>coronavirus is a nothing burg-
Coronavirus is a nothing burg-
Omg a doctor actually had to do something all day and couldnt stand around while getting paid 300k year
Earn your fucking paycheck now doctorcels
>posting photo shopped pictures for sympathy
What does this mean? He never wears PPE before and his skin is not used to it. God and he is karma farming for sympathy
he playing too much half life alyx
>falls asleep facedown with glasses on
covid is srs guys!
Kek, this is especially true in Germany.
>those bruises
Holy shit did the coronavirus jump him an alleyway? Damn it was a something burger all along!
I've always wondered because this is Yas Forums so webms have no sound, did the train driver beep at him or something? Either way niggers gonna nig but he does get angry for absolutely no reason
Also what's lol_1?
>faces of VR
Ahahaha, to an extent I agree. Here docs actually work
Worthy of lol, thank you.
>stand around all day
never post cringe bro
Lmao imagine being such a softcunt
GTFO to reddit zoomer bong female
you are welcome
Some of them are cute
Get some rest, doc.
They hated him because he told the truth
>that smug pity me expression
I'm supposed to feel bad because this faggot has to wear PPE?
It's Photoshopped
In the USA, that nigger would have been a mangled mess
I'm ready for coronachan's embrace. I suspect that she too will ignore me
They will hate you for the truth you speak
No one I know is sick or dead....nothing burger
what os this web m trying to convey?
Urologist here. Going to be a quiet day for me. Usually I see ~60 patients per day and today I'll be seeing 15 because we are only seeing patients that absolutely need care.
Nigger post detected
If this Meme-Virus was real we would already see a homeless apocalypse on the west coast.
We had a shit load of Chinese that all came back from "Vacation" in Mid-January. We should have seen people dying in the street all over the West Coast by early march.
But no, just few very old and sick people dying from the flu! Like we have every year. Hospitals get flooded in March because of the seasonal flu like they do every fucking year.
Stop making these threads you fearmongering jew. The virus isn't even real.
That's a big OOF from me. When I get in during the next round of jannie applications I intend to prune threads like this.
So potential prostate cancer is going undiagnosed because of flu
this is some bullshit man
I work at a chemical plant where i have to wear the goggles 8 hours without pause and I also did overtime of +4 hours
so 12 hours of wearing the goggles and I didn't have these kind of bruises
maybe a bit around the nose
I call it a bullshit. I had to wear such a make for entire day while working in a chemical lab and nothing. How is it supposed to damage your skin, it's fucking light, it leaves no marks.
the doc is scared and he is fishing for compliments.
wtf why are you copying me? wtf is up with you mane
We moved lots of appointments up over the last few weeks and go people in earlier, but yeah lots of things considered non-critical are on hold. My first patient today is probably a 4channer that finally got laid and now his penis is burning but the pee test came back negative so I'm going to have to do a swab test. Poor lad.
Build for bbc
has he been playing vr?
my face gets a bit red after a few hours
who in the thread is black
congrats you passed nigger.
It's the first time he ever had to work in his life apparently.
Where is this?
try wearing an ill fitting mask or a mask that presses the goggles into your face. totally different story.
t. maskanon
how much of a douchebag do you have to be to disrespect a person in the medical field
I respect your work peepee doctor. Don't think all anons are unappreciativeof your service. Keep being awesome dude
Did he fall asleep face first with his PPE on? why were they on so tight?
No one is asking these retards to strap the fucking mask to their as tight as it will possibly go. How can the medical world be operated by such brainlets?
True, they sit on their asses all day.
so you also go to dominatrice? how do you cope not being able to go for this long?
me? bad
Thanks fren. Time to get ready. Have a nice day! Wear condoms when she's an unknown, don't fuck dirty women, and pee after blowjobs.
I mean you already have to be on some level of attentionfaggotry to make selfies as such
but making selfies + sending it to newspaper is high level of faggotry
the marks just come by themselves
You're a retard for not instantly identifying the image as a photoshop old man. Your time has passed, don't speak to things you know nothing about.
Sleepy Ben. He is always sleeping.
no, I used to date a dominatrix though. what does that make me? the alpha dom?
>Voluntarily join a profession
>Profession becomes demanding
>Seek sympathy from the public
>State increases financial support for profession
>Public praise for profession is mandatory
Fuck these wagies
how is that man not in a coma struggling for his life..?
Ill never understand westerners.
Most NHS nurses are fat cunts who stand outside having a cigarette and a cup of tea for 4/8 hours
No disrespect to those who actually do their jobs but there are a lot of lazy fat white cunts and idle brown doctors who dismiss everything with an aspirin so they can go back to eBaying African tribal masks
>work in medical field
>often in surgery
>look like this whenever we have prolonged OP (6 hour scoliosis correction, crowded room because of interns and general interest, anesthesiologist team, surgeons, nurses, radiology, everyone wearing lead "skirts" to shield from radiation and face screen to make sure the spine stays clean, room "nice and warm" for the patient.
>don't post my bruised, sweaty body and face imprinted with lines from wearing all that shit on my face for 6 hours
fuck off,
I swear to god this is just some attention seeking intern/resident, "look at me, I sacrifice myself to help!", it is no longer altruism if you need reddit/social media uptoots.