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I hate chinks.

Why do they need this is they only have 80 cases a day?

if there is any justice we will be fighting shoulder to shoulder with based aussies and banting between mass gook annihilation sessions

I would rather cook and eat a chinese person than share my street with one.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-13 17-26-46.png (621x465, 269.56K)

They are spiteful, those supplies will likely be thrown in a river as soon as they arrive in China.

All that nation cares about is harming us.

What else have you observed from chinks in Australia? In America we mostly just have Mexicans, so I'm curious to hear what they're like in Australia. Do tell, cunt.

Attached: chink.jpg (876x579, 43.65K)

We are a Chinese colony.
Whatever they want, we give them in return for some Yuan.
We sold out 20 years ago.


say what you will about chinkoids, but by god those bug looking sluts know how to run a rub n tug shop

Nigger, this happened in the US as well. It's just you actually still have an industry unlike us.

Fucking rats

China literally owns Australia. I see nothing wrong with this.

Daily reminder that they did this while lying to the rest of the world, claiming the virus was not dangerous. WHO on Chinese recommendations, claimed there was no proof for human to human transfer while Chinese officials called closing borders a racist action.

China also close their borders for all foreigner incoming this weekend.

Spreading viruses intentional while lying to the world, stockpiling the medical supplies. All fair in our system, eh?

Fucking chinks

I'm in.


I'm surrounded by the chink cunts.

>chink restaurant discovers I speak a bit of mandarin, so they kick me out.
>"you can come back for a free meal when you shave the pubes off your face, you look like a Muslim and it scares our Han customers"

>say hello to a chinese girl on the bus
>she screams in my face "I DIDN'T KNOW THEY CAN TALK" then starts verbally abusing her parents
>obviously the parents had been talking shit about western people for years in front of her. telling her to steal shit from them and do anything to make their lives hard

>chink driver stop in the middle of the street to let his passenger out
>she walks around to the driver side and kisses the man before he drives away
>this causes about 30 cars to back up the road.

>chink uni students arguing about which 14yo schoolgirl they should hit on, knowing they will get away with anything in this country

not to mention the hundreds of times they play dumb
>your chinese is bad you didn't understand me

ha. haaah. fuck em all with a red-hot iron pole. I wasted too many years learning to speak to those creatures only to have it all blow up in my face. a totally useless and unworthy race. should have studied japanese like 97% of the students.


Very true

He's right unfortunately

Can we get some Chinese webms plz


That sucks. The only reason to learn Mandarin is to spy on them.

Attached: lrNHGbS.png (1400x5552, 946.04K)

>your chinese is bad you didn't understand me
Lol. This shit so fucking much.

"Hey you know China is safe now. Safest place in the world. China helps europe now with masks. We are good"
- " actually chinese people mass bought our medical supplies back in january and the factory refuse to deliver any more "


I think it is safe to say that we all do at this point.

I learned the lingo, although probably not as far as you.
I haven't had such bad experiences.
Only seen:
Two girls blocking emergency vehicles until I yelled "dumb cunts" at them and they moved
Chinese people blocking corridors, I say excuse me, excuse me in English and they don't respond, so I say "rang yi rang" ("move aside") and they immediately move and apologize in English
Apply for a job in a Chinese place, with a resume in Chinese, and they immediately decline because I'm white
Chinese people referring to me as "foreigner" in Australia

It happened in the US too you dumb cunt. It was a global effort on that chink groups part.

I will say though that my experiences weren't universally bad and I did meet a Chinese person I got on really well with.

>Chinese people referring to me as "foreigner" in Australia

Attached: 1534877747552.jpg (79x125, 2.05K)

Perhaps it's because I'm so hansurm
Had a bunch of Chinese girls talking about how handsome I was while standing next to them on the bus

Laugh it up goy

Can't say america is much better.
Are chinese australians really that oblivious though?

Anglos have absolutely no reason to be on Australia. It is ASEA backyard and is their room to grow. Plunking down a prisoner colony and buttfucking some kangaroos for a century or two doesn't mean you get to keep the place.

Asia for Asians. Europe for Europeans. Africa for Africans. NA for muttoids.

I am sure all those chinks who have been posted here buying up masks, all are just sending masks to their hundreds of friends and family.


shitposting won't save them this time

>>chink uni students arguing about which 14yo schoolgirl they should hit on, knowing they will get away with anything in this country

Holy shit, I've never seen this desu. The chink students are incel loners here

I'll also mention that I had a very kind Chinese teacher
But Chinese people have been nice to me, including in China (buying things for me etc.)
It might have been about status or curiosity but it was still nice
Of course, they've also scammed me in China, fed me off seafood, called my friend "ghost" in Chinese (guizi, not in a friendly way). But generally been nice.

