My question is

how did you manage to build a society ?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-27 Pa grocery store tossed $35K worth of food after woman purposely coughed on fresh produce, owner says.png (757x757, 706.37K)

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We killed troublemakers and exiled some of them.

When we built the society women were not allowed freedom. When the gained freedom and independence society began to crumble

this we shot women like this on site

You purge the sociopaths and psychopaths first.

Bruh we had that guy in Aichi who knew he was infected and went bar hopping with the intention of spreading it. Trying to infect people isn’t specific to one country.


*burned her at the stake

double nigger

This is not a minority who did this by the way before you racists start up, it was a white woman.

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Without chinks.

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I need a better profile, that face looks...
Another Malthusian nutcase is my guess.

how long does the virus even survive on plastic?

she's white

Our veggies aren't bagged most of the time.

I find this hard to believe. Even a full aisle of fresh meat would be nowhere near 35k, fruit and veg even less.

Our produce sections can be 30 by 50 feet in our 1970-1990 era layouts. Far bigger in newer.

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Fucking google, I ask for a US market, and I get some chink shit.

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Everything is massive in the USA. Even produce sections.

Sounds like a chink Super spreader. You niggers like to kill yourselves, so would anyone be surprised you wanna take others with you on your kamikaze ride to hell?

Women just want to see the world burn.
You read that right the first time, there's no "some" missing in that sentence.

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Our forefathers were wise and industrious men, who in the vast wilderness created a nation with their own blood, sweat, and tears that rose from obscurity to become the greatest superpower on the planet, with a golden economy, a golden living standard, and a golden people. Then, things started to decline on multiple fronts, our economy, people, and way of life was undermined until it was a shell of it's former self, and here we stand, watching it finially fall apart. It should be a testament to the creators of this nation that it has lasted this long in the first place, despite the decline.

You tell me fucko, considering our government is covering up the corona cases and isn't testing people and it was all in the name of keeping the Olympics happening, even when it was clear that with a pandemic that it would be canceled.

Our produce sections can take up anywhere from 1/4th to 1/2 of the entire store layout.

>not a minority

Pick one

really? don't you have peeled bananas wrapped in plastic?

The fuck did you just say, Hans?

We killed or jailed the people who did this and most of our society's culture and infrastructure was built before the plague worse than Coronachan, multiculturalism.

>so would anyone be surprised you wanna take others with you on your kamikaze ride to hell?

...but why random civilians instead of the globalists responsible?

One is white thousands are not

Everything was more or less fine until Boomers. Boomers destroyed our society and don’t even have the decency to go ahead and die already. In fact many of them are still stubbornly clinging to live and work in our Senate and Congress. Boomers inherited an incredibly beautiful country. An amazing economy where one man could work at a factory and afford a home and keep his family fed while the mothers stayed at home. But, no. They fucking ruined it. Boomers:
>normalized open drug use
>normalized sexual promiscuity
>radicalized feminism
>normalized abortion
>normalized both parents working and created the latchkey kid
>normalized generational welfare
>normalized communism in our universities
>shipped our manufacturing and jobs overseas
>mass imported the third world to cheapen labor here
>have the fucking gall to blame Gen X, Y, and now Z for everything

Y'all wuz a slave colony made fertile by Anglo semen.

She's mentally ill.

Not all Boomers - only the selected chosen ones.
I know many Boomers - they all hate every single thing you listed.

Still a cunt. Though I'll admit, first thought was black. Ever since that chick who licked the ice cream and put it back.

>literally all women
What the fuck is wrong with women?

i fucking hate women

Simply put em in jail and don't give em much.
Some food some water, some bible and maybe some other books.
So they can find God and dont cause damage anymore.

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It's root is evil.

There is no point in trying to pinpoint a culprit in a closed loop endless system you inhabit. Like a footballer trying to blame his teammates.

Just say it is those who are evil, cruel, greedy. Playing linguistics with broad definitions is literally playing the Jews game . . . you racist.

People always say to me, do you only blame the Jews? I say no, of course not, define a Jew. You cannot because it is a metaphysical idea. I say to them that I blame anyone who has subverted society and that there is endless historical evidence that large portions of the Jewish society have engaged in these behaviours whenever in a foreign country because of innate tribalism.

The boomers are the first entire generation of humanity to be institutionalised from cradle to grave. How is that their fault?

You don't blame a retard for being a retard as it is in itself retarded.

You blaming this 'boomer' is the same as this 'boomer' blaming 'young people'.

Why not just say ' subverters, thieves and gluttons have ruined society' and let them identify themselves, 'why do you pick on jews' well no I don't, I pick on subverters thieves and gluttons, I don't even recognise what a 'jew' is.

