/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2608

► Detected: 552,598 (+20,788) ► Died: 25,042 (+974)

— 3.7 billion people put under lockdown —
— 200 countries and territories infected —
— 35% more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10 —

China admits local officials were hiding new numbers

UK's prime minister infected with coronavirus

Dr. Fauci mentions risk of ADE during White House briefing

All 40,000 fans in a football game got infected

Spain buys Chinese rapid tests, only 30% work

Kidney and testicular damage found in three clinical datasets

Patients can get reinfected, no immunity after "recovery"

First randomized trial ends in failure for hydroxychloroquine

Heart attack main cause of death, not respiratory issues

Survivors will be exhausted for six months

CDC approvals delay testing in New York

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

China doctors pressured into discharging patients in mass

Pandemic to last 18 months and include multiple waves

21 million fewer cellphone users in China


05:07: First death in Uzbekistan.
04:58: 62 new cases in Queensland, Australia.
04:53: 54 new cases in Victoria, Australia.
04:51: 186 new cases in New South Wales, Australia.
04:48: 14 new deaths in Germany.
03:50: 134 new cases and 3 new deaths in California, United States.
03:39: 91 new cases and 1 new death in Thailand.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Take the somewhere in between pill to avoid being a seething nothingburgerfag or the extremely damaging to our society with the collapse of many governments and loss of significant life however not the loss of all total life as that is unrealistic and humanity will inevitably rebound as it has done before level event poster by the end of this.

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Proof read your pasta

Societal collapse is inevitable, take the anarcho-primitivism pill now!

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who much prep is good prep? are 3 months worth of food enough?

600K tonight or tomorrow?

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i mean how much

>this thread is still going on
Seriously? We have all under control in flag-related and we are not even in querantine. Go back to work.

who /herdimmunity/ here??

I type it out anew everytime and do 0 error checking for complete authenticity.

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Don't forget about 3 months worth of water.
3L per person per day.

Is it finally over in Italy?

Slight headache is how it starts, right? I only had five hours of sleep, but I feel a bit warm in my face as well.

Hard to tell. I say 50/50

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Godspeed Corona chan!

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No sorry, but you do have aids

The way it goes I wouldn't be surprised with we're going to breach 750k by tomorrow and 1 million come Monday or Tuesday latest.

So why are germans not dying? we could pay off our 60million debt

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I am scared shitless to go to the grocery store

Not everyone is gonna die but lots of people will.

>who much prep is good prep
One-two friends, and stock of 7-8 girls i think is enough to survive the apocalypse.

Report all non essential travelers to your local authorities(assuming you don't live in a braindead state where they are still letting retards go out)

Still more threads than deaths in US

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>inevitably rebound as it has done before level event poster by the end of this.

>i hate freedom please rape my face

here we go lads almost -5%

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Difference in healthcare capability and in how deaths are counted.

Didn’t buy a full face respirator with P100 filters in January when pol told you to?


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United States 85,755 (1,304) China 81,340 (3,292) Italy 80,589 (8,215) Spain 64,059 (4,858) Germany 47,373 (285) Iran 32,332 (2,378) France 29,155 (1,696) Switzerland 12,311 (207) United Kingdom 11,658 (578) South Korea 9,332 (139) Netherlands 8,603 (546) Austria 7,393 (58) Belgium 7,284 (289) Portugal 4,268 (76) Canada 4,043 (39) Norway 3,677 (16) Turkey 3,629 (75) Australia 3,180 (13) Sweden 3,046 (92) Israel 3,035 (11) Brazil 2,988 (77) Malaysia 2,161 (26) Czech Republic 2,062 (9) Denmark 2,010 (52) Ireland 1,819 (19) Luxembourg 1,453 (9) Ecuador 1,403 (34) Japan 1,387 (47) Chile 1,306 (4) Romania 1,292 (24) Poland 1,289 (16) Pakistan 1,252 (9) Thailand 1,136 (5) Saudi Arabia 1,104 (3) Indonesia 1,046 (87) Finland 1,038 (5) Russia 1,036 (3) South Africa 927 (2) Greece 892 (27) Iceland 890 (2) India 860 (20) Philippines 803 (54) Diamond Princess 712 (10) Singapore 683 (2) Panama 674 (9) Slovenia 632 (9) Argentina 589 (13) Mexico 585 (8)…

