Elderly being taken off of respirators in Spain

People over the age of 65 in Spain are having their respirators removed and are being sedated so they suffocate to death as there is not enough respirators to go around for younger people.

Something has to be done.


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Its nice that they are enjoying their one payer healthcare that they voted for.

We all have to die some day.

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at least they have their priorities in order

Why is it so hard to have a large stock of respirators? Are those machines that complex to manufacture and mantain?

If some one I cared about was going to be taken off a ventilator because they were too old I’d make sure the doctor never had the chance to do that again

Do they at least get drugged down with morphine? So you have a less painful death

Do you stock 4000 rolls of toilet paper in your house just in case your entire family gets the Chinese Shitting flu and comes to say with you?

>*takes your resporator* hehe, nothin personal, boomer

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boomer remover

I'm talking on a goverment level you imbecile fuck

I do now

Oy boy, Shlomo. Easy with the edge there.

Why? They voted for death panels? Why would you get mad at the doctor for giving them what tey wanted?

Can someone tell me what the point of the ventilator is?

I heard that if you need one with this pneumonia, that your lungs will be damaged for life, and you'll need lung therapy for the rest of your life

Is there really any point living with fucked lungs and needing to constantly deal with health issues related to it?

Easily the most retarded post in this thread

i've had a 2-year rotating stock of food and water for my family of 5 for 10 years now. in 2014 i bought respirators and shit for ebola, and i bought more in january this year.

you can literally turn younr vacuum cleaner into one if you use the air exaust to create positive pressure and get yourself a respiratory valve like in a c-pap machine for sleep apnea.

i have already took care of securing myself with the talked about meds and c pap sleep machine. its not perfect but if i cant go to hospital it may improve my chance of survival.

How did Australia become to based over the years?

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they are all dying because they are not ready for the real happening wich hasnt yet even begun

Lots of retarded poor EU countries followed richer countries by saving severly on healtcare after 2008.
Now, functioning countries like Germany and the Netherlands can increase their ICU as needed but shitholes like Spain can't afford the amount needed.
This is why I hope some countries will tank so that we can kick them out of the EU.
Italy and Spain have always been deadweight like Greek.

>that your lungs will be damaged for life
Not at all. It can fuck you up if you develop it when you are a kid though.

>Is there really any point living with fucked lungs and needing to constantly d....

you are the rabbit that doesnt run for its life when he see the wolve coming.

Poor bastards.... I feel bad for Spain

Why are Meds so fucking irresponsible and wasteful?

>having their respirators removed
Learn2 Triage.

Good, those spanish monkeys need to die.

based, although the Netherlands also isn't going to have any respirators left in about a week

I bet you're the faggot that goes to the grocery store and buys 20 fucking packs of toilet paper everyday, aren't you.

>People over the age of 65 in Spain are having their respirators removed and are being sedated so they suffocate to death as there is not enough respirators to go around for younger people.
the reason is because most never recover once hooked up to the ventilator.

>Haha that can't happen because in Europe we are so enlightened with our state controlled health care system, unlike those dumb Americans that are slaves to the capitalists.

But you are in the same situation? I assume all of Europe has the same state healthcare system. Soon as yours gets overwhelmed, your old people will also be put to death too. Thats just how state healthcare works. You didnt vote for health, you voted for death.

Good, good. The gold curse is taking its toll I see :)

Random dude makes a video claiming something is happening.

Sauce : Audio from his cellphone by a alleged doctor.

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Y'all laughed and called us paranoid when we rambled on about how socialized medicine would inevitably lead to death panels and shit.

Who's laughing now?

Haha enjoy your free healthcare

Boomer entomber.

If you need the ventilator you're pretty much done I hear, especially if you're old. Just delaying the inevitable.

>But you are in the same situation?
Yes. I still feel bad for them.

>You didnt vote for health, you voted for death.
There is no vote for health. It doesn't really matter what you vote.

Based jew

If I get this thing I just want to be put on enough painkillers to not feel it when I drown from my own lung fluids. Sayonara cruel world.

Good. The Spanish are disgusting heathens who deserve to be purged from Europe.

It’s a moot point, 90% who go on the ventilators die anyway.

Who cares we can replace those old white people with young african and middle eastern males after the crisis passes :)

>europe boomers die off
>china moves in to buy more real estate cause losing 10 million chinks is literal nothing numbers
>chinks coom more then young europeans and turn europe into extended china

Ah I see it was a game of cooming from the start and chinks coom at highest rate

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. “As in any other developed country, the main advantage of the private healthcare scheme is greatly reduced waiting times and immediate access to specialists,” he said. The OECD said that average waiting times for elective surgery in the public sector – such as cataract surgery or hip replacement in Spain – are well above that of other EU countries, including Italy and Portugal. And the number of private healthcare plans tends to spike after public cuts or economic crises.

