Thank you, Portugal. When even your President stays silent against Evil, you can only count on a friend

Thank you, Portugal. When even your President stays silent against Evil, you can only count on a friend.

We will not forget that, if the day comes when you need our help. At least not me.

Attached: s5.jpg (750x563, 88.26K)

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So Is shit going to save vomit now ?

Portuguese are bros and the only real allies we can expect in whole Europe. And, in a lot of aspects, a much more mature and advanced society than us.

You are a fuckin moron, by the way.

Actually, we just want to crash the EU.

And don't get too close. No hard feelings.

Based Pajeet btfo nordcucks.

A garbage bag inside a trash can would see the dump as a paradise

Western peninsula liberation when?

so the europeniggers want our money and pat each other on the back for it?

Attached: 1ade12d2781d11f4.jpg (540x680, 61.02K)


The most help you get is from Germany also the most behaved tourist come from Germany and Spain runs on tourism...

>he most behaved tourist come from Germany
Have you ever been to Mayorca?
Also Japanese turist are way more civilized

The Southerners, specially the portuguese, were seething very hard. No more welfare.

>No more welfare.
Is it that far? all i know that you guys wanted the EU givin out eurobonds, so your new/old dept can be taking with the reichs interrestrates.
plus sth like that wont happen we(the reich) but out the biggest eco stimulus in history. so nothing left for you guys.

Spain runs on tourism thanks to the EU. Fuck tourism, we need to start producing quality stuff against.
EU only cares about the Franco-German axis and kalergi tier ideology propagation.
Rather struggle for a decade or two than keep on babysitting retarded germans and brits. Go import some more brown niggers, keep using your money on that shit, see how that turns out in a few years.

What happened?

Portugal is now the most advanced place on Earth by virtue of me being here.

Speak by yourself. Do you want more nigs and brazilian migrants here? if it was no schengen the paajet had already forced us to a free circulation with nigs.

>EU only cares about the Franco-German
the eu is that axis. the rest of you is just an unnessecary expansion.

The EU shouldn't give anymore money to portugal.

Based and Kalergipilled.

Attached: Kalergi and White genocide EU.png (1050x514, 113.47K)

A costly strategical expansion. Portugal is a waste of money.

Literally Portugal always suported you every single time, in the reconquista, we finished that 200 years before you did, and then we helped you every single time, (navas de tolosa, btl of Salado, cordoba) same as in your spanish civil war, Salazar almost put Franco in power, same when french invaded in the napoleonic wars and so on....

i know... still landmass. lebensraum diesdas....

So elaborate pls. what exactly did your gov want apart from eurobonds?

Attached: d533faae3e738836.jpg (128x128, 10.39K)

cool story achmed.

Attached: german_00a242ac5e-c-2.jpg (953x836, 165.63K)

You look like pic fren
i do not.

I support this. Thanks Portugal, we both deserve better than the EU

sourthern union when? unite the med chads against the nordcúck menace

Imagine the size of your projection abdul....

Attached: portuguese-910C_Portugalz-15_d-6_ds-c0.jpg (1024x768, 134.14K)

Go away kike.
no more european brother wars

Money to save their administration since they cannot run solely ripping off tourists LARPing as a excellent trip choice. They need more money because they spent it all on uninteresting stuff when underincesting on proper infrastructure like other countries, for instance, Spain. They would need the infrastructure that they had to build with the money they had. But you simply cannot invest ok a country where the politicians are corrupt and the population composed of untermenschen mongrels. You simply cannot trust low IQ people to be able to govern themselves at the level of developed countries. Portugal as a country and people should cease to exist for being a dead weight on Europe.

Imagine trying to debunk the accuser with proof that he is right.

You have to go back immigrant, but funny when you talk about IQ.

Attached: Buj_IQ_c10x-7-Europesra022sjdjjdnan-2x3-3_uu1-1cg3-7_swwd2-4c3_4c5.png (4592x3196, 1.21M)


This is some sort of mental projection of yours? mr subhuman immigrant

Attached: portugal_1_2-me_23_ansdme_1res2dnaxcy_23-d3z-c-wz0.png (732x643, 25.27K)

Dr. Denial arrived see. Portuguese are mongrels, untermenschen and low IQ. See

Sure he is right, palestinians, arabs, blacks, and iberians, french, germans, russians are the same people. europeans don´t exist, and we are all blacks and arabs, races don´t exist, genetic maps are a lie, scince is a lie.
ROTFL ((( )))

Attached: pca_euro11_90_04_genetic_map_02west.jpg (1080x1075, 171.48K)

go back to africa, monkey.
you don't belong here, shitskin.

go back to africa or south america

I do not. I expect to emmigrate soon. I have no wish to live among brownish delusional manlet mongrels where I don't belong.

