Why don’t Americans wear masks?

Why don’t Americans wear masks?

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why dont asians tell the truth

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>no masks

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I was in Japan from 8th to 21st of March and every cunt had a mask then I flew back to Sydney and the flight had mandatory mask but when I got off into the airport no cunt had mask on at all. I tried finding some in Sydney but couldn't find any at all. When I flew back to WA right before the state quaratine no one on my flight had mask either except this chink chick in a full body get up.

Da whyte man be lyin and oppressin us threw statistikz and shieet

Soon My Nigga...

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Chinese guest workers bought 'em all up with most of the toilet paper and filterless cigarettes and sent them home to their spymasters.

This, yellow locusts took them all

Ugh. Airliners just recirculate everyone's air, too. You're living dangerously, user.


>duuuude this is just like my BIDEO GAME Xddddd
when will larpers learn?

Police state doesn't like it.

>Pretends to be an aussie
>IRL is a faggot

You did this


China lied. People died.

This. They have been sold out everywhere ever since this kicked off in China.

all medics should be using tear drops every 3 hrs.

China stole all our masks. I couldn't wear them if I tried.

Relative to China's population, their number of infections is very low.

Infection rates in europe are literally over 50 times higher.

I agree, masks and testing are the main difference. We are all fucked.

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Because asians are bug people assholes.

China flew ppe equipment home from other countries.

>Chinese guest workers bought 'em all up with most of the toilet paper and filterless cigarettes and sent them home to their spymasters.

Hard to agree but this is true. They raided the pharmacies for disinfectant gel and masks. So China's "generosity" is nothing but returning what they have hoarder before.

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>Why don’t Americans wear masks?
Because fuck you, that's why.

I want the weak to die.

Imagine thinking the numbers you got from a literal Godless, dog eating, no empathy having communist country are truthful.

[9:17 AM] Gilman, Josh A.
China flew ppe equipment home from other countries. amp.baka.com.au/national/second-developer-flies-82-tonnes-of-medical-supplies-to-china-20200326-p54e8n.html

why did a bunch of chinese nationals buy up masks and shit around the world a month before this broke out?

Because our media that is under Chinese control discouraged mask use so that China could quietly buy all of them. Now we have none.

Never trust a chinaman to tell the truth

>Chinese control

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Because Europe is telling the truth about numbers. And I think we are even inflating them with old ppl dying from other causes even when they have the virus.

If you don’t think the first thing the Chinese would do if they became the undisputed world power is leave Israel to get nuked off the map you are kidding yourself.

This is very likely.

Because we’re not little slant eyed faggots

they're all fucking sold out

Masks only work for doctors and nurses.

There are no masks to wear.

I would happily wear a mask on the (now very rare) occasions when I leave the house, but masks are utterly unavailable.

because our government tells us mask don't work and we believe them and we should constantly wash our hands

Not only are lockdowns pointless because masks are the only thing that works to mitigate the spread, they do absolutely nothing to protect the high-risk population, namely elderly people in retirement homes which are veritable death traps.
Doctors and nurses are by far the highest likely carriers of the virus and retirement homes are being infected one after another AFTER the lockdowns started.
Same deal with hospitals.

Can we start spamming this pic and these arguments until those hypochondriac, ignorant normies wake the fuck up? There is no need to punish 90% of the population while accomplishing nothing useful.

Based commentor./

>Relative to China's population, their number of infections is very low.
Their reported infection rates, which have proven to be a lie based on the view pieces of media that get through their firewall.
Fuck off chink cunt.

>hurr durr china stole masks from us
Are these all shills or what? Truth is, western governments saw there was going to be a shortage of masks that would be needed for doctors/nurses, and, since they are fundamentally incapable of telling the truth, decided to push this "masks don't help" shit.

>Imagine thinking the numbers you got from a literal Godless, dog eating, no empathy having communist country are truthful.

And South Korea? And Japan? And Taiwan? Are they ALL lying?

Every country with a culture of wearing masks has a drastically lower spread.

Wearing masks all the time is what causes this kind of boom.
Same way as if you lived in a clean room your entire life would completely fuck you up as soon as you left.
Just ask the Mayans

They're literally stealing our freedom AND killing people in the process. If normies weren't such pussies this wouldn't have bern allowed. Even if protest we would just get arrested -- it takes a high percentage of the population to change things.

>recirculate air
Where did this fucking meme start?
No airplane recirculates air except maybe Airforce One every other airplane takes air from the bypass part of the compressor before it goes to the combustion chamber. It is then filtered and expanded rapidly to cool before going to the cabin. It has to take air from outside to keep 1 atmosphere of pressure and so everyone doesn't suffucate to death. Even if an aircraft uses some recirculated air it goes through heavy carbon filters better than any p100 mask. The real shit to worry about is touching and being near that many fucking people that could be sick or sat in your seat 100 other flights ago sick.

Keep being delusional fatty

Israel owns China, and has since the 20's

By Israel, I mean Jews.

>ching chong bing bong fu wong dong
Lol we’re gonna nuke your country chink

Your homeland will be utterly destroyed.

Smart analysis. Clean your room slob.

Not coofing on people is the same as wearing a mask. Coofers have to be put in cages, and transported to coofing camp, with other coofers.

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Freedomz and individualism is what got you to where you are pasta user.

And thats a good thing!

This is definitely happening. They are also banning the treatment that Elon Musk/Trump shared data for in States. Nevada, MI etc. Hydroxychloroquine.

Most of those are for fucking pollution, and won't stop water and superfine aerosols

They probably dont have patriot chinks spitting or wiping thier snotty rags on public fixtures either

>Hillary has a 99% chance of victory Goy.
>See our graphs prove it

if you social distance, a mask doesn't matter. wash your fucking hands.

There's a balance. Clean your room but don't fucking sterilise it daily

>wash your fucking hands.
And wash your fucking penus

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TV man said "don't buy masks doctors need em"

China committed biological warfare on the Americans and other nations when they sent their agents into our countries to buy up all masks. We should nuke them now.

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>no hygiene

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you forgot the line on the bottom that shows no infections
NEETs shall inherit the earth you filthy normal niggers

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>china has pic related and more
>USA has same amount of cases and like 1 guy in new jersey who dropped in the streets

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They’ll be the first to get the Chinese rope. America is all that stood in the way.

General mask use keeps the asymptomatic majority of carriers from infecting others. Midwit doctors don't understand this: "it keeps me from infecting MY patients" -- but deployed out in the world they would keep him from having patients.

You are fool. Do you realize youre a fool? Dont procreate. For real


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Arab countries wash more after using the toilet because they wipe with their bare hand. No joke.

>Korea, Japan, Singapore
Already hated China and jumped at the first sign of opportunity to close their borders with them.

>Hong Kong
Chinese lies.

Categorization of deaths is probably the big one. Europeans are also older on average

reduces the calorie intake

They do. Masks work. They tell you they don't because there aren't enough for everybody.

How does this look when presented as % of population rather than #? Journalists will pay for the hysteria they caused, the crashing of the markets and the shattering of businesses.

I dont know.

Gotta lotta projection.