>State of American education
At least we have healthcare you will not have respirators for either the younger or odler. You are all fucked

Trust me guy, your healthcare system is not going to be better. Just look at New York. Arguably the Germans are way better at it and the Netherlands also is still not overwhelmed.

Gloating about this is not smart as your system won't fair much better.


I'll call bullshit on that. hospitals are making up shit to get more government funding.

t. el goblino

im working in a german hospital and i know our intensiv care units with ecmo ventilators cost about 30.000-40.000 Euros per bed.

Yeah, look at New York, more confirmed cases than Spain but 8 times less deaths.

Funny, huh?


> kicks out fellow europeans
> doesn't kick out niggers and arabs

b o o m e r
r e m o v a l

Not really an issue of how your healthcare is paid for here. If you run out of supplies, you run out of supplies. Our healthcare system doesn't have any better way to handle being overrun either.

the are already doing this in france to people over 75/80 depending on the region. going even lower under the triage system is definitly possible

hope all the boomers die from this.
the world must be cleansed of the boomer menace

if you get to the point of resperator your lungs are already fucked, best case you'll spend weeks with that machine and be left with 20% of your respiratory function

We might have enough right now but that is not gonna last for much longer

>Funny, huh?
97% active cases for the US vs 66% active cases for Spain

Funny Huh?

Nobody said you're paranoid, we said you're retarded.

There'll be orders of magnitude more dead from this virus in the US, the whole planet is stocking up on popcorn ready to watch your society collapse in the next month.

It's how all health care works, when there are insufficient resources. In NYC they're already sharing ventilators and engineering ways to split them 4 ways.


That's good old American ingenuity. But we'll still get a shortage and have to decide who lives and who dies, and it'll be like any human society in history: pregnant > kids > youth > women > adults > elderly.

I also have a CPAP. Apparently they aren’t much help because they only assist with breathing rather than breathe for you. I’m not sure if I agree, a CPAP on high pressure is like hooking your lungs to bellows

>Every other first world country is euthanizing their boomers EXCEPT the United States.
Wtf it’s 2020 already.


>Something has to be done.

What? This is what is going to happen in most if not all countires. Also even before there was reason why you shouldn't put over 80 year olds to respirators since trying wean one out of them is a real pain in the ass.

like your McHospital isn't gonna hand over your respirator to the new highest bidder Schlomo Schekelberg and some rich rap nigger.

go to work now, mutt faggot!

Pregs pass it to kids. So it creates another vector. Pregs should be last before elderly.

good. old people should volunteer to give their lives so the young can live. a 20 year old has their whole life ahead of them, at 65 you're already fucking done.

in hard times in old days, the old people would walk off to the mountains never to return so that the young wouldn't be burdened with taking care of them. now it's topsy turvy, we tax the young working age people into absolute poverty while letting old fucks live like kings going on 4 luxury cruises a year and eating out every meal of every day. cry me a fucking river about it, fag.

>old people ded
sounds like a good thing

Imagine being 65 and having worked and paid taxes all your life and just retired, only for your death to be cheered on by a bunch of zoomer NEETs calling you a parasite.

We certainly do

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Yes morphine and diatzepam. Plus due to the advanced pneumonia they are only barely conscious anyway.

>lungs to bellows
might want to research what lungs are

young people are usually leftists so id rather have more young people dead honestly.

Thats good. Now they can take that money and buy more respirators and less people will die. Unlike your single payer system that has a static budget.

They voted for socialism and are getting exactly what they wanted. Congratulations to the younger generation and may they avoid voting for their own demise like the generation before.

theyre harder to make than vacuum cleaners and vacuum cleaners arent made in europe or USA
keep giving china your asses you retarded fucking western clowns, sell all your manufacturing away and fuck your country up when shit hits the fan

>Y'all laughed and called us paranoid when we rambled on about how socialized medicine would inevitably lead to death panels and shit.

Yeah but think about it this way:
In the UK we have people with 30+ years experience of being on death panels.
The NHS are the worlds top experts on selecting the weaker people to allow to die. While the US tries to save everyone.

You are going to have to build up all that expertise from scratch.

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>Something has to be done.

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He answered you, mong.
The government is inefficient and does not plan for black swan shit. Like at all.

>at 65 you're already fucking done.
If you are a fat Amerilard with diabetes and erectile dysfunction(due to circumcision) then yes, but in civilized countries you still be productive after 70, as many now are.

>Something has to be done.
What you want me to high five them or something?


What exactly do we know about this guy or the woman on his recording? YouTube video doesn't provide any sort of identification, it's an old guy in a blue sweater crying and playing a recording of a random female voice, is he a doctor? Is she a nurse? Where from? Why didn't she send video recording instead of an audio recording? In the era of smartphones and live satellite feed it's pretty suspect that we have zero video evidence of any of this.

