quads decide his fate
Quads decide his fate
rusty trombone
Runs reelection and wins?
four more years
thank you based corona-chan!
President of Afrika
Sharpie in pooper
Death soon.
Saves America and makes it great again for the European race
His becoming President of China also
Ivanka on top grinding his dikk whilst he plays with her boobies
chink flu
4 more years
Runs for re-election, wins, anal rams Nancy Pelosi livestream
Wins 50 states this year; drops dead the day after, Pence for 8 years.
Big Mac and a diet Coke
President of Israel
greatest economy recover in the history of mankind.
Big poop
16 more years Supreme Leader of the New World Order
locked in a gas chamber and gassed with ivanka's jewish farts
he says the N word on live tv and then get impeached
he was already impeached, learn to read
Quick re-roll
Emperor for life.
>Head adrenachrome dealer
Killed during a natsoc coup
Watches Melania take nigger dicks
He will grow gills and walk backwards into the sea like a fish
last president of usa
Two scoops. One term.
An extremely loose stool
Watches Melanie take bbc
President for all eternity.
Time Traveler gets another term...
he says the N word and then atones for it by letting melenia do a bbc porn shoot while trump watches in the background
Assassinated by chinese commies
Leader of ww3
Watches Ivananka take bbc
Watches Tiffany take bbc
No Barron?
Watches Barron take bbc
Fucks more hookers, does what the deepstate tells him, and somehow gets reelected
Trump ascends to his rightful place as God Emperor of Mankind, nearly dying due to a great betrayal at the hands of (((Chaos))) and is eternally placed upon a Golden Throne.
Suck the dick of every illegal alien on american soil for the rest of his days.
Watches Eric take bbc
Becomes the greatest President the US has ever seen.
Re rolling, he gets re-elected and impacted project zyphr
Diet Coke in the water fountains
Watches Omar take bbc
Has sex
Re-elected in landslide.
Watches AOC take bbc
Emperor Trump gets a third term to make up for this bullshit.
nukes the chinks
Eternal emperor of space
nukes china
another 4 years
Watches talib take bbc
Turns out Q is real
Tick Tock.
Economic collapse.
Watch the United States take bbc
He nukes Israel and Makes America America Again.
formally makes a presidential decree about wanting the bbc
for now, second term.
Jesus Christ
Hey Yas Forums just here to claim my quads. As for what happens to this chump? Loses the election. Sure it's because he was unlucky enough to get hit with a pandemic- no one comes out the other side of that looking good. In times of crisis the public will always vote in something different regardless of whether it's better. That's fine though becuase he was taking money from Israel for 4 years anyway.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I'll be on my way.
Watches tulsi take bbc
He is crowned as king, the world bows before him.
than just as quick the prophecy is fulfilled.
Mass arrests of pedos leads to reelection and a golden age for humanity.
4 more years, then he will abolish the limitations and do another 8 like FDR, unlike FDR though he will instead get rid of the permanently dependent welfare class and turn the country around.
I'm not even a MAGA tard but really I think he's just a troll that will end up doing good work in the long run.
Fail faggot
A winrar is YOU
He wins BIGLY
pedos are taken off the streets - quick trial - death sentence.
Everyone claps
he consumes more ju ju cum
Becomes king of the Jews
Then slowly descents into madness.
Only to be hung on a cross like a degenerate
Q predicted this
gets on tv, sweating like madman. starts coofing. tells people its all just a flu. buy the dip. go to work, this is the greatest economy the world has every seen.
confirmed covid19 next day. market crashes us on fire
he survives from the last cocktail of remdesivir and hydroxychloroquin because everyone else has the disease and has died.
he is sole survivor. him and muh economy.
Oh fuck.
Beaten by Biden but refuses to step down
More gibs
It's not up to you guys
he was put in office the 7th day, of the 7th month, of the 70th year of his life. He is literally God's chosen one for America. Everything that ever happened in his life prepared him for this.
Deal with it, cry about it, cope however you have to but your digits mean nothing to God.
get fucked shit stain, 4 more years of Trump lets go!
12 more years
Ascend to godhood
pee pee poo poo
Damn that's a nice pepe
oh yeah, well these quads declare that ur a faggot
He nukes israel
Q predicted this
He goes 1488 after he is reelected
Wins a second term.
Gets elected, does fuck all
Becomes a bottom for daddy Xi
also cheked
Mount Rushmore after Fed is destroyed, New Gold backed currency on the Blockchain, cures released, and Tesla tech introduces Space Force, then he introduces MUGA! Make Universe Great Again!
He engages in hand to hand combat with Xi
Catches corona, dies before election
Nice numbers
Cums to death
Roll all you like, it doesn't really matter you superstitious faggot
He leads the Final Crusade, reconquering Constantinople and bringing a final demise to Israel as the Holy Land is reclaimed from the (((Jews))) and Mudslimes that inhabit it.
regarded as the greatest President of all time and representative of a turning point in American History
these digits prove that they do matter
2nd and 3rd terms
Teaming up with Kim Kong in to nuke china
quads u dumb nigger not trips
he becomes the antichrist
He loses to Bernie Sanders in the election
He begins a cold war with China.
Dead in 2 weeks
sorry leaf whats the proper response for trips?
jewish puppet
Eternal god of the world
Hopefully dead of Coronavirus.
Poops his pants
1000000 year reich
Opens the seventh seal. Signaling the end of times and the beginning of armageddon.
Four. More. Years.
Nice Triple Double, which is what Trump will also do.
Dies tomorrow
Ruler of the Universe
Discovers anime
Opens the seventh seal, end times. Pale horses and sheiiiit
He just keeps on winning. Forever.
head on a pike
Re-elected in 2020
boring ziocon shill, a long fruitful life spent doing coke and amphetamines and pushing shit as far as it'd go.
Hell, ultimately, but a lot of branches hit on the way down the tree, I think.
1200 to go
Looses election to Biden because of election fraud
Leads the NWO.
reminder that melonpan sent him hentai and blocked him in twitter kek
eat's melania's turds on live television
He's an agent of the Anti-Christ.
Nothing happens at all
Biden is literally a dead corpse filled with formaldehyde and operated like a puppet
Vengeance on the corrupt world.
Unlocks the country.
God Emperor.
Trump will become the new pope