Prove this image wrong Yas Forums

Prove this image wrong Yas Forums

Attached: JUDEA5.png (500x803, 131.34K)

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This is the true Jewish home.

Attached: 826E975A-54E5-4CEA-9A9C-92C0A53D0C02.jpg (738x1080, 179.25K)

you didn't prove the image wrong

>they only stole a little bit of land that just so happens to be the holy land, so it's ok lol

but I mean, how did the arabs get that land?

Who the fuck cares, Israel has no right to exist

Their true home is the gas chamber

Why is Israel the only country in the world who's existence is questioned?

most of the people in that pic aren't Arab


just because they speak a fucked up version of Arabic doesn't mean they're ethnically Arabs, same thing with Slavs or Chinese

Why don't they have the right to exist? Because they kill shitskin arabs and sterilize africans? ohh noo!!!!

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Palestinian are semetic so Jews are anti semitic

Fuck kikes

>all Arabs are the same
Lol imagine if the Jews took some small European country like Latvia and displaced the Latvians, would it make sense that just because Europe is big and Latvians share a similar cultural background to other Europeans that it’s ok they either got kicked out of their country or were made second class citizens there, because they could just go to another European country? What a ridiculous fucking idea. Fuck Jews

you bloody fool! israel has america occupy the territories in the middle east for them so that israel just has to deal with palestine!

Attached: die for israel goyim.jpg (600x781, 79.35K)

Not wrong, they are americans therefore retard mutts with inferiority complex with orange men and non existent knowledge in geography

You're a fucking jew.

Sorry wrong flag,
you're a fucking jew.

die for israel you dirty mutt. they're the ones sending the "shitskin arabs" to every country so that israel can take their land to form a bigger jewish ethnostate but you won't question it because your stupid amerimutt ass thinks jews are white!

Attached: amerimutt jewnited states of israel that dies for israel.png (547x626, 16.55K)

why do you care about palestinians? do you also care about the native americans?

>the sheer irony of anyone from Latin American having the audacity to call anyone else a “mutt”


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because its the only ethnostate in the entire world! everything else is a multi cultured shithole because of them and their immigration policies forced upon everyone else!

Attached: How jews expel innocent islamic people from their homeworld into other countres which israel STOLE FROM THEM immigrants.jpg (952x692, 156.41K)

I don’t give a shit about Palestinians nigger, I’m just demonstrating why the picture in the OP was bullshit

My mom is

You tell him achmed.

>die for israel
I'm a yid, not some evangelical boomer.
>hey're the ones sending the "shitskin arabs" to every country
blame your retarded politicians and virtue signaling leftists
>take their land to form a bigger jewish ethnostate
I see nothing wrong with that. Fuck Muslims lololol
>thinks jews are white!
I have brown hair and blue eyes. I'm white.

you're still an amerimutt bro that kisses republican boomer ass and licks the boots of billionaire kikes.

Attached: trump zion don and the pm of israel jew blue.jpg (960x635, 51.29K)

Israel should just get over with it and conquer shitty palestine. It's not like the palestinians are Jesus people or something.
They should just samsomn the fucking place.

At this point.. Yes.

>yes goy, defend our ethnostate, but you have to suck somali dick and let us subvert your youth and run your country

Well that little white space in the middle of all that green used to be green too. So yea it is Arab land.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x349, 55.67K)

ah i see. jidf going to work. gotta get rid of those evil rasis trolls amirite???

Attached: jidf bbc blacked threads.png (900x993, 800.48K)

forget pic

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We could decimate the entire levant in a couple of hours, but virtue signaling leftists would seethe.

wish the Jew beast could kill you too...
or fuck you up everyday of your life...

you didn't address anything I said.
>muh JIDF
how much muslim dick is in your body right now?

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What thread are we supposed to post in next brothers?

People complain about the Israeli occupation of PALESTINE. Not the occupation of the entire arab land.

Such a dumb cunt

On top of that, nearly 75% of the Arab world occupies formerly Christian land. Remember that whenever mudslimes try to shame the west with their crusade whining.

Attached: Spread_of_Christianity_to_AD_600_(1).png (2187x1619, 212.94K)

DO IT already, what can the left do? they can only cry

>my mother is
Literally THE requisite for you to be actually literally jewish. Kill yourself kike.

Who the fuck cares? Even the arab civilians taken in as refugees rape burn and murder europeans on taxpayer dime. Israelis exploit the shit out of american like a clay golem. I hope they kill each other to the last fucking man and then we seize the land.

I actually think it's a good point, you can be against Israel for 99 good reasons and still call bullshit on a dumb reason when you hear it. Arabs have plenty of land and Jerusalem is only their 3rd holiest city, and they were allowed to keep for 20 years after the founding of Israel until they attacked Israel and lost. Israel actually gave back a lot of the land out of politeness but not useful places like Jerusalem, though Arabs still have a share of it.

tldr: Israel is full of shit, Arabs are even more full of shit, and almost no one bothers to read the actual history.

