Dissociative Identity Disorder

Yo is this shit real?


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Other urls found in this thread:

ivantic.info/Dejvid Ajk i zavere/Fritz Springmeier i Cisco Wheeler/Total Mind Control Slave.pdf

would bang

Look out though because she might shapeshift into a guy while you're doing it

No, it's just a manifestation of the "I want attention" syndrome.

I even turned on the sound and still don't understand what this psycho is on about.

Larping: The Lifestyle

>Is it real?
Yes. It is caused by (and originates as a coping and detachment mechanism) severe childhood abuse, usually taking place on several occasions before the age of 10.
>Do these 19-year-old Instagram wannabe-makeup-artist genderfluid feminist bloggers have it?

But is this an accurate portrayal of the illness (despite being fake)?

Stay away from women who claim to have or show symptoms of BPD (and DID). They will destroy you. Learn the signs, because your life depends on it.
t. survivor

Insane would be the correct term

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no she DID'nt haha

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>Yo is this shit real?

It was considered "not a real thing" because all of those kids and people that were shown to have it were just whining about the Satanic Panic that was totally not real just like those tunnels.

Dissociative is basically the end result of MK Ultra programming. If you've ever worked with abused kids you would start to wonder why there is so much resistance to classifying it in the DSM.

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>Monarch programming would be the correct term

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Yeah no, she's just a fucking insane retard who THINKS she has dissociative identity disorder.
The kind of person who believes in Q crap

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its not and nothing and shock therapy can fix

It's real, and the glowies know how to induce it in people to use them not as assassins, not as sex slaves, but just for the hell of it.

>can't even handle a woman
you're a faggot, not a survivor


Personality 1:
oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi

*listens to terrible music*

Personality 2:
oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi

This is a thread about a cunt full of meme flags and cunts. Worthless, thread hidden.

to everyone saying she is just insane; so you believe someone can be insane but dissociative identity disorder is fake? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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Yes, you idiots. I listened to a subliminal for a while that claimed it could turn you arab and I went fucking loony batshit insane, I have never experienced that in my life.
The video was taken down but since I am southern Italian it's not like I looked much different anyway, people just started asking me if maybe I had some arab heritage in me.
Then I got violently ill along with being psychotic and some time passed and I was fine.

She's disinfo, you can see it on her face.

Real dissociative people are very quiet but switch to aggression or "go numb" based on specific stimuli.

So if you were to punch a dissociative person in the face out of nowhere, they would just shut down or start taking off their clothes.

It's some fucked up shit, which is why anything mainstream tried to tie it to Multiple Personality Disorder or psychopathy.

Dissociatives function like normal people for the most part until you trigger them for the conditions which cause their disconnect from reality. Often times they won't even remember and they lose huge portions of time even though they were doing normal people stuff.

Nah. Watched the videos of the celebs spazzing out. There was some pesudo famous woman who i think died awhile back and she put on clown makeup and was drawing with kids markers and shit. Totally fucking gone. 40yo woman. Her psycho handler ex husband filmed it.... Cant remember the name of the person anymore.

That isn't how DID works... She's full of shit.

Its what is used for MKUltra
Britney Spears is known to have it too.
The rundown on MKUltra is this
Abused children often cope by telling themselves "it wasnt so bad, its just what adults do", and wanting to be adults you often see sexually abused children sexually abuse other children. So when a child suddenly starts to do sexualized stuff its a telltale sign that someone touched the kid. This can be further extended to condition a child to anything. Sex slaves, child soldiers or satanic piece of shit etc.
If you go the split personality route you usually implement a trigger. The brain thinks in boxes. For example when you walk into a room forgetting what you wanted there its because the memory is associated with the other room you got the idea in. Thats also why you occasionally remember right when you are back in the original room. Or why people behave different around different people, because the personality traits and behaviors are linked to that person.
So when you start abuse you implement a trigger, for example the monarch butterfly that is around, or start off with a certain phrase. Then this abuse gets associated with that trigger and this brings forth the behavior of the abused personality you try to shape and form. At some point, to protect the original one the trigger is enough to make the personalities switch as those behaviors, memories and personality itself are linked to that trigger. you can probably use drugs and hypnotism too to enhance the effects. LSD was heavily used in the MKUltra experiments for example. Bit later it was spread in the Hippy culture which suddenly was all about degenerate sex, equating drugfueled orgies with deep love and doing nothing else aside from listening to some luciferian tunes (led zepplins logo for example relates to Melek Tau which is basically Lucifer/Satan The new personaity then can be shaped like that of a child too.

