Are you ready for the Chinese decade?

you will begin feeling chinese influence in your day to day life in the coming weeks/months.

people around you will start learning chinese as a "quirky hobby", and it will slowly seep into the educational system.

you're gonna see more and more chinese based movies coming out of hollywood.

get ready to be yellow washed.

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hehe climate change

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Interesting, has anybody else had 'WHITE GUY SPEAKS PERFECT CHINESE IN CHINA TOWN' videos pushed on them in YouTube?

I want war with China. Down with the Chinese. May we rain bombs upon them

you never sleep over at your asian friends and have mystery meat with cheap corona beer? then go to their asian neighbors house and realize every inch of the house smells like dog piss? no? why you racist

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god i cant wait until china is full of niggers in 2060

Fuck off, Tony Shaloub.

I'd quit my $200k a year job to build bombs at a significant pay reduction if it was 100% certain they would be used to carpet bomb shanghai

All chinks deserve torture and death.

sure you would, larper


OP is a faggot. Chinks are doomed without a market for their cheaply made shit. Enjoy the end of China, we all get to watch it happen in slow motion.

wtf man

yes, many times

Fucking subhuman pieces of shit, I unironically hate niggers and pakis less than slant eye cunts. Fucking murder every last fucking one. Fuck the yellow bug cunts

I mean it. I hate chinese enough to take a temporary pay cut (1 to 2 year) to ensure the world has about 1.3 billion less chinese

Over my dead fucking body, haha just kidding, in minecraft, haha I'm just kidding big brother, I welcome our chinese overlords, ahahaha im sorry please don't prosecute me for typing letters on a mongolian basket weaving forum ahahaha

fuck this entire earth full of jews chinks raping pajeets god please send fire and brimstone

A shame then. Generations of stimulus invested into white people out-breeding them would be needed to bring em' down.
Alas, that will never happen.

"For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been!'"

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ah, the spaniard outlaw offspring.
Bunch of bollocks rubbish, if you ask me, mate.

Those people are defined as white in the USA. When you say State X is 98% white, remember that these people are part of the 98% who are deemed white.

Left column, 4th from the bottom. My man Denzel Washington doing time.

More chinks, poos, niggers = more cheap international labor for Europeans and new worlders

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The mexicans learning chinese hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Get fucked chang. Build me another railroad

Gallows humour, eh?

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I'm ready for the decade of the Chinese returning to Farmers and martial artists after becoming global outcasts.

Fuck man I’m spooked as hell.
2 hours ago my mum literally turned and said “hey user do you want to learn Chinese?”
Because allergy medicine some guy was doing Skype lessons or some shot.
She just thinks it’ll be a ‘fun hobby’ for when we get Chinese takeaway, yet when I brought a learn Chinese CD several years ago she laughed and we never used it

ey yah white boiuru! why white pusspuss arvais crave chicng chong dingdong?

Your mother wants to go prowling for that chink dick

This. Government could just pay me neetbux to develop (and hopefully) ever more creative Chink killing methodologies & I'd be as happy as a clam.

Know what else does that? Killing them all.

I’m 99% certain it’s either that or she want to set me up with a Chinese girl

hey there, mr. agent Berkowitz. I recognize you.


I'd do it for free. But at least you're thinking about it Chang.

Resident evil?

>Apply lines currently shut down
>Shortages in the de-industrialized west
>Assuming we won't need goods immediately from China to prop up our service economy once this is all over
Are you retarded, user?

>people around you will start learning chinese as a "quirky hobby", and it will slowly seep into the educational system.

This is unnecessary as the Chinese already know English thanks to all the yellow fever fags going there to teach it.

learn the other bug language instead to spite her, sempai, desu

I was about to start learning chinese 2-3 months ago, but the whole corona stuff postponed it.

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Imagine actually believing this.
The US is fucking finished after this.

I'm going to start screenshotting all these types of posts so I can make fun of whichever side is wrong in 6 months.

i fucking hate them. somebody start a war already! i want to kick some ching chong ass!

one more virus and China gets nuked

hehe based fence sitter

You're absolutely retarded. It's going to take us years to regain what we lost in economic gains.

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But whichever side (US or China) comes out on top will definitely be clear within 6 months. Lest USA decides to go to war with China over it in some point after that.

Yeah, could be fun, plus I’d rather go to Japan anyway.

I don't even like China, but this comment and OP are probably right.

US manufacturing is going to go into steep decline, making the US reliant on China for masks, ventilators and all that shit to keep Ameriglobes alive and waddling.

The Chinese will milk that shit 150% for all it's worth.

stop gaslighting this shit. Some anons already got the blueballs to sperg out, so it seems.

By 2100 Africa will be full of Chinese and niggers will be extinct.

hi there chang, hope to see you soon

We can't afford to go to war. We don't have the industrial capacity to fight full-scale war. We are not an industrial power. We're a financial power

Opposite, the chinks are about to get BTFO on the world stage once this settles. Combine that with millions upon millions of chinks dying from the yellow fever, and the chinks will regress on the world stage to 1950’s level relevance
You stupid slopes think you’re really smart, but you’re not going to be able to weasel out of this one this time.
Fuck off, and sage

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People are just going to widely start learning Chinese. It’s a pain in the ass backwards retarded language and it sounds absolutely disgusting.

What are you doing in Lebanon, Chang? Exporting corona?

Yup. We're not going to be able to produce anything in the aftermath of this crisis. China has far more human capital than us at this point. The idea that we'll be able to compete with them is extremely naive at this point.

Look how it wiggles its tail at the end!
Such a happy doggo.

The Chinese are going to end up like the Germans of WWII. Strong - but surrounded by enemies. They'll attack what they consider a weak target and then be overwhelmed by the United States' resilience. The US are like Ancient Rome - they will just keep coming at you.

Yeah that guy is an annoying fag

The moment, in the American psyche, that China overtakes the USA we will start killing chinks in large quantities

Im guessing you've never been to the US?

I’m pretty sure he’s a Jew.

Absolutely based

Africa can fit Over 3 billion people there
It is one massive continent.

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Yes, fuck that soiboi fag