How do I convince my son that its fair I kick him out when he soon turns 18...

How do I convince my son that its fair I kick him out when he soon turns 18? He's gonna be 18 soon and I told him from then on we won't support him and he needs to go out on his own. He's complaining that he hasn't had a job and has no money for renting a place but that's not his parent problem. Any advice appreciated.

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>faggot makes bait thread pretending to be a retarded american

I made this post so you wouldnt have to
so please, try to find the strengh not to bite down this juicy bait

It certainly is your problem. You actually can't force him to move out unless you get an eviction or restraining order. Just because your child turns 18 doesn't mean you can give them the boot if they don't have resources to move out.

It is in actual fact, your legal requirement to prepare them to move out and ease them into self sufficiency.

If your child discovers their balls they can and will legally compel you to support them until they have the means to leave.

>niggerdit spacing

he's low iq fat neckbeard irl

Maybe don’t be such a boomer, and help him. Times are different. Many can’t survive on their own due to the high cost of living and low income for starting jobs. If I was your son, I would never talk to you again, unless you help support him a little bit.

Few things. 18yr olds today are not how 18 year olds were 20+ years ago. They are for the most part, weak, dependent, pussies. Most of them see college as an extension of high school and the other majority are too aloof to care.

Furthermore, one could make the point that if the kid is not ready for the “real world” then that is on you for failing as a parent.

So, why not drop the “this is how it was done to me this is how it will be done to you” attitude and try being a human and compromising. Start charging him rent to live there, make him get a job, teach him how to save. Reach him about rent, bills, income and responsibility. You know, be a parent. Or just toss him out in a few weeks because you can’t stand looking at your own failure.

Just shoot him. You failed

Why do you want to kick your kid out when he's 18?
Did you fall for the good old kike holywood brainwash that the moment you hit 18 you need to fuck off from your family? lmao

yeah yeaaaahhhh good goy leave everyone you know, move to some faggot new city, take a gigantic loan from my shekelshtein uncle and pretend you're happy.

I hate my father to this day because he wouldnt allow me to come back home after I got out of the army. After he decided to not invite me over for the holidays because I didnt call him enough, I decided I was done with him.

your faggot line of thinking leads me to believe you raised a faggot son. all fields

Even if it is larping it raises an important issue how many American pare ts are psychopaths and kick their unprepared kids out


If you bring something that suffers into this world, you have to take care of it until the end. Kicking out your own children is why America stopped being white.

sure whatever you say retard

You've had 18 years to prepare him to be a man so who do you think you should blame?

well, it’s not fair, and you shouldn’t have had a son. you’re clearly not responsible enough to take care of yourself and raise one to self sufficiency

>t. 18 year old faggot getting kicked out of his parents house for being a degenerate

>How do I convince my son that its fair I kick him out when he soon turns 18?
What is wrong with americans and kicking kids out at 18?
In my country family sticks together no matter what.

The good Ole boomer pioneer spirit! Yeehaw!

Actually OP should kill himself in a way that son get insurance money and can NEET out the rest of his life. SAGE and KYS

It's an urbanite thing I believe.

>using any variation of *oomer

just kill yourself and stop wasting my oxygen.

nigger did you just admit to LARPing your own thread

its a jew thing.
they are used to being kicked out all the time and looking for a new home.


You don't, and you won't because you aren't married and live in a 500sqft apartment with 3 other people and can't make rent. You posted this with a memeflag to paint all republicans as heartless sociopaths.

You're a shit parent for raising such a mestisized tumor of a child, and an idiot for wanting to kick your son out to pay his/family money, to someone else.
He should pay rent to you, and you should charge him a fair enough rate that he can save for a down payment on a house (more property/wealth in your family) or putting the money aside for him while charging full rent.
Kicking your kid out ensures that more than half a thousand dollars is flying out of the hands of your family. That's the priblem about GenX and boomers, you cunts don't think as a family unit, you fell for the jewish 'individualism' meme and only think about yourself.
The destruction of the white family unit is why all the other races are winning, and we have Desmond and Lactatia.

I know your larping and I'm replying to pasta/bait, but my words still should ring true to anyone with half a brain.
My parents kicked me out. Now the family is in shambles. I'm the only property owner in my family right now, and I was the black sheep they were so eager to kick out.

>Oh noes my son is such a burden to me and costs so much mone what can i possibly do!?
>But yeah i love the retarded system which forces me to hate and disband my own children somehow.

t.retard capitalist

>Even if it is larping it raises an important issue how many American pare ts are psychopaths and kick their unprepared kids out
what did you mean by this memeflaggot

>jewing your own kid

some do because they re retarded subhumans

and thats why I told everyone this thread was bait and that they shouldnt reply

because it is

Why even bother having kids if you don’t consider them family once they turn 18?

>another faggot liberal LARP OP

>jewing your own kid, telling him to pay rent

o kurwa.

