Is there an alternative to these two kike-owned systems?

Is there an alternative to these two kike-owned systems?

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Yes it’s called Niggerism, where you pay 40% for foodstamps and in exchange niggers fuck your wife

And they fuck her like a beast


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Sounds like a perfect fit for Yas Forums!

Fuedalism so pretty good imo. Europe was at its height under kings and emperors. Idk maybe they gave up on it too early?

Economic reality is a bunch of logistical networks; political reality is a flow of influence and information. Don't get hung up on the system. Pay attention to the logistics and the information.

>stone age sociopathy with more government is a viable alternative

It's called innawoods

The third position is the best

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Feudalism was stagnant trash. Early capitalism soared with egalitarianism; late capitalism stagnated without it. Early communism soared with egalitarianism; late communism stagnated without it. Social systems progress when they distribute power more broadly and stagnate when they centralize it. Decentralized feudalism promotes monstrous abuses among the nobility (the pizzagate stuff is a lie IRL, but it would eventually happen for real under a decentralized feudal system), so feudalism is almost intrinsically central.

>against fascism, the only system which is kike proof
Stay mad moshe


many people do not realize that an unguided free market is as terrible as an unguided political system.

For the same reason why inferior, uneducated unwashed masses elect inferior leaders. They also buy inferior products and inferior services.

You cannot trust people to act responsibly with their money

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National Socialism

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also, yesterday I managed to ask the many questions about the free market and came out victorious against the free market fags

Government intervention upon the free market is good. People buy and desire terrible things.

You can't have Nationalism without Socialism
You can't have Socialism without Nationalism
You can't have National Socialism without Revolution.

Long live the National Socialist Revolution.

try not being a whiny pussy

The worst is when Libertarians want less government so that they can have more "freedom". It's as if they believe that their corporations are actually going to allow them to be free. They are so dopey.

> Long live the National Socialist Revolution.

Heil Yeah

Is that what your fat nigger gf says when you complain she's pegging your sissy ass too hard, faggot?

The church acting as a state, having their own police/military power.

corporations treat other humans most inhumanely if they can get away with it.

That is what you get when you have subhuman socio/psychopaths in charge of many people and many resources.

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The problem with socialism and communism is that there NEEDs to be someone in charge, otherwise it'll be an anarchy.
And that person in charge always seems to be a corrupt dictator.

100% Correct.

Hitler wasn't a corrupt dictator.

The first one but we execute the commies thereby driving apple out of business.

oh please implying all the bs in the market place isn't from some form of gov granted monopoly, ip, subsidized, pointless tax and regulation and some other nonsense

>muh glorious white race should be in charge of their destiny
>n-no the masses are dumb af, we need a technocracy run by a small elite circle

nice try kike.


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As opposed to the political puppets which come with (((democracy))) and (((capitalism))).

>Tyranny in democratic republics does not proceed in the same way, however. It ignores the body and goes straight for the soul. The master no longer says: You will think as I do or die. He says: You are free not to think as I do. You may keep your life, your property, and everything else. But from this day forth you shall be as a stranger among us. You will retain your civic privileges, but they will be of no use to you. For if you seek the votes of your fellow citizens, they will withhold them, and if you seek only their esteem, they will feign to refuse even that. You will remain among men, but you will forfeit your rights to humanity. When you approach your fellow creatures, they will shun you as one who is impure. And even those who believe in your innocence will abandon you, lest they, to, be shunned in turn. Go in peace, I will not take your life, but the life I leave you with is worse than death.

National syndicalism.

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>The Programme of the NSDAP and its General Conceptions by Gottfried Feder (

no, by natsoc elites. The masses are always incapable of providing for themselves.

free market

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Why didn't your free markets save the day during this pandemic?

Open the borders!
Let people charge $1,488 for a pack of toilet paper!

Death to your worthless system.

> oh please implying all the bs in the market place isn't from some form of gov granted monopoly, ip, subsidized, pointless tax and regulation and some other nonsense

That's a strawman. I never claimed that the current government is not corrupting the market corporations. All I said is that without a government, the corporations controlling the market would be tyrannical & not allow the citizens any freedom and that this is ironic as it is what Libertarians desire but would ultimately hate.


>free market
pick one


>At most, they can kill you only once.
>At most, you only have to kill them once.
>But in life, a coward dies a hundred times.

War until victory brother.

Business were forced to shut down during this pandemic, so it's not a free market.

Heil victory!

>capitalism gives you a apple someone has taken a bite out of
>communism gives you a partially cut loaf of bread

Yea, its called no government.


he had a propagandaminister, of course he was fuckin corrupt. even if he wanted the best for the german people, what he thought was the best was just his delusional powerfantasy wich was the reason we lost the war. he failed us both in his ideas and in his actions.

um, as you can tell, most white people are retarded as fuck

Answer my fucking questions. How would muh free markets handle this situation?

