can you create a racist caricature of white people? what features that are unique to them would you even exaggerate?
Can you create a racist caricature of white people? what features that are unique to them would you even exaggerate?
>what features that are unique to them would you even exaggerate?
But americans aren't white.
The Japanese tend to give us big noses. I dunno, prominent brows? Hairy-ness?
You can’t because we’re the default setting
Whites and their flat lips.
White women and their flat asses.
White People smell horrible - like sulfur.
Not sure you understand what a "racial caricature" is. It's not just ugly people. It's a simplified exaggeration of a race's common identifying traits.
youu make them fat and pale
is this really a question?
Literally nothing, they do try to make it VERY clear that they're white though. Whites in comics always have light colored hair and eyes, but because they know these are attractive traits they make them as ugly and fat as possible, and with retarded looking hair. notice how they're always boomers, that way they can mask their obvious intentions of making them ugly. They resort of the most basic of propaganda, which is making your enemy look barely even human.
School shooters? They always seem to be white ppl
I guess my final answer would be a pale hairy caveman-type with a prominent brow ridge. And a diminished gluteus.
>seething subhuman
Lol. Stay mad lesser race.
>what features that are unique to them
Paying our debts in time and order
Complying with the law
Actually raising our children
Tolerance, discipline, justice, honor
Basically everything the other races lack in some form or another
That's just a black caricature with different colours, dumbfuck.
hey he doesnt look that bad
For reference. here's the guy the drawing is based on
Realistically you'd make fun of us for being a bunch of suckers and do-gooders who are too nice and naive for our own good.
The Chinese term baizuo is pretty good actually.
Blonde hair blue eyes is generally the color palette.
Longnoses are fairly white.
Small lips from black people.
Well, The Spitting Image contained some pretty good characetures of white people
Fatrick is such a creeper
Morally weak, hedonistic, degenerate, easily impressed
Tho it's pretty recent addition to the white people character
kek, big noses are way more of an arab thing than it is white
they have nothing on us
Most white people have no lips, seriously it's disgusting. Once you notice it you can't stop. I'm a spic and I must have gotten my lips from Europe, because they're thin as fuck.
thats a nigger
Baizuo is making fun of someone for being a self righteous hypocrite who fixates on non issues.
Shut up about attention whores and focus on the poors.
For personality to make fun of yts, it's probably
>self righteous
>NIPS draw the hwite man
>Looks like Yas Forums's version of Jews
Scandinavian whites have tall/flat foreheads. Irish whites have pug noses.
That’s really anti Semitic
No flavor.
their big brains
Beauty, integrity, intelligence, empathy, bravery, humility
Fat, left wing, stupid, lazy, trying to undermine thier own people for progressiveness, asleep to the rest of the world, this sums it up
Big jaws and double chins
The jewish hollywood depiction of Nazis is a caricature of white people
>can you create a racist caricature of white people?
Sure, first you have to understand what is white.. it is a combination of races/nationalities... "white" by itself only exists by comparison of blacks in USA, before that being white wasn't a thing, instead you have anglos, slavics, celitcs, nordic, and so on
caricature of white could be a stereotype italians loving pasta, french being gay with their baggettes, british drinking tea in a sissy fashion, germans eating D
you know the usual stereotypes
This sort of falls under the same category that there isn't a slang word to use against whites that doesn't sound asinine or ridiculous.
Nothing really sticks like shitskin, nigger, porch monkey, spic, or chink.
It is called basedjack
loomis teaches you drawing fundies with racist pudgy white pipo caricatures
We like to keep exotic animals as pets. Chinks will eat anything, whites will keep anything as a pet.
maybe stop lumping all white people together, you dumb nigger. there are already plenty of white stereotypes youre just a fucking retard non-white on the outside. stay seething, subhuman.
How about that meme with the Anglo guy dressed with American flag looking down on the europoor
Look how the Nips drew us. I think it was pretty funny
I guess I would draw
>an exaggerated Fabio type with whatever the fashion is at the time, man capris to emphasize the contrast between being masculine and whites shitty feminizing culture
>big tittied plastic surgery bimbo
>school shooter sperg
>weeb/neckbeard fedora
>old rich person sitting on the back of their starving homeless looking child while whipping a fat Mexican gardener
checked for Walmart shopper
>a Karen
>a fat ill mannered child eating a giant bag of cheesy poofs
White people are so exciting they have many caricatures you can choose from.
