I think Africa should unite it’s stable countries

I think Africa should unite it’s stable countries

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Best of luck. I mean it.

which one is stable?

It already has.

the one with the elections and stuff

botswana, and the would hate the idea of unify with other african nations.

you better not or that sword is gonna end up your ass
>pic related

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parts of africa are surprisingly becoming not absolute shit, go on google maps and streetview and their bigger cities have sushi places, mexican restaurants, and they don't have those bulletproof windows like niggerfied america

Stop grand-strategy LARPing, leaf.

The way to go is to create a sovereign ethno-nation-state for every single people group on earth. (((Uniting))) different peoples will always cause strife in the long term (case in point: Yugoslavia). The way to lasting global peace is to have a separate place for every race, but unironically.

This is also why Yas Forums is seething over Zionism, since Jews had the idea first.

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Unite them all... except for chad. Let him be a chad.

You are a fucking retard, Yugoslavia was a nation for the south slavs wich are the same race.

imagine thinking that's what zionism actually is.

You claim jews had every idea first

botswana has their shit together because they keep it basic.

I already know what you're gonna say, so I'll dismiss it forthwith
Not the same peoples, at all. Can you even name them?

based kike
now let us have ethnostates too

>jews had the idea first
god i hate every single last one of you kikes

China is our new nationalist leadership
you can go to the

>Not the same peoples, at all. Can you even name them?
Bosnians, serbians, croats, monkeydonians and slovenias, they are all south slavs

If it works it works i suppose

Africa couldn't organise a fuck in a brothel

Africa, "stable countries"
Pick one faggot leaf




and one day later it's bankrupt due corruption and already burning due tribal wars

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>I already know what you're gonna say
that real zionism is working towards bringing the new jerusalem, aka zion, down from heaven?

no you had no idea that i knew about THE VERY FUCKING THING I WROTE BEFORE JEWS EVEN EXISTED.

Look out guys, we have a retard alert!

Botswana, Kenya and Ghana are the only stable ones without dictators. Actually scratch that, Botswana is practically a kingdom. So just Ghana. I had a cab driver from Ghana who had pride in being from there. Said it was the best country in africa-- he's right for the subsaharan part at least.

>muh "real" Zoyonism
Yup. Galaxybrain detected

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yep, and comfy.

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when will japan admit the katana was invented in africa by black people and stolen by japanese invaders?

All of Africa uniting under a single central government.
Imagine the smell.

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sure that will work well
>africa unites
>some nigger wear the wrong shirt color
>a million people get cut down with machetes in one month and a million more starve

youd have to be gone pretty far off the deep end of leftism to even be able to believe that the bullshit youre sprouting just now would be possible, op.

>I think Africa should unite it's stable countries
There are literally 0 of them. Good luck.

Jews should steal the Nazi aesthetic from nazism. That’ll be the end of Nazism

Side note: this is how Orthodox Jews should do their hair. You don’t need to curl the side things.

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>stable countries
good luck finding one, the moment europeans left africa they just started to chimp out between themselves

>he doesn't know

Fuck back off to 9gag you memeflag bastard

Gonna be funny in a couple hundred years when Africa might have actual societies and niggers in the US are still thuggin and chimping out.

There is something whole ironic about a negro holding a weapon that her people wouldn't have been able to make in million years

Rwanda too

Literally made for BWC

>stable countries

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>yep, and comfy
It sure looks like

jews already stole evey facet of nazism why would they destroy that which gives them relevance and power over slave cattle? Dumb leaf

>Africa should unite it’s stable countries


First you have to civilize all niggers in Africa what is IMPOSSIBLE. Of course black genocide would be interesting alternative

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Why are coons so strong? This nigress has more muscle mass than I do and also a wider waist, she is most likely shorter, to boot.

A tight fist is not japanese like at all

Israel is the headquarters of an international crime family, it is not an ethno-state.

tits ok , feet nah.

Imagine thinking proto humans from the stone age could have "stable countries"

I think niggers are too stupid and impulsive to work together toward a common goal.

Now what?

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Botswana is stable because it is ruled by proxy by the english queen. Nothing is allowed to disrupt the mining of "her" diamonds.

Where did she (?) get that katana from?


How can you tell from streetview that the windows are not bulletproof?

We wuz samurai n shiet

I think the word you are looking for is "stolen"

G, a South African racist who can't accept development of their continent.. That's a new one.

I love Japanese culture. I hope Africa gets cultured by Japanese and Chinese culture along with refined European culture.