Should someone be allowed to buy every bottle of water, food and medicine from the grocery store then sell it for an excessive amount?! Yes or no

Should the government dictate the prices and flow of foods during these type of events to prevent abuse? Yes or no

That's just basic machiavellianism. It's the way things are because most people can't think for themselves. The fact that he wanted what was best for the German people (and the white race in general) and acted accordingly shows that he was not corrupt in any moral sense.

Anarchism means no rules for rulers.

Go innawoods. Kill any who get in your way.

Answer these and stop obfuscating like a typical rat I know you're devastated that you can't go to a gay bar or to watch cuckball events but you can survive without them for another week.


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In ancient Israel there was a Jubilee year. Basically everyone was a Capitalist for 50 years straight, then on the 50th year eas
Jubilee year -- slaves (workers who voluntary indentured themselves due to debt) were freed and property returned to the original family blood line owners.
Thus capital could not be accumulated indefinitely, and land barons couldnt exist.

>Should someone be allowed to buy every bottle of water, food and medicine from the grocery store then sell it for an excessive amount?!
>Should the government dictate the prices...
>government dictate prices
>free market
pick one

> Abrahamism

I think the issue with Hitler shows a greater problem, that one man no matter how great cannot rule without entrusting power into a group of associates.

>Is there an alternative to these two kike-owned systems?


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I think it's arguable but I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

>The reason we lost the war
There was no way to win the war all things being the same for the allied side. All these concern trolls with their "oh gosh if only Hitler didn't do X instead of Y and if Hitler was more Z then we could have won" bullshit.

Hitler and everyone of the Axis did more than enough for us. We will fight the cause and bring the whore of zion to her knees.

my man

Mutt’s law

There you have it. These piece of shit "free market" rats want to profiteer off of disasters. How jewish.

You'll have your free markets in our work facilities. We'll see, we'll certainly fucking see.

Man these free-market fuckboys really boil my blood

Explain your entire religious beliefs now or be branded as fedora atheist for all lurkers

now christianity could work with natsoc actually!, sadly a lot of christians think they should worship the jews as a race and abandon all sense of enthnic background

I am a pagan - more specifically a Rodnover

wtf is it with you people and interracial cuckoldry?

> sadly a lot of christians think they should worship the jews as a race and abandon all sense of enthnic background

But that's in the bible though. So what do you think that tells you about Christianity?

They always think they'll be the ones who are one step ahead of the other greedy rats. They'll be one step ahead in a way I guess. One step ahead in line to the "work facility".

Embrace the AI, user.

What if, instead of a government, you had little Kubernetes inside of your body, run by your internal heat, and they would connect to your brain to understand your needs/fears/desires and communicate with all other kubernetes across the globe on condition, capabilites and duties that people on Earth needed to have in order to live in peace in societies?

These clusters of of computers could find optimal solutions for problems on their own, you don't even need to know about problems, your thought would be considered without you even becoming aware of them, everything is done without any intervention or awareness, the combined AI would own business, land, utilities and everything else but it would be a decentrilized collective, focused only on human needs, development and peace.

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checked but also elaborate I didn't ask for a brand name you can hide behind

> They always think they'll be the ones who are one step ahead of the other greedy rats. They'll be one step ahead in a way I guess. One step ahead in line to the "work facility".



Unplug from the net. Fend for yourself.

> checked but also elaborate I didn't ask for a brand name you can hide behind

But I would have been given a brand name if I didn't say anything. So why are you entitled to know my ways?

I'm not going to explain how free markets self correct and disincentivizes these practices. It's basic economics. You'll read up on it if you actually care. Anyway I'm out, enjoy your non arguments and buzzword spouting

no its not, thats what normies believe. god told the jewish people not to mix with other races so that applies to white people as well. anyone who says something different is misunderstanding the essence of salvation through jesus christ.


God you're such an obnoxious faggot.
Here's your answers.
In a free market, everyone can make and sell bottles of water, medicine and food. Instead of regulations there are information aggregating businesses that you can buy from up to date information on what business is not scamming you. Reputation+money based systems with staking of both.
Right now you cannot produce medicine or even water without approval from the government. This is obviously not free market and leads to monopolies, which lead to market inefficiency at best and outright exploitation at worst.
>real capitalism has never been tried amirite?

You already know the answer.

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Not when you call anyone in charge of you a kike

Is that you Bob Page?

> god told the jewish people not to mix with other races so that applies to white people as well

Ok but that doesn't mean that the bible does not tell gentiles to not racemix.

It's a question of motive, no one is entitled to anything but I enjoy reading through people's beliefs taken from the heart and not some scrambled wiki page copy pasta. The conjoining of two minds is the building of trust.

Let's find out!
>National Socialism

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