Brit/pol/: Everybody Clap Edition


>UK government unveils aid for self-employed

>NHS uses tech giants to plan crisis response

>Police get new powers to enforce protection

>Coronavirus cough attacks a crime, says prosecution chief

>London hospitals facing 'tsunami' of coronavirus cases

>First UK prison Covid-19 death confirmed

>Banks under fire for coronavirus loan tactics

>Government orders 10,000 ventilators from Dyson

>Prince Charles tests positive but 'remains in good health'

>Victim, 21, 'had no health issues'

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for are Mozza

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Fuck anonamongs

>>Victim, 21, 'had no health issues'

so we are supposed to believe the virus changes its behaviour per person ? how is this possible ?

Death to tripnonces

>Coronavirus cough attacks a crime, says prosecution chief
there's probably legal precedent for this.
wouldn't be hard to argue in court than coughing on somebody when you knowingly have an infectious disease is assault.
like somebody with AIDS spitting on people.

Pube doesn't know any better

First for noncey Eddie

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New ventilators looking good.

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Is that his coom face

She probably stayed up for 2 nights sniffing coke by the looks of her
I get ill every time i have a sesh, fucks your immune system up badly
Same reason a lot of nurses and doctors die, they overwork themselves and dont rest

is that a minature henry?

You mean Little Henry.

i mean... viruses and bacteria literally do affect each individual differently, depending on various factors.
the black death has at least three different forms, depending on how the bacteria is transmitted and where it infects a persons body.

The elegant beauty of chinese women.

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We're reaching levels of cringe once thought impossible

Why did you post soufern saville's mum's tinder pic

henrys fucking stink

Henry is better than a dyson. 10m cord with manual wind, a 3m hose. sucks like a bastard and quiet as fuck. Simple but powerful.

My mum is a Charles Chad

It's over

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you have to walk alone its the law

Christ, Asians really are bug people.

This is a 10/10 in bongland

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why do you want to kiss this woman




He's a smart guy to keep his willy off camera

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Unironically best vacs. Fuck Dyson.

This is a 10/10 in my bed.

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Where do I get my self employed cheque??

Can't stand gooks, mate.

I was just starting to accept you as one of us you hairy toothed euro.

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if you wouldn't kiss her you are either ghey or lieing

Read up matey. Think you'll have to wait till first week of June. If you've been self employed for less than 12 months you're buggered

I'm not a race traitor.
You appear to have yellow fever.

Wrong. The one on the right is 10/10. The two on the left aren't too bad either.

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New henrys are shit, they break much easier than the old tanks they had in school
t. 2x Henry and 1x henrietta owner

They're all buggered anyway. It's worked out from their tax returns. Self employed never earn much on their tax returns. 80% of fuck all amounts to not very much indeed.

and they fucking stink

GTech us the way forward.
Cordless master race.

oh no what a terrible affliction

bunch of stinking toilet queers t b q h

What sort of chinkanzee are they mixed with? They're weird lookers aren't they.

>2x Henry
>1x henrietta
Is that sexism I detect?

Don't have a new one. That's a shame. Is nothing sacred anymore?

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A lot of anger in these threads this morning, I'm going a bit stir crazy being at home all the time. Sick of it. I've started sneaking out at 3am for an extra walk, fuck the police.

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That's the smell of your carpet concentrated you fucking filthy mong.

2 more years before the batteries are shite if you're lucky.

you can't deny your heart

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based. fuck the council

i don't even own one, but i've used them, and they fucking stink of dust

someone at uni hoovered up some sick once and about 2 weeks later I turned on the hoover and the smell that it produced was indescribably evil.

What you on about I’ve done my tax returns by the book for 10 years I will be getting the maximum amount come June

seems like she wrote a song about brit/pol/ tripgfag posting about bins and coke et al.

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>using a hoover to clean up sick
That sounds about right

I bet you dodged the two minute clap as well you dissident you.

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EU made all new ones less powerful for environmental reasons that's why they are rubbish now

Reminder that lockdown will last at least a year.

If you’re going to roll as a coomer during this lockdown then remember to supplement Zinc, Selenium and Vitamin C daily to remove a lot of the brain fog.

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Man, I'll be fucked if I have to wait till June anyways. I'm already looking for local jobs in the cheese factory....

You don't own a carpet? Can't you get one from the food bank?

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Cvg predicted this

Didnt even know it was happening lad

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A new air ram only costs £200 though, not bad over two years and they're powerful as fuck.
The handheld is a beast, I love the little bastard.

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actually kind of, only my bedroom is carpeted, the rest is fake wood or lino

dont let these cute little fucks fool you, its not just humourless bints buying them because they have a face, these are actually good hoovers

>Hoovers up puke.
We are not sending our best.

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I hope you die badly

The Gtech handheld is decent, but their wireless hoover is fucking shit.

surprised we haven't had loads of yanks in here taking the piss out of us for that

We are.

Wasn't Timo ran off social media because she posted up skirt picture of a schoolgirl not wearing a panty?

No you don't
You love me

Then you've been doing it wrong lad. The free money is the only good bit of being self employed or do you enjoy the massive amount of extra work on top of your actual job?

Yanks clap at everything.

How your body reponds is a big part of it alot of the people dying from this is because they are going into a cytokine storm your immune system just nukes whatever you're infected with and if its in the lungs it will just destroy them because it just killing any cells it comes across it was the reason that the spanish flu killed healthy younger people from 18-30 then any other group

>She probably stayed up for 2 nights sniffing coke by the looks of her
hate to say it but this

he was drunk, he did it as a laugh

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lmao wot
(to the article or whatever not to the upskirt)

About the only thing the EU was involved with that doesn't suck.

I'd love to string you up, draw your guts out and burn them in front of you. Fucking nonce

Jesus christ they are fucking seething
I despise these self-righteous cunts. I didn't think they could get any worse, but Coronavirus has proven it


Wrong thread, fuckwit.

Because they are fucked big time by corona themselves

I'm fuming, I'm literally seething rn

No you wouldn't
You love me too much