This is the true Jewish home.

Attached: crematorium-fire.jpg (1200x800, 46.97K)

Why would anyone want you to do that?

Yas Forums eternally BTFO’d


If a bunch of Jews came to Europe, started killing the native population, kicking out the native population, and setting up a state with a military while getting funded by the richest and most powerful nation in the world.

You wouldn't like that would you?

>heehee look mom I posted it again!
I can post pictures too you ugly turbomutts

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Oh my God...
Fuckin arabs in Jerusalem, I don't even want to get deep in this shit.
I'l say it again, I vote for nuking all of the arabssssssss

Because you are fuckin anti-semite and theres a time a joke has to stop? If they have the power they should just kill every single one of them.

It isn't, I don't recognize the communist shithole "China" either. Commies should be shot and the land given back to the true chinese people, with the exception of Manchukuo which should be returned to it's rightful owners in Japan (and who had it stolen away because of jewish trickery).


Yes but also jews

Just mug him already

Debunked many times.
Modern "Palestine" is a 60's op by KGB.Try again Ahmed.

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Arabs belong in Arabia. All of those other countries are Arab occupied land. Morocco is 3000 miles from Arabia. Egypt is Coptic land. Let them give up all land outside Saudi Arabia then they can make demands of others

Having a tldr: undermines everything you wrote. If what your saying isn’t interesting enough for people to pay attention then I wouldn’t bother speaking at all. Go back to plebbit and stay there.

It's useful when you're in a topic where no one reads more than 1 sentence into a paragraph

based af!

Attached: when the jews are burned in the oven yoy blow their ashes away bye jews.jpg (600x402, 165.63K)

This. Obviously Israel is a meme and does dumb shit too but that doesn't make Arab bullshit suddenly true. Arabs are legit retarded.

worthless amerilard.

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The reason Israeli jews deserve to get fucked is because they and the international jew are still the same people. They both work together to destroy White people everywhere. If that wasn't the case then I wouldn't give a fuck about them conquering and colonizing Palestinian land, but the same zionist that creates mass migration is the same zionist that defends White people being replaced and also the same zionist that tells that Israel must remain a Jewish nation.

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True, Mooslimes need to just get over it already.

Somebody replace that image with an image of DC and the surrounding USA.

jews are worse. didn't you know they eat fucking baby penises??? but you migapedes will defend this because "they're da chosen pepil".

Attached: israel eats baby penises.png (482x354, 95.67K)

your country is getting overrun by third worlders, but you're seething over jews.

Why are you mad? Do you think you are white you fuckin monkey? Mind your own business

I’m gonna come to your home and take a few cups, spoons, maybe your toaster, and also split off your electric cabling and internet so we share (but you pay the bill) also I’ll sleep in the guesthouse, but don’t try kicking me out cause my personal American guards will gun you down. Also I’m going to play loud music all night and smoke weed so you smell it and maybe get a contact high. Also I may decide to shit on a tiiiiiiny corner of your lawn for fun.

Why are you complaining bro! You’ve got the house all the other cups, I only shit on a tiny part of your lawn. And the weed and music, maybe YOU should change with times or else I’ll have my guards “talk” to you.

fuck off migapede

Attached: israel and jews did 9 11 dancing israelis.jpg (640x640, 117.07K)

Wow i bet things are so much better in nazi germany, where you live


>muh 3rd holiest city
it was theirs, otherwise we have to subscribe to the retarded argument of "we wuz here first" claims of natives around the world

The problems are one in the same.

he's mad because jews are the problem of the earth because they're selfish and greedy!

Attached: jewish agenda tactics.jpg (599x549, 105.74K)

palestine is an arab problem. if the arabs weren't such retarded, selfish, backstabbing honorary kikes, then israel would have ceased to exist 50 years ago.

Obviously that's a fucked up thing but how are you so simple-minded as to think that's a case-closer when both sides blow each other up in mass every day, you can't just quote some silly fun fact everyone knows and expect to be taken seriously.

So you're a nazi-muslim?

Can you prove that Israel isn't on arab land?

once again
do you see other developed non-euro countries doing that? no. SK, Japan, or China, no?
If Jewish leftists try to pressure you, just say no fuck off. Like I don't understand why the goyim have no backbone.

Imagine supporting either side. Idgaf if the jews genocide the Arabs in that desert shithole or vice versa. Who cares?

fucking this. this sums just about all of the US and Israel.

Attached: israel Gods chosen baby people kike diapers imagine the smell poo poo in nappies jew israel soldier.jpg (315x559, 20.6K)

True but, so is ours.

Neither here nor there, larper. Even if Jews did do 9/11 it still doesn’t justify Mooslimes blowing up the metro because they’re mad about muh al-Quds.

yes. it was a lot better than your shit jewnited states of amerifat.

Attached: the capitalist west vs national socialist world.jpg (650x1024, 199.51K)

>arab land
the land of israel belongs to samaritans. not arab invaders.

