Question for American whites:
If you could move back to Europe next week, would you?
Question for American whites:
No because Europe is a neo-Communist shithole because of the EU.
There is no retreat
Yes. America had potential but we started fucking it all up about 100 years ago. I have no problem cutting bait and starting over.
Hell the fuck balls to the wall yes. This shithole is dead.
I'd rather live in China than 'murica
95% white though
Only if Sicilian independence is assured. We'll be poor, but we'll be family.
No fuck off this is my home and I would rather die standind in my doorway than die on my knees in the living room
I hope so... No American bitch would wear her Knife like this. She has folders, and fixed blades for all occasions, and knows how to wear them. This is some glopnik shit... still sexy... but not proper.
America is home.
All the French are moving to Quebec.
Along with loads of European immigrants.
only if i could bring my guns, my freedoms and my constitutional representative republic.
an american living in europe loses all the things that make americans unique in the world
our self-sufficiency coupled with a strong sense of responsibility for the community, our love of liberty, bordering on anarchy, but ultimate respect for the law and order our representatives create, and our unwavering belief that if the representatives go too far, we can and will send them packing, or put them in the ground.
europe cant handle americanism, and never could, thats why we are over here, being badass, and you are back there, drowning in socialism, white guilt and rapefugees.
If we're conveniently ignoring the difficulties of making living arrangements and finding a job, yes. America has betrayed the white man by deliberately orchestrating his demise, it's as simple as that.
I'll take niggers over communists.
No way.
I suppose it would be nice, but let's face it, most Europeans don't want us there. We'd be fleeing to a country in which we might have to learn a new language for, which we'd always have an accent in. We'd be no different from the invaders.
>If you could move back to Europe next week, would you?
Just don't come to any of the Slav countries, Hungary, Romania or Balt states.
not for long, thanks to france
europe is lost too, just a generation behind
Stay the fuck out yank
You deserve the rope for even saying this
Without hesitation, but only if I thought my economic prospects were good. I've thought about trying to relocate but it costs money and I'd be uprooting myself from my friends and family.
Fuck off, we're full.
fuck no
>white americans
ffuck off you disgusting mutts. I hope you all die of "muh tschaina virus" you stupid niggers.
The coronavirus is the mutt punishment virus that already roamed in the usa 2019.
Holy shit france... you guys are almost at our level.
they arent going to move over and coronachan is already destroying open schengen borders
but France is sufficiently wealthy and will be for a while that they will stay there
Thanks to communism most of europe is poor af :D
of course you would
you sure would prefer your FREE MARKET paying 18 year old white girls to have sex with 50 year old black men on amera
because FREEDOM OF SPEECH amirite burgerclap?
You import Africans and Arabs by the truckload but make it impossible for white Americans to immigrate.
Yes I would come back immediately, and fourth more I should already have Israeli tier automatic right of return to all European nations from which I can prove descent, but this is clown world and nation states are apparently just overhyped cattle pens.
No. This is better land, and whites are under attack on both continents.
they arent going to move over and coronachan is already destroying open schengen borders
but France is sufficiently wealthy and will be for a while that they will stay there
Thanks to communism most of europe is poor af :D
of course you would
you sure would prefer your FREE MARKET paying 18 year old white girls to have sex with 50 year old black men on amera
because FREEDOM amirite burgerclap?
Yes, this soil does not contain the blood of my ancestors. I feel nothing towards it. It is nothing more than an economic convenience of a union. There is no community. I hate it.
>moving from niggerville to muslimville
What's the point?
t. Not a faggot
the fuck happened to france?
Too soon. Gotta wait till UK kicks out all the pakis, or Germany enters Reich part IV.
You sound like a loser.
Depends, can I keep my guns?
I might move back to Russia if this place collapses. What an odd turn of events.
You deserve a helicopter ride.
Depends, can I keep my guns? If so, yes.
Yes, for a while. But I'd come back to the US with an army and beat back the brown people just like my ancestors did. This time however, I'd make sure that there was an actual genocide. Kikes too. Kikes first.
Well you have both. Enjoy.
No, because the whites in America have more gusto than the whites still in Europe. European whites are uber cucked and self hating. Granted America has the same problem, but not to nearly the same degree, and if I talk to American white males in private I can usually get them to concede that other races account for many of our nation's problems.
because we are winning?
personally im getting tired of all this winning, it is exhausting.
sometimes i think we should just take an L, just so we can get a good spot in next year's draft.
>American whites
What did he mean by this
You're banned from our country, Muhammad. You fuck off.
Fuck me this site is unreliable sometimes
the blackest country in europe is still whiter than some of the whitest states in the US though,
France, with 8% black would placei it in some of the whiter US States like Kentucky
Anyways look at the rest of the EU, or even better East Europe
these demographics are nowhere replicated even in the whitest part of the US
Germany for instance has less blacks (494k) than the US has just in the city of detroit. LOL
No, because the whites in America have more gusto than the whites still in Europe. European whites are uber cucked and self hating. Granted America has the same problem, but not to nearly the same degree, and if I talk to American white males in private I can usually get them to concede that other races account for many of our nation's problems.
Also, guns.
My family chose this nation 5 gens back.
This is my Europe, and I will propagandize/fight/burn myself for her alone.
Im not half scot, im not half german, i'm fully American.
For better or worse, nobody likes a fucking refugee.
based Texan
>American whites
Cute flag you got there, Jamal. Lemme guess.... refugee?
What this fine user has said.
Yes, but as a dual citizen. Honestly both Europeans and Americans should have free reign to go to and from each other's countries exclusively no other races allowed.
> return to European country with European girls
> use American ingenuity
> revamp country with American ideals
> keep the European girls and lose the American muts
>Muh guns
Face it, you are less safe in this nigger infested shithole - even armed - than you are in virtually any European country, and you can still purchase a shotgun in the majority of European countries.
have you actually talked to europoors or are you just making shit up?
the most cucked people we meet here are americans
there's a reason 25% of europeans vote for parties like AfD or FPO while in America voting for the republicans is something you cucks have to hide lmao\
They are cucks
they are essentially americans; they hate muslims more than blacks in France and they jack off to their document about secualirty and lack of religion
lts just a mini america here in UE i hope FN gets elected and Frexits cause the rest of europe will be better off without them
Why would I if I can't bring my personal armory?