Lockdown Jannies

Does your country have them? Seething curtain twitching lockdown jannies that are mad you're going for a walk by yourself outside and want to tell on you.

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Land of the free here... No one tells me what to do.

We have some people on NextDoor and Twitter complaining but most people in Miami don't give a shit really. Construction still active, lots of businesses still open. Sandbars are busy.

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Yeah my local gym was secretly staying open to the more “connected” members like myself and a few others. The faggots across the street called the cops and now they’re enforcing the lockdown.
I’m about to lose my gains because of some fucking jannies.

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They do it for FREE

They're driving around with speakers playing a pre-recorder message about staying at home to protect others' lives like it's an apocalypse movie. Spooky stuff.

Yes the popo patrols around here and you need to have a paper on you that says where you're going and for what reason.

Welcome to the NWO

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Émission sur arte la chenne franco amande des condition des femmes dans le monde l'Inde et de la Chine et de salle entreprises privées américain ont manipulée le gouvernement indien et forcer des femme a se faire steriliser dans les années 70
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Faite attention a la faide américain il veule acheter plein d'entreprise français et a l'étranger en catimini pour fair leur nouvelle ordre mondial et le peuple va avoir des libertés en moins
BHL la die plus ou moin
Qu'avec une petite épidémie ...
Ses o

I had police SUV follow me to work the other morning, never had that problem til this autism began

You're allowed to go for a walk by yourself in UK

But where I live is rural so either nobody gives a shit, or there's no people anyway

If you live out of the city, you will be fine. Just don't go into the main town centre area.

Are you fucking serious? Has it even overtaken the flu yet in severity?

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The Dreamers was a cool fucked up movie

We're open but "life-essential". I cringe when I see the retards crowd around the time clock to punch out at the end of the day. I think it even cured me of racism because damn if they aren't every shade of trash under the rainbow. Some of them aren't even that stupid but they just see a line and queue right up. I can't wait for Corona Chan to really get going in Bongistan

You have good taste. I watched it the other day again, super comfy.

Yes, it's full of them. They even throw eggs and shit to people.
They don't care if you are going to work or what.



Fucking boomers are taking an evening walk again

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Same here, feels good, also, all the neighbours having picnics on their gardens, we can talk through the slate walls and as a matter of fact the little village has hardly ever been so connected, my mate John even decided to enjoy the perfect weather and paid government allowance to go live on the mountains with his tent for a while


No, because it's not forbidden to go outside.
But if i see a bunch of zoomers this evening going to a friend to drink, i will call the police on them.

They do social shaming for free.

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Germans always rat on their neighbors, that's just business as usual for you fucks. You probably call the cops when your neighbor washes his car on Sunday, or complain when they leave it running on the street for a few min to get something they forgot inside.

>forbidden to go outside

Shut the fuck up, i’ll go outside when i want to. Nobody is telling me when i can kr cant go outside.

I always knew jannies would leak into real life, well played lads well played

sTAy inDoOrS

learn to read, nigger
faggot, because of those reatrds who "get bored" at home, the lock down will continue. how hard is it to spend your evenings inside with literally a million of movies to watch, books to read and games to play?

Im still a bit drunk off last night

>Germans always rat on their neighbors
And Ameriniggers cannot have a discussion without stigma.

In terms of deaths per day it overtook flu earlier in the week.
In terms of deaths per season it obviously has not.

Give it a week.

They had police following a couple walking their dog with a drone in the peak district. Give them an inch and they turn into the gestapo

It was so creepy seeing all the NPCs go out yesterday to clap for R NHS. I unironically hope Boris sells the whole thing to American corps at this point.

Nah. We have guns here. Fat nigger women national guard and underpaid 23 year old cops aren't gonna do shit

Still seems like a nothingburger to me that everyone made into a somethingburger.

