I am transgender, and i healed from my depression

Most extreme rightist use the depression and suicide data to make people think we are delusional... But since im a girl and i can live as one i am really happy. Went from a severe depression that made me want to end my life and now i'm afraid of dying and not live all i have to live.
My family accepts me, my friends accept me, society sees me as a female since i pass as a girl and it's amazing. Life quality going from gay boy to normal girl is huge, people treats you WAY better, specially males.
Your hatred towards trans people comes from fake news and disinformation, i have a normal life and i am oficially healed from my major depression and anxiety problems.
I think the ones who hate their lives are you, Yas Forums doomers

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post your dick you cunt

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you gotta be delusional if your happy in this world

>I am transgender
I could tell from your picture. Its a pity you still dont pass. Still great to hear you are not depressed at present and that it wont ever return reminding you that you never actually got over it and it was just a blip. Life is hard and then we make awful decisions for attention that makes it even harder.

Benis + timestamp or GTFO

I date hot guys who don't know im trans, and make out with them without them knowing anything. If you think i dont pass is because u are a repressed transexual who sees too much porn.

A tranny's life is hell (I know, I am one) so transition is just another step in hell. Maybe it works maybe it doesn't, you do what you gotta do to get through. Yas Forums is the wrong place to try and reach people though ahahah

You are a male

I used to be a regular white right wing male but with time I realized the superiority of BBC and turned myself into a girl to be a cum dumpster for BBC, and hopefully the rest of the whitebois can do the same.

>moor tranny

It is if you dont pass and your environment punishes you for it. I went through that and that's shit, it's true.

Fuck you faggot

Spain is in europe, redneck

>i healed from my depression.
Then why are you depressed?

Liam Nesrallah

>im so happy being a girl whilst having a dick

I was when i was a boy and had huge gender dysphoria.

this. also checked

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Trannyism is the ultimate cure for corona?

I'm trans and completely passable. OP is a fucking lying sack of shit. Nobody treats me like a real girl who knows I'm trans. It's lonely as fuck. No guy will ever see me as a real girl.

How old were you when you were raped/molested?

>muh we live in europe
it doesn't mean you're white, retard

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you do realize if you lived in any other society/timeline you wouldnt be able to get your female hormones and surgery, right?

Maybe in your shitty country that's like that. I live in a first world european country.

Enjoy your suicide at 30

Because you’re not a real girl. Men can sense it.

Well, I pass (honestly I don't even care about the gender shit, or passing too, I just be myself, none of this call me xir or demand people accept me shit) but the reason so many take their lives is clearly because there's just the chronic effort and toll it takes on the mind to not be normal, and to know you will never be normal. Even if you transition. People put way too much hope in the idea transition will make them happy when the road just keeps going on and all you can do is keep walking... or leave the game

Im whiter than you, retard and my whole family is spanish.


No transsexual passes into old age. Get it?

#1. Brool Story Co.
#2. Kill yourself nigger-faggot

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No one cares you deranged attention whore.
Jump motherfucker.

I was over the moon when I came out as gay at 15.
When I was 26 my dick suddenly got the urge to impregnate women. I was in a long term relationship with a man.
I realised my entire gay life was a lie and was the sole reason nothing was going right for me. I have an unconscious desire to self-destruct as a result of early trauma. Now I'm learning to undo it I am so much happier. More at peace.Good luck to you. You've been brainwashed into ruining your body and life is going to be very difficult for you.

>Most extreme rightist use the depression and suicide data to make people think we are delusional
>but since im a girl

Being gay is different from being transsexual.

Honest question - is the depression because you want people to treat you as normal, or because you want to be normal? In other words, is the cause social or biological, in your opinion?

Lol whatever bro.
Nobody is fooled, they're being polite. Everybody still thinks you are a weird fetishist.
And as you get older, you'll look more tragic.

100% real no fake + link mega

How old were you when you were raped/molested?

Both are on the 'gender-retarded' spectrum caused by childhood trauma.

don't listen to Yas Forumstards ur hot. please suck my dick

Not too different, both mental illnesses

How the fuck they don't notice? They never tried to touch le bulge?

>im not normal
blah blah blah dick or no dick just be a good person , ripping your dick off or glueing a dick on doesn't solve your problems ... look within yourself . not vanity..

Kys tranny scum

you can't be white with shit-eyes and brown skin, braindead moor. end of discussion

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Lieing on the internet is not the same as doing it. I dont think you dont pass, I know you dont because...you dont. Its just a binary thing. You either do (not you) or you dont (you). Its like sex really. You are either male (you) or female (not you). Do you see?

>I'm not the tranny, you're the tranny.

>I date hot guys who don’t know I’m trans
Ooooooo that sounds just a little bit like you’re trying to prove something. Face it dude: in 10 years you’ll have a gun in your mouth.

Lots of 'em we all want a turn


I never got raped or abused, thats a fallacy that's been repeated for decades to deceive people's view of lgbt people.