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You say these things so confidently..but what is the your source of information? For all the claims made on conspiracy websites, I assumed there was some deep well of clinical data/case studies..maybe a trove of declassified info on the MK program..but the further I dug into it, the more I began to doubt these types of claims..it's mostly speculation from mentally unwell people from what I can tell

All celebrities flipping out in public can be explained by dissociative or drug abuse, and drug abuse is a method for inducing dissociative disorder or dependency in victims.

>She's full of shit.
Anyone claiming abuse or bragging about their mental disorders is generally lying or hiding something.

For instance, OTEP claims to be an adovcate for abused women, and yet her newest album is called "Kult 45" and she aged 30 years in the past 2 years.



Went from hot as fuck to her true form.

To be fair, considering that faggots often were touched as a child we can assume the same for similar degenerates and disorders. Thus the genderfluid fags have a good chance of having been touched themselves or some similar trauma. And then they coped by telling themselves this is normal or even good and start supporting it themselves . This is not much different then the multiple personalities, except its just the one being „reformed“ which is basic alchemi to first destroy it and then reshape it. Phoenix from its ashes, the order out of the chaos, baphomets „solve et coagula“, shivas cosmic dance of destruction and creation, i would say the MKUltra monarch butterfly from the larve fits a similar transmutational theme.

>all the made up bullshit (((used))) to fancy up the simple reality of schizophrenia


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Wut? Its known MKUltra used drugs, especially LSD on people, usually against their will and often without the person realizing it even. They experimented with sleep deprivation, basic stress inducement. they even admitted to trying to put electronic devices into animals brains to remote control them. Using orphans, homeless, prostitutes and drunks for their experiments against their will. Obviously they dont tell the exact process and methods, but if you combine what they did with basic psychology its pretty much results in what I just said. However this is just one branch of the MKUltra research, they developed a whole lot of other techniques which are applied through pretty much all the media and promoted culture
There are various methods explained with examples and sources for various claims. Just think about it yourself

This little cunt is full of shit. I've been with 2 girls previously who have acted like this. Both had unfortunately undergone traumatic experiences from childhood.

This behavior is a "look at me I'm different" mindset as an attempt to deny/forget what they went through with regard to prior trauma.

Absolute foolishness,

She cutie

I think what's worst is all the people enabling this shit in the comments. Nobody is acting as if this is strange or odd or even a mental illness that should be treated.

It's called "Empathy."They are so fucked that they interpret empathy as a disorder.

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Damn right, I'm reading through them now on the page, here's my faves:

"I love how the entire comment section is just everyone being whipped for Kyle"

"Why am I so attracted to Kyle?? Really, his personality is so attractive to me, am I the only one? Lmao"

"Why do I imagine Kyle running towards the front for 35 seconds after hearing Pompeii"

"kyle: obviously ill come say hi to my babes, HI BABES
me: pile of mush"

"I love how Kyle immediately smiled when he fronted"

Kyle being the apparent "alter" identity. What an absolute fucking meme this is. What a load of shit. If anyone buy's this crap then you're a major league dolt.
Fact of the matter is, these people have experienced something potentially dreadful in their life and some psychologist has meme'd out a new "syndrome" that has now given them a stupid belief system akin to religion.

>Just think about it yourself
The process has been refined down for the average pimp or kidfucker to use. You basically get a kid or person addicted to some form of opiates to keep them passive and abuse them while they're wasted, then eventually, they make them perform duties before they can get their next fix. They also keep their mouth shut because they know you control their fix.

It's some fucked up shit, and pretty easy for any scumbag to do. The next level up is the generation cult initiation where they are unknowingly addicted to the adrenochrome in the blood.
>It’s thought that adrenaline addiction, like alcoholism and sugar addiction, is in part hereditary. This is perhaps one of the most crucial points to understand about the disorder. In short, it doesn’t affect everyone.

>>Finally, the levels of adrenaline released by those addicted can have a lasting impact on the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the memory center of the brain, and adrenaline rushes will shrink this. As a result, your brain will be unable to produce new neurons.



