How do you cope with the fact that Democrats and Republicans are equally awful (for the most part), that democracy is overrated, that Hollywood is filled with sex cults and satanic rituals and pedophilia, that 9/11 truthers were right, that the Holocaust is taught to us inaccurately, and that there exists an Illuminati of sorts?
How do you cope with the fact that Democrats and Republicans are equally awful (for the most part)...
Other urls found in this thread:
I cope with the fact that maybe, just maybe, we can set all this right.
i play computer games 16 hours a day
Acid, and praying to the not yet to exist Machine god, give it time.
>painted freckles
>that Hollywood is filled with sex cults and satanic rituals and pedophilia, that 9/11 truthers were right, that the Holocaust is taught to us inaccurately, and that there exists an Illuminati of sorts?
Dr President Trump is still dismantling them, weinstein epstein and next the podesta bros and hillary ;)
Who is paying you to spam this nasty mutt?
An app does that. Don’t google this bitch without make up or silicone tits. Legit 3/10.
Man those tits are rock hard.
How many worthless whores are people going to obsess over before they finally realise worshiping women is pathetic? Most of them aren't even that great looking either, literally just average girls you can see walking around at the mall
I dont know why, but that bitch has a punchable face.
No one, he's just a typical virgin coomer that fell in lust for the millionth time
cuz they're fake
What an ugly bitch
Is the Illuminati the Chinese and Jewish coalition that is constantly ruining everything?
check the discord server anons
IDK who she is anyway.
Latinas were built for the big white dick.
>this is enough to become a millionaire these days
thanks, america
neekolul was BUILT for thick asian loads
Easy, I just take a look at china. Afterwards I know that even a dog, if democratically elected, would make a better politician than the CCP can produce.
>when god writes a Review
kek, how old is this Review by now and i still have to laugh about it
I mark them and then the Waffen SS comes and takes them to a polish Amusement park.
The problem is that most of that shit isn't actually real, the problem is actually with you, that you have a personality that is vulnerable to things like conspiracy theories. Normally because people like that are paranoid and probably also suffer from anxiety. It's something you can actually get a handle on if you see a therapist.
Yes, along with other groups of elites.
She has a bigger cock than you.
>How do you cope
By voting for Trump
The best virologist in the country
She is extremely mediocre.
Who's got the nudes of this little bitch. I'd like to fuck her ass bloody. Corona or not I'd fuck her to death
you must be a woman or gay
she's way above average looking and her retarded facial expressions trigger simps and incels alike
>Hurrrr she's /ourgirl/! Don't you dare!
Keep paying her rent, simps.
>How do you cope with the fact that Democrats and Republicans are equally awful (for the most part), that democracy is overrated, that Hollywood is filled with sex cults and satanic rituals and pedophilia, that 9/11 truthers were right, that the Holocaust is taught to us inaccurately, and that there exists an Illuminati of sorts?
Ask me again on April 1st
How come progressive countries always make such abhorrent posts
wasnt she on blacked?
Spic pussy built for BWC
your reading comprehension is as good as your foreskin.
>she's way above average looking
Maybe if you have low standards or are dumb enough to get deceived by filters, photoshop, make-up and fake tits
I'd stick my dick in a sex bot, you think plastic tits faze me?
Come to think of it, did women actually cause this fetishization of plastic by themselves becoming plastic, metaphorically and materially?
Illimnati is just misdirection from jews, nice try though slide faggot.
basically this desu
I still have mine. I do have a question though. Have you ever had an air bubble under your foreskin, or am I just some sort of weird freak?
> that Hollywood is filled with sex cults and satanic rituals and pedophilia
Qtards are child rape fantasy enthusiasts. It's all they think about, it's all they post about, and it only persists by adding more pedophiles. Currently everyone in entertainment, politics and business leaders are all pedophiles. It's never less. Always more. Who will it be tomorrow?
These are very sick people.
By dedicating my life to destroying them, of course. Through peaceful and legal means.
Lmao imagine being so subhuman that you find this disgusting spic attractive
>is coffee good for you
Lol I think most Non Native English Speakers here in Europe can speak/write better English then Latino/Blacks in the USA.
You have to wait awhile
No, you've just failed to conquer your inner coomer while recognizing how absolutely terrible women are
Its true just axe anyone who lives here
that's a filter, boomie
Because they're not actually writing in Standard English, they're so retarded/insulated that their niggerbabble is now considered it's own dialect of English with divergent grammatical rules. In another few generations it will be its own language, Niglish.
>> that Hollywood is filled with sex cults and satanic rituals and pedophilia
It literally is you retarded faggot, why are you trying to deny something with mountains of evidence and proof to back it up?
>bunch of niggers too stupid to learn, speak and write in the language of their overlords
How do you think the English language was created?
Go to her twitch at where we’ll gradually trying to get her on our side whenever she’s live. You can follow her on Twitter to see when she goes live. :D
I’ve ascended coomerism. I haven’t coomed to neeko once.
She’s not even close to being a millionaire though.
No, it’s just the truth. And I’m not paranoid. There are legitimate schizo weirdos on this board, but what I said in the OP is pretty entry-level stuff.
>inb4 “ur in denial”
Jews are a big part of it. It’s probably better to say “globalist elite” rather than “Illuminati”. There are other groups though as well such as the Royal Society and Freemasons (and more). Just saying “da JOOS!!!1!” isn’t that helpful though. Yeah, their subversion is legitimate and awful, but there are other shadowy figures involved as well.
I’m not a Q boomer. I don’t even follow that Q stuff.
>It literally is you retarded faggot, why are you trying to deny something with mountains of evidence and proof to back it up
How many times a day do you find yourself thinking about child rape?
Cope more, simp
Stop shilling this ugly spic cunt, you subhuman faggot
Oh yes. When I hear Blacks in the USA talk I wonder if they really speak English. Even me with my fucked up German accent can speak better English then them and I maybe talked 1000 english sentences in my entire life lmao.
Maybe dear burgers you should shill more for the "Year of return"
Shitposter or shill, which one are you?
Organizing and participating in raids or other forms of harassment. Do not engage in or post content encouraging the harassment of individuals or communities. If someone is harassing you or your community, be proactive and block them immediately.
>Shitposter or shill, which one are you?
Answer the question, pedo.
Such a dumb term. Stop using the normie version of “orbiter”. And no, I won’t stop because there’s nothing wrong with me posting her. Keep seething.
I don’t use Discord, so I don’t know what that user is talking about - he’s just a troll.
Not an argument. There is undeniable evidence of the complete depravity of Hollywood. Even normies are starting to realize this with the whole Weinstein and Epstein business.
You keep making these threads as an excuse for you and your subhuman buds to post this ugly slut. You're a pathetic simp discord faggot and everyone knows it.
Who is this goddess?
So this is what a simp is