Magacucks will defend this

>Magacucks will defend this

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Also an additional 25 million going to representatives (Congress).
These same representatives took a day off Tuesday in midst of a pandemic.

Abolish the federal government.

Provide proof that corporate irresponsibility caused the corona virus to spread world wide.

Does anyone actually believe the stock market actually exists anymore? It's more monopoly money than cryptocurrency. It bounces 2000 points when 30% of the workforce is laid off and corporations are literally going bankrupt. Our entire economic growth has been fake all these years, just corps buybacking stocks with accrued debt to pretend to investors that they are having capital gains. None of it makes sense, 70% of our population is sub 90 IQ, our leaders are retarded, our government is retarded, there is no solidarity, no patriotism, no loyalty, nothing. Our entire country is fucking finished because we allowed our education system to become so eroded and corrupt that every single person that comes out of it is a close minded retard. We deserve everything that's about to come our way.

What would the democrats have done differently, that would prevent a pandemic that originated in China from spreading globally ?

>yeah, but what about...

>proof that corporate irresponsibility caused the corona virus to spread world wide.
Who the fuck said that?

>the stock market actually exists anymore?
Today proved that the stock market is just a manipulated circus run by the Fed. Nothing matters anymore apart from the fact that they just printed 6 trillion dollars to keep it afloat.

How does obstruction, demoralization and panic mongering help fix this situation ?

You do not have an answer.

No one voted for the bankers

I believe you implied this OP.

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Democrats are just as bad, but I don't see a president like Obama telling his 80 iq fanbase that the virus is a hoax and that churches should be packed by easter.

You take the President’s words out of context to advance democrat talking points. You and your Chinese allies are in very big trouble.

You do when you sanction the system by voting at all

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So corporations are irresponsible when they don't save for a rainy day, but citizens are responsible for doing the same thing?

>democrat talking points.
>If you don't support out supreme leader trump ur a chink democrat commie xd

>You take the President’s words out of context
So explain us what he meant by this:
>its a hoax
>it will disappear one day like a miracle
>everyone should get back to work, I want packed churches on easter

You can't. He's a fucking retard.

So corporations are irresponsible when they don't save for a rainy day, but citizens are responsible for also not saving money?

$500 billion in loans, loan guarantees, and investments.

This includes restrictions on businesses who receive the loans. Those businesses may not issue dividends to investors for up to a year after the loan is no longer outstanding, and must retain 90% of employment levels as of March 24, "to the extent practicable," through September 30. Companies that receive the assistance are barred from making furloughs, pay cuts, or stock buybacks through September. The loans also cannot last longer than five years.

The legislation prohibits federally elected officials and their immediate relatives from obtaining funds from the $500 billion program. (no money for Trump family businesses). Businesses that are owned or partly owned by "the President, the Vice President, the head of an Executive department, or a Member of Congress; and the spouse, child, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law" will be barred.

These are loans. Not gibs. Fact check yourself, faggots.

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MagaCucks? The Dems were the ones who packed the bill with pork...

>Muh Arts
>Muh Illegals
>Muh Green New Deal

Fuck off shill. Sage.

wouldn't giving everyone 24k without bailing on businesses just tank the economy further and inflate the dollar?
i legit don't know

>These are loans.
Bunch of 0% interest loans with money freshly printed out from thin air. Ie: Venezuela.

Abolish taxes.

Mind you, I'm against taxation, and bailouts, but this current economic catastrophe is 100% the government's fault for shutting down the entire economy at gunpoint. It's not a bursting bubble or a bad decision kicking off a chain of events, it's the government rolling up to 80% of the jobs in America and going "Go home without pay or we put a bullet in you.".
The Federal government should be bled for every penny it's fleeced from the populace and given back to Americans, and never collect another penny as payment for this shit.

You do understand that a loan has to be paid back, right? That's how loans work. This isn't a bailout, handout, or corporate socialism. A congressional oversight commission will even monitor how the money is spent to ensure it's for the benefit of the workers and not the executives. Stop fucking whining.

I guess the Dems have also been in power for the last 4 years.

>record debt
>record deficit
>record government spending

Brought to you by the Fiscally Responsible Party.

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He was describing your media allies and the dishonest way they present a worldwide pandemic as the President’s fault. 3 1/2 years of lies makes your current astroturf campaign useless.

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>Based Clinton balancing the budget and getting oval office head.
>Faggot Bush starting pointless wars.
I turned into a republican sometime during Bush Jr's 2nd term, oddly. Just realized one day that I hated democrats. Oh well.

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It's called "Giving people hope and staying positive." The moral of your people is your responsibility as a leader. I won't say he's any GOOD at doing it since he's so shit at public speaking. But that was the obvious intention.

