yfw when you realize those "mysterious" vaping deaths back in October/November were clustered around Ft. Detrick, and they were all actually from the Coronavirus that got released. Watch this thread 404 when Jannies (((shut it down))).
Pic related: left is a dead vaper, right is a dead coronachan recipient
Janny nigger shutting down threads? No way that's happening!
Jacob Murphy
What if China were creating the vape cartridges responsible for causing the ailment in certain vapers
Leo Wilson
You really put a lot of effort into faking this, didn't you?
Aaron Powell
How fat is this person?
Justin James
Show me where most of the deaths were around your meme virus lab. You're going down chang. We might go down with you, but you will go down.
Colton Collins
>Big if true
I'm not even kidding. A LOT of the data from those "vaping deaths" has been scrubbed, including news article. Literally just fucking gone off the internet. I've tried multiple search engines. The few confirmed cases I could find were all around Frederick Maryland...But it gets even spoopier:
as you get longer and longer away from the Oct/Nov timeline you'll see the cases spread out further from the base before it all goes international and starts popping up everywhere.
This is probably the first time I've been afraid to actually post to this site. I debated not saying anything, because I guarantee I've probably really pissed off the federal agents who monitor my shitposting just now. Oh and I tried posting this twice and the threads were deleted by the jannies, so please do your part and cap this post and spread it to other anons.
Connor Adams
First kid to get it was from my state, which is nowhere near Fort Detrick
Zachary Lewis
Based retard, smoking poison= contagious virus.
Grayson Bell
>Good work user.
You're welcome.
Thomas Fisher
I truly can't wait until the war with china starts and i'll be able to slit little chink children throats with impunity.
Tyler Howard
I am wondering how long it has been here as well. According to my mother, her sister's family all got super sick around January. Flu like symptoms, coughing. My cousin got so sick they took her to the doctor. She tested negative for flu. They're all better now but fuck that's a hell of a coincidence if it wasn't the wu flu.
Justin Moore
Didn’t have to be coronavirus, remember in both Wuhan and in Italy they had TB outbreaks a few months before this shit. One user on here figured that that maybe an underlying factor in the high death tolls.
I have only been tested for TB twice in my life and that was after coming back from Afghanistan. I bet you a lot of people could have been exposed and have this as health issue they aren’t being tested for.
Kevin Ortiz
Shhhh - it’s all a coincidence that thousands of young Americans started getting diagnosed with inexplicable ground glass pneumonia at around the same time the first cases in Wuhan were appearing, right at the time of the World Military Games, held in Wuhan
Jeremiah Rodriguez
They want us all dead. Meh.
Daniel Lee
>>yfw Agent Cheng gains 1.3 Social Credit score
grab a map fuckwit and start plotting those vaping deaths. You'll see what I've seen.
...You people know that Ft. Detrick shut down some of their labs because they were operating out of spec and had to be re-certified, don't you? ...Yeah this shit ain't looking good. I was really hoping it was the Chinese this time, but the more I dig, it's looking like the (((usual suspects))).
Adrian Long
I recall deaths in many states. Sounds fake. And gay.
Easton Jones
golden shield activate 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
I'll plot the vaping deaths when you provide some fucking evidence, bug.
Tyler Mitchell
>Shhhh - it’s all a coincidence that thousands of young Americans started getting diagnosed with inexplicable ground glass pneumonia at around the same time the first cases in Wuhan were appearing, right at the time of the World Military Games, held in Wuhan
Yeah no shit. Fucking Yas Forums has gone to shit after those sub-human retards from The_Donald starting posting here. I can't believe anons wasted a full six weeks shilling the "Bat Soup" reddit-narrative.
>right at the time of the World Military Games, held in Wuhan why such little outbreak between october and december when the first wuhan cases were reported in the media?
Evan Nelson
I’m guess the Chinese were covering it up as well as the Americans, hoping to contain it quietly
Italian physicians are suggesting there was cases circulating September-period -
i would imagine initial cases were in June July period, Fort Dertrick area
>left is a dead vaper, right is a dead coronachan recipient They're different, learn2 conspiracy.
William Lopez
>i would imagine initial cases were in June July period, Fort Dertrick area
I'm going to keep digging. I think you might be right.
That whole "vaping deaths" story died so fast and so hard in the (((media))) somebody figured out what was really going on and (((shut it down))). It was the biggest fucking story in the news and then one day it was all gone. And NOW most of those articles have been (((disappeared))) since Corona has taken center stage.
There are some three-letter employees who really don't want this getting out there. Truthfully, this is the story that all of Yas Forums has either missed or ignored. We all need to drop everything and start connecting the dots.
...be right back, someone is banging on my front door.
Dominic Butler
your shit got deleted for being off topic
take your meds before you start talking about gang stalking dude
Jackson Long
Fake and gay
Owen Thompson
Yes the vape users were getting vape juice from china over the internet. The shit from the vape shoops was fine.
