Why do people in Europe and the US still refuse to wear surgical masks en masse?
>but they don't protect you from getting infected!
THAT'S NOT THE POINT. The point is you don't know if you're an asymptomatic carrier or not. So if a population just go and wear masks indiscriminately, you're effectively halting the spread.
>but it's a cultural thing
It's a fucking life or death thing you silly goose.
Surgical masks
because they are wet after 30 minutes, so you have to change them all the time and wee barely have enough for the doctors and nurses that really need them.
just stay in side and keep some distance when shopping food.
This guy gets it
Because the fucking chinks stole them all you fat cunt.
>Why do people in Europe and the US still refuse to wear surgical masks en masse?
chinks bought them all and sent them to chinkland, you dumb chink.
also this
If only you didn't outsource literally all your mask production to China.
You'd think this sort of essential protection for your medical staff would be produced within your own national borders.
i'm boycotting anything chinese, and so should you. Chinese have caused the world big problem. Throw away all chinese electroci device. Throw away all clothe made in china. Throw away your rice. Made in china bad, do not
Here in France we had a bunch of stocks but our government gave it all up to China, so they've been telling us masks are useless anyway.
Not our way of life, bugman.
There is none left in stores and have to make DIY
They do prevent you from getting infected. They aren't a guarantee but they certainly help. Why are all these retards saying they do nothing?
Why did your nation allow the Chinese to steal an essential supply for your nation's medical infrastructure?
>Chinese produces everything for the fraction of European prices
>keep telling yourself that you should run companies that are uncompetitive.
I support boomercide.
The Chinese shipped them all back to China because they are soulless bug creatures who are loyal to China.
No he doesn't. People literally only have to have one trip or two a week to get essential groceries but go bare faced because there are not enough masks available anyway. Japan, Taiwan and even Korea have relatively low rates of infection because they do have fucking masks.
>You'd think this sort of essential protection for your medical staff would be produced within your own national borders.
not necessary. this worldwide pandemic is a situation that never happened before in the history of mankind and we will definitely change the way we produce stuff when it's all over, but before that there was never a shortage of medical products or equipment in any hospital.
Essential supplies should never be outsourced. You're not producing them to make a profit, you're producing them to survive as a nation.
They didn't steal shit, our government gave it up willingly and never thought we wouldn't be able to replenish the stocks ever because it all comes from China tbw. We are ruled by clowns.
I agree with you OP, but we are out of masks. That's the problem.
Chinese tourists in Europe emptied all our stores of masks.
Because we're run by spineless, gutless, short sighted dimwits who are deathly afraid of offending their Chinese overlords.
>chinese tourists
I mean chinese terrorists.
It's not stealing if we are retarded.
Westerners have become so arrogant and obnoxious to the point that theyd rather risk catching or spreading a deadly disease than risk losing social approval. We have had it so good for so long (relative to the rest of the world) that we can't imagine how our civilization could be brought to its knees. It's survival of the fittest and the west is losing.
It's because many national health agency says that filter masks will not protect people unless they are healthcare workers. So idiots think it is that way.
Because i want it to spread
That's not true the media be spreading lies
Because I want to infect as many people as possible.
you need millions of these mask every day in every lab or hospital or dentist or whatever, it's simply the best solution to let china produce such a product. but again, that will change after the pandemic is over, but no one could expect such a situation, so there was no need to change the import of these masks.
>we are out of masks
This is such a weak argument. Slovakia had zero masks and everyone made one at home. Now you can't find anyone without a mask on the streets
You guys need to be stronger than this. You can't just let the Chinese walk in and take your stuff.
Because all your insect sleeper cell agents bought up everything worldwide and sent it back home to chinkland
>filter masks will not protect people
that's true, tho. you have to cover your eyes for full protection, but as OP said, the masks are not for protecting you, it's for protecting others
China bulk purchased most of the world's mask supplies directly from the manufacturers back in Jan-Feb. They then nationalized 3M factories in China, who are responsible for 50% of the world's mask production,and refused to ship them overseas.
Chinese companies in the west were instructed to get their employees to buy masks, sanitizer and other essentials from local stores, then ship them back to China. Same goes for Daigou shoppers.
The chinks robbed us to intentionally make the pandemic worse in our nations. This is a fact.
Everybody is wearing them at grocery stores here
I go wear a full mask to buy groceries.
China was telling everyone there was nothing to worry about and get this, they actually believed them lmao
Go back to facebook.
go to work, Max
In a silver lining, I think this has given a lot of people red pills about the chink virus and will hopefully stem the quiet purchasing of our country
Because the chinks bought them all and aren't sending more, so we've had to crash start the entire industry here to make what we need.
The communist chinks will pay for what they have done.
I'm talking about surgical masks reserve that were meant for our hospitals. Nobody can buy that shit. This isn't off the shelf kind of stuff. Our government took the entirety of our surgical masks reserves and sent them to China.
>The chinks robbed us to intentionally make the pandemic worse in our nations
I agree, we've all been in the middle of a war for 2 months and hardly anyone realises it
Eurpoors are self retards in general.
>the US still refuse to wear surgical masks en masse?
