> He's gonna create so many jobs, MAGA
> He's gonna create so many jobs, MAGA
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>gook flu is drumpf's fault #orangemanbad
trump will be the first president to be impeached and then re-elected l. I don’t even like the guy but I’m going to laugh so fucking hard because of how brain damaged you are.
Due to the Chinese Flu, you can file for unemployment while your job, which you will return to in the future, is closed down to prevent the spread of the Chinese Flu.
Hey shit-for-drains, try and imagine how much worse the economy would be right now if Hillary were president and we hadn’t had a booming economy when the chink flu hit.
You stupid fuck.
but i thought its not real
imagine his smell
You either,
>Accept the fact the virus is not Trumps fault, so the unemployment rate (which was a record low before a global pandemic struck) isn't his to bear
>When more factories open up in the US due to a spike in a more nationalist value emerges (especially pharmaceutical) in the wake of a globalist nightmare this whole virus has been, Trump will have been proven right
You don't get to cherry pick only the parts you want to be true.
If a Democrat was president they wouldn't be crashing the economy to destroy their chances at reelection
kungflu did that. globalization is on its deathbed but you chinks don't care and pay people to shill on a mongolian throatsinging forum
no, but closing boders early to then just shit on it and tell people to go to work to save stonks is borderline retarded and leads to the US being the epicenter of the outbreak. copey
What is larp for 1200 ?
>he dinduuuu
according to your logic you would have to thank Obama for those numbers
The problem the Democrats have is this is running out of steam. The lockdown will end soon, the nation survived with minimal deaths.
His approval rating is as high as it has ever been, the MSM are so mad about this they are demanding the networks no longer cover his streams.
He will win from this, you're just helping him get re-elected.
Of course it is retard first he denied the virus was a problem then he started panicking people and they started shutting down entire states. All he had to do was keep his damn mouth shut and let the doctors speak instead of him.
> It's a fake virus
> Now I'm curing it
Pick one, trump cucks.
It's partially his fault.
>knew this was coming for a minimum of 2 months
>top advisors warned him of the danger
>2 months to make test kits, masks, ventilators, gloves, medical supplies, prep for some kind of nation-wide lockdown amongst various states and governors
>doesn't do any of this
>people in the senate decide to engage in insider trading with their knowledge, rather than attempt to convince Trump or inform the public about this impending crisis
>dumb cunt bans travel to China - and probably only did it as a sissy "FUCK YOU" to spit in China's face over their silly trade wars
>goes golfing while informing the media that "they have it under control"
>shit spirals out of control into what we see today.
And it's the perfect opportunity for China to fuck us over too, thanks to Trump throwing out the vast majority of competent people in the govt.
they have forgotten already
The main problem the Democrats have is they did this too early, he will be able to recover from this easily and that will make people feel good about how he handled it.
The problem is the elections are in November, which gives him plenty of time to recover. People were scared and daddy trump saved them all, that's gonna be how people see it.
You dun fucked up, you need to start killing people on purpose or something to keep this going lol
Because liberals are blowing this fake virus that’s only as deadly as flu into a big deal so that they can take advantage of the economic downturn. TRUMP 2020
honestly though, biden doesn't stand a chance.
trump will win sheerly because of mutual hatred of the Chinese menace.
>it's dems again mom!
it's not only happening in america you retarded monkey
*closing borders as an economic warfare against the friendliest and largest trade partner they had
*while letting travel from UK to continue, while UK had a large infected population that they did nothing to keep track of
that's what I said and you are spot on. him sealing the country was just to build up pressure for his retarded trade deals, him jumping ship now proclaiming he acted early is just faggotry
>comparing absolute numbers
>look godzilla is attacking the town, but he only just killed 3k people shittymeme.jpg
it's like your brain doesn't even seem to function as supposed to
italy begs to differ, enjoy the ride boomer
>virus is drumpf fault
Calm down and chill dude, why are you so upset? It's just the internet you don't have to get so emotional
>been around for hundreds of years
>we have vaccines for it
>can be treated at home via quaratine and good health/diet/sleep, is only dangerous to the very old (like 80+} or those with compromised immune systems
This new virus:
>is so new we don't even fucking understand it
>symptoms can go unnoticed for weeks on end
>has the possibility of mutating into mutliple, deadlier strands with each and every individual it infects
>deaadly to those that are just 60+ or underlying medical conditions
>virus has a knack for overwhelming hospitals, leading to complete societal collapse
Nice attempts at bait though, dumb hick.
Average age of death in Italy is 80. And total deaths is only 8,000.
How about the fact that Wu Flu is only a high risk for the elderly and those with underlying conditions?
Any MIGAtard still denying this needs to fuck off to reddit.
He fucked us all. Fuck him and his mentally ill base.
Death rate is still less than very low at 60-69. Even at 80+ it's not a death sentence, just an increased risk.
And if you don't think destroying businesses, mass unemployment, huge rise in poverty, massive growth of the welfare state, and destruction of the supply chain won't destroy society far worse than the deaths of the very old, then you are a fucking moron.
His pisspoor handling of the situation is his own fault, shithead.
Nobody actually went back to work retard, he just says that’s what he hopes will happen in a few months
I'm confident that every MIGAtard is mentally retarded. There's no other explanation for being that fucking stupid.
So he should have shut down the economy earlier? That would make the unemployment rate worse dumbass
Trump never said the virus was fake or a hoax.
>Dude MIGA
Hahahahaha look at the pathetic shills in this thread.
You're a retard. Trump says 5 things a day that are stupid, you lefties might as well just wait and see what he does instead of nearly having a heart attack at his every suggestion.
>when the economy is doing well, trump did a good job
>when it's going down the toilet and unemployment is the highest... well it's everyone else fault!
Imagine sucking so much orange cock
Except he did.
If he shut down all the traveling to america as soon as he heard about corona he wouldn't have
to shut down everything inside the country because no infected chink would be inside of it.
He instead waited for it to be too late, like every other stupid leader did.
In fact here's him saying it
>Country with 400 million people
>implying there was any chance of no infection
>Portuguese have brainless niggers too
If a meteor struck your worthless country tomorrow would you blame your president that your job was shut down?
If the infected don't enter the country it can't spread in america,moshe.
This was easy to avoid but shutting down global travel for some time would kill the globalist system, something none of the world's leaders wanted to happen.
Back to work pedes. Kushner needs those tax dollars for Israel.
I love things taken out of context!
When you're in charge of a company you're the one who will be praised or shitted on depending if it is successful or goes bankrupt. You can't blame your employees or the other companies.
That's the basic rule for being a leader.
>his own words
>the whole speech
>out of context
MIGAtards everybody.
He's saying that the panic induced by the media, along with how they're blaming the incident on him, is a hoax. Not that the Chinese virus doesn't exist or is made up.
"this is their new hoax"
Where does he say coronavirus??
If you're not putting aside money to ride the epic stock rally that's coming at the end of this, then you're an utter brainlet.
Not to mention the most massive increase in employment rate ever seen in the world. All right before the election. This is a 9000D chess masterclass.
>He still posts like the Information war can be won for the cabal
You're months late
Maybe even years
Nigger Trump shut down travel to china while you Eurofaggots were sucking gook cock to combat racism.
The picture is taken out of context. I’d like to see the whole transcript before I make a decision.
Yes it will all be over by Easter Sunday.
Made up average age btw
He fucked up the Federal response
why haven't these idiots blamed trump for the fires in australia? this also happened during he was president so it must be his fault!
sage all the idiots thread