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Rape his ass hard. Brutally. Use a broomstick after you've gone soft. Make sure he goes to the Emergency Room, but with the understanding that if he says anything, you will kill him, his Mother, yourself and any pets if applicable. Tell him after his ER visit, you will give him $2000 cash, a suitcase and rent a shit hotel room for two weeks for him. After that, he's on his fucking own and if he so much as calls your phone for the next 365 days, you will kill his Mother immediately. Make sure he believes this. If you have more than one pet, kill one in front of him. If you don't, just seem dead serious. Make sure you tell him no point in calling police. As soon as he hears sirens he will kill everyone in the house including himself.

That's how you kick out a no good non achiever. This is a free country. He needs to fucking work. I started working when I was 14. This shit is unacceptable. I was a manager at McDonalds by 18. Fuck him. By 25 I had my first house. It's bullshit how people today think they can coast. 18 is the new 12 to them.

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There are people that are IRL like that. Sad!

this can't be a real nose

if your son isn't ready by 18 its YOU that failed, dumbass

Why would you want to? Why not have him stay there while he goes to school or gets started on some type of career? Only moving out after hes achieved stable employment, or getting married, whichever comes first. Unless you're talking about an actual useless type of person. Then it's your job to fix that shit as their parent, or you've just wasted your time as a parent and setting the guy up for failure.

oh, its real.
i worked in a hotel in Kraków, Israelites really do have noses like these.

Why do Americans do this to their own children?

Please site case law for this.

You don't need to explain anything to anyone. Ever. If that's your desire, and he refuses to leave, get the police involved. Easiest fix.

>asian americans: extended family saves money living under one roof, pool together their resources, and buy a bunch of convenience stores or some restaurant franchises and get rich and then move into separate houses

>whites: you are 18, get the fuck out, you are on your own. see you next christmas

sure sure, handouts are the reason they keep pulling ahead. keep telling yourself that

You should have got him a job before hes 18. Also only white trash don't support their kids who are studying etc.

Stupid boomer

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Fuck you nigger. Bait threads and cigarettes sustain me.
Rape him.

Great another fucking gutter punk with a dog on the street corner.

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You've already failed as a parent if your kid isn't ready for this change well prior.

Just shoot yourself. Failure of a parent. You have to take some responsibility here.

Look up tenant protection laws. Hell Google: Can I kick my child out when they turn 18. Why can't amerimutts google shit for themselves?

Eat shit boomer muttspawn

Boomers suck the jew dick and kicking a kid out at 18 creates another debt slave with no ability to acquire assets.

fuck you. fuck this fucking bait thread. I hope you shit yourself to death.

As a father, it is your responsibility to get him ready for this.
You have failed to do your job so far.
You need to set a tough but fair schedule for some period of time to allow him to transition to adulthood .
You better be careful here because you day you will need him to take care of you.
Do you want to be thrown into a retirement home and never have anyone around for you?

Kick out their kids so they spend the rest of their lives paying rent without ever saving.
Meanwhile let them bunk for free from 18-21 and all the money they would have wasted on rent can now go to a deposit.
If you want, charge them "Rent", that all goes to a deposit on a home loan that they can take whenever they're ready to buy a place.
Or even better, let them chill till they're 25-30 and have enough money to buy a home outright. They can then get a redraw facility on that property , buy an investment property, rent it out and spend their 30's-40's paying off the loan, with the rent paying off the interest and then some, repeat, and by the time your child is 50 they have multiple millions of dollars worth of property, don't need to work, can live and retire off the rent, all thanks to the dumb fuck parents who kick their kids out at 18 making them dependant on the children of people who didn't.
You Americans are so fucking dumb when it comes to this, and thanks, because your media gives everyone in Australia the idea they need to do the same, making shit stupidly fucking profitable for me.
My father lived with his parents and saved until he was 25, bought an acre of land, and built a segmented mansion on it, with three distinct living areas. Him and my mother live in one, with my little sister, I live in the other, and the third is unused.
We could rent it out, but we don't need to, and honestly, fuck people.
He used the rest of his income to buy investment properties, and thanks to me not needing to pay rent, I do the same.
We all share one redraw facility, I throw my spare income into it to lower it, as does everyone else, and once the equity reaches a point at which we can afford another investment property, we grab one.
This is how family empires become empires.


Nice roleplay! i'm Goku!
*teleports inside your boomer house*
*Whips out a Capsule Corp Condom*
*Teleports behind your middle age ass with a super erection 3*

Fuck you nigger and fuck your shitty bait thread. It he was 28 and still living with you it’d be different


If this hasn't been ingrained in him from childhood that he should be self-sufficient, and you have allowed him to coast along, never teaching him life skills or how to apply for a job, and how you would be proud of him getting a job, then you have failed as parent and deserve to die in a diaper full of shit in an old folks home without having seen your children for years.