United States +320 (+9) China +55 (+5) Spain +6,273 (+493) Germany +3,435 (+18) Iran +2,926 (+144) Switzerland +500 (+15) South Korea +91 (+8) Netherlands +1,172 (+112) Austria +484 (+9) Belgium +1,049 (+69) Portugal +724 (+16) Norway +305 (+2) Sweden +206 (+15) Israel +342 (+3) Malaysia +130 (+3) Denmark +133 (+11) Romania +263 (+1) Thailand +91 (+1) Indonesia +153 (+9) South Africa (+2) Philippines +96 (+9) Slovenia +70 (+3) Argentina (+1) Mexico +110 (+2) Iraq +76 (+4) Serbia (+1) Lebanon +23 (+1) Lithuania +46 (+1) Tunisia +30 (+1) Albania +12 (+2) Moldova (+1) Cameroon +13 (+1) Uzbekistan +8 (+1) Nicaragua (+1) Australia +130 Brazil +3 Czech Republic +137 Poland +68 Pakistan +51 Saudi Arabia +92 Finland +80 Russia +196 Iceland +88 India +133 Estonia +37 Croatia +56 Hong Kong +64 Bahrain +8…


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i find it funny that the UK has more cases then the entire state of Texas


naaaaah... peak, yeah maybe.

there will be still cases and deaths rising, just not that fast anymore

>flattening the curve

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The nervous system This is where it gets interesting. The ability to infect nerve cells is, while not unheard of, extremely rare. It is common knowledge that HSVintegrates itself into nerve cells, effectively “hiding” beyond the reach of the immune system. HIV similarly hides in immune CD4+ T-cells and remains latent for years. Herpes is mildly symptomatic; breakouts occur occasionally, the immune system handles them, and the virus remains dormant. HIV, through a different mechanism, acts similarly, remaining dormant and latent for so long as the immune system, and any medical treatments, can keep it in check. Neither of these diseases, however, cause such severe symptoms while in latency. SARS-CoV-2 acts very differently.Rather than remaining dormant, it continues to replicate, spreading throughout nerve tissue, no longer vulnerable to the immune system. While doing so, it also spreads back into the body and causes reinfection,100% of the time. Due to the way the virusattacks CD4 immune cells, in the same manner as HIV, the body is unable to develop immunity. Reinfection is just as deadly, perhaps moreso, and inevitable.Heart damage continues, and can be lethal. Pneumonia is actually milder upon reinfection, as the immune system is largely exhausted

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Go for it, your quads shall protect you.

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got around 1 month of food, if more is needed it means civilization has collapsed and it doesnt matter already

Shortest duration leadership in the UK if he dies in three weeks?

Anyone who disagrees is a bernie baby that simply doesn't want another Trump presidency. Sorry to disappoint you but socialism will never get a hole in the USA, even if it means sacrificing the elderly! :)

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>my freedom is more important than the safety of the rest of the country
Americans are the most selfish people to ever exist

>only 3 recovered cases in the Netherlands

Sorry bearbro, money printer go brrr

600,000 tonight and 1 million Saturday

Texas has 28 million people, the UK has 67 million

He's 55 and will receive early treatment 24/7. He'll be fine.

>are not even in querantine
Why lying pedro? Only pinguços are not quarantined.


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> literally everyone who is positive tested for covid is counted

guy could die in a carcrash and would count for covid deaths

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>All 40,000 fans in a football game got infected
But that didn't happen.

What is /cvg/'s stance on this virus? I never come into these threads so I don't know if you guys are convinced it's extremely deadly, or if it's a nothingburger. In any case I did some rough estimates and the numbers just don't make any sense. People die more of flu/pneumonia every year than COVID-19. Even at its current rate, if this carried on for a year, New York alone would less impacted by this than flu/pneumonia among other things that kill people yearly more, like heart disease.

Is there something I'm missing?

United States (-3.40%) Germany (-4.17%) France (-4.06%) United Kingdom (-4.80%) Italy (-2.98%) Switzerland (-3.44%) Spain (-3.32%) Austria (+0.00%) Poland (-0.40%) Netherlands (-3.26%) Hungary (+0.00%) Russia (-6.80%) Greece (+0.00%) Brazil (-5.61%) Japan (+1.47%) Hong Kong (-0.76%) China (+0.06%) Australia (-7.35%) Singapore (+0.04%) India (-1.57%) South Korea (+1.78%) Taiwan (-3.83%) South Africa (-4.97%)

Sydney (-5%) Tokyo (-13%) Beijing (-36%) Wuhan (-21%) New Delhi (-90%) Dubai (-15%) Moscow (-4%) Rome (-36%) Milan (-23%) Berlin (-32%) Munich (-22%) Brussels (-35%) Paris (-41%) Madrid (-46%) Barcelona (-42%) London (-35%) Johannesburg (-41%) Sao Paulo (-46%) Buenos Aires (-44%) New York (-44%) Washington (-22%) Miami (-21%) Toronto (-28%) Chicago (-32%) Houston (-23%) Mexico City (-57%) Los Angeles (-28%) Seattle (-19%)

India (1.3b) China (760m) Pakistan (205m) United States (196m) Mexico (129m) Egypt (97m) Germany (82m) Philippines (70m) Brazil (66m) France (66m) United Kingdom (66m) Italy (60m) South Africa (56m) Colombia (49m) Spain (46m) Argentina (44m) Ukraine (42m) Poland (37m) Morocco (35m) Peru (32m) Venezuela (32m) Malaysia (31m) Nepal (29m) Australia (24m) Romania (19m) Netherlands (17m) Ecuador (16m) Belgium (11m) Tunisia (11m) Czech Republic (10m) Greece (10m) Portugal (10m)…


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>every freedom except my freedom to life
do Americans really?