And the people funding it all are tired of getting kicked around.

>people have no money: bad
>people have more money: bad
Giving people more money is a good thing retard

In this case you should just say megacucks because I expect even the people who vote against Trump to support that

Abolish the kikes? You're not CO are you and don't even know it?

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>corporations acted irresponsibly
Normally he would have a point but cities shut down, the whole world shut down.
What were they suppose to do different?

>global pandemic shuts down the economy
>giving money to damaged industries is bad, because they weren't responsible enough

someone explain this mindset.

How did these corporations exactly act irresponsibly? Is hr implying they are responsible for the c-flu?

A Libertarian against corporations how based

>How did these corporations exactly act irresponsibly?
They borrowed debt for stock buybacks.

>acted irresponsibly

corps are responsible for the pandemia? lol

What how did stock buybacks cause a global pandemic?

do you rather keep your job or get 4k more of cash?

They didn't. However the virus now has them exposed and needing a stimulus package to keep them running. So anyone who saves whatches their savings become worth less when the inflation starts.

gibsme 6k, let's the economy crash to ground reeeeeeeeeeeee


>the reason nobody can go to work and therefore nobody has an income right now is because of BIULLIONAIRES AND MULLIONAIRES.... I MEAN JUST BILLAONEIRES!
>not because of communist faggots who released a new plague across the world just in time for lunar new year where 7 million bugs spread across the world for week long holidays

>The rest will go to corporations who acted irresponsibly
What is he talking? This is a natural disaster, the economy is dead because a whole lot of companies are looking at a whole quarter of zero income. How is this their fault?

Taxpayers (people who make over $100k/yr) are funding a $1200/pp check so the people who don't pay taxes can buy shit from companies that were given taxpayer money to make it more profitable to sell their shit.

We're a natsoc board my fren. Private capitalism yes, market capitalism no.
Also 3rd worlders out :^) we need sustainability not exponential growth.

>A loan is the same as receiving free money
based retard

You forgot to mention hyperinflation. Especially now that there are no open stores for people to spend the money.

Why the fuck are we bailing out failing industries?

They're doing the same in Australia, 100 billion of the stimulus is going to banks and then there's like 80 billion left with the majority of that going to small businesses and only 20ish billion going to the actual people.

Oh and also, they define "small business" as a company with less than 50 MILLION in revenue yearly. Small business my fucking ass, eat shit Scomo.

He’s not saying that retard, he’s saying that corporations are irresponsible with their money and he is correct. If I’m expected to have multiple months of saving so I can continue paying my rent and bills after I get laid off than multi billion dollar companies should be expected to do the same thing. Instead here we are giving them trillions of dollars just to have them use it for bonuses and stock buybacks while they lay-off more workers. Go ahead and keep licking that boot though, if you support corporate bailouts then you are unironically supporting communism. If a company can’t survive a few weeks with lower profits it must not have been doing that great in the first place and deserves to die. Instead they will just suck the tit of the American taxpayer. Watch the government will call it a loan and then when it comes time to pay it off they will just declare bankruptcy and yet again middle man America will be stuck with the check. This happens time and time again and nobody gives a fuck. Fuck the DNC, fuck the GOP, and especially fuck the fed.

all this wasted time and money so few boomers don't die

I vote third party. Although I did vote for Trump because I am convinced Hillary was going to put Obama and Susan Lynch as Supreme Court Justiced and them they were going to anally rape out bill of rights. Libertarian's seem like whiny little bitches lately. There was even a pro-climate change article in Reason magazine. And they constantly slam Trump some of the criticism is deserved most of it is the same old rehashed bullshit.

For all you know it was the CIA.

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>family of four pays 5% of taxes
>deserves 100% of the bailout


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crying because the welfare state didn't provide enough gibs


Imagine the shit show when people are sitting on all that extra spending money but no place to spend it. No place other than Amazon, grocery stores and Walmart.. they'll start bartering and buying stuff off of themselves. No taxes collected on these items by the way so the future of more gibs is looking bleak, infrastructure looking 3rd worldish.
The stock market which this stimulus is meant to prop up will collapse..

I don't know much about stock markets but what I do know is it caused the great depression of the 1930's. If this country had the capability to tighten their belts and get through it, enough for new businesses to arise.. he'd have a leg to stand on but this countries populous at this moment is so weak, they'd die if their internet service was cut. And that would be just the very tip of the iceberg


Fucking SMART.

they are loans, not gibs, do you understand the difference, you regressives?

But how will they maintain their palaces and yachts, supercar and diamond watch collections if we don't give them more money?

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um actually, that money should go to the poor and marginalized people of this country. so what if they only pay 1.4% of the overall tax revenue, its called being a decent human being. bigot.

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