So whats the Corona end game?

So whats the Corona end game?

Cashless society? Worldwide forced vaccinations?

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I hope there’s no catch

The Machine Stops by EM Forster.

Please don't get vaccinated. Schizofags need to die.

You don’t die from this virus if you recover, commie
You would only kill unvaccinated people that didn’t yet get the virus and even then they have like a 0.5% chance of dying

Fuck paper money
Digital currencies replacing the Feds kikery ftw

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digital money needs to be banned

The feds are still going to control the digital currency.
Imagine, you say something against the ADL, or AIPAC and your entire account gets wiped out.

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Multicultural propaganda

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It’s kinda doing the opposite of that though

The corona endgame is a cashless society, worldwide forced vaccinations AND various other things. The hysteria related to the manmade covid-19 disease is vastly worse than the manmade covid-19 disease itself (and yes, I have no doubt whatsoever that it's manmade). I mean, seriously, the manmade covid-19 disease is just a slightly enhanced version of the common flu and yet scumbag politicians are using this manmade virus as an excuse to restrict our fundamental rights, like the freedom of movement, the right to assembly, the freedom of association and, yes, even our freedom of speech. And they're also using this manmade virus to make all payments cashless, which has fundamentally negative implications for freedom (I'm well-aware that many payments today are already cashless, but one of their sinister goals is to make ALL payments cashless to make people they don't like easier to find). Just wait until it becomes illegal to walk your dog out on the street. And just wait until it becomes illegal to question the official coronavirus narrative. I sincerely hope that there'll be a purge of all of the evil people in this world who are in positions of power. Also, Boris Johnson, Tom Hanks and various other politicians, celebrities and famous people in general do NOT have coronavirus, that's just a cover story being used to distract the masses from the pedophilic nature of the (((global elites))).

I completely agree with you. I'm a cashchad, I NEVER use a card to pay. FUCK CARDKEKS!


Exactly, you speak out against the kikes and they'll deduct money from your digital account so you can't eat. You think shit like this can't be done? They have ALREADY done this shit in China with their 'social credits' system, China is the blueprint and the kikes want to expand this system out to the rest of the world.


Honestly, I'm so sick (pardon the pun) of censorship on this site.

>Fuck paper money

Paper money is GOOD because it doesn't leave an electronic trail like digital money does. Kikes want a society with ONLY digital money because of the electronic trail it leaves behind, you retard.

Basically a move forward on all their favorite agendas - any will do, though "cashless", "global central authority", "agenda 21", "online censorship" are clear favorites.

Exactly. This coronavirus bullshit ticks ALL of their boxes. They're using this coronavirus bullshit to achieve ALL of their agendas in one fell swoop. They're getting increasingly desperate now, because they know that time is running out for them. They're on borrowed time.

you're freedoms were erased a long time ago. everything you do is recorded and monitored. if you engage in wrongthink / speak you are removed from the survival grid.

to think that this is a plot to impose some nwo conspiracy shows you are low iq.

goddamn you're fucking stupid
>you are removed from the survival grid
oh really so i don't work and don't pay bills and i'm starving with no way to hunt or fish
jesus what a retard

Everyone is unsure what is going on. Pic related is what friends and I decided could be happening.

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If shelves in stores do not replenish.... then everyone needs to go back to work! Otherwise I’m not going to worry and doing what I’m told and staying home.

initially just for the duration of the pandemic.
but then they will do the same in 2 or 3 years during flu season
and then every year
and then even off season
and they just 'you know what, we are just going to keep these measures in place permanently now'
and the people, terrified of getting sick, will thank them

Make everyone gay by keeping them trapped with their homies

erosion of rights. many of the regulations put in place will never be lifted. they want us to get adjusted to have a specific reason for being out and about, and having the police always around us, asking questions. they want to destroy small, "unregistered" businesses in favor of big soulless companies with virus fear mongering. they want to destroy even the strongest of rural communities with forced distancing and masks that hide facial traits. its one of their moves in this chess game that we are losing, and most of us dont even realize that the game has started.

Lmao is that supposed to be Thom Yorke with the starbucks?

Death for all normies, thots, zoomer idiots, boomers and rapefugees
A new, utopian society formed out of the ashes

B is a whitepill and I hope it's true (even though it's probably not, realistically speaking), E seems exciting but the most likely possibility is C). The kikes are using coronavirus to consolidate more global power for themselves, because they want a single planetary government ruled only by them and they only want about 500 million people in the world, so that any possible resistance to their rule is easier for them to snuff out, since the world is closing in on 8 billion people now.

bumping for answers

*flicks forked tongue*

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are you fucking retarded?this is some basic tier thinking

You're right, people think that the current restrictions we have (like only being able to pay for things using a card in certain shops) will be removed once this whole coronavirus thing blows over, but they WILL never remove those restrictions because they wanted to impose those restrictions on us in the first place and they're using this corona shit as a justification to do all of that. Also, David Icke perfectly explains what the global elites are planning to do via this corona bullshit in this interview:

>Cashless society


Cashless chinese-like socialist society

This should be blatantly obvious to most, especially autists here, but have you seen the state of this board?

>Yas Forums: jews run the media
>Yas Forums: believes jewish media

nobody can give me an answer to the above. We are infested with shills and retarded anons that fall for the most basic subversion.

> The corona endgame is a cashless society,
Coles (one of the big supermarket chains for non-Australians) just announced they wont be accepting cash at their checkouts due to health concerns.