Some good examples

Also suspicious
this one here seems to be triggered by "holy ghost"

>tfw creampie ing an Aussie gal and she says some aussie quip I’m unfamiliar with

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ivantic.info/Dejvid Ajk i zavere/Fritz Springmeier i Cisco Wheeler/Total Mind Control Slave.pdf

Link to a book about illuminati mind control. The personality can be fractured just like any physical object from trauma. It's fucked up but I do believe it's real. Just not as ridiculous as you see on that film Split.

Also look up artist Kim Noble: huckmag.com/art-and-culture/art-2/the-woman-who-shares-a-body-with-14-different-artists/
She creates art to communicate the trauma she went through, and the style changes depending on the personality that's creating it. Very fascinating and disturbing.

And that's supposed to be a problem?

>This little cunt is full of shit. I've been with 2 girls previously who have acted like this. Both had unfortunately undergone traumatic experiences from childhood.
>This behavior is a "look at me I'm different" mindset as an attempt to deny/forget what they went through with regard to prior trauma.
Nigger she's in on it, so were those girls you met.

You were dating a cult members. If you think this bitch in OP and those chicks you were dating didn't know EXACTLY wtf they were doing, you're a fool.

Dissociatives are generally the result of being unwilling to their abuse. Monarchs, actual MK Ultra people, know right and wrong but they are PROGRAMMED to ignore or embrace it, and the ones that run away don't want to be part of it.

Dissociatives are due entirely to abuse.

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this is sad


Don't try an take me down that rabbit hole level bullshit man, it isn't anything like that. All it is, is the result of crazy bad experiences in childhood or adolescence.

"If you think this bitch in OP and those chicks you were dating didn't know EXACTLY wtf they were doing, you're a fool."
Prove it, you fucking fruitloop.

Peddle your retarded theories elsewhere, bitch boy.

That's just being a schizo tho

When it’s when a Jinn occupies a human body vassal.
It’s the internal fight between the soul and the jinns invading the body. They use humans as vassals.
So many cases lately because so many people live in a satanic way, and it opens the doorway (human portal) to all the devils (jinns) to invade and occupy human’s bodys to be used as vassals to exist on our plane living field.

This is the spiritual explanation

In 10 mins I will have this girls nudes.

I was depersonalization for a year, yes it's real, I still have have no idea why it happened, but I think it's tied to anxiety.

I was watching my life pass by from what felt like a 3rd person perspective and it was horrifying.

I was convinced I had a brain tumour till I got a CAT scan, and after that came back clean, I snapped back to reality

Nothing really traumatic had happened to me during that time and the lack of answers was/is frustrating

Do you guys have exorcists also?

>Don't try an take me down that rabbit hole level bullshit man

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Remember she started off as a disney star
Disney has club 33, I repeat, thirty-three, like the masons favorite number showing the connection to those guy. Remember all the popular MKUltrad teeny stars coming from Disney. And how are people MKUltrad? They are tortured and abused until the personality breaks, and creates new personalities to cope with the thing to protect itself at which point the new personality/personalities can be shaped. They probably use some drugs to enhance the effect while also building in a trigger to bring the desired personality to the front. Like giving them some certain shirt before the abuse starts or whatever. And since those kids have to be groomed/abused to be superstars you can be sure they think they can not only create the next superstar willing to promote their agenda, but also give all the pedophilic elites some fun time by letting them do abuse the kids. quit pro quo

no coincidences so many of their stars have some mental collapse later in their career.
a week after pic related was released FBI released the pedosymbols by the way. any chance someone got pissed?

also note: A bear, fat hairy faggot, snuggling with a barely clothed young boy
furthermore orange is the only colour that adds to 33 in (Pythagorean) Gematria

Also here is all I have on MKUltra and similar stuff

And here on elite pedophiles


>shizos denying that DID exists

Hey maaaaan it's all conspiracies maaaaan, fuck off weirdo. Reply properly or not at all.

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It is not in terms how it is shown in the video.
Unless you went through a hig tier brain washing programm as a child(like mk ultra) you will not develop such a mental state.
But and now comes the but.
Nowdays most people have many minds.
Today they think this. Tomorrow that.
Its like now days people have 100 masters in their house and depending who is near the door will open it.

