Now we shall watch as the world turns against this ruthless collectivist leadership.
Australia is a Chinese colony like Canada, what's the problem? it's their job to export resources as vassal states.
au contriare this is where China assumes world leadership while the mutt is relegated to the dustbin of history
It happened across the globe.
china is guilty of a crime against humanity
I don't understand why the USA hasn't traced all transactions and arrested everyone who did this in the USA under the war powers act. It's obvious what happened. We need to question and punish these people.
Look at this retarded china cocksucker lmao
>implying they haven't known from day 1
>implying they could do anything about it.
Australia are so mild and meek they probably thanked them after
mad how you can literally see the chinglish in this post and know whoever wrote it is a slant
pathetic hobo.
>boomer move over half of our medical factories to chinkland
>chinkland the magical place where every disease,plague, and virus originates. the common cold probably started there
>chinks lie about virus and have spies by up all supplies around the world and ship them back to china
>if you call them out they wont let any of the little shipments out
we literally need to wait for this to be over, and have factories built in america then punish them
The sooner we have a war the better, they’ll just keep buying up all our natural resources until then (once war is declared they can’t mine shit in Australia without contending with 10 million odd Ivan Milat’s)
You believe all lie you here?
And a Ching Ching to you too
And CIA to trust?
take your meds, schizo
Distrusting the CCP does not mean I trust the CIA
I really hope to see 10 million Ivan Milats vs chinks
Were working on it okay.
we just need to have 50 stealth bombers all nuke the 50 largest chinese cities at once, as well as a couple for best korea
And yet CIA bring infected into Wuhan during military game
god I hate chinks
Maybe you need meds, you put blame on China yet do nothing wrong?
>china is better at capitalism them me
>OHH NO! They plyed by the rules, BUT THEY ARE JUST BETTER THAN ME!!
Yeah, existing
kys chang
Give proof
>It's all China's fault!
imagine being this retarded
I’d like them try and supply a massive Chinese army in the Northern Territory, with the US navy and airforce raiding supply lines non stop
Put a gun in your mouth and blow the back of your insect head off chink faggot. We’re coming to fuck China into the grave.
They don't know hypocrisy
>me so hoarsy I cough you long time
>supports free market
This is just proof that Chinese have no loyalty to anywhere but China, most of us here knew that but articles like this help the normies become aware
Like those Chinese tests you bought that don’t work? Do you really think that was a mistake?
Stuff like that is only punished when white gentiles do it. Everyone else is free to do anything they want and blame white people for it.
Pretty based move desu
You don’t know English
Define "medical supplies". It's a such a loose definition it could mean anything from bed sheets to doctor clipboards.
This is a stupid and sensationalist article meant for nothing but the gain revenue clicks. For a bunch of persudo intellects Yas Forums really falls for some stupid fucking bait.
Also the title says 82 tones, while two lines below it says 80 tones, did they actually do any proof reading at all?
INB4: Chinese shill.
No, Give me and actual source for what they really sent over and I'll believe it.
British president Johnson now have COIVD 19
Where was the Britain patient zero?
Perhaps Britain bring the COIVD19 to Wuhan
We think the Britain is lie about number
This now called the Britain Virus
There’s been a few different articles about different Chinese state backed companies doing it, masks, suits, thermometers where all mentioned
Bolsonaro has it too, maybe it’s the Brazilian virus as well?
Choke on a bat dick Ching Chong.
Read the article. These chink companies were literally sending their workers out to bulk buy supplies from every store and ship it all to china. All chinks must be expelled from western nations, along with the other foreigners.
From memory: Greenland group, minmetal, petrochina, and pinyin steel (not too sure about the lasts name)
China raided in bulk Australia’s supplies of masks, hand sanitiser, antibacterial wipes and essential medical supplies and shipped them back to China.
This exercise went on for weeks through January and February.
China also sourced 3 million protective masks, 700,000 hazmat suits and 500,000 pairs of protective gloves from "Australia, Canada, Turkey and other countries."
The goods shipped in bulk to China include the very items that have been in short supply for Australian citizens as well as health professionals.
When a compilation video of all the CCP ordered chinks spreading covid-19 on doorhandles, groceries, park benches, residential and office doors, and traveling to every place on earth to buy up (read : material denial) all essential supplies in western and ONLY western countries then when people overlay the map of Chinese good standing trad partners with covid outbreaks... the normies will demand no less than fucking Global Thermonuclear war... only the worlds load will all be pointed at one place, instead of each other.
Why is it not exponentially increasing in Korea or Japan? Could it be that they are making up for the lost trade and are not getting the CCP operatives to lick every fucking toilet seat and spit on every bag of chips in the supermarket?
The backlash against even innocent Chinese will be biblical...
funny mud pee
the chinese are benefiting from this situation.
right now they are back at producing while the whole west is neutering their economy.
the chinese dont give a fuck about their own people and thats their biggest advantage these days. they can sacrifice millions when they have billions ready.
Why are countries selling their protective gear when they will need them themselves?
China did all this deliberately. Reminder their little 5th columnists were deliberately spreading the disease as well. Then they fucked our supply chains up. 4th generation warfare to get around the raw military power of the US. Just subtle enough to be unnoticed, just enough dominoes pushed to get the West on its knees.
5GW, Fifth Generation Warfare:
Non state actors, controlled by state via indirect and decentralized dead drops, with generalized non specific tasking and the target is unaware due to the attack being just below threshold of detection
Shitpost while you can, you're country is about to be thrown back into the stone age judging by your COVID infection rate.
why the fuck is he using scissors!?!?!
T. Yangwang Chang
IIRC in another article it stated it was PPE suits, ventilators, masks, air filters, gloves, actually important stuff for healthcare workers.
its projection. in reality its westerners hating themselves because they allow themselves to get hoodwinked by chang. we know how china operates. why do we do this to ourselves?
>Define "medical supplies". It's a such a loose definition
It's in the article
>surgical masks, thermometers, antibacterial wipes, hand sanitisers, gloves and Panadol for shipping.
Also :
>700,000 hazmat suits
I agree with all of that but it doesn't change the fact they beat the west in their own game
for example, they have the rare earth monopoly. 90% of it belongs to them.
boomers only thought about how much money they would have for their retirement when they started liquidating rare earth mines assets in the west to chinks
the cesium situation is dire
Thanks fellas, I'll be sure to spread these actual sources around.
It's just tax, like in feudal times, cunts have to pay their Lord's taxes.