Die, nazi scum

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>white Americans can't claim their land, it was stolen
>NOOOO You can't question Israel don't you know that a famous Jew was born there two thousand years ago?!?!?!

That Pepe is ugly as shit. Please, use a different one when you shill in the future. A normal Pepe works, or even a special one, but that is monstrous

Imagine if the UN just carved off Florida to belong to some group of foreigners. Even if Florida is a shithole, it's our shithole.

no. i just defend anyone who is under the attack of jews. i gotta help a brotha out!

Attached: jewish blood sacrifices performed on european christian kids.jpg (1200x1200, 468.7K)


goes both ways
>white americans living on native american land

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For all you arabs talking tough, remember history...

Attached: JUDEA.jpg (1008x674, 504.35K)

this, Israel state shouldn't exist at all

Hmm looks like the map proves their point, entire area is muslim, except for a tiny portion being forcefully occupied. Considering the surroundings, clearly jews do not belong there.

Zionists are scum not for what they do to arabs but for what they do to europeans to accomplish their shit and die

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this is their home:

Why prove anything to you when you are soon to go extinct by the same jewish influence.
You just keep believing that jews don't have global influence.
Read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and you may understand what you're up against.

>bitching about national socialism on Yas Forums
fuck off jidf! do you even know were you're at? you're so bad at your job. NEWFAG

Attached: how magapedes ruin 4chan and pol disgusting kekistani skeptic neckbeard miga zionist republican r donald.png (1186x958, 599.19K)

Attached: Laugh.png (412x298, 242.9K)

And we randomly do or don't value 'we wuz here first' claims in every case completely based on circumstantial factors and our own interests (the Maori and the Moriori in the Chatham islands are the funniest case, look up how NZ settled that one) but it doesn't matter here since Palestinians themselves never *governed* the land and it was always owned by an external power, and they are still allowed to live there today so in that measure it's exactly the same. Basically they just don't like jews (and that's a good thing!).

You think the nazis didnt did sacrifices? And that hitler was a rothschild agent that went "rogue"?
Why dont you go kill yourself and meet hitler in hell if you love him that much

Right, I also think jews shouldn't be allowed to control banking, media, universities, or any institution whatsoever. They should have their property confiscated and then get deported to Israel. But then, the fact that they already control those institutions is what makes it so difficult to get them out to begin with.

Attached: antisemitism.jpg (1744x951, 486.95K)

Yes you totally live in a country that doesn't exist and not a real one that is so embarassing you got tired of being teased for it so you started using a memeflag to hide it.


Attached: mad jew merchant.jpg (309x307, 44.38K)

same problem, same solution.

You missed the point, all this "arab" land originally belonged to other groups such as the berbers and coptics. The arabs occupied it and made it theirs.

This is the most retarded argument in the entire thread

capitalist america is nothing to be proud of.

Attached: lgbt are pedophiles.jpg (1200x868, 244.08K)

Fuck Arabs
Fuck Jews
Kingdom of Jerusalem time

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lol you think about jews so much its hilarious
And pol is not a nazi exclusive board
do you pay my internet bitch?

well it's hard to compete with us because we have a higher IQ, and we can work our way through the system to get these jobs, compared to goyim who don't even care how their kids do in school.
seriously I have a daughter with a non-jewish girl, and my daughter knows nothing. she can't even read and she's 6. this is her non-jewish genes kicking in.
tragic, really.

never said it was, sven.

>the green is human body
>the red is cancer

Though kike country in sandniggerlandia is more like small cancer leeching on bigger tumor. Fuck 'em all with atomic fire.

Watch this video

It’s like taking all the beachfront in Malibu to those religious inbreds

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pfff that's what mostly what Yas Forumss disgusions are about. capitalism, national socialism, ancaps, communism, zog, israel and other jew crap. before 2016 there was no trump migapede right wing crap here. all of that other shit was on social media

Attached: cleaning up pol goodbye migapedes.png (816x684, 331.93K)

does she have taysachs from you retarded genes? she can't read because you gave her the autism you dumb kike

average Israeli IQ: 90

Natives and Pallies have a lot in common but only one group is blowing themselves up at the bus stop.

>why is israel?
Couldve stopped there

Wow great argument you’ve convinced me, Mohammed, let’s go fight to reclaim Mooslime sacred lands together, fellow kuffar.

>The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is a fabricated antisemitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. The hoax, which was shown to be plagiarized from several earlier sources, some not antisemitic in nature,[1] was first published in Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century. According to the claims made by some of its publishers, the Protocols are the minutes of a late 19th-century meeting where Jewish leaders discussed their goal of global Jewish hegemony by subverting the morals of Gentiles, and by controlling the press and the world's economies.
>fabricated antisemitic text

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And now the jews are occupying it, exactly as they say. Rightfully it's all Christian land, (((Israel))) is rightfully the Holy Kingdom of Jerusalem.

This was inhabited too.

>referencing the israeli IQ
you do realize that israel is not mostly ashkenazi, right?
israel is full of dumb arabs, mizrahi monkeys, and ethioniggers.

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