You can stop with the conspiracy theories now.
You can stop with the conspiracy theories now
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Oh, thank goodness.
Kek life long virologist friend says it’s looking very much like it is.
Oi Vey! Its totally natural in nature. Its because Chinese ate bats and then somehow all the top leadership of Iran was infected days later! Total coincidence my friend! We just happened to be working on a vaccine 2 years ago! Total coincidence! Gibs money please Greatest Ally!
t. NottaKike Scholombergenstienwitz
>kate holland
>You can stop with the conspiracy theories now.
Ok so it truly was from chinks and their animal abusing bullshit
Bio-Terrorist Sam Hyde here.
That news article is fake, I bio-engineered the corona virus.
Biochemist here.. absolutely appears lab created. Im not a virologist though...
>You can stop with the conspiracy theories now.
1st off: Nice link faggot
>Specifically, in April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories” … and recommended methods for discrediting such theories. The dispatch was marked “psych” – short for “psychological operations” or disinformation – and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.
>The dispatch was produced in responses to a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times in 1976.
>starting title with "sorry l, conspiracy theorist"
>good morning america
>kate holland
Yeah, you can fuck right off.
Virologist here. Virus is tottaly bio-engineered
>good morning america
Clearly an accredit research think-tank.
Sorry, global warming alarmists, there is no way to model the climate with modern computing, and while the temperature going up due to increased emissions is falsfiable, and provably true, the amount that it goes up, the consequences of it going up, and the predictions based on this modeling (which does not exist) is not falsifiable, and not science. But it doesn't count when it's something they don't want you to believe, right?
chang here
*coughs in your face*
I just went on the website, and you can absolutely say that anything they write about and claim as fact, will turn out to be the opposite. The literal definition of trash journalism.
>"Study concludes"
>No link to study
>Or even the article
Faggot OP as usual.
>your friend
>throw life long in for further credibility
weak af
But for real though, the OG china cunts crucified the original china doctor that tried to report it. The CCP only let it out after the virus infected heaps of cunts and mutated enough to be indistinguishable from lab and animal.
Debunked again conspiracy queers!
Just like pizzagate, andrenchrome, elites worshiping moloch/baal, etc.
Now can we focus on real issues like this virus? We don't need your fear mongering.
What criteria is used to determine if something is lab created or naturally appeared? Pretty sure virologists don't even know where the fuck viruses come from to begin with.
Yas Forums btfo Again lololol
oh, they must have found patient zero.
so this is about as fake news as you can get
> talks about Coronavirus
> shows a pic of Staphylococcus bacteria
> calls the virus "COVID-19", whereas this is a name for a specific epidemic, not a virus strain
> study concludes
jeez, boomer
>wuhan institute of virology
>In 2015 they were toying with rat coronavirus inserting bat coronavirus protein on them.
>not at all they had created other such hybrid abomination
>for totally unrelated reason among the thousand and thousand of cinese cities, a new coronavirus oubreak happen in the city vith the virology institute.
Yeah because media tells the truth and labs never make dangerous viruses. Ffs
Is that real? Fucking kek.
Ah yes i eill believe it just because good morning America told me so, a woman named kate hollan wrote ot too, must be undeniably true
Oh, finally a (((study))), I can't sleep calmly now
>Good Morning America
All the media entities sucking chink dick should be nationalized and the employees executed.
So making shit up
If anything this just confirms that it was man made.
Ah yes, the (((studies)))
Impossible to take a sick animal and cross it with another sick animal in a controlled environment and keep the favorable mutation.
This is Star-Trek technology that only a natural environment can product.
Yeah but why does it have 33 poly-A tails at the end of its genome?
It's weird man
>it must be so because the media jews said so
And also why is the US patient zero infected with a strain that has only TWELVE (12) poly-A tails?
thank you Snopes! what would we ever do without your correcting the record!
Imma start doing this now. Thanks for the laughs, ADL.
It was obviously a 1 in 70 quadrillion coincidence.
Does anyone know what the odds are that this global pandemic would originate in the one city in China that just so happens to have a Biolab that is capable of researching bioweapons, the only such lab in China?
Anyone know what the odds are that China would mobilize a severe response to this virus unlike anything they ever did with SARS and MERS for a bat virus?
Anyone know what the odds are that this virus seems perfectly suited for maximum infectiousness?
Anyone know what the odds are that the virus allegedly originated in bats, in the same city that a scientist specializes in bat-borne viruses works?
What are the odds anons? One in how many billions?
It's like the little plastic caps you get on shoelaces. It stops the strand from unraveling.
When can we arrest Soros and hold him accountable in international court?
The thing has a fucking Swiss army knife list of traits that only a demon in some laboratory could concoct.
There is no way it happened in nature.
It targets men.
It removes their combat effectiveness.