>Apparently they aren’t much help

They can be useful in many cases but a BiPAP would be better then just CPAP.

>Something has to be done.
Agreed. You should start building respirators

You don't understand how broke Spain has been for the last decade

We literally had Spanish people moving to India to work in Indian companies because there were no jobs for them in Spain.

In America soon lol at least mostly kills trump voters and republicans.

>Why is it so hard to have a large stock of respirators?

boomers spent the respirator money on white genocide and pleasing the jews instead of saving up for a rainy day now 'rona reigns from the sky and we will enter a new golden age when they all croak and meet their master satan for whom they have toiled so hard for all their miserable lives

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> Imagine being 65 and having worked and paid taxes all your life and just retired, only for your death to be cheered on by a bunch of zoomer NEETs calling you a parasite.

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you ARE parasites.
oh, kek, forgot your politicians keep raising your retirement age. what's it up to now, 85? 90?

Save the young. I am an old fag. Priorities is clear. Save the young. Let the old fags go in peace. Those who remain avenge is. Destruir China an energy fucking lab is bio weapons in the world.

How about we leave the sinking ship instead

Pointless whataboutism.

8 times less deaths despite thousands more confirmed cases.

If anything, the fact that more cases are active but less people die is a testament to a better medical system.

You can make them relatively yes, but you won't have competent personnel to care for all.


>doesn't kick out niggers and arabs
>Italy, Spain, Greece

Well, when you die you are no longer an active case, retard.

Why? They lived their (((lives))). Children and young adults are the priority.

>"hurr durr people i dont know should die"
people will be happy to say that about you too, mohammed
borders are staying closed

If someone young I cared about was going to be denied a respirator to give some old fuck a few more months I'd make sure the doctor never had the chance to do that again

From a flagfag that had their own leader announce their infection this morning. Good luck with this while you're still forced to suck the EU dick.

We dont have the materials to make more retard. At a time like this all you care about money fucking dirty jew

>American ingenuity
Americans never invent shit. You just steal inventions from others and pretend you did it. Or invent a shittier version and copyright it

Nice. The Day of the Pillow has finally come.

At this point? No. Its going to need to kill a good deal many more people for anyone to figure out open boarders destroys your country.

We had a flood of them in Mexico too, racist fucks called us "sudacas de mierda" for decades until their fucking economy went under, then they invaded my country like locusts.

Well they should have thought of that before they became wagecucks for the majority of their lives.

in 1980, Norway had 22 000 hospital beds and 4 million citizens.
Now we have 10 000 hospital beds and 5.5 million people.

ecmo aint a ventilator

ecmo is hella expensive


Isnt your healthcare that you cant access, free

That's the American spirit. Mass shootings at hospitals will become common soon. You heard it here first


People are freaking out because they go through life with rose-tinted glasses and barely ever thing about death, hundreds of thousands die every single day of any number of conditions, accidents or murders, pneumonia itself has ALWAYS been the number one cause of death worldwide and it has always been protocol to prioritize the youth.

>irrelevant flyweight country fancies himself important
germany will eat you for breakfast once again

NOT TODAY! Schlomo



>Just look at New York
What about New York? Give me some hard numbers here you retard not hysterical youtube videos?

what do the americans itt think is going to happen when their own country runs out of respirators?

"Free" healthcare costs you your life

>The average wait time for a cardiological visit is 67 days. At best, its 51 days in the north-east, and 79 days in central Italy. Scheduling a visit with a gynecologist can take an average of 47 days; 32 days in the north-east or 72 in central Italy.Jan 19, 2018

and all of this... because one chink just had to eat a fucking bat.

He means ventilators obviously

18 weeks minimum wait time for a dr appointment .

>The current waiting times standards are: 18 weeks Referral to Treatment Standard. 12 weeks for new outpatient appointments. 6 weeks for the eight key diagnostic tests and investigations.Feb 26, 2020

>yes yes, save the young who want more immigrants, welfare for illegal aliens and to take away everyone freedom.

fuck the young, people my age are scum anyway. if my mother dies so some18 year old thot whore can live to go and suck nigger cock its gonna end badly.

And one orange not giving money to CDC WHO and calling it a hoax for the altar of Wall Street lol

That's not much different from the USA, especially post-Obamacare.

I don’t find it hard to believe since they are doing in Italy for a few weeks now.

Source: My ass.

Who is that in the video? What is his title or area of expertise? Who is the woman in the recording? Why did she send an audio recording instead of a video? Isn't it weird that, in the age of smartphones we're stuck with "evidence" from the one person in Madrid who somehow knows how to opperate their phone's audio-recording application rather than the video camera? Why the absolute shortage of video evidence of a pandemic that supposedly claims hundreds of lives a day?