Ok what the fuck is this

This shit is too specific to be a larp

Attached: 1585235121281.jpg (3678x2470, 3.31M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice Find.
Is USURY good for you?

Could you possibly find a lower res image?

If I could read it you dirty Brazilian.

Aw shit
It is in /x/ tho

>taken in by babby's first larp

Attached: 1581762413848.png (679x514, 554.76K)

open in new tab and zoom dipshit

Could you post a smaller thumbnail?

>phoneposters or maybe OP's post is a little too close to the truth.

did anon5 really talk about bioweapons?

If it was so well speculated in the virology community, why is nobody speaking up now?


>toroid shake with spikes along the center axis

Doesn't describe Sars-Cov-2 accurately.


>decade long incubation period

Don't get me wrong, it's pretty interesting, but there have been predictions about respiratory viral coronaviruses in Dean Koontz books.

because he's not talking about covid-19, which has been fully sequenced and is nowhere near 30+ kb

covid-19 was released before development was completed. a "practice run" of the larger disease, if you like.

Remove the m at the end of the url fucking retard

>hypothetically there was a country that wanted to create a doomsday weapon that would function even beyond the deterrent abilities of a nuclear weapon. Basically a "fuck you world kind of weapon"
This could only be one country. There is no one else as neurotic fear of the world and filled with enough hate towards all non tribe members to even attempt something like this.

Attached: Israel Samson Option.png (3048x1568, 973.26K)

Covid 19 rna sequence is hugeamongous tho


That doesn't work on a phone, you smegma connoisseur.

>Those post numbers
Has there really been ~20 million posts on Yas Forums in the last six months? That would explain the absolute state of this board.

Attached: 1557196323663.jpg (508x483, 70.92K)

hit your f key fren. do that 35000 times. that's how large a 35kb rna sequence would be.
after you do that, find the sequence for covid-19 and see how much shorter it is. also notice the end of the sequence is "blank."

>nowhere near 30+ kb
It's literally 29.8kb

>literally not 35kb quoted in the screencap
ask me how i know. do it. ask me.

The screencap is from October. The leaf in the screencap didn't explicitly say that the coronavirus discovered was massively pathogenic, and could have been some other more benign form that had already proliferated around the world. Also, the leaf said "around 35kb", and depending on methods used, +/-5kb error could easily be accounted for in a number of ways. He didn't say that they performed complete genome sequencing or anything.

Read the whole thing...from October of last year (first chinese case was in december). Seems very legit actually, bio engineered weapon...last year in November, Lombardy (the epicenter of the coronavirus in Italy) was already reporting cases of a mysterious Pneumonia.

I have a feeling China was not ground zero.


The "leafs" HIRED the two chinkoids that STOLE the virus from their lab and took it to china for them to let loose accidentally on purpose.

CHINA MUST PAY. They will do it AGAIN if not CONSTANTLY.

the upper bound for an rna-type virus, as pointed out by the user who screencapped, is very close to 35kb. average flu virus is ~13kb, and it contains enough information to instruct the virus how to propagate and disseminate itself without being suicided.
your +/- 5kb error is well over 1/3 of a standard flu virus

Measurement error isn't calculated according to standard deviations from averages.

planting the seeds on social media

Attached: event 201.png (450x312, 66.99K)

well Coronavirus IS in fact a chimera virus so this is legit.

>planting the seeds on social media

Heres my fucklong rundown of Event 201.

You can see everything in this 'roleplay' unfolding before our fucking eyes.

Attached: 1583272739399.jpg (1690x4645, 3.59M)

correct. but i'm not talking about sd, this is information. the amount of information you can code into a 13kb virus is enough to infect the world for a few months every year, propagate, mutate, and then repeat.
with this in mind, 26kb would be double the information. the chimera virus mentioned in the screencap would be something of this size if 2 flu viruses were "fused" together. there would need to be some extra coding to make the viruses get along, and there would be some redundancy/efficiency coding in there as well, but i digress.
"fusing" in a third virus would push just barely above the upper 35kb limit. removing the redundancy and getting creative with the efficiency would get the virus just below that upper limit if the geneticist were clever enough.
>this is why treatments for covid-19 have all been cocktails

>covid19 turns out to be an antidote to doomsday virus thats infected 95% of the world

Please confirm my research. This has several methods of killing you. If the pneumonia doesn't kill you, the organ failure will, if the organ failure doesn't kill you the final neurological attack on your brainstem will?

Welcome to day 30.

