'm a cunt

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>rent free

>this is supposed to be seen as an organically made thread

It's happening

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Take meds schizo

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Well, Q is a cult. Look at the kind of shit pumped out by the When We Go 1 We Go All channel

>Oh no! A thread was made about something I don't like! How inorganic!

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Frenly reminder not to bump anti-Q slide threads.
Wow, such an original thought and not a talking point.

>t. Even lazier cunt

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Shut up redditor.
Say the zion don line next.

I'm trying to redpill my friend who's fallen for the Q-tard thing, I've tried getting through to him, is he a lost case? please give me some more insight to help me redpill him on that bullshit.

They're a cringe subsect of Yas Forums. Like the thirsty marriage and breeder posters and those have an autistic fascination with /Syria/.. the latter don't bother anyone and I cant attest to their level of intellect

But q-fags and the others, total morons

>You made fun of me! Dat means you're from Reddit and hate Blumpth!

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