In terms of Dissociative Identity Disorder its simple. You have mature people who act like children.
Their relationships were so toxic in their first 1-3 years that their nerve system(brain etc pp) created strategys to surive and feel safe.
People with Dissociative Identity Disorder will mostly avoid going in contact in flee in their "inner world" aka "fantasy" and i think all of us know
how destructive and real fantasys can become once they are not in controll anymore.

Yes we do.
But being able to read Quran outloud on yourself, and keeping a clean/healthy life is the best cure.

I m not a fan of exorcism because of countless of stories when abuse happened by the person practicing the exorcism.

>those chicks that were heavily abused and showed the same mental disorders is totally different from the claim that they suffered the mental disorders because of the heavy abuse and that these disorders can thus be forced
Cope harder

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red ice had this kind of stuff in their news archive before they "had a crash" or whatever it was

>Yo is this shit real?

>it's all conspiracies
>Specifically, in April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories” … and recommended methods for discrediting such theories. The dispatch was marked “psych” – short for “psychological operations” or disinformation – and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.

>The dispatch was produced in responses to a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times in 1976.

Why is it always niggers from the 5 eyes countries swearing MK Ultra stuff isn't real...

>That's just being a schizo tho
The difference is all the difference.
schizoid =/= schizo or schizophrenia

Never stated that these disorders can be forced.

Decent try though. Try harder.

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Yes.. i dissociated for most of my life

went through a lot of shit when i was around 16.... i never fully recovered, it's a weird feeling.. it's like i'm here but not really here, like i'm in a dream.....

Obvious LARP of actual condition. Sad, really.

Creating a label or term whether it be pejorative in origin does not determine what it can or will be used for or to refer to in the future.
For example, I am going to call you a faggot right now, you faggot. This is not due to any bundle of sticks reference nor am I commenting on your sexuality, I am using this word to refer to you being a general dolt.
You stating that the CIA created a term that I have just used (This term being "Conspiracy theorist"), as an attempt to decrease credibility is weak at best.

"Why is it always niggers from the 5 eyes countries swearing MK Ultra stuff isn't real..."
Because it's not real, why is it always low IQ fools from the states that generally tend to believe retarded bullshit like MK Ultra.

example of the real thing youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpynM4R1cbdmmT3qdBvd4QMCo7S9SKGQQ

>Unless you went through a hig tier brain washing programm as a child(like mk ultra) you will not develop such a mental state.
>In terms of Dissociative Identity Disorder its simple. You have mature people who act like children.
not really.

A teen girl unwillingly forced into regular prostitution by her father could become dissociative almost immediately after the abuse begins. A Monarch (MK Ultra) is a controlled dissociative person. The control is what takes time, and it doesn't take as much time as you'd think.

You need to read the MK Ultra files. The fucking CIA sometimes created controlled slaves in less than 24 hours.

It all depends on their willingness.

U wot m8

>Never stated that these disorders can be forced.
They absolutely can be. They can also be faked by sociopaths.

>Obvious LARP of actual condition. Sad, really.
This user gets it.

On the level of stupidity, this is a 10/10
Great job m8

Obv shill is obv. Anyone on the same side and saying the same thing as the Bhutan tranny is a shill faggot.

nigger a BPD/DID woman is not just a woman. these are the ones who will try to stab you while you sleep then accuse you of rape.

MK Ultra is well-documented, bong. Hell, even the Wikipedia page is full of citations that you can study for yourself.

I said that I never stated that they can be forced, not whether or not I believe or agree with that. I am correct in saying this and you are incorrect in your assessment of my statement.
My opinion on whether they "can" be forced (thanks for asking) is superfluous at best because it's highly unlikely for that to ever be proven. There might exist ways to do it, but never to be absolutely certain that it can fully occur.
So I don't think we should throw around statements that are so black and white like "this exists" rather than "this could exist"
To do so is idiocy.

">Obvious LARP of actual condition. Sad, really.
This user gets it."
Not an actual condition, this is simply someone using their trauma as a basis to act socially defensive under the guise of "being different" whilst at the same time attempting to regain their mental composure.
It's not DID it's trauma-based social delegation.

Go fuck yourself, I don't care what you say, you're an idiot.

It has literally never been proven and unfortunately for you (and the majority of fruitloops) you're overstated with absolute whiney donkey's.
Cull your idiots.