Attached: sird.png (959x692, 46.69K)


this is not entirely accurate. you are correct to say that there are many possible fatal symptoms, but the way covid-19 was sequenced illustrates one "main" method of fatal infection, several methods of transmission, and several secondary avenues for symptoms to manifest.
in this case, the pneumonia is the primary symptom and what is designed to be the "killing blow," with the organ failure designed to allow the pneumonia to become fatal more readily. if the body is fighting multiple infections on multiple fronts, it can't concentrate on any one effectively.
you mention the neurological attack, i see you're paying attention. this, coincidentally, was the unfinished code and was intended to be more of a fungal infection in the brain with a master-slave host control feature.
>anybody else having cloudflare issues? i'm trying to share information already covered so as not to be identifiable, but these server issues have me worried

the ride never ends.


Could you be any more of a phoneposter faggot.

No, no no no. I work in a field where I have access to non-public information, and I can tell you that nobody on the inside believes that coronavirus is a bioengineered weapon. It doesn't fit any of the traits or patterns, and honestly it makes a terrible bio-weapon. Biological warfare agents are ones that should be easy to control and unleash on a population without risk of infecting your own troops or citizens - things that have relatively high lethality but are harder to transmit. that's why anthrax is so popular - it's spread by spores, not breathing air or anything like that. what you should be asking yourself instead (and people are) is whether this virus arose from the wetmarket organically (pun intended) or whether it somehow escaped the wuhan lab.

Depends on what the purpose of the bioweapon was. If the purpose was to cause a 1930s worldwide depression/economic collapse seems like its working fine for that.

Is that where the auris comes from and the possible rash from the spore being created in your body or were those theads bs? Is it possible for the virus to mutate and "complete" the code so to speak. I haven't been having cloudfare issues user. May just be you, but please keep sharing information. I'm doing my best to piece. I've already been strict quarantining for 2 weeks.

shill pls
i can assure you that covid-19 is in fact an organic virus that has been modified to hell and back. ask me how i know.
however, it was released accidentally before the sequencing was complete. this is not intended to be a lethal disease on its own; instead it is designed to tie up hospital systems and supplies, and to cause economic and civil unrest.
>the question of who is to blame for this is far more important than the answer

What? No, that doesn't even make sense. Bioweapons, and no weapons in fact, are not designed to destroy the entire world at once, that would be completely counterproductive and make no sense. Something that has a high transmissivity rate can't be controlled and would inevitably come back to infect the country of origin, doing just as much (if not more) damage than to the enemy - the major global powers know this which is why weapons programs focus instead on what can do smaller scale, tactical damage.

No, it isn't, and you're completely full of shit. You are also clearly demonstrating your ignorance of battle planning and tactics, but by all means continue to make a mockery of yourself.


Checks out.

>I've already been strict quarantining for 2 weeks
"doing your part" is mostly useless as the intended unrest is already well underway. pay attention to the blame game that will follow. DO stay away from the virus for your own sake user.
the virus will attempt equilibrium over and over again until a stable mutation arises. two mutations of covid-19 have already ocurred, but neither have achieved complete stability. mutation rate, both how much the virus changes with each iteration and how frequently it undergoes these changes, is coded into its rna sequence

Are the cytokine storms real? What can one do to limit the damage caused by them??? How does one fight this at home assuming one does get infected? Is that even a possibility?

shill pls
war is not fought on the same lines anymore. the world is changing and fast. economic supremacy is far more important than having the biggest gun. look what china has done with their money. the things they have bought, the influence they have on politics are all more important to their future.
>would inevitably come back to infect the country of origin
inevitably and eventually. in that time, a vaccine or even cure, depending on the bio agents released, could miraculously be found before the agent returns

Bioweapons don't have some one central purpose. There could be any number of reasons some group wanted to do this.

No, they aren't.

Don't be a boomer.

That is all.

Yes, particulary one about being made/transported in middle east (Iran/Israel). I dont really remember more details

where do you think you are? People spend days putting effort into a lulzworthy larp here, fag that must be new.

what is real about the virus is commonly discussed. fighting mild symptoms at home will not be difficult, but fighting a strong case of particular strains at home will be impossible.
>the main attack pathway for this virus is through the respiratory system, in humans.
>the main attack pathway for this virus is through the hospital systems, in economics.

Good thread user.

We could all be collateral damage in a BioWar

I don’t think corona Chan is a toroid tho

Attached: F5ED4590-2FD7-4200-8ADE-ED60E17F1387.jpg (2388x1474, 2.49M)

yes, and look at the economic damage this virus caused to china. and now the rest of the world - but that's the problem, the economy is vast and globally intertwined, it's not isolated to just one country. So even if your hypothetical virus caused massive economic harm to some foreign nation, it would end up damaging you too because the global economy would suffer. To your second point, this is a major detriment because as you know organic weapons can mutate - the odds increase the longer the virus is 'in the wild,' as it would be in a global pandemic, thus rendering useless any vaccine an originating nation had developed in anticipation. so your point is untenable.

yes, they do - inflict damage on the enemy. would you use a pistol if for each three shots you fired one of them came back and lodged in your sternum? that's analogous to what you're describing with a bioweapon. even non-nation state actors don't wish to damage to destroy their own troops/infrastructure to the point where they can no longer carry out operations - which any global pandemic would be sure to do.