Post girlpenis

Im not white? lmao boy... i bet im whiter than you.

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>I know. I am one.
No, you chose to be one because you have a mental illness. Stop doing that.

>No timestamp
What a LARP

lol ur gay

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Checked and kekd

You will never actually be a woman thou. You just pass off as one. And no straight man would want a fake woman.

Hope you enjoy getting brutally murdered when you trick the wrong guy in to making out with a man

What are you supposed to do if you date trans but she reveals to have a benis just when you're about to fuck her for the first time?

Kys you fucking abomination

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>I'm a girl
Keep dreamimg, sicko.

Are you making out with children?? You’re not making any sense, which sounds like a lie.

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tldr kys tranny faggot

post more I need to cum

Nobody would choose to be transgender in this timeline lmao. You must be really retarded to think that.

I can't speak for all trannies but for me it's more that I would like to be normal and I know I never can be. The incongruity started when I was 6 years old. I think most trannies would just like to be normal, like if they could take a pill to make them normal rather than the other gender they would. It would be the easiest fix.

fake and very gay

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cool. keep enjoying giving sexual pleasure to men who are disgusted by who you really are

a real woman would never be satisfied by that kind of lonely bullshit

You were abused. Your mother treated you like her little pet and your father couldn't be bothered to raise his son.
I thought I wasn't abused because I just assumed it was all my fault. This is something called psychic masochism, kids don't know the difference between right and wrong so they internalise anger.
Took me til my twenties to realise my parents are utter twats.

Hola MiaSkaylar

>Im trying to troll people on the internet by pretending my fantasies about them are real
The post

Based hamas poster

>that weak chin
You did everyone a favour by pretending to be a girl

I had no childhood trauma.

That makes it even worse. That means that your brain is defective.

Related, but very different.

Ok lol

spanish people are not white. You need fair skin and light eyes. Both of yours are muddy.

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>Life quality going from gay boy to normal girl is huge
fuck off, you clearly transitioned because of your kink. fucking trender cunt, i hope someone kills you when you are leading people on and they find out you have a dick

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You're a 20something ex-catholic dude posting garbage threads because you're bored out of your mind.
It's fine, we all have to find a way to cope.

Leave. Or hit and quit.

>light skin = white
HRT damaged your brain that's for sure

Not everyone in Spain is European though, Nigger

I fucked a few after telling them. You males are the fakest people about your sexuality, you say one thing to keep your masculine image but then think another.

Yeah yeah yeah. We know. What I do with my life ain't bothering you. I don't condone drag queen story hour.

Recuerdo tus hilos de Forocoches

i hope you live a good life and not kill yourself, youre literally on a suicide mission

neck yourself freak.

>in this timeline
You mean the one that coddles trannys and treats them like they're all royalty? You're so brave user

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It's fun when you're young and hot, sure. Hell, I'd smash your boypussy.

But you ever seen any aged trannies? Good luck with living past thirty.

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Thread full of incels that will never have anyone in their life ever as attractive as OP and will be forever alone. Incels are seething!

>I went through that
Haha. Its not over yet. Its only just beginning. You dont want to really continue to suffer do you? There is a way you could stop the suffering.

Post a pic of you lmao, i bet you are some latino brown ape.

Yo los de mediavida

Can we all admit that he's ok looking?

would choke / 10

Put a dress on and go to school/work tomorrow, and tell them to treat you as a female, you will see how amazing your day is :)))

My ex-gf is trans from Thailand. She is now post-op and i have to say contrary to what people here say, she became much more content with her life and less angry about her situation after she went through with the operation. Of course she has her ups and downs, but in general is not as depressed as she was before.

There's tons of boomer trannies. Literally most of them until like 5 years ago

Not really, he could be a victim of the thousands and thousands of kids being brainwashed today, there's a reason fag/tranny rates are going up like crazy in youth. They're being brainwashed and confused by the media they consume

>Are you making out with children?
That is how faggots multiply

Aged men are greek gods of course. All aged people is NOT attractive, idiot.

>whiteknight that wants to fuck a dude calls sane people incel

get fucked you pasty white faggot

You are still ill though

I have wondered if testosterone treatment might not be an answer. But I understand there are things that can happen even in the womb that correlate with transgenderism so I think the causes of it are at least in some cases biological. Not much you can really do in that situation. It's very sad to think about the female-brain-in-a-man-body situation. I wonder if there will be some kind of prenatal intervention to prevent it. I hope the depression is manageable for you.

>i bet you are some latino brown ape.
sure thing, moor shitskin ape

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>things that never happened
I wish reddit didn't kick all of you faggots out


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I went to a catholic school, you cant be turned transgender... It's impossible. I got brainwashed to NOT be transgender as a kid and you can see how it went.

kill yourself tranny shilling fuck. you are a fucking disgrace to actual trannies

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