Why are Americans the dumbest fuckers on Earth?

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America numba 1 in:
Electing the most retarded president
Serving Israel
Sharting in mart
Marrying their cousins
Producing BLACKED porn
Interracial marriage
LGBT rights
School shootings
Housing the most illegal immigrants
And now, most cases of the AMERICAN virus

Because you're dragging down the average IQ.

>es jist a cold
>a dunt trust dis Dr. Fauci. 'es a deep stage ajent
>it's a conspiricey tah make drumpf look bad!

You're all fucking legit retards who are endangering humanity.

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I don’t know about you all... but this is the first time since college since I’ve felt alive. I have lots of silver and been waiting for this to happen for 5 years. The point where 1 silver Roosevelt dime buys me a blowjob from a formerly well to do housewife and her 18 year old daughter at the same time. I’ve been waiting in the shadows laughing at these cuck husbands who buy their wives range rovers instead of buying silver bullion... knowing that I’ll be face fucking their wives mouths for the 1.30$ it cost me to buy that silver dime.

Just yesterday at Whole Foods I seamlessly entered a conversation with a roastie milf with a ring about corona in the water aisle... and I said it’s a cover for trump to bring us on a gold standard. She was looking at me in amazement like she wanted me to paint her lips in cum. At the end of the conversation I’m like take my number l, have plenty of protection and freeze dried food if you ever need it and she took it from me.

>thinking the NWO is a plot to turn the world Muslim

See, 80 IQ plan-trusting Q-loving retard.

They're a big isolated country and they're all raised to believe they're the best country in the world, so they develop a big ego. Trump is like a poster boy for this mentality.

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Mmmurica first

>like a half dozen threads on the exact same shit
it's you. dunning kruger ain't just for video games dumbass.

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>dey're insulting us waaaahhh Murica is dah best. Murica is dah best. Dey're just jealous dey don't have as many coronavirus cases as us!!

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Agreed, Americans that repost CCP propaganda talking points are retarded.

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And then you woke up with a keyboard shaped bruise on your forehead and licked the cheetos dust off your fingers and went back to minecraft.

Pretty low death rate, how's your country handling it memeflag?

You need to understand how materially luxurious living in the US is compared to anywhere in the world. Burgers use that as a crutch to constantly claim we are the best at everything and immune to pretty much everything.

chink goy on crusade against US
maybe stop eating rats faggot

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Were supposed to believe china stayed at 80k cases and isnt beyond fucked right now

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Fpbp, checked

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Answer the question you coping rural retard

Why is your country run by a 70 year old man who wears fake tan, who is the dumbest president ever?


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Fuck off, chink shill. china is intentionally hiding their numbers.

Yeah, try living here and trying to figuring out what the fuck is going on

THESE are the mongoloid bumpkin freaks who put Drumpfy in office, who are endangering humanity with their reckless rural retardation.

Toothless, ejumacashin haten RETARDS.

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Quality post.

The USA has done far more testing than any other country. Of course more tests = higher confirmed count. Seriously OP, do you even use your brain?
Oh... you don't. That explains it
Saged and hidden





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>85k cases

You are so dumb. The flu already has over 500,000 cases. This is literally way less dangerous than the flu.

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Using retard as an insult. Very problematic. What do you have against the mentally handicapped?

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All this shit is irrelevant now, we're in a new and dark decade, you seriously need to update your self the future is coming at you like a 50 cal bullet and you're still stuck on this identity politics trash

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Coping MAGAT

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unfortunately we probably don't even crack top 5 on cousin marrying yet but otherwise good list

Show your real flag, pussy.

US is testing more people.
China lies.
Simple really.

i never voted lol

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Go OD on opioids lol

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Local liberal leaders let the virus get out of control, and CCP Democrat shills screech about Trump online as if it will change anyone's mind. I remember when leftists were actually intelligent.

This is not totally true, America is barely getting up to speed in the testing department is behind most nations specially China and Korea.
You'r just regurgitating the same crap every body else does, America is way behind on everything the deaths are going to start to pile this coming week

Posting about other countries isn't going to change anything COPER.

America is a shithole.

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>If I post enough about other countries people will forget that we're the world's laughingstock!

The American system is broken governments are going to start to dump the dollar soon

>Believes China

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>You are so dumb. The flu already has over 500,000 cases. This is literally way less dangerous than the flu

Based on current metrics, how many cases of flu will be in 3 months? How many corona?

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I can't wait for all the people who say it's a hoax to get sick. You haven''t seen anything CLOSE to how fucking retarded we can be

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Dude you need to chill out before you have an aneurysm

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Brought to you by....Jews!

Gringos can't digest the truth, let them be they have the equivalent mind of a 15 y.o guy.
Once the new reality sets in they'll panic like shit

To be fair it's not all Americans, just right-wingers who are the least educated in America.

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okay chang, why do chinks eat dog?

wtf is that map

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Who cares if we do, it barely kills anyone anyway.

Like 2k people have died in the entire USA lmfao You have more chance of dying from falling down.

nice medical insurance, faggot.

to prevent it from becoming Eurocucks.

It's Amerimutt cope.

Don't listen to them. Statistically American Republicans are likely to be obese uneducated rural Evangelical Christian morons. They're wrong about everything.

Why the fuck would anyone want silver when shtf dumbass? I will be getting bjs for a few TP squares, the currency of the future.

Cause a lot of us didn't even bother to vote because back in 2016 we felt like our opinions and votes didn't mean shit. So Trump just barely won candidacy. I'm at fault too, I didn't vote and I really should have

But you can prove it wrong in under 60 seconds.
1280 km is roughly 800 miles so there's very little actual difference between those 2 places.

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Who hurt you?

As I said, white Republicans are much less educated than their white Democratic peers.

I think you underestimate how strong this correlation is. Remember: American conservatism brought us the worst perversion of Christianity (Evangelism/Israel worship); the dumbest leader of the Western world and perhaps the dumbest, most inept President in US history; they brought us Q-user and retarded Alex Jones conspiracy theories

Americans are cancer on the right.