The Japanese are the niggers of Asia

The Japanese are the niggers of Asia.

They have behaved like subhuman freaks for their entire history and still do today. The only reason anyone in the west regards them as "civilized" is because the USA had to pretend that they were human in order to get them to shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down after WW2. The USA has done similar sleight of hand tricks in regards to africans, who are obviously not human in any way whatsoever, yet we all pretend that they are so they don't chimp out.

Say it with me, Yas Forums: TWO. BOMBS. WAS. NOT. ENOUGH.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Whatever Chang. Tell your party leaders to get off pol and get back on reddit

Can we get a sticky that says Winnie Xi Pooh, free Hong Kong and all that jazz?

Guessing you are a butthurt Chinese?

The Japanese were right about you chang.

Just because the Chinese should all be fucking gassed doesn't mean your pathetic island shouldn't be erased from the face of the earth, you yellow monkey. I see your game. Fuck off.

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This must be a psyop to direct hatred against us or the Chinese.

GTFO souless insect descendant.


Today I discovered a powerful new way to trigger Yas Forums - tell them that their most treasured land of degenerate anime horseshit is infected with subhuman scum.

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I mean, it's true that east Asian countries are shit when left to their own devices, and the only decent ones (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan) are not-so-coincidentally the most Westernized ones.

Anyone seen this shit movie yet? Fucking director for half his funding from China and put in Chinese propaganda in it to satisfy those slanty eyed bat soup fucks.

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Imagine eating rats, dogs and bats. Then spread the Chinese bat virus across the world.

Japanese girl turn you down?

ok chang

Ok chang

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Ok chang

It's a shit movie, but Murrica' still won that battle.

Point invalidated once you said “say it with me now” faggot

Kill yourself chang

What did we do now?

They were Jacob Schiff's golems. Chiang was Morris Cohen's shabbos goys. We have the Internet, feminism and globalization now. Death to the kikes, no more goy on goy wars.

they make good products and don't export diseases like the sick man of asia, China

nanking never happened,chang

Actually the Chinese are the niggers of asia

I'd much rather bomb China than Japan.
Japan is a good country, they aren't invading others anymore and just keeping to themselves, while being one of the last bastions of civilized people.
The US is a fest of degeneracy compared to them

>niggers of asia

You ever see Japan? It's literally the cleanest country on earth.

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But you're not a goy, you're a gook lol

Americans are degenerates in public while Japs are degenerates in private

Nice try Chang

Fuck off China shill

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Fuck off I thought we are both the niggers and mexicans of Asia?

nangking best day

>burger flag
>calling literally anyone niggers
oh the ironing

Dont worry samsung, pretty sure everyone forgets about you in favor of best korea and their antics.
Hating chankoros is a matter of course and probably this is bait created to counter the constant pro china shilling.

You have no idea how bad things are in here Michaś. A lot of girls are thots and people don't even say anything because it's part of their culture to not get involved while others are doing something bad. They are the biggest cucks.


Their neighborhoods look so comfy.

Nice. I bet it's quiet.

100 percent agreed, unironically

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Fuck you Chang, Nippon land is ABSOLUTELY BASED. If it wasn't for Japan you wouldn't have this platform to shill.

You are very wrong. Japanese are the most civilized and humble people in the world.

Forgot a flag

Japan is fucking based. You can cause a leftist to admit that they are just anti white by referencing how you would never wish a place like japan not to be for Japanese people only and they should maintain a supermajority. The leftist will sperg out and have to say some anti white bullshit about colonialism or something.

I visited Japan for over a month last year and they were all pretty nice. They are a little racist to whites on the subway (won't sit by you on busy trains) but it's nothing really. Fucked one of their women and that was cool too. I would like to vacation again there. You are the nigger.

USA is a living testament that too much "m-muh freedumbz" is a bad thing. The state and society doesn't smack you over the head when you have stupid ideas and then you get suffragettes "it's just votes, bro" to nowadays clown world of mental illness getting legitimized, culture and masculinity getting erased, and some piss weak faggots in black hoodies LARPing as Mussolini era Italians and throwing anarchistic shitfits.

The Japanese to their credit found their niche in manufacturing, they went from crap to Honda outboard reliability in a pretty short time. The Koreans and the Chinese have really struggled with the concept of product engineered redundancy insofar as no one wants to have to replace anything after 6 weeks of use. The Koreans are improving but still release absolute howling shit sometimes.

>The Japanese are the niggers of Asia.


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If you don’t like japan you’re just a straight up nigger. I seriously don’t understand the brown people concept of being happy to ruin a country with invasion backed by the state. They are just jealous creatures while real humans are able to see a good race no matter if they are white or Asian.

“Pride in one’s race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their history is superior to our own.

They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.”

So based that divorce is through the roof and most girls here crave the BWC, while guys simply tolerate it like good little cucks.

where there's niggers there's crime... there's no crime in japan, chink.

no. Japan is awesome.

Japan is proof that the torch of civilization can be shared with certain non-whites

Westerners are Japan's niggers.

On average, people of Euorpean descent are dumber than the Japanese, smell worse, but have larger cocks.

Where do I sign for a 4/10 Jap wife? I'm not even pretentious.

Fuck Japan and their total failure at containing fukushima. Hopefully China takes over and Japan as you all geeks know it is gone forever!

This. The virus will completely rape us because anything done for the greater good that requires state force is seen as NOOOO MUH CONSTITUTION I HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO AROUND INFECTING PEOPLE. They like freedom for the sake of the word freedom and will die to a virus just because they think it makes them cool. I don’t blame anyone though, this country is a hyper atomized jew playground where not even family members care about each other. Sad how far we have fallen due to mass migration, outsourcing and mass propaganda in every institution and media outlet for decades.

The hardware (genes) are required though. Sadly literally only whites and East Asians have the hardware needed to even have a first world country in the first place. South America and Africa just won’t be first world due to their genes.

I agree, but they should be more strict on thots and cheating in marriage should not be acceptable. I seriously think that women's position here is too low. Japanese guys can basically do whatever they want to, going to kabakura for 'business meetings' etc.

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Just come here and be nice to them, that's literally all it takes to get a gf here.

Fuck off, Xi

It's the same in the west as well. It's just evidence that when things are too good, people become commodities that can be easily thrown aside.

This poster is Korean

Lookout Chang, they are coming for you!

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It was the British who civilized Japan

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At least they aren't trying to break into China or Korea for free gibs