Man that's rich coming from a fucking chink

Lmao this nigger did a 180 fast
Hope he dies painfully of this

Because they can't test the whole population every single hour, let alone every day.
No country can.
The only cases recorded are those observed.
Use your fucking head.

What the fuck happened to UK? It's a goddamn circus.

sorry i mean in terms of land mass since I'm an incompetent moron i forgot about population density woopsie

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It's basically a hoax.

Corona-chan has a slow as fuck fuse. It's not like a flu that you can fight off in a day or three. You might be over it in a week, or you might be in the hospital on day 8. That's what fucks with the death rate, there's lag time.

will re=red when I wake up

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if you think Uncle Ted is a anarcho-primitivist I'd suggest you read his writings on the matter

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Can you smell that anons?

Correct The Record is here, and their ilk... in droves.

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very interesting.


how often does this long-time (self/re-)infection thing happen?

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In Spain and Italy they call it the biological bomb, since it was a match between a Spanish and Italian team, and it's believed to be the reason both are worse off than the rest of Europe. One quarter of the professional team also got infected.

A Jewish hoax. Pure pilpul

Individualism has made people arrogant here. Everyone seems to think they're above obeying the law. I hope this virus kills millions.

>Is there something I'm missing?
Yes. A functioning brain.

how many other nations leaders will get it?

Trump? Macron?

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I have thought I got the Chan at least three times so far. Once I was really spaced out and felt like flu onset. I haven't got the chan.

That's how it do be in Italy.
Other krautanons gave the impression that is not how it's working in Germany so that gives a lower deathtoll.

Chinks want us to accelerate. However, unlike/pol/, they want China to survive instead of the whole world happening.

Is this the new shill tactic? The nothingburgers sounded so retarded, that they have to shift to "almost nothingburger" mode? Sorry, but this virus will be extremely damaging, and it will result in significant loss of life.

>People die more of flu/pneumonia every year than COVID-19. Even at its current rate, if this carried on for a year, New York alone would less impacted by this than flu/pneumonia among other things that kill people yearly more, like heart disease.
>Is there something I'm missing?
yea you fucking retard you're missing the fact that they have barely tested anyone. The numbers are likely MUCH higher than reported. Like I said in the last thread AT THE BARE MINIMUM 1 million will die in america from this

So i went to yandex to find out wtf is this.
>pic related is one of first images

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Burgers i hope you got your INCH bag ready to go, time to prep is rapidly closing in.

Alright I made a mess of my shitty explanation but he does talk about it


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Bro's, i'm so tired of washing my hands every time i take a shit

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How can you die with those fib number quads

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Bio-terrorist Sam Hyde here.

Because they actually know how to count.

Every other country dismisses patients while they're still sick, and then tallies that in the recovered.

I designed this virus to kill everybody in humanity, it's got a 100% mortality rate.

It's a nothing burger.

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Same here user... perhaps you have just a mild case, like most?


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also look at this shit healthy young people are dying all over the world and retards are still going

These are always so fitting.


Keep parroting that as you stand in the street and clap for the NHS like the mongoloid that you are.

Yes but not as bad as some people claim.
I was instructed to not refer to it as
as it was too confusing.

I wonder though how hosed is Japan? I heard They have only done 10,000 tests. and since there population density is so high especially in areas like Tokyo and akibhara they should have more infected that haven't been counted yet right?

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>is there something I'm missing

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How long do we still have before they shut this down and maybe the internet as we know it, in the name of misinformation & protecting the populace from an invisible threat?

Fair enough but
>All 40,000 fans in a football game got infected
It is not true that ALL 40,000 fan got infected at the game.






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Agree 100% I knew from the start this wasn't a nothingburger, and I freely admit I thought this was THE happening, but as new data comes in, you have to adjust and update your outlook. This is still a happening for sure, but it's not going to be what the doomers (myself included) thought it was going to be. But I will say this, it shows how fucked we are in the face of a real microbe happening.

>Infected: 552,598

Ahahahaha how long has been 25,042? Four days? Five days?

In the disastrous SECOND WAVE, as soon the lickdowns are lifted.
There is nothing worse for a disaster than the FALSE assumption that "everything is allright NOW".