No. They said it in Mandarin. It was the relatively non-offensive/neutral word for foreigner too. Just took me aback that level of ethnocentrism.
When I lived in China we referred to ourselves as "the foreigners", not to everyone else in the entire country we went to as foreigners.

The virgin colonists of NZ vs the Chad colonists of Xin Jin Shan (New San Francisco [literally "New Gold Mountain"]) - what they called us in the gold rush.

Show flag

There are no Chinese Australians
There are Chinese in Australia.
Then there are Australians, some of which happen to have Chinese ancestry, but I've only ever met one true Aussie who happened to be on mainland china during Mao's super fun party time.
Most of the rest haven't been to the mainland for three generations.
Plenty of culturally naturalised Aussies from HK and Singapore.

Just wait for Cronulla 2: Chink Boogaloo

Yeah, well, we live here bro. We're not inclined to give it up.

LMAO fuck off you piece of shit. Australia belong to Anglos and Europeans, Aus will literally create bio weapons and or destroy the atmosphere entirely if you even threaten white dominant position.
We don't even care, in Australia and Europe we will literally kill one another all the time, killing all of you with bio weapons and or nuclear war means nothing to us, what a great battle for the Gods, and don't even start me on Aus has no nukes, who do you think gave SA and Israel their technology and uranium?

Australia is for the whites.

Shitskins and Asians are just here to test our young stock out, we are weeding out weak bloodlines and cataloguing which Anglo and GERMANICS will be part of the master race.

You make some mix race mutt or have mix race friends and support mix race couples? Don't matter that you're Anglo or Germanic...

Blood and soil.

I have nothing against most cultures and certainly don't hate people for their race.

But the Chinese are inhuman, selfish unempathetic slime

I had a former chink employer shaft me out of $7 grand. They hadn't paid that in tax and I submitted my tax return as if they had. The fucking ATO turned around and charged me the money. Told me it wasn't a tax issue it was a wage issue so I would have to chase it up with Fair work who told me it was a tax issue.
Fuck chinks and fuck the Australian government.

Nah cunt give it up, come home and let's get actual blood and soil going on. There is no justification for Australia, literally just more (((crown))) shenanigans and you're a S-tier cuck if you're happy about HM courts deciding your fucking future 150 years back.
>implying anyone wants to live that near china anyway, least of all in a desert downstream of their pollution outputs

Anymore stories?

Free market dude you expect them to just wait until those fat retard fucks waddle over to buy supplies get fucked nigger

Tch...I was totally gonna visit and camp out...Europe it is then

so you hate communism too?

I married into them. I know they call me goat in cantonese other than that they were pretty cool. Their smaller cities don't feel safe at all. It's this feeling that the people are going to do something shady to you o your family. I had the same feeling when I visited San Pedro Sula with my wife and kids.

Fake news, pol really are stupid. Post the LINK... if you can

>-50 Social Credit

You probably don’t belong on Yas Forums buddy

Years ago this shitty thread would be attacked for no sauce... but the retards around here these days... sheesh

eh, the only one I knew who was actually suspicious (I thought he was a spy) ended up moving to Finland to work for a public water company.

it's just pointless being friendly towards people who think they are millions of years ahead of you culturally.

its too bad this virus is going away soon or it'd be a great time for governments to expel all chinese people

>0.5 second google search

I don't talk to Chinese regularly, I had one friend in highschool and he was an autist always being annoying.

>looked up that video and paused it on that exact frame
I thought it was just a photoshopped meme. What the actual fuck IT is real.

Fuck chinks and Sikhs

Accept more north/central Indians my Aussie bros

In fairness while she does look inhuman there she's actually not unattractive in the video.

lol i was just trolling

Where do you think most of your industry went, you absolute knuckle dragging mutt?

>>obviously the parents had been talking shit about western people for years in front of her. telling her to steal shit from them and do anything to make their lives hard

well, thats what all shitskins do.
In Germany, the always butthurt turks complain about everything. Since I understand a little bit turkish, i know what you mean.
When I confront turks, that i understood what they said, they like: your turkish is bad... bla bla bla

Attached: lol.webm (460x460, 1.83M)

we have enough rapists locally thanks

STOP my dick can only get so hard. Thinking of all that death and warfare is making me throb.

Canucks = Sinocucks to a man. Most pathetic post of the year so far,
>I know they call me goat in cantonese other than that they were pretty cool.

literally this. 1000 times this. the only reason you should learn mandarin is so when they mutter something in chinese you can understand and kick the shit out of them