Pornographic facebook post reported and not taken down

When did facebook become a porn site?

Attached: facebook agenda.jpg (1958x920, 225.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>using Zuckbook in 2020
Fuck off normie fag

when your mother set up an account

She’s ugly

report them again for not social-distancing and see what happens

kek op btfo

how are you finding this stuff?

>talk bad against beervirus
>post interacial porn

well she fucks nogs, so.

If it’s bbc it’s a-ok


what do spics do when their girls burn the coal?

post the video

Post the vid you worthless shitcunt

HOW DARE YOU post this and not post the vid???

You might save interracial pron to your computer but I'm not a cuck, go find it yourself if you wanna watch it so bad

Absolutely nothing. Some Chicano faggots will start claiming that they “disown them,” but this is pure bullshit. There are quite a few mestizoid-negroid running around as of the past decade.

Why does UK have so many cucks?

Report her for hate speech (showing that there are only two genders). She'll be gone before this page refreshes.

is there any race or culture left on this planet who does something when their daughters get blacked?

Same reason America does, Angloids.

Attached: 44E6A1BF-F3F8-4ACC-91F5-3255BB37C232.jpg (879x1024, 278.46K)


this picture is sad as fuck

Link it

Where I live (SoCal), just Armenians and maybe Greeks and Russians. They will actually disown them if their daughters date outside of other Armenians (with only very liberal ones being exceptions to this.)

It’s Americans expressing their “European heritage.”

Attached: 448F3F26-DC5D-4F30-AF56-8D3DA9CA1DD6.jpg (760x1024, 137.37K)

Modern America in one picture. The 2020s are gonna be even worse than the 2010s

Attached: 1584039757835.jpg (1256x708, 118.98K)

facebook com/100014750469623/videos/815533085615033/


A shame that the most famous armenians in burgerland are all coal burners

Attached: 91yvuw+cczL._RI_.jpg (2400x1800, 614.19K)

They are only half. Their father is Armenian, but their mother is some mongrel mutt.

just another white woman in her natural habitat.

>Ivette Gomez

I dont have faceberg mutt can you webm?

fucking christfags

that account has like hundreds of videos people fucking lol

She is clearly nonwhite by her facial features. Fucking mutts like you think that light skin = white.

Do people find these women attractive?
I legitimately don't. I think it's the facial structure. Something about it to me.

Link to the vid on FB

short url. at/ uyCY4

Attached: BlackSunEclipse.png (1000x550, 101.03K)

>Something about it to me.
Plastic surgery. And only subhumans find them attractive.

It’s the beauty standard for 15 year old girls. Nobody else cares.

you don't need a jewberg to watch it
facebook com/100014750469623/videos/815533085615033/

I notice it too. It's probably all the fuckin makeup they wear and the surgeries they've had to construct their faces.

they look like they're wearing masks.

շատ լաւ

>fucks some nigger, films it and puts it on her own facebook page herself

What's her endgame?

I don't have fb account is she pornstar or what?

I just typed in the Facebook name and there was legit child porn on that page.

Just reported it.

get kikes and upboats

Sound plan, big brained af

bullshit I went there and there are only ugly sand people and pajeets fucking

Me on the right

Attached: image[1].png (640x203, 135.55K)

The bitch is White. The Facebook page in question is just a troll page filled with porn.

>When did facebook become a porn site?
As soon as the CIA launched it online.


Built for bbc

Now try reporting a right-wing opinion

Lol that was quick he busted in two seconds

Attached: USOFUNNY.png (400x271, 114.38K)

why do you even care? just don't watch it moron.

Literally scrolled through briefly and came up on cp.
What the fuck is wrong with these people

the root of it all

How young? I probably wouldn’t link that shit also, if I were you.

It's a black guy, so it's ok.

that's in bristol, WI. most of the people in pic are filthy chicongo escapees.

Attached: 1566010934027.gif (278x214, 1.31M)

Literally the country next to yours does you retard

I just realized that OP is probably a fed, and all you idiots that are looking at that page are going to get v& for looking at cp. Good job, retarded coomers.

>women praying to false idols
this is why we didn't let them vote or own property for the last 12,000 years.

Attached: Femcel 40prcnt less Synaptic Density.jpg (1334x694, 342.4K)

fuckin hell these pajeets on fb are literal subhumans

There's a nigger in it. Racial mixing is desirable and overcomes pornography ban.

>Modern America in one picture
>French PM with 2 French dudes next to him

OP is bucking the trend by not conforming to Mutt's Law.
Aaaaand here comes a fellow American

Attached: muttlaw.png (750x751, 83.04K)

Wish this bitch got into blacked

me on the right