Gardening Gang General /GGG/

Theres a real lack of gardening threads on pol. Gardening is highly political (fuck you jannies) due to the self sufficiency and anti governmental attitudes it nurtures. Now that weve been quarantined and my family is locked up at home ive converted our small semi urban backyard into a full on farm with about 500sq ft of crops. Quail will be coming soon. Lets share farming methods, tips, and tricks. Remember the jew fears the white farmer.

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I made some potato towers in February and am planning on murdering my neighbors and using their backyard.

try raised beds with a hose
it's a bit of work but once you do it you will never go back
you'll never have any problem again

I just pickaxed the fuck out of the yard and dumped a few tons of compost and fertilizer and made rows. Seems to be working fine for this season. Also poorfag here

>blocks your path

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Ill pop that little nigger with my glizzy. I didnt prep all this ammo for nothing

Unwrapping 50 apple tree grafts this weekend. Hoping to get at least 40 takes

i wish that was a higher quality picture, cause that is a pleasing wallpaper

Imagine a new world of neotribalism in a proto-republic, no state, just a cohersive nation of the same folk. Small infraestructure, self-sufficiency, no private fuckery and no usury of no type. Just the best from the old times, combined with the best of the current era.

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it doesn't take much though. any hardware store or construction supply store will be happy to get rid of pallets. this way you avoid most of the real niggers like rabbits without having to shoot or poison them. only thing you need to check on is horn worms. i dont know what they're actually called but they're those huge green fuckers with the horn on their head who eat greens
being a poorfag is exactly why you ought to consider raised beds. i promise. it cuts down on like 80% of the waste and headache you will receive ever season

Don't look under the tarp, sir
I'm growing weed for my momma there

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Cultivators rise up.

Been making use of this time quarantined to split up some of the raspberry plants around property that have over grown.

does anyone have good intro/easy to digest guides to getting started the right way? i figure now is as good a time as any to turn green toilet paper in to "do it right the first time" agriculture projects. i just don't know where to start that isn't woo/bored stacey blog bullshit

Posting in based GGG gardening thread.
Pic is a garden I helped with as a kid 35 years ago.

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Anyone wanna buy land in the countryside and build a virus free colony with me where we can grow delicious potatoes to survive the winter?

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Anyone know if I can grow spaghetti squash in California soon? I saved a bunch of seeds but it kind of seem more like a winter squash.

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Agreed, only idiots dont grow food and keep Chickens!
Why on earth do ppl who are a not communist live in citys?
It is so incredibly retarded

have you thought about taking the Negan route and having them work for you?

sounds comfy and based i dream of that

Based tedposter fellow.

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Basil, Hot peppers, mustard greens, and spring onions are all stupid easy to break into the hobby with.

....only about half of Yas Forums wants to do that, user....

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your words make me weep

It's called farming.

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until your more populous neighboring neo-tribe runs out of food and comes and takes yous.......

Look up the USDA Agricultural zone for your area, then look up the plant, they have planting guidelines based on the zones.

/tkg/ - Ted Kaczynski General

Every day, rain or shine, until the collapse, at 2PM EST.

Only on Yas Forums

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>It's called farming.
No it not. None of us will get government subsides or have a new F-450 every two years and tell people how hard it is to be a poor farmer.

Gardening is for women.

It's farming, damn it.

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>horn worms
Foliar spray of bacillus thuringiensis will take care of numerous caterpillars/worms.

>rabbit trap blocks it’s path
now I can have some nice rabbit stew

The USDA doesn't have it but it seems very genetically close to zucchini so I guess I'll go by that.

its not farming unless you make a living off it. Just like owning a horse and pony doesnt make you rancher

Noone would go hungry in an agricultural society with todays technology. Read Malthus’ On the Principle of Population chapter 16

Just google it retard

Garden isn’t politics. I like to garden though. If anyone has any basic questions about organic gardening you can aks me.

Have you told this to your psychologist?


Fuck you gardening is political. Id rather talk with the gardening gang than some bbc cuckposting faggots

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started gardening last year, wound up with months of tomatos. this year i will be growing tomatos, beans, sweet potatoes, ginger, garlic, sage, spaghetti squash, and hopefully a few other little things. stuff you can actually live on or will boost your immune system.

Raised beds or even just planting in pots really helps with pest and disease issues.

You forgot to mention radishes and beets. Radishes are great because if you get tuber worms you can just let them grow and eat the green seed pods.

I’d love to live in Jefferson’s Agricultural Republic.

take the maximun advantage of your available space, also "hanging gardens" for medicinal herbs. You can actually harvest a lot more if you think in cubic meters. I also recommend the YT channel "gardening with jeb" (or something like that). Crazy california with nice edit skills makes wacky experiments with hyproponic techniques.

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todays tech has not yet fixed stupid. There will still be idiots.

>spaghetti squash
What time do you plant them?


im a big fucking pussy and i just cant there too cute. I do see the hawks in my area kill them on regular though which is pretty metal.

Gardening is very much a political act. see ww2

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How to get around bylaws? My city doesn't allow livestock to be kept in backyards. Just say fuck you?

