Why do I still see SO MANY boomers walking their dogs or just going on a leisurely stroll just for the sake of it...

Why do I still see SO MANY boomers walking their dogs or just going on a leisurely stroll just for the sake of it? Were trying to prevent spread of the virus, and these boomers have nothing else to do other than walk the streets for the hell of it, shit pisses me off. Natural selection will take its course.

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Well in Colorado they put the state on lockdown and said we shouldn't go out for any reason unless absolutely necessary like getting groceries or " WALKING YOUR DOG " and I said out loud " What? ".

You do realize you need exercise right?


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Because dogs need to shit, piss and get exercise?
Going for a walk is absolutely no issue for the spread of the virus if you keep your distance. Besides, this whole social distancing thing isn‘t helping anyways since the vieus can survive for a long fucking time on surfaces. Iow, if you would want to be on the safe side, you‘d have to disinfect and quarantine everything you bring into the house, including groceries and mail. You would also have to get undressed and shower before entering the house. Are you doing this? No? Thought so. Then there‘s also the fact that you can be an asymptomatic carrier. If you‘re in your 20‘s, chances are huge that you would test positive but have no to mild symptoms. Stop shitting on people who need some fresh air and sunlight. They aren‘t endangering anyone more than they already are.

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Boomers are incredibly narcissistic. Most of them are saying how DOW will be at 40k by summer

Same here, boomers every moment of everyday walking past the house down to the park, often with smelly fucking dog shitting on my lawn.

Yes, the disease is aerosolized and you will catch it the moment you leave your house.

>Going for a walk is absolutely no issue for the spread of the virus if you keep your distance.
> Besides, this whole social distancing thing isn‘t helping anyways since the vieus can survive for a long fucking time on surfaces.

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>boomers have nothing else to do other than walk the streets for the hell of it
If only you knew how bad things really are. Even when there is a perfectly good side walk they all choose to walk down the middle of the fucking road...
t. courier

There ain't no corona out in the woods, you jackass. The man mowing his lawn or the woman working on her garden isn't in any danger of anything.

Only boomers have dogs. Fuck your a retard.

Good, if I was nearby I would shit on your lawn you cunt.

how the fuck are you going to get sick walking outside retard? If u have ample space between people how the fuck are you going to get magically sick you schizo. If i want to go for a walk i fucking will and its not going to kill me smartass

As long as people in the household still have to go to work, and as long as you have to go get groceries, going for a walk makes absolutely no difference.
We‘re all infected already anyways. So why live like a prisoner? Have you tried being stuck inside with toddlers for weeks? Ofc you can easily judge others since you only have to care for yourself and your piss bottles and haven‘t been in nature since 20 years.

They will argue „muh airborn virus“, thinking opening your door or window or having air condition wouldn‘t mean you could catch it just as easily even if you stayed home since weeks. With their limited brain capacity, they think getting groceries is safe but going for a walk in the forrest is a sin. Kek.

You wouldn't even know what a front lawn looks like, your housing looks like commie shit.

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At least our houses are made of real materials

Why do you Mohammeds hate doggos so much?

Because no one gives a fuck about your fake flu.

I went out yesterday and my state has 400 cases, but traffic is still about 70% the regular amount. Only noticeable if you're looking for it.

At least our islands shake houses made from "real materials" to the ground.

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I'd shit on your lawn too mohammed

says the pleb who lives on ramsay street
your box houses look like electrical substations, recycling centres and telephone exchanges m8

Nah just a white guy that likes cats, and lawns clean enough to walk bare foot on (no prickles or shit). And dogs do smell awful to me, IDK why, but cat's I can't smell at all.

pic related

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>Ramsay St
>New Zealand
FFS It's Shortland not Ramsay.

>Have you tried being stuck inside with toddlers for weeks?

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I killed my dog just when the virus reached my country. just in case

literally the same thing

Youre not gonna get infected going for a walk you absolute leaf.

Imagine choosing to live somewhere where the fucking ground moves


One's a hospital the other is full of bogans. How is that the same thing?

it's like differentiating between a pakistani and a bangladeshi, they're both the same thing

It's like a very slow cruse mate. Millmetres per year on average.

is that why you describe your dick as 3 years long?

Boomers know this is all hysteria. They've been around for long enough to know when a government is exploiting a situation for greater totalitarian control of the people

we'll have state issued haz mat suits soon. don't worry nothing will stop us from getting to work

why does every glownigger need a dog in the first place.

Yeah until its a 2m shear in 20 seconds and everything is fucked and you die.

You can go for a walk or to a park, you absolute retard. Don't tell me you took "stay home" literally.

I know going outside for exercise is a confusing concept for you Leaf, but people who aren't obese recluses actually like getting fresh air with their loyal beasts.

If only you knew how bad it can be.
Alpine fault got nothing on this.

trust me it's bad out here, DO NOT COME OUT. STAY INSIDE UNTIL WE ALL DIE,!! I beg of you for your own sake DO NOT COME OUT!!!

No, convince them it's oanick and chaos and death outside, maybe they'll never come back out. How fuck awesome would that be?

lol based

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Going for a walk outside is fine, that’s not part of social distancing. You are a low IQ city dweller who is afraid of the sun.

Op confirmed angry incel.

Because the virus only effects weak faggots like you.



t. lockdown janny

Have they got snitch hotlines in leafland yet?

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They lived through 'muh Cuban missile crisis' so they think they're invincible. Also TV news is literally the only source of information most of them have, and they are spectacularly ignorant and naive people generally. Finally, they are all literal narcissists who refuse to admit that they are elderly and will get triaged when the hospitals start to fill up.

Are you kidding. Cats are far worse than dogs. Ask any vet. Dirty bastards puking up hairballs and licking their own asshole. A dog will hold it and beg for you to take him outside. A cat will just shit. Litter box, no litter box...they don't care. Fish breath rat traps with feet. Although most are to lazy to do anything but eat, sleep and shit when they aren't puking. I'll take my clean smooth coat good boy any day of the week. And yes, he may lick where his balls used to be, but at least it's not his asshole.


Kek, it's true. And they're outraged over some dumbass spring break kids but 20 minutes later they're having big fucking gatherings and inviting all their friends. It's bizarre.

Humans need to get out and spend time in nature.
I had this flu and it's no big deal.
The big deal is being locked up inside terrified of it.

Boomer here. That's because we have balls of steel. We build this world, which is now wreked by weak minded normies. Who are so afraid of death, that they are willing to destroy everyone and everything in order to gain nothing.

bruh someone called the cops on me for walking my dog today not even joking (they made up some bs to get them to come)
obviously nothing happened they didnt even tell me to go inside but what the fuck


I want to fucking stab you to dead

I work all over the space coast on my construction crew and all the rich suburb fucks are all out jogging, going to stores, walking dogs, etc. Seems like most everyone is still working.

>Boomer here.
haha not for long

Can’t take doogo for walk if you already filleted it amiright chang?

You have to go back.