Guys, where can I get that disease deaths per day graph from? Is coronachan number 1 yet?

officially you could find a rotten corpse of a girl who was raped and killed months ago, test it on corona and if it's positive it counts

well that's what the officials say so depending on how many layers of tinfoilhats you use ....

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>85k cases

Remember if you decide to take zinc to "boost" your immune system, that it competes with copper in your body, which may lead to other health problems if you don't take both together.

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>fuck Chechnya

>when you say nothingburger but the tentacles keep pushing out through the void

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Hey OP you should include this one.

45000 in Wuhan waiting to collect urns. From the cremated.

you don't understand the growth of this virus. had non measures to control spread been taken, it would have been a fucking catostrophe. The world still fucked it up, so it's going to be bad to some degree. Flu numbers will be easilly reached and definitely surpassed, and consider this is simply ONE virus, not the half dozen or so that contribute to all flus. Doubling your deaths is not a good thiing, and it's just going to be double. The r0 is on the low side between 2.0 and 2.4, double that of the flu, and up to as much as 6 to 8. Uncontained literally every person on this earth would get this virus very quickly. We'd have tens of millions of deaths, maybe even well over a hundred. The measures taken now are necessary and still lacking.

the world is endiiiiiiiiiing

It's not really accurate to compare it to other stats because those are modelled estimates while corona is actual recorded cases
Last i saw it overtook the Hep C estimate per day tho

give coronachan

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i'm just taking zinc to cum like a hose when this all ends desu

idk man
mortality rate keeps rising
its about 16% now
i wont be surprised if it reaches 20% or 25%
if it reaches 25% and infects 60% of the global population as many experts are projecting...
That'll be
***840 MILLION*** people dead

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In krautland they're saying they're doing that?
Western media said you're not testing the dead or counting anyone with another possible cause.

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Maybe Posh Spice will smile now?

>45000 in Wuhan waiting to collect urns. From the cremated.
You know the CCP just used a shovel to add whatever ash they had and put it in to a bucket. No way those are even the people that died.
Fucking sad

Here's your dopamine kick. Now leave.

Nothingburger, digits will confirm

>markets drop
Wait, why isn't the new brrrrrr being priced in?

really fucking based, didnt expect to meet some primmies on here

He doesn't understand it himself.
He's a charlatan.

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The numbers aren't even close to accurate though. I guarantee we've had a few days already where 10,000+ have died from corona

>Allow URLs over 256 character was a mistake

That isn't an argument though. New York is currently leading in deaths, and if this carried on for a year at its current pace, it still wouldn't be more deadly than the common flu, let alone more deadly than other things that kill people on a yearly basis.

I wasn't in the last thread. Also, the ratio of dead vs recovered is overwhelming. More people recover than they die from this. If it's a matter of not everyone being tested, we still have some numbers to go off of, and honestly if there is a large percentage of people not being tested and just carry on with their lives rather than throwing themselves in the hospital, this should tell you that the death rate is lower, not higher. It literally has nothingburger written all over it.

I don't take LARP at face value.

Sweden just limited the maximum gathering of people to 50.

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Every dumb asshole who mocks her gets a visit.

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You are wrong on nearly every point. Even if the wu flu did kill fewer people than the flu, it's an exponential threat that is still growing, where as the flu has already spread to the max.

However, the wu flu is now killing more people per day than the seasonal flu, and it's still spreading exponentially, so it can't even be said that this virus is "less than the flu". Pic related.

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>the biological bomb
This term is BASED as implicitly denote a bioweapon.
"Ma che cazzo! We hadn't said that the bioweapon is a bioweapon, just that it's a "bioweapon"! CAPICE?"

Goddamn, imagine being this fucking stupid.

What a fucking weird 180

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Here's the slowest version.

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You should worry about your own numbers you faggot

>There is nothing worse for a disaster than the FALSE assumption that "everything is allright NOW".

yeah, also my point of view when it comes to corona


why wouldn't same things already happen in the first wave ?

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Oh man, this stew I just made is fucking delicious. I was skeptical at first but after two to three bites I was gobbling it down. So filling. Now I'm just going to let it cooldown and put it in a few sealable dishes and I'll have a bunch of prepped meals.

And the best part is that I didn't need to eat a fucking bat like some mongrel.

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Agreed. I fucked up. Sorry better American.

Nice try Corona Chan nice try


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The truth has been spoken

>j-just 2 more weeks until a widely available, 100% safe and effective vaccine bro

Questions. Why are no USA Native American Indian Reservations showing infections? No media. Why are no USA Amish or Mennonite community showing infections. No media. Also have you noticed..as stressed out as everyone is.. no more mass shootings.


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I fucking hope so.
I see too many young ded reports. Ok they're outliers but they're still dead.

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