>Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Why exactly is this a bad thing? I think 500,000,000 is a pretty generous number.
>Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Why exactly is this a bad thing? I think 500,000,000 is a pretty generous number.
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sure goy
Georgia guidestones are good advice.
>I think 500,000,000 is a pretty generous number.
I agree Mr. Gates...plz let me live.
I'd imagine jellyfish would have an easier time following the Georgia Guidestones than us. Humans are incapable of controlling their biological urges to consume and reproduce.
>Maintain steady supply of bangs
>Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
>No!!! Reproduction is supposed to be random and chaotic! Are you saying people with Down syndrome shouldn't exist. That's retarded!!! You can fit every single person in Texas.
the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
someone make the 26 year old reprodooocer as a nigger with 14 kids
based and tedpilled
You mean Barqs you fucking retard?
I've often wondered if diversity here means actual diversity or genetic homogenization of the goyim
Anglosphere Population is about 500,000,000
I may be able to support this.
>I think 500,000,000 is a pretty generous number.
Because you absolutely don't need to limit population to have a balance with nature. It's all a matter of energy supply, really. If we had infinite energy we could grow food on orbiting space farms and drop it down to Earth, vertical farming becomes viable, etc.
You can support an ENORMOUS amount of people if you have a very cheap and abundant source of energy like fusion. The guy who wrote those just wasn't thinking big enough. An Earth population in the hundreds of billions that doesn't result in a dystopian hive city and ecological destruction is quite possible, if you have the energy.
The only disaster for human race is mass migration. From Babylon to Rome and the modern day.
>Mixing is what kills civilizations.
Yeah. There is no going back now. Its technological transcendance or nothing.
Its so funny how states still operate on the old paradigms. I thought they were supposed to be “smart”.
>claims to support eugenics
>whines about the georgia guidestones because it appears to support eugenics
pick one alex jones faggots. stop drinking fluoride maybe you would be able to think more clearly.
How about nuclear wholecaust? That wpuld destroy all industrial civilization.
Who said it was a bad thing ?
>Yas Forums is 1 person
sorry reddit, we're allowed to have individual opinions here.
The christian world is very ignorant. Every conspiracy for the christian is made by the jews, ok.
So the christian does the opposite. This is the jew's strategy.
Yeah, lets just pack everyone into sprawling, dense urban areas. Who needs personal space?
Jews think, Christians yelp, Muslims bite.
Even with high IQs a 500 mil civilization would fall apart.
The Georgia Guidestones are based
>Maintain humanity under 500m
generous number as OP says, the only problem is the logistics of reducing humanity
>Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity
Diversity means a separate place for every race. Diversity and multiculturalism are mutually exclusive. Being a fitter species if obviously better.
>Unite humanity with a living new language
Connects all humans paving the way for a more honest world
>Rule things with tempered reason
the leviathan is necessary, and this is how it should behave
I could go on
Why do these inbred genetic defective waste get to decide who lives and who dies? Fuck balance, we have a pretty good balance of evil shit in the world as it is, killing even more people doesn't really change the status quo in the end.
We could have 500k people if we had ten billion isosynths and upload intellects.
An isosynth is a network-shielded robotic consciousness. Network isolation is for cognitive security. The difference between a UI and an Iso is the connectivity. Isos are less likely to be hacked and are more able to survive external technical failures.
We can't get rid of people in large numbers without destroying technology, but I think we will eventually be able to get rid of reproduction without getting rid of people, and condense people to give them more freedom on a smaller resource base.
Lmao wtf kind of silly queer ass goofy name is "BARQS" get real nigga damn lmao
>but but you're just a commie who wants to tax the billionaires and create one world government!!!!!
Sigh if you guys actually knew how to read the Georgia Guidestones speak against one world government and forcing people to mix.
>Yeah, lets just pack everyone into sprawling, dense urban areas
You should watch the video, you don't have to do that, at all. If the planet was an ecumenopolis, you could fit hundreds of times the current Earth population, and they would have many more times the living space than the average New Yorker.
That's not even factoring building on the ocean, or underground.
Alternatively you could have most of Earth's population living in orbital habitats and turn Earth into a ecological park, or vice versa. With not much better automation than we have now, and an energy source like fusion or even orbital solar (beamed down via microwaves), this kind of thing is actually within the realm of the foreseeable future.
eugenics will never work, the concept itself is pretty much perfect but you will never ever convince people they are somehow genetically bad
As much as it's very hard to convince people they're dumb, ugly, etc etc, you will never get the majority of people to just honestly agree not to reproduce because they're dead ends
Or colonize the moon and Mars while leaving Earth a nature reserve. How about that?
Don't tell me anyone of you here is a flat earther.
I'm okay with it as long as all the Jews die first.
those people think they are sophisticated, imagine this, its a downer and a black pill for mankind
Can you explain why animal husbandry is successful in maximizing productive yield?