Go back to Green Cape, nigger

One map that tries to hide the fact that the portuguese are Jewish mongrels and show that they have higher IQ is a clear empiric lie.

> I expect to emmigrate soon.
Thank you.
Emigrate back to the shithole you came from.
I bet you're embarrassed to go back to afr*ca.
> brownish delusional manlet mongrels
Stop projecting, subhuman.

>portuguese don´t genetically clutser to jews or arabs and are always genetically with other europeans
>portuguese are jewish mongrels

try again tugjew.

Can you Spaniards understand Portuguese, and vice-versa? Or do you just talk to each other in English?

The gold curse is taking its toll in Spain. Karma is truly a bitch hehe

If there ever was proof that you're a seething shitskin this is it

The sudaca mong is so happy



Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing the same thing you see when you look down the toilet.
That's the life of a nigger.

Ok. Post portugal's height, real IQ and GDP stats please. Post UNI ranks.

yes, we can understand like 95% of their language
the spanish for some reason have some difficulty understanding ours

Cala a boca, preto filho da puta.
Manda-te para a sanita, cagalhoto ambulante.

Do the same for the african shit hole you came from.
I bet you're embarrassed to say you're african. Hence why you were so desperate to get a PT passport.

for who? the turkish hordes?

It's normal for mulatoes who are allowed to larp as white because of their light browned skin like you to seeth like you are doing right here when you are reminded of the fact that in the real world your are still a nigger. I'm sorry.

Who would want a PT passport lmao. Only Brazilians, niggers and jews to return to their land - see lei do retorno.

it is easier to understand the spanish way of using 's' than the portuguese way
think of any word and say it in spanish phonetic and portuguese phonetic
like vamos
in es it would be like "vámos" the letters are clear
in pt it would be like "vamush" the 's' does not sound like a romance 's' and is why people say portuguese sounds slavic (slavs use a lot of sh and ch)

The Jews also use 'sh' and 'ch'. It's funny because the Spanish didn't get it, but the portuguese, to where the jews were welcomed, got it.

The oldest EUROPEAN country is a nigger nation now?

Check the shield in the flag, looks a nigger thing to you?

You need to stop eating sausages with your ass mate...

Attached: Portugal.png (710x444, 491.34K)

The third world monkey immigrant is so envy.

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can anyone give me a quick rundown on what happened? I stay off the tv now


>gdp (img)

Stay salty migrant abomination

Attached: gdp_per_cpita_2018c3x_e4m_d2-21-4_-t-2c_35-s3.jpg (1600x902, 285.06K)

The Goa pajeet defended Spain from the Hollander attacks.

Based portuguese president telling it like it is to barbarians in the north

>a fucking mutt

portuguese PM wants free gibs like the socialist parasite he is, calls the Nederland's PM repugnant when he doesn't get it.

Claims that without gibs the EU will collapse.

I'm hearing very little from you during this Covid-19, dad. What is the situation there?

Yes. It does. Literal African tier flag.

Salty with what? portugal is a 3rd world country whining on the EU about the welfare that will be cut because they missmanaged it. Literal nigger tier country. And the people are also brown and low IQ. Thank you for proving me.

He is portuguese as is father was and his mother is. Half Goan half Jewish 100% Portuguese - see estado Novo propaganda. And you are celebrating the fact that he behaves like a nigger in front of everybody seething like the Jewish mother of his. This is the absolute state of the portuguese. 100% delusional 0% European. Hope the rare brothers don't waste their lives on this country

>>Check the shield in the flag, looks a nigger thing to you?

so what the fuck is eu for then? make the same usual suspects rich and countries like ours continue a shithole? I can't work now, money must come from somewhere I don't care if they start printing it like the us is doing now

> so what the fuck is eu for then?
to transform everything into a huge gay bar and to import arabs and africans into Europe.

t. Ismael

redpill me on the current beef between antonio bosta and some nethercuck minister