The Democrats Want Prisoners to be Released

What the fuck is this bullshit? Just because cronavirus they want to release non-violent offenders from prison temporary (which i doubt). My entire family and me owns a lot of stock in Geogroup, in fact my families entire net worth is pretty much tied up in Geogroup which is the number 1 private prison corporation in America. We make money off the number of people incarcerated or detained in these prisons and if the Democrats order prison releases they will make it hard for Geogroup to continue the dividends (they pay 17% dividends). Geogroup hasn't cut its dividend in over 10 years but they may be forced to if Liberals keep doing this shit.

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It's because the corona virus is a front for the gov't running out of money. They releasing prisoners because the system is literally falling apart.

>break quarantine? jail
>also, we're releasing prisoners
does anyone see how they are against you, the honest good working person

Private prisons are awful for so many reasons. Maybe you shouldn't make such immoral investments, kike?

>you can’t incarceratie people for profit after they’ve been found guilty in a court of law!
Up the river not across the street, commie.

Aren't they safer in jail?

>The Democrats Want Prisoners to be Released
and they want you to take their place!

let the rape and looting begin

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Can you shills not be so painfully obvious

So release them who cares, they aren't violent

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imagine thinking the government owns prisons.
all prisons in the united states of america, including federal ones, are privately owned.
you stupid fucking chinkleaf.

Fuck you, nigger. Private prisons should be abolished.
But anyone who didn't commit a victim-less crime (Drugs, etc) shouldn't be released.

Let the chaos spread

>break quarantine? jail
that is not legal within the united states of america and the day they try to make it so is the day we all need to start shooting.

you think these people deserve any better?
These people are living a dream life compared to any other time period in our history. Never before have criminals been treated so well, yet its still not enough for cucks like you

chaos doesn't exist, user.
everything is in order.

>We make money off the number of people incarcerated or detained in these prisons
shit larp leftyfag

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this, and perhaps haphazardly implementing "true socialism"
the govt. pays the prisons with tax money

in the Dems minds
>Prisoners = Soldiers for Dem army.

The reality
>Prisoners think Trump is a gangster the way he handles his business

I just did a year in county and was expecting to be surrounded by minorities who hated Trump. They almost adore him as much as you fags.

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Not really an argument since the private prisons are payed with tax money

>being against private prisons
Because public prisons are so much better!

Fuck out of my thread Marxist freak

Nah, I'm fine with punishing prisoners harshly but the American prison system is an utter mess. You'd agree if you knew how corrupt the private prison system is. Besides, things like prisons should be state run.

Objectively false, prisoners today are treated far much worse than any time in history, they are even barred from suicide in today’s prisons

Because my family needs the prisoners locked up to keep collecting the dividend

No jails are breeding grounds for viruses

Are you scared white boy?

I know your trolling because Australia’s prison system works the exact same way

>releases rapists and murders
"Good this will make room for people who violate our curfews"

How is my family suppose to make money without working? 17% dividend is literally 358K a year for my family and no one has to work

Private prison, public prison.... American logic lol

>go back to work soon, goyim, corona is not that bad
>release all the inmates, don't you care about them, goyim?

Fuck you, you fucking idiot. Maybe in mamby-pamby clod-hopper Dutch land prison and for special boys; but here in the states they are fucking true punishment.
You are literally a Jew for supporting for-profit prisons. They are in humane and parasitic on state resources.

they need voters

Uh, okay, keep them locked up

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Should give the guards corona

you are absolute scum, investing in prisons
what the fuck is wrong with you muricans ?
why not invest in technology you fuckin retard

violent offenders should be killed, non-violent beaten in a town square. it would deter so much bullshit.

>My family makes more money if more people are locked up

Fuck you kike and fuck your family. I hope you starve

no the fuck its not, youve apparently done zero research and are just ass-blasting through your throat-hole, prison is daycare at best.

My family is 100% aryan and we make al our money off private prisons

My family is fully aryan

You are clearly trolling and never researched. Prison is hell on earth

Because technology doesn’t pay my family over 300k a year in dividends alone. Apple and google dividends are like 1%

You are pretending to be someone you would hate to get us to side with your actual believes but imo your fantasy self sounds pretty based
Good LARP, user

Oh I'm sure they are, you kike.

Yeah. I bet you’re a fucking teenage queer who’s never even seen a holding cell. Fuck you.

Get a job

So I guess they can vote now huh...wonder which way they’ll lean

Stupid freedom hatin potheads are only good for the economy when they are locked down! Demonrats have their values upside down. Truly the party of Satan!

I'd burn them all if I could. Send in squads with flamethrowers and go cell to cell until every nigger cell in their nigger bodies was dead. Burn them all

Why would we work when work is for peasants? Why not get the prisoners to work for us indirectly by investing in geogroup and collecting the dividends?

How is my family suppose to profit if they are dead?

You should be publicly executed. Or even better, put in the prison with the people you've go there.

You cant imagine for a second they may need the space for the stupid cunts who are going to go on a crime spree during the lockdown?

collapse mutt society

do it

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Why? My family are wealthy investors, we contribute to society and are fully white

>How is my family suppose to profit if they are dead?

Don't mind the obvious trolls and shills. You can tell by their numbers that this is important. Any sane person understands the economic reasons to keep inmate population alive.

You should still prepare for the worst. If the evil hillarylovers cut the inmate numbers so much that you will have to let guards go, maybe you could use them as private security for important people. When the masses really start to panic for the fake virus scare, we need some buffer between us and them. I already have my "boys" ready, but maybe some of your bussiness partners want to hire some muscle?

My families not rich enough to afford a private security team for that long. They are millionaires but not enough for a full team of guards

I would settle for expatriation to Africa.



Imagine not even thinking of diversifying. Just buy some short options to hedge your bets, I’ve made more money from this virus than ever because my family doesn’t have shit knowledge of financials. I’ll probably buy the dip on your geogroup stocks with all my gains kek

That is why you use your workers as employees for your new security firm. You sell them for cannonfodder to highest bidder. Your business partners will pay you for protection. Soon it is sellers market! ;)
Partners or not, business is business.

Your family knows jack shit of financials. Anyone who “diversifies” is a financial illiterate. I bet you didn’t even attend an Ivy-league tier school

Also even if that’s the case your family will never have as much as mine lol enjoy your shit life with shit economics knowledge