This doesn’t look like the average White, moshe. This is the same reason why the Tyrone and merchant are actually funny.
Those jawline gainz.
That English broad at the back is perfect. So accurate lol
WTF is that supposed to depict lol
You smell like curry and bo
lmao fat roach dicklette
This basically, we're depicted as aristocratic, snobby, Beautiful, yet hateable, purist, sometimes even aetherial and alien, vampire like I'd say.
In essence, we're depicted as someone to envy and hate, who looks down on everything and everyone with little regard, and tramples little tribal blue space aliens with military might.
Ironically though, this depiction just makes women thirst for us even more because we're the ultimate 'bad boys'
>Most white people have no lips, seriously it's disgusting
Is that some of dat hilariously wrong US clichés?
Ah, so is aristocracy the most honest expression of the European soul?
>what features that are unique to them?
cuckoldry, piss/scat fetish, femdom, micropenis etc.
You can’t just repurpose an already used caricature
>can you create a racist caricature of white people? what features that are unique to them would you even exaggerate?
Super hard to answer.
You see, contrary to pop science, whites are super fucking diverse, much more than blacks or Asians. You have to go more into the different countries for that, nobody would see a caricature of a German applying to a Brit, for example. And Brits and Germans are already pretty close looks-wise. It gets worse when you try to make a "cover all" for Scandis and Italians, or French and Polish. It doesn't work at all.
Meanwhile, give it a big nose, nappy hair and black skin and every black from Detroit to Zimbabwe will recognize that as a black figure. Give it black, straight hair and slit eyes and every Malayan and Chinese will feel addressed,
Things invented by jews
Jay Mohr astutely notes, that Dave Chappelle now delivers every one of his punchlines in the voice which was originally just his caricature-impression of The White Man.
Like the dude drawn here.
But even that only applies to US "whites" and will make any Euro go "wtf is that supposed to be".
I often just trace over a pic and get some decent results sometimes. Now my question is to Yas Forums: what famous person is most archetypical for whiteness? Patrick Stewart? C'mon I need some ideas.
>Things invented by jews
And Muslims know this far too well that's why they cover their women and repel the jew
>Now my question is to Yas Forums: what famous person is most archetypical for whiteness?
Again, what country. Also, depends on who you ask.
You posted one in your original pic related
I guess it is.
Oh definitely if you were referring to a European. A Scandinavian or German type or French person. Unfortunately Americans usually are just caricatured as fat slobs.
I've always thought so. In the non white world the default image of a European is always aristocratic, noble and beautiful. It helps that the tourists we get tend to be the rich who generally have better genetics, so the Euros we see are the best of them.
any racially progressive portrait will do, orthognatic beak-like profile(opposed to primate/monkey like prognathic profile in niggers and plenty chinks), positive chin, high rooted, highly marked and differentiated straight nose, deep set eyes, high but not steep forehead
>big square chin
>pointy nose
That's all I got.
Stereotypes only stick around because they are true. White people are truly the standard of beauty, intelligence, innovation, culture. It's why it's so hard to stereotype us. I had a teacher once draw exaggerated drawings of all the student as a joke. I'm a very white, good looking guy and he just straight up skipped me because I had no features that were "funny". That's the white race. The bad stereotypes of whites can be applied to almost every race, so it's easy to switch it on you. Mean while blacks, poos, spics are actually brown, smell bad, and have gross hair, so it sticks.
Unironically David. You cant really caricature whites because they themselves hold their features as a symbol of absolute beauty and perfection
Tom Brady is White.
There are people from Russia that could easily be from Sweden or Germany or British. There are certain traits that are typical or indicative of whiteness that can be cartoonized as already described ITT: thin lips, big foreheads, blue eyes, red hair, aqualine noses. Dolph Lundgren? Taylor Swift? Typical white people are pretty good looking usually. And I'm asking Yas Forumss opinion, obviously.