Can you explain to me why they were clapping? Aren't we supposed to be the ones clapping for no reason?

because nurses n paramedics are heroes n shiet

So are binmen without them there would be rats and rats carry the plague. Clap for our binmen please

Damn, lol. My work gave me a special badge and paperwork saying I was essential in case I get harasses by the cops during the lockdown, but that's some next level shit. So far all I've noticed here is that there are highway cops parked on the interstate every couple miles. I guess lockdown is no reason not to go around handing out bullshit speeding tickets

You have no clue about Americans bong. This is a giant redpill and you're going to see a massive shift away from commie faggotry in this country

I've seen videos of that shit. None of the people who are being shamed looks like they are going out for fun all lows like low wage workers keeping grocery store stocked.

I fucking hate these fucking bootlickers.

Lol not everybody is a boot licking faggot that wants to be stuck inside a cage for months at a time.

Just mind your business pussy.

All these boomers calling me out in a FB group because I said it was lame the local council was closing skate parks and outdoor gym equipment

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Lol, seething boomers

Except the government just did. They shut you down.


Ask if you can borrow some weights.
As long as you get like 100kg, you can power clean it and do lots of front squats. Can also power clean and push press it. Also do high rep RDLs. With that at least you can maintain, probably even make hypertrophy and fitness gains, unlikely to hit pr's though.

>things get shutdown to avoid many deaths
>Look there's not even that many deaths!

45 million people have been projected to die in the 1st wave? What the fuck is he on about?

>You have no clue about Americans bong. This is a giant redpill and you're going to see a massive shift away from commie faggotry in this country
Collects his Trumpbux.

>showing basic solidarity is so creeeepy, reeeee
Also, the celebration was for all essential workers. Binmen, warehouse workers, shop workers, medical workers, etc
Yes, in fact, they are. You lazy useless gobshite NEET.


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My wife owns a trash company and they are slammed busy. Seems everyone decided to clean out their basement or closet this week. Which doubled their load.

its actually 60m, but thats pretty close for a normie

Its not basic solidarity is virtual signalling point scoring cringe.

That's your opinion.

How long is this first wave supposed to go on for because it seems the world is way off pace at the moment.

>because nurses n paramedics are heroes n shiet
I saw one wandering round the supermarket yesterday in full scrubs and facemask. Obviously just finished her shift and wanting to be treated like a hero. To stupid to think about how contaminated her clothes were. Fucking idiots.



>government had a sensible plan to let things go on as normal and if a few pensioners die too bad
>NHS "experts" kvetch and activate their MSM drones to terrorise the population and force the government to shut everything down
>businesses going bust, people out of work, untold economic harm
>R NHS goblins get to keep their comfy jobs
Truly heroes, I have so much respect for them *clap* *clap* *clap*

And its the correct opinion

They will become even more insufferable after this. They will demand six figures salaries for every entry level pinoy nurse and we'll all be going around saying "thank you for your service".

Why do people look to get credit for doing something they signed up to do, its truly pathetic.

Okay, you're a clueless retard and should just shut the fuck up and stop spreading your gay boy opinion. It has nothing to do with the NHS. Both actions taken by the government was based on advice from the same source. The government's initial "plan" (le herd immunity) was according to the advice given by imperial college London. However, once new data came out from Italy, imperial made some new models which showed that, if the government did nothing (no lockdown), the UK would have its annual number of deaths (around 600k) in a matter of a few weeks, rather than over the whole year. The UK cannot handle 600k deaths occurring in 2 months.

Prove it

don't make me start, this may be police hell
someone fucking opened my garbage bags once to check if I recycled properly
now I make a point of mixing plastic with everything

lol you're the clueless one if you think any health-related organisation in this country is free from the NHS octopus' influence.
Shut your whore mouth you are obviously oblivious to the extent of this behemoth's influence on government policy. They are literally a column with a cult-like adoration from morons like you. That is, if you aren't one of them in the first place.


NHS staff are not looking for credit, it's other people who are giving them credit. Being a medical worker, such as a nurse or paramedic, is a thankless and underpaid job relative to the risk and emotional stress faced during a pandemic. Imagine whining about people thanking others for taking a risk to help others.
Truly a bunch of useless pathetic NEETs.