Yes, that's what I mean but I do not have the mental capacity right now to articulate it. The virus is looking for stability and because it was left incomplete I'm assuming it is looking to finish the rest of the code? I'm social distancing for my health, I am not going to risk getting infected. One of my theories are that this was released by china as a form of warfare. They have gloated about using our freedoms against us and I can't help but think this is there attack on us. Perfect attack, USA can't shutdown because our economy crash even further. We are in a sensitive spot as a country right now, primed for invasion.

currently.. no. but a completed virus would have been.

Attached: coronavirus_structure_large.jpg (700x466, 85.79K)

Thank god, it’s been 3 months but we’ve found the Israeli link

I can't see shit, you fucking faggot, either kill yourself or post normal picture


shill pls
this is not designed solely to be a deadly virus, nor is it designed to cause any specific economy to collapse on its own.
>the pointing finger is the point
china will unsuccessfully frame the us as the creator of the code. this has already happened. they will pivot from blaming italy to blaming the whole of the eu. this will be successful.
>china would not have ground to stand on had they not sustained great losses.
>ask me how i know

>that would be completely counterproductive and make no sense.
Of course it makes sense, the last worldwide depression was also planned and intentional because if you know the markets crashing you will make a fortune on the crash and on the rise afterwards

Most of it is bullshit theories, but the Canadian lab was detecting a new virus. However, the Wuhan Coronavirus is 29K base pairs, and the Canadian lab had one with 35K base pairs. There are many new coronaviruses each year. The 35K base pair one apparently doesn't cause symptoms.


Attached: 7501328979564_2_3.jpg (1280x1280, 145.59K)

Boys. This is the key to the ethnostates we always wanted.
The emerging fear of engineered viral weapons is gong to eclipse the fear of nukes. The idea of borders and keeping sections of humanity quarantined from other sections will become acceptable again. We cannot afford to lose all of humanity during an outbreak so we must separate humanity into air tight groups.

the virus will attempt equilibrium through natural mutation. because the virus is not natural, it will never achieve stability.
you are correct that this is an overt attack, but the us is not the target yet.
this is an incomplete virus that escaped ahead of schedule. the creators must capitalize strategically as best they can from their current position.

> Mutate 2 times each month.
> more than 1000 strain on nextstrain.org/ncov/
My opinion is the virus can have 4^33 discrete mutations and combined with ADE mechanism it's higly fatal on the long term due to reinfection mechanism.

Attached: 33aaa.png (966x534, 57.52K)

> you mention the neurological attack, i see you're paying attention. this, coincidentally, was the unfinished code and was intended to be more of a fungal infection in the brain with a master-slave host control feature.

Fungal host control, go on ...

Fuckin phone posters.
Open in new tab, remove "m" from address. Sometimes you need to change root to .png.
Learn to use your fickij tools, faggot.

According to Mao's original military doctrine, the Communists did not see the use in nuclear weapons because such weapons were not capable of killing all of them. Therefore the Communists understood that the numerical superiority in terms of their population was, in itself, a strategic advantage. It's worth adding that Emperor Xi idolizes Mao. Thus it is reasonable to consider the possibility that the Chicoms would infect their own population as a means to infect others simply because -- according to their own military doctrine -- they have numerical superiority. "Know your enemy" as they say.

Attached: Mao-atomic-weapons-they-cant-kill-us-all.png (706x486, 62.53K)

What role is the media playing in all of this?

>the virus will attempt equilibrium through natural mutation. because the virus is not natural, it will never achieve stability.
>you are correct that this is an overt attack, but the us is not the target yet.
>this is an incomplete virus that escaped ahead of schedule. the creators must capitalize strategically as best they can from their current position.

Attached: disabled frog.png (886x886, 70.28K)

And how do you even know all this? Who do you work for?

The chinks releasing it somewhere else first, then there would be hell to pay for Asia being the tertiary infection zone. The primary infection zones would scramble to acquire pandemic capable materials, the chinks wouldnt have got dibs. Releasing it in their own country first solves several problems: they got a little population control, they got as much dibs as possible on the gear, theyll be the first out of the virus course, and it would look more like an accident than a bioweapon release.

getting a virus wrapper to carry another virus is difficult. getting the two viruses to get along with a fungus is..more difficult. it's been deemed impossible before. but life..uh..finds a way, and so can we with enough time.