The "woman" who did this was a Chink, by the way.

Funny, the Talmud teaches most of this stuff, except the blending in.

We used to keep our browns in containment zones so everything worked. now we dont and everything is slowly coming apart.

They didn't, the ancestors of theirs that were White did.

The rajneeshee attack in 84 was led by a woman. She put salmonella on salad bars and got 750 people sick so they wouldnt vote in some small town election.

Poison and seduction. Kids should learn about Circe not Gal Gadot the astrophysicist

Nopez that's a guilt ridden response.

If they try to destroy society then they have made their quarry and they have brought about their own punishment and so the blood stays on their hands.

Kill them as anything from the almighty God down to a street dog would if threatened similarly.

>If I’m unhappy everyone else should be too.

>they were the first to be institutionalized from cradle to grave
>it’s not their fault
Fuck no. It absolutely fucking IS their fault. The first thing they did after the Civil Rights movement was groom Black America to suck the Welfare teet, breed, and hate whites. Then wagged their fingers at their children and told them it was “racist” to point out the obvious. Practically every boomer you will talk to did not retire until they were damn near 60. That’s because they were gaming the retirement system by “retiring” from a state or private institution to go back fulltime in another, all the while sneering st Gen X for being unemployed losers stuck in dead-end entry-level jobs. If they weren’t brain-dead draft dodging hippies actively teaching in and corrupting our universities, they were sending their children to them. If they weren’t heading a company and shipping labor overseas, they were applauding the wave of KMarts and WalMarts coming into even the smallest of towns and destroying small businesses. These are the people who wouldn’t vote for people like Ross Perot. Each and every boomer had an active role in laying a brick that paved the way to the hell that America now is.

We'd hang 12 year olds for stealing food until law and order was established.



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>dares to call japan flag nigger
lol this faggot

-Go extra easy on women (only under law, but not in private life)
-Go super hard on minorities (both in law and in private life)
-White men getting fucked by other white men every day but nobody does anything

>Women and minorities: "fuck this"

-Women and minorities (via lawyers) run the show
-White men still getting fucked by other white men just like before. Blame minorities and women

The end

We didn't have chinks here intentionally trying to infect us with diseases

if i showed you a picture of my produce section at my local wegmans you would see otherwise.

That guy died from Corona chan right?

so the chink ran round back and nabbed the goods yeah?

ancient chinese secret!

>how did you manage to build a society ?
Kill the niggas
Kill the jews
Kill all these severe troublemakers
For the others public beatings

Fuck off changoid

Let me guess, that "woman" is a chink

less jews back then, less immigration as well. white grugs could make a decent society, and the white geniuses made dope stuff. then the big wig kikes starting coming through, loan this, loan that. try this goy, or here have another. such is life

>how did you manage to build a society ?

women stayed at home at all times no larp or meme jobs were allowed shitskins were completely banned and kikes were kept to an absolute minimum it is STILL that simple

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We didn’t. We simply inherited one and know nothing else

Meghan McCain coofed and dun goofed

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Based and Stickpilled

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Blaming women instead of the kike, found the mysoginistic shill

wanted to infect people to own trump

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>boomers are why I fail at life.
Weird, I’m not failing at life. Ever think it might be you?

>tfw Chinese revenge.

>blaming kikes instead of boomers
You know who handed our entertainment industry on a silver platter to Jews and fags? Fucking boomers.

Hans, I...

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it was a chink

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Society was built on harsh rule and exclusion
Follow the norms or get expelled

Libs can’t admit this, that’s why they want chaos

Oh, look. One kid made it out. Grats. How’s life standing slightly higher on this massive pile of shit than me? Hows that little extra bit of cash helping YOU out as our country breathes a death rattle before taking the full plunge into banana republic status?

No one wants to fuck her ugly ass. Men can mgtow after getting enough sex, realizing it's fairly overrated, all modern women are thots and they don't want to marry a thot. It's not that we want it to be like this, but we can handle not having a mate when the alternative is this shit.
Women cannot handle this at all since they are dependent on men. So the spinsters really go crazy. Why do you think modern feminists are all encouraging young girls to be sluts as "liberation"? It's because they know that's a path to female misery and they want the girls to become miserable like them.

Actions like these aren't a feature of society, they are a symptom of a lack of society. So please don't loose hope for creating a society. The symptoms of fractured societies will probably disappear automatically, if all people focus on making society work instead of thinking about things like punishment upfront. Be positive, get to know the people around you :)

Some people just want to watch the world burn >3

That's woolies in Australia.

We built the society before niggers, kikes and other parasites.