Tell them they’re pets.

I they come around invite them in and murder them. Then use the body to fertilize your crops.


yeah but any root plants/ tubers can get fucked with wrong media / pot bound. Its 201 level stuff.

If you actually let the government dictate what you do on your property youre a cuck. My neighbors all have chickens and shit here and one even has fucking goats in a suburban neighborhood. Its all illegal but fuck the police

i planted them inside a week ago. they are already about 9 inches tall. every seed grew. i plant to put them outside late april, which is the last frost date for new jersey. this way they will be ready to grow.

Indoors one month before your last frost date.
But for real, google is your friend. Stop being a lazy nigger.

You never said what part of california.

If its southern california and within 20 miles off the coast there is litterally nothing you cant grow except maybe coffee.

SoCal has the most diverse flora, trees, and birds of anywhere on earth. When you consider this its not a surprise The San Diego Zoo is the best zoo in the world.

dont worry about the why. Just know you wont have to bend over as far. They are nice to have.

grow beans. if you grow enough you will have more than you can eat, and they dont stop making more. tons of protein and brainless to grow.

ok. ill ask about this
those fuckers are the only problem i have. at least last year they were. they are like five inches long and just eat all day
it is the number one game changer. number two is fish emulsion. last year was fucking biblical for me. way better yields than we could even deal with. good for the neighbor really
and no fucking rabbits. i understand why people like rabbits because they look cute but god damn i will kill every single one i see for the rest of my life just as a matter of reflexes


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You should add to the list cabbage and pumpkin, some cucumbers. Also recommend planting berries. They can serve both as the natural fence and as sugar source.

>gardening is for women
0 iq

This user gets it. You can make the math, every person only needs like 3 meters of cubic space for harvesting and like 5 hours per day to keep it going. Everybody would be always busy, and ready to have something to eat at the end of the day.
Fair point, but confederational support and free exchange market would fix it. Anything to make sure no one has to "migrate" or mess with the self determination of your neighbors.

not politics faggot

I can’t grow anything here because of squirrels. They even eat the hot peppers. Fuck those things

Get a pellet gun and make a bait pile. Murder every single one of them.

Working on doing a little apartment gardening for herbs now that my works shut down. Going to mount planters to the railing of my balcony mint for mojitos and basil for that freshness when cooking.

>My (((local government))) doesn't allow me to be self-sufficient by having livestock in backyards so I have to go to the (((market))) and buy groceries with (((money)))
Fixed that for you user, also check how cubans keep pigstacks hidden from the commisairs.

it's because they are raised
way fewer weeds, slugs don't get in there, most other garden niggers dont get in there, the soil just breathes better, and it's just easier to plant more things with much less trouble

Careful they don't have plague fleas. Best to bury them.

Squirrels and niggers have a lot of things in common.

Is it generally safe to eat this kind of meat?

In this context: it is. Prove me wrong faggot. Neotribalism goes hand to hand with libertarianism and nazbol ganging (each place for each race).

Look into Hugel kultur.

>farming isn't politics
tell that to the founders of this nation

someone will get bored and/or jealous decide to fuck shit up. the tribe itself can be susceptible to this. once that happens, you'll be back to africa-tier tribalistic fighting.

yes definitely it is safe to eat rabbits. it's better than just giving them the pellet gun treatment and throwing them as far as you can into the woods
either way, the only good rabbit is a dead rabbit so do whatever. but yeah you can definitely eat them. stewing is recommended

ill be building a few of these in a week or so. the virus has gotten in the way. based on other rained beds you can buy, this should be pretty overkill.
4ft tall, 2ft wide, 6ft long.

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Victory gardens are a great idea. Wish I had more land but maybe I can grow some tomatoes or radishes.

Lucky for me I don't have squirrels. I've seen 1 in 3 years and he disappeared over the winter.
The fucking rabbit though, they get popped on site.

A few things ive learned.
Move your cattle regularly, grass fed takes longer but is generally healthier for them and us.
Same for chickens and pigs. Look at chicken tractors.
Organic woodchip is your god now. Most tree felling companies will give that shit away free to save on waste disposal. Lay a few feet of that ontop of anything, even concrete and top it up regularly, its almost perfect compost/soil.

Breed worms for worm tea and composting waste, if you set it right youll also have a daily handful of worms to throw to your chickens.

Look at market gardens for maximum gains.
Want hella big carrots? Use those big blue plastic drums.

this website is not confined to this board you fucking newfags
there is literally a board for this and this thread is off topic

farming is a business, doesn't mean it belongs on biz
farmers believe in moon cycles and shit, doesn't make it x
etc etc

Guitar strings are awesome as snare wire. Slip the straight end through the ball end and give it a little bend. Voila.

user, I wouldn't mess with {{{THEM}}} if I were you...

No, God said rabbits are unclean.

Forgot picrelated, got too nervous all of a sudden, aren't you guys getting all sleepy? and whatabout Rabbits, huh? those fuckers really like to mess with gardens, fuck rabbits!!

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