Because this “pandemic” is media driven mass scare and is fake and gay
because the CDC are lying faggots who say they don't help and normies believe them
Don't worry about it. We have learned a lot from this experience and we won't allow chinks to do this, or anything, ever again.
>Because this “pandemic” is media driven mass scare and is fake and gay
nihao, to you, fellow westener. nothing to worry here, it's just a big jewish scheme, that every government on this planet is following.
both of this. they talk bad about masks and say they are useless, because there arent enough.
Also you can wear P2 and P3 masks for up to 8 hours and I'm sure you can wear surgical masks for longer than 30 minutes, too.
It happens every ~100 years
But your foundation myth probably only reaches as far back as the Reich....
funny pic, serbia strong
even P3 masks have a tolerance of 8%
permeability by the DIN and other standards.
There is studies and other stuff that prove, even the cheapest mask is more protective than no-mask at all. Especially if a large number of people is wearing masks.
>We have learned a lot from this experience and we won't allow chinks to do this, or anything, ever again.
What will Canada do if China does? Ship them your garbage?
because the surgeon general said they don't help and people are still quaint enough to think the USA isn't a third world shithole where the surgeon general blatantly lies to people
back to facebook with you, hush hush.
This isnt the right place for you.
it's for the elite
>media says its a nothingburger
>complete silence from qtards
>media changes the narrative and you retards flood the board with your brainlet takes
Can you faggots fuck off back to facebook already, everyone thinks you and all the other summerfags are retarded.
Ching chongs bought every fucking mask and mailed them back to china in January
>It happens every ~100 years
nigga, when was the last global pandemic, that literally span over the entire planet?
definitely not at a time, where travelling by plane was common for everyone and the economy of every country was depending on exports.
Because we're run by yellow fever Boomer cucks
As I said before, why is this allowed?
They are an essential supply for every nation's modern medical infrastructure.
>fuck off back to facebook already
No U
stupid goys, DIE !!!
>It's a fucking life or death thing you silly goose.
Why the fuck should I care if other people die? If I'm an asymptomatic carrier, I don't give a fuck if I spread it to other people.
They don't want to cause panic and racism against chinks because everyone knows why there aren't any on the shelves
We have lunatic traitors in the government who just don't think in that way. China is not our problem, but the poison within.
and I thought you couldn’t get more fag than Trudeau
Actually plenty of people were saying its retarded to outsource everything to China. Whole books have been written on the topic. Greedy cheapass boomers overruled them.
You'd think people would regard this bullshit as treason and demand some heads, but there's nothing but pussies and browns left in this country.
>because they are wet after 30 minutes, so you have to change them all the time
doctors are wearing them for days now
thats some dumb falacy feed to normies beacuse they want to save any mask for doctors and hospitals so merkel can be treated while you die. They just dont want "unessential" people to use up the supply
people dont even wear it just for 30minutes for a short visit at the neighbourhood store
>If only you didn't outsource literally all your mask production to China.
So thats your real problem CIA nigger.
Anyone can spin up absurd reasoning however he likes. What if 5 comets hit the German companies producing all essential stuff therefore we need to diversify supply chains.
The supply chain is built up for medical purposes not for catastrophes. We DO have essential supply for medical purposes.
The entire worlds production cap cannot cope with the demand for this pandemic. No "muh free market" company would prepare for this case if one would then the issue wouldnt exist with or without outsourcing.
What you are asking would be a state subsidized state controlled company producing mask after a strict plan regardless of profitability or a "muh protectionist" ban on foreign imports to privilege domestic companies. You are literally asking us to become the China you are shilling against.
There are no reserves. The same streams that doctors and dentists use any member of the public can buy out. My dentist is only doing emergencies because he is out of masks. He told me they were having a hard time sourcing them in January
if it won't protect me then why the fuck would i wear it?
Do you have family members?
>something something gay something
The first three letters of your ID rhyme with what you are, faggot.
I'll believe that when we start revoking chink passports and sending them back. We are essentially covered in literally 100,000s of chink agents
I wear a mask, gloves and goggles for when I need to go outside and know how to take them off properly
Cost me a very small amount of money too. Hell my mum is so bored at home that she's making surgical masks.
Our governments are fucking traitors and hate the common man
>doctors are wearing them for days now
literally not true. nigga i lived in singapur for 3 years and everyone changed their mask before entering and after leaving a store, because they were damped as hell. try it yourself.
>why the fuck would i wear it?
For social points and to keep the mask Jew happy
spanish flu
>For social points
but i'm not norman
btw to clarify i have respirators with p100 filters with a 1-way exhale valve. meaning that my inhaled air is filtered but not my exhaled, so i am protected from others but if i'm a carrier then oh well, i don't give a fuck
There aren't enough masks, so government and health officials lie and tell people that they're useless so healthcare workers have enough for their own. That's all there is to it, it's not about ideology or ignorance.
> I wear a mask, gloves and goggles for when I need to go outside and know how to take them off properly
Hahahahaha you women, I bet you’re a sight
Manlet with euro weeny
Oh god shut the fuck up zoomer... Not all countries function the same.
We literally had hundreds of millions of masks part of the national reserve. France is a big country, unlike fucking Canada.
Why do you care about what strangers think of you? Are you a woman?