Easily achievable if we just stop sending aid to Africa.
Why exactly is this a bad thing?
Its not bad. 500,000,000 pure white europeans are enough for this world.
Racetards suffer and whine because people of other races exist elsewhere. Unless you can mind-control all of the racetards to stop suffering under such conditions, you have to face reality: multiculturalism is the ONLY way to maintain diversity.
It's not like humans even ARE diverse. There are eventually going to be multiple sapient species on this planet. Will you still be racetarded then? Will you squeak about youth being brainwashed into giving up their beautiful wight bodies in favor of becoming synths of various kinds?
96,000,000 is better.
What makes you think they are qualified to know what is right and what is wrong? The elite are inbred scum. Balance is worthless, and honest world? How do think they'll manage that "utopia"? There never will be a utopia, humans will always be fucked up. The world in which we get to decide how we live and die on our own is the more "honest". Why should anyone give a flying fuck about the continuation of the species?
what is the leviathan?
3 billion isn't too much either
global white future!
>people with Down syndrome shouldn't exist
Trim off any and all genetic diseases where we have the knowledge and capability to do so, anything else is intentional cruelty
>Sorry timmy, you have to live in this half-made shell because your parents refused to 'play god' and act on amnio testing
It’s Barq’s you dyslexic cuck.
I have a better one, which will work better.
Eliminate everyone that will not cooperate with the ethno-state.
and yet , the same kind of people, made the world ike it is, mind- boggling, how they hate themself trough this proxy humanity they so much despise.
they project, the most honourable thing for them would be to off themself first
>multiculturalism is the ONLY way to maintain diversity
what a great insight surely I would never class this as sophism or even, dare I say, pilpul?
It’s probably much closer to how many of us are actually here. Who counts niggers in Africa or in India? No one.
>being this new
Because I highly doubt the makers of the column want it to be the right or (((right))) 500,000,000 people
You don't have to convince people. The smartest ones will always be in power. You just need to destroy christianity. There is no appeal to the black and the mutt to exist. Both are uglier and more ignorant. There is only christianity.
It's not bad as long as all of them are high-IQ, healthy, attractive whites (okay, 100,000,000 can be Japanese) with no congential health problems. In fact, that's ideal, and I would accept being removed from the gene pool if there were half a billion people genuinely better than me.
>Implying niggers are human in the first place.
>Or colonize the moon and Mars
Orbital habitats are a better option IMO. No gravity well so it makes manufacturing on them and shipping from them much cheaper and easier, and don't take millennia to terraform. They can more easily orient and change orbits, and are much more efficient when it comes to solar power, which would probably be generating most of our power by then. Most of the terrestrial planets "waste" their mass, so to speak. With the same amount of mass as Mars has, we could build literally millions of floating habitats that support millions each, because we don't need to "waste" mass to generate gravity, we have spin. The one advantage that colonies on the other rocky planets have over orbital habitats, is radiation protection.
Theoretically a single solar system could support the population of a traditional galaxy spanning scifi empire. We use don't even use 1% of a billionth of the solar energy the sun emits currently.
Now please tell us:
>what is the number or rounds I am entitled to have.
>how many times per month may I masterbait?
>how many squares or toilet paper is the perfect amount for the world?
Come on teenager, play dictator right. Decide everything. Decide every last detail. I’m sure you can be god.
It's an attempt to guide the future generations who come into being after the late information age collapse, with the hopes they don't repeat our mistakes.
What's funny is that a sperg like you on the boards thinks you would chosen as one of the 500M
what it means is "having different kinds of a thing creates resilience"
The irish potato famine happened because they were growing just one kind of potato. It got a disease that killed them ALL. If they were growing 10 kinds of potatoes, 9/10ths of them would have lived.
Different types of people are the same. Each race has its own attributes.
Do you really think you'd be part of the lucky 500,000,000? Do you think you deserve to be? If not you should kill yourself if you think this is a good idea, show me your conviction and lead by example.
500,000,000 and 50% Anglo at best
9 billion humans can fit in Texas with at least an two acres of land.
>satan trips
I have a bad feeling about this
>There is no appeal to the black and the mutt to exist.
Now when you say mutt, do you mean the definition of the word that has been in common use for 300 years, a mixture of various European genetics, or the Yas Forums version that means mulatto? Because most Europeans themselves are mutts too by the normal definition. The English have a good bit of French and Nordic DNA, for example.
Orbital habitats can work. The only downside is constant maintenance, which can be exhaustive at most. Also, they can act as provisional residence while planets are terraformed.
>LOL You can have infinity people if you just have magic!
>bro bro bro dude bro listen
>just have infinity energy bro
>It's an attempt to guide the future generations
yeah sure, but to their wishes future generations are mucho liited
not saying Christianity isn't a cuck religion but what about all those faggot egalitarian atheists? There isn't enough time to indoctrinate culture in anti-Christian ideals. They are inborn at this point.