Who is worse, the Chinese or Russians?
Who is worse, the Chinese or Russians?
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Welp this thread is over. Pack it up boys
Russians, but... their government is fucked up at the top.
That's not very tolerant of you, Sweden. I'll forgive you if you bent over and let me fuck you raw.
Literally can't bring myself to watch this, wow. I didn't think I had a limit.
Chinese. Russian are cool
Fpbp. Sage
Fuckin reckt gottem bitches close the thread op
In what way?
Both are a blight upon this planet.
The Jews.
The only real answer
The chinese.
Webm is a metaphor for the stock market.
The snake is a boomer.
Russians, they are in the same boat as jews because they are nonwhite asians with islamic personalities who larp as white in western countries
All asiatics must go.
Russians are humans just like you and I. They just drink more.
Chinks are subhumans that need to be exterminated for the greater good.
Your limit is snakes wtf?
>Russians are humans
It's weird, I have odd "limits" like this myself
>Tfw you thought it was a cute webm of snek drinking water but noticed the brace around it neck after it was too late
Feels bad man. I wish people just stopped posting animal torture. I can hate china without seeing it thank you very much
Moot knows this, Churchill knew it, humanity knows it
You’re a plague upon the earth
Except Russia tortures animals as well, and that snake video is from a Russian website recorded by a Russian ;)
You're not from Somalia. you're not his type
wow that webm is exactly like my japanese hentai
Most peoples limit is torture.
You are not white.
>Russians are humans just like you and I.
no, they aren't. everything wrong with the world right now is literally all russia's fault. every single jew came from russsia, communism, china, it's all russian and jewish. israel itself is 50% russian. russians are a cancer on the world
Animals in general being abused fills me with blood rage, but I've seen people do horrible shit to dogs and cats and fish and rodens and birds, but this just is so torturous and awful I can't.
I just can't.
This is too evil.
Whoever did this needs... I can't describe the suffering that needs to be done to them. It should literally be neverending torture to the most horrible degree. They should spend eternity in constant suffering, as much as is humanly possible.
The Asian continent should be depopulated
chinese. russian women at least are hot qts
Can’t watch it, what happens to the snake?
Good question
What criteria are we using?
It explodes I think.
They're both awful
All of Asia should burn
Snake is tied to a water pipe. Pipe keeps pumping water in, snake gets wider and wider till it literally rips open.
Best rocket scientists, outside of moscow they're pretty cool and welcoming, I like their society role and how traditional their wymen role is.
You greatest ally taught you to evade the question instead of answering it?
You ever had a busted water hose that spouts water? Thats the snakes neck
it dies of hyper-hydration
lol sounds like you are just brainwashed.
that was incredibly satisfying, fuck snakes
Yeah that’s fucked up glad I didn’t watch it
They fill it with water, it gets so full that the water burst through her neck. Poor thing. :, (
Peoplo who torture animals need to die an horrible death. Don't click it, user, not worth it.
You're both trash. I want to kill all of you.
>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...
Why? Id never live there but Id rather live in russia than china.
This video is gross. Those people will burn In hell
Agreed. Rip and tear user.
Add jews to your kill list and we have a deal.
Based animal lovers in this thread. If you don’t respect life there’s no hope for you.
>Best rocket scientists,
>outside of moscow they're pretty cool and welcoming
Incorrect, most Russians are not welcoming of Americans.
> I like their society role and how traditional their wymen role is.
Incorrect, the women are just as bad if not worse then the west.
Why are monkeys so stupid
No wonder dirty japs migrate there
I fucking hate snakes so good on them for getting rid of it
Oh look it's the Chink defending Swede again
I hope you and your family get raped to death by niggers in the coming apocalypse.
Fuck you, nigger, maybe the snake don't have a neck, but it's the part close to it's head. You've got my point, don't be a pain in the ass, you motherfucking cocksucker.
shut your ugly obese light voiced ass up you pussy you couldn't harm a fly sperg
Fuck you, sneks are based
>post gore to scare away the reddit boomers
>nice try nazi but gore doesnt faze me for shit
>*posts snake getting balloned*
>No not my little snake friends I cant look you guys :(
I fucking hate snakes too. Fucking evil creature
Seems that you've never travelled there or only travelled to moscow or a big populated city. They're certainly welcoming bunch, at least they were to me. And I couldn't care less if they're not welcoming to americans. Burgers are disgusting and wtf you're pretty brainwashed if you bring it up withotu me even mentioning, go suck some 56%er cock
Women are pretty shy outside of their big cities and their role is quite traditional.
Your a fucken poofter mate
I'd slash you from neck to cock while you slept, shut the hell up.
i'd kill then rape your mother's dead body in the mouth faggot
Sure you would.
You sound like a dumb slav, makes sense on your brainwashing.
go eat banana
Chinese by all objective measures
>Nooooo not the heckin kitterino
No wonder you fags got raped by birds or some shit
i already did :) not like her plump little söy son would be able to do anything about it
you'd sit there and watch
how tf can you all get bothered by a snake dying
Is he ok
You're the one brainwashed, leave your city stop living in your mom's basement then we can talk
The Russians because they have convinced 50 million mutts they and Russia are white.
there are psychopaths in every country, including yours
t. Russian
And I know what I'm talking bout I was born there
Ok kid
A lot of people own that particular kind of python as a pet. I had one when I was a kid.
The Russians because they have convinced 30 millions mutts they and Russia are white.
Karl Marx was Russian? The absolute state of burger education!
Anything during needlessly as an atrocity. Especially the torture and killing of anything living. How can you not be bothered that people like this exist?
Were you also born at China at the same time, retard?
Comparison implies relative objectivity on BOTH objects.
Based chinks finally brought down the US along with the whole world.
Worth it though.
>/threading own reaction
>judging the worst possible post, from a fucking selfthreader post as best
You both can't be anything more than fullblood niggers.