It annihilates workforces.
Brings economy's to a halt.
Causes permanent lung damage, heart damage.
Damages fertility.
Highly contagious, can float if not airborne.
Has absurd stealth.
Lives on surfaces over 15 days.
It's a bioweapon.
Shut your goddamn mouth you piece of shit Chinese shills.
Them odds are pretty massive.
Occams you-know-what
George Soros should be arrested by USA and held financially responsible for this attack.
Trump needs to go after him and then China.
Use this to stop all Soros money into left wing programs and politicians
>american study confirms the virus is not an american creation
thank godness
>Study says
So what?
Easy, the CCP are looking into biological weapons to use against North America. Read Chi Haotian's speech August 8, 2005 speech.
Imagine being so stupid that you think GMA is a reliable source..fucking RETARD
>it’s not a bio weapon
>let’s shut down everything and tank the economy to stop it
>No link
That's either because this is fake, or the source is literally the Chinese government, like that Bloomberg article that wound up in the /CVG/ OP trying to discredit hydroxychloroquine.
>tfw when you have an outbreak that is in no way and engineered virus or laboratory construct so you have to silence the doctors warning people about it
Not true. It helps the strand attach to ribosomes. Without it replication fails.
Okay but Ching Chong batpaki still fucking unleashed it so
Whenever MSM tells me something is a “conspiracy”, I usually disregard that comment and research it myself.
Many times I never had even heard of something until they told me it was fake.
Nice going shill cucks
Then where did it come from
Yes they tested 33 samples and concluded there’s nothing to see here goyim
>In nuclear polyadenylation, a poly(A) tail is added to an RNA at the end of transcription. On mRNAs, the poly(A) tail protects the mRNA molecule from enzymatic degradation in the cytoplasm and aids in transcription termination, export of the mRNA from the nucleus, and translation
> No link to the study.
Speaking of a virus, the op.
Nature Medicine - 17 March 2020
The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2
Kristian G. Andersen, Andrew Rambaut, W. Ian Lipkin, Edward C. Holmes & Robert F. Garry
Sorry, for (((some reason))) can't link direct. Feel free to drill down on the authors to find the Chinese money at the bottom of this disinfo.
Well if the MSM says so I guess the only thing to conclude is that I've been absolutely BTFO and can't ever recover from this.
Former microbiologist here. I would never call something a "laboratory construct," their intersectionality is bleeding out and they are too dumb to realize it.
>chink owned media says the chink dindu nothing
So its definitely a bioweapon
Just go away, this shit is so boring. Just die already faggot.
I'm sure the people who conducted the study and the cunt reporter have chinese money in their pockets.
Fuck pol. You dipshits are always wrong. I get my Hope's up,prep, take all my money and buy gold only for the pol to be wrong about the virus being a bioweapon but also being wrong about it devastating the world. I'm sick.i have no money and I'm done with this bullshit. I'm going to reddit.
My question is, is there evidence that co2 levels are falling now that the global economy has been shutdown?
Hah guess it can be both. Although the lack of transcription without it is more interesting I think. Unlike the shoelace cap you need it to make the knot.
Imagine thinking that conspiracy theorists care about authoritative parties telling them what is and is not true. If they cared about the "experts", they wouldn't be conspiracy theorists.
Because "experts" can easily be either wrong, or outright lying. That's how medical malpractice happens.
Like the shoelace cap, it's next to impossible to lace the shoe without it.
Explain this OP
Event 201, a pandemic drill for a "coronavirus" thought to have come from pigs.
>implying that the mainland of china is not one giant open air free range petri dish
The 33 A's at the tail end of the virus is an impossibility with everything we know about naturally occuring viruses.
Suddenly the impossible is possible, solely because we don't want to face the truth.
A virus will work and evolve itself in a relatively structured way. It doesn't think so its actions aren't reasoned, they are instinctual. The 33 A's point to it having the ability to think for itself and structure itself in such a way as to create a totally new and unique structure no other virus has evolved to have, ever.
Either the virus is sentient, which isn't possible, or someone sentient influenced its design.
In corona virus after adding too many poly (a) it evades the body by shedding so of the tails, ie. Mutating bit not ebough to alter how the virus works
>Good Morning America
Take your meds hehe
Imagine getting fired because you randomly bent a paperclip
>+5 cents
Viruses are chemical. They will naturally do what they're chemically able to do. To have chemistry that wouldn't be possible in a natural setting would in fact require a laboratory and very tightly controlled environments.
An example being anti-viral medicines. These are chemicals that basically inhibit the chemical reactions viruses need in order to reproduce.
>no link
>infograph ((good morning america)])
>HMO internal memo refers to virus as "non-naturally occuring"
Keep guzzling spunk, faggot
what is she doing?
>conspiracy theorists
>Study concludes
>is not a ... construct.