>That whole "vaping deaths" story died so fast and so hard in the (((media))) somebody figured out what was really going on and (((shut it down))). magic
Fucking of course it was coronachan. You're blind if you don't see that. These were tests on a relatively small but still sizeable enough group of the population just to see how regular folks would actually handle it.
Tyler Gray
I believe you, chang. Now go get your 1/10 of a cent.
Carter Hill
Yeah, I'm researching it now and it all checks out. Wow. I'm going to see what else I can dig up. brb.
Benjamin Ward
People were buying vape fluid directly from china. The vape fluid was made to preserve virus.
Levi White
Both of the departed left behind much soap to be made. Holy fuck they’re made of cookie dough and bone.
>That whole "vaping deaths" story died so fast and so hard in the (((media))) somebody figured out what was really going on and (((shut it down))). You got it wrong user. They're laughing at us. Coronachan is the biggest history changing event in media since 9/11 but they know that as soon as the media shuts up about it, so will everyone else. And they know this precisely because of how they handled the media with vaping sickness.
Charles Johnson
So why didn't they infect other people?
Samuel Collins
Charles Lopez
Omg guys. This is huge. I've been digging into this and I found something juicy. You won't believe this..
Hang on a second, someone is banging on my door, brb.
Ryder Richardson
You only assume they didn't. Most carriers are asymptomatic. And wouldn't you know it this happened just in time for flu season.
Joshua Ward
The right one has some clarity. Should be enough capacity left to breathe. Did he have some other organ failure? Cytokine storm?
Robert Torres
Kys chinkoid insect. > The virus was grown engineered in the Wuhan Bioweapons lab > tested on bats that were sold to the Wuhan wet markets > chinkoids ate bat soup like low IQ insect people > virus begins to show up in Wuhan > chinkoids lie to the world about it > chinkoids spread it to Europe and USA > virus begins spreading faster than chinkoids can contain it and they have to admit the virus is real > virus spreads out of control, infecting millions and killing hundreds of thousands in China > China lies about the death toll, subsequently blames the virus on the USA and Italy > virus begins to spread elsewhere at a rapid pace > Italy and the USA’s numbers indicate that China outright lied about their involvement Never forget Yas Forums CHINA LIED, THE WORLD DIED.
Nice theory, but the vaping deaths are already obvious to certain people.. The vaping deaths had nothing to do with corona-chan I'm sure, or nicotine vapes. Had everything to do with THC "dab" cartridges people were vaping from. However, all the materials used to mass produce THC carts came from China ofcourse.
Mason Ross
post your eyes faggot.
Justin Torres
You just realized the connections between the vaping disease and coronavirus? I thought the shit sounded similar when coronavirus was starting to be reported on.
Jaxson Wilson
I don't have time to read the thread but answer this:
How did they contain that outbreak? How did like 50 people get it and the end?
That doesn't make any sense. I think bootleg vape products makes a lot more sense, idk.
Bentley Brooks
It was a different, early strain that doesn't transmit by air/droplets.
David Ross
>Q fever Where we cough one we cough all! Weren't there threads about Corona having some fungal properties back in like january?
Joshua Anderson
Yall are fuckin tards. I've vaped since it was a thing and had MRI's done in October. The people who did die from vaping was because they were literally getting pneumonia from vaping vitamin e oil infused cartridges. Which spoiler alert is fucking stupid.
Charles Stewart
Easton Sanchez
Judi Dench not looking too well in this one
Henry Jenkins
you're a faggot and should stop posting altogether.
Actually it was mostly due to people buying empty cartridges and packaging from China then filling it with cheaply cut product. The reason that people were getting sick and dying was from people adding Vitamin E to distillate to make it appear thicker. Vitamin E is not meant to be inhaled and fucked up people’s lungs because people would buy from unreliable sources rather than dispensaries. It was widely misreported in the media and a ton of nicotine only vapes were blamed for the problems although all of the people that were hospitalized admitted to using black market THC pens.
Mason Walker
From the cartridges that were made in CHINA?
Christian Powell
pretty much this. China in meltdown denial. Social credit scores are in jeopardy here people.
Here in Vegas we were passing around a nasty fucking virus after Thanksgiving, my aunt caught something and was diagnosed with phenomena, only 45 years old too.
Camden Butler
If they were Corona cases, wed ALL be infected by now. Larp.
Chase Foster
You stupid and wrong. Next time if you wanna post like a faggot you should at least take the time to make up the fake source instead of just posting fag talk.
Ian Brooks
Well yes, this. This is what I implied but should've explained. This WAS infact the case, and still is. Thanks user.
Landon Roberts
Do ya thiiiiiink?
Carter Baker
Please boil them alive and skin then while they howl in pain.
Jackson Clark
This shits a red herring why does that homo keep saying someones banging on the door
Jonathan Allen
Why did they shut Fort Detrick Biolab down? I dunno, OP makes a valid point that could use some more research for sure
Dominic Campbell
Maybe they tested it first on smokers/vapers... But idk, how is that even possible to transmit. A virus is always found in body fluids