>In fact, what the mainstream Western media has called a “conspiracy” has been manifested in US defense programs for a long time. We must briefly recall the official document named “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”, published by the conservative think tank “Project for a new American Century”, where we can clearly read: "advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."
>Another curious fact is that China has been unexpectedly affected by epidemic phenomena, particularly during the period of the trade war between Beijing and Washington.

Is coronavirus a bioweapon?

This. It's so blatantly obvious what's going on.

My mother told me about that earlier today. This is some fucked-up shit right here.

Just ignore the shills and glowniggers.

Probably, our politicians tried to sneak that digital Fed coin through the bill but ended up taking it out. Considering that more debt stimulus spending bills will come out I'm pretty sure they'll reintroduce it.

This right here. It's just a test to see what they can get away with.

If it's just a test to see what they can get away with (and I've considered this possibility for quite a while now), then the normies are letting them get away with essentially putting them under mandatory house arrest. Fucking normies, I swear.

>"online censorship"
already popping up with the hysteria that FAKE NEWS will cause deaths

It's so blatantly obvious to everyone who can see, like us. But most people still can't see what's right in front of them. Most people are basically just sheep being unquestioningly led into the slaughterhouse.

Him or Limmy.

you answered your own questions.

This is what I think. China is the blueprint for the type of planetary government they want.

Where will there be to dwell in the surface world?

Outside of America, the entire world happily gets vaccinated for anything on the planet. So no. 2, no

Cashless society is inevitable anyway. It is already cashless in China. No need to hasten something that will happen organically within 5-10 years.

I'm afraid there is no motive this time user. I think this one is just nature's wrath. We got too cocky and provoked her too much.

I can't see any motive behind this. No one stands to benefit from a global lockdown.

So what's the solution? I think the solution is that we need to spread as many redpills about coronavirus to the masses as fast as we can, because we have A VERY NARROW WINDOW OF TIME RIGHT NOW to get this done before they quite likely shut down the entire internet using the bullshit excuse of 'saving lives'.

Corona is the best thing to have happened to border control and nationalism in decades. Most countries will move manufacturing of essentials locally now

Every government is pushing whatever they want society is distracted. EU for example is pushing for GMO corn (has been illegal until now) only few days left for public comments/complains.

Trips of untruth. Kikes stand to benefit from a global lockdown, Pajeet.

Mario speaks the truth

You think the 2010s were bad just watch how easily they bring in the police state in 20s with people asking for more


>Cashless society is inevitable anyway. It is already cashless in China. No need to hasten something that will happen organically within 5-10 years.

yeah your street vendors selling food to the underclass are all gonna accept debit card payments from now on

a counter drug called DRACO is being made, which is being presented as a penultimate solution to all viral infections. this is in reality bionanotechnology designed to hold the whole world hostage via cellular disintegration once the general public has taken it as a "vaccination" to corona. its the ultimate form of population control and coronavirus is being hyped up by the media machines to terrorize the population into willingly injecting it into themselves enmasse. 5G is what will control these cellular "cell-bots" that are the core of the DRACO virus response to coronavirus.

why is the nigger in the front?

>closed borders
>working my office job from home
>spending a lot more time with my wife and kids
>calling friends and family a lot more
>might encourage the ISPs in my area to bring good internet out to the country so I can get off shitty satellite

I'm loving it so far. Stimulus bill has me worried both sides are going to use this as an excuse to shoehorn in some faggotry, I wish trump would just declare martial law and take his place as GEOTUS while the globohomos are on the back foot instead of giving them an opportunity to craft a new narrative and seize the potential power vacuum.

'Draco' means 'dragon' in Latin.

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Much of middle America is owned by super-wealthy elites like Ted Turner. If we're really lucky and good maybe they'd permit us to visit.

Cashless. Fed kikes can’t print money til petro dollar shits the bed so they’re moving to cyber currency.
And it’ll be easier to shut goyim banking down when you make a anti termite post on Fb

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>You're now more easier to be tracked, traced and banned and have your account shut down.
Come on now Milosevic, don't be silly.

>I wish trump would just declare martial law and take his place as GEOTUS while the globohomos are on the back foot instead of giving them an opportunity to craft a new narrative and seize the potential power vacuum.

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>Cashless society is inevitable anyway
>I can't see any motive behind this
>No one stands to benefit from a global lockdown.
I didn't expect anything more from you paki.
Now go shitty-code your low pajeet paying shit project at your farm cubicle you smelly Bangladeshi.

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A heart that's full up like a landfill
A job that slowly kills you
Bruises that won't heal
You look so tired, unhappy
Bring down the government
They don't, they don't speak for us
I'll take a quiet life
A handshake of carbon monoxide

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No retard, they all use smartphones now
They literally banned 86% of cash in circulation here in 2017 and people moved to cashless

Project Zyphr

and like always, no one, absolutely no one saw it coming.


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Okay then, India is more zogged than I originally thought.

Global nigger extermination.

It's called content creation spam and ddos of minds.

Ha! I wish. It's probably being used specifically to target whites. They have that ability, you know.

"Although it may take several decades for the process of transformation to unfold, in time, the art of warfare on air, land, and sea will be vastly different than it is today, and 'combat' likely will take place in new dimensions: in space, 'cyber-space' and perhaps the world of microbes.
Space itself will become a theater of war, as nations gain access to space capabilities and come to rely on them; further, the distinction between military and commercial space systems – combatants and noncombatants – will become blurred. Information systems will become an important focus of attack, particularly for U.S. enemies seeking to short-circuit sophisticated American forces. And advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." - Rebuilding America’s Defenses