The world struggles to cope with the deadly virus, the far right are plotting terrorism to scare the ordinary people off. Why fat far rights act like a pack of retarded idiots ?
Why Far Rights Are So Evil?
Writing articles like this will just instigate people into doing it more, not that I care if they do.
How would they spread it? They'd either be hospitalized or wouldn't even know they have it. Media is incredibly lazy with these shitty fake stories.
Link or it didn't happen.
What is evil is telling little White children that they are evil for being White.
That is psychological terrorism and is responsible for little White children being castrated by their psychotic mothers desperate for good goy points on facebook.
White genocide is evil. Resisting it is not only the definition of good, but it is the healthy response for all humans.
COVID-19 and the subsequent devastation are the direct fault of neo-libs and China. Every single liberal who sucked China's cock is the same as a 9/11 hijacker. We're celebrating because this globalist shit show experiment is finally finished. Goodbye E.U., goodbye U.N.
so are far left soiiicialists, but people seem less concerned with them. Not so many people on the centre.
The real problem with this virus is not the disease, but the racism it has caused.
Of course we do. The virus is doing the Lord's work, taking out degenerates and Satan worshippers.
kek they’re just making shit up
I just want to see the world burn i dont care about politics
Yea fuck the media, they're criminals.
Proves big problems.exist with globalism, urbanization and cosmoplotianism.
I love how we're still in the era of "user shitposted so hard they wrote news articles about it like it was real"
Don't know why israelis are so evil.
Imagine having such a comfy life that you have the time to write this.
it's only killing people with shit-colored eyes, and that's awful
pic is from 2018 retard
>be journalist
>false-flag as LE ALT RIGHT MAN
>write an article about your false-flag posts
oh shit.
My id.
I will report to the electric gas chamber immediately.
Goodbye everyone. It was nice shitposting with you all.
Chink propoganda and retarded lefties, its getting so predictable
The far left is celebrating it too, gloating over the number of deaths, ranting endlessly about DRUMPF, etc.
It's because the affinity for extreme political positions stems from an inferiority complex that manifests as misanthropy and an obsessive need to elevate one's personal suffering into an imagined battle between good and evil.
In short, zoom in on any of these people's lives and you will find socially awkward losers with poor financial and physical health driving the extremes, catered to by a media bubble that constantly reinforces whatever they believe. Many such cases.
i thought people wanted socialism
make up your fucking minds
The left wing of the government is actively trying to stop or delay aid to the American people and make this crisis worse with further reaching effects all so they can make orange man look bad.
>The far right is trying to make the virus worse to kill minorities and worsen the epidemic!
>source: trust us goy
>Gulf Arab shit-stirring paper using old image of small handful or feds and retards as evidence of...something
Chinks are the ones spitting on everything in public and niggers are licking food items in grocery stores.
The world will be better off as a result of the virus. It crashed our fake zombie economy and will fix social security. You can't refute this.
There's no need to intentionally spread it though. It can't be stopped anyway over the long run.
Shut the fuck up, leaf.
>Why fat far rights act like a pack of retarded idiots ?
>1 post by this ID
Really makes me think...
>The world will be better off as a result of the virus.
Typical for a Judeo Communist to claim that death and financial hardship are good things.
Slow day, kike press? The useful Nazi boogeyman, always lurking in the shadows. On a scale from 1 to 10, how schizo are Jews?
>media pretends that NSM is relevant
these people are either completely out of touch or they just deliberately ignore the actual far right, which is 100x larger than the "National Socialist Movement" (which is like 200 guys and 50 FBI agents)
yeah, fuck the right. They enable sodomites and support abortion.
oh wait...
Tbh if I get the virus the first thing I’m doing is going to Catholic Church and the local Mexican markets. Gotta get rid of the spics somehow.
>On a scale from 1 to 10
6 000 000
>Why fat far rights act like a pack of retarded idiots ?
Speak English better, cannot understand you.
Imagine thinking Jews aren't plotting and leveraging this to their advantage you utter faggot
Someone mentioned something about this on telegram yesterday. wish I had bookmarked it
>far right celebrates
Really? Cause all I've seen is lefties commenting on how humans are the disease and the virus is the cure.
How the fuck do they celebrate covid19 2 years prior to it becoming known?
Fucking idiots reporting
What does it make you think? I want to know.
Wheres all the articles about far leftists wanting to spread the virus to trump rallies and the republican party? Just sweeping those under the rug? Crazies only exist on the right of course everyone on the left is sane and rational.
>What does it make you think? I want to know.
That OP is a fucking d&c shill and there's a ton of idiots on Yas Forums that falls for this bullshit.
And why does it make you think that?
>And why does it make you think that?
Because OP is ...
1. post by this id
2. ...pushing an anti-White narrative.
3. ...parroting the jewish media.
4th post best post
How many posts should be by that ID?
>radical humanist calling radical to others
They went on Yas Forums and saw you guy meming. Like OP made a thread saying "i have the corona virus good bye everyone" and people posted "spread it to jews and niggers" and journalists who have nothing to do because they are irrelevant decided this is proof of an organised right wing conspiracy.
>How many posts should be by that ID?
More than one. 1 post by this ID just means that OP is a hit and run shill.
tbqh those guys are from center
The world would happier, healthier, wealthier, and safer if it were all white. No one can deny this.
Additionally, 1 post by this ID OP's should be a bannable offense.
> aljazera
Fuck off Ahmed
arrest this fucking retard and trace the CCP payments stop letting CCP propaganda freely circulate
>Trusting the media
>Especially trusting the media when the media promotes an anti-White story.
It’s based on truth, nothing propaganda about it.
>kill minorities
Low IQ take
I want it to kill whites too. The more people corona kills, the less I have to deal with preaching open borders and ethnic replacement
>It’s based on truth, nothing propaganda about it.
>according to the anti-White, Jewish controlled media
Why do you trust everything the anti-White, Jewish controlled media says to you?
>Cough, cough
Racism is the real enemy
>Cough, cough
>And here's today's supply of made-up stories about muh white supomerastist and raycis bogeymens..