Why do people keep saying it will go exponential in 2 weeks? How many weeks has it been since we've been told that? I feel like I'm in the fucking twilight zone. How much longer until the happening?
Why do people keep saying it will go exponential in 2 weeks? How many weeks has it been since we've been told that...
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>How many
Is USURY good for you?
It's ALWAYS happening
The 15 days starts on monday.
>How much longer until the happening?
2 more weeks.
2 weeks behind Italy
2 weeks for symptoms to show
2 weeks until cases double
2 weeks until neetbucks payment
It's already gone exponential. "Two more weeks" was supposed to be when we hit the inflection point, which we still have not hit yet. We still got one more week. If it doesn't slow even a little bit by then we are pure straight FUCKED.
>Start in China
>Idiots go this is a nothingburger when's it going to kick off
>say wait two weeks.
>Italy happens
>idiots go this is a nothingburger whi's it going to kick off
>2 weeks
>get the rest of Europe
>idiots go this is a nothingburger blah blah blah
You’ve only been at it for like a week. Just relax, the disaster will come, just give it some time.
>cases and deaths doubled in the last week
Look out Sisyphus the climb only gets steeper here.
Wasn't the entire world supposed to be drowning in corpses by now? I swear the doomsday happening fags are the most retarded people here.
are you a fucking moron? it's already gone exponential. It took two months for 100k. It took 10 days to reach 200k. Now it's a new 100k everyday
are you so braindead you can't even recognise the severity of the disease without someone you know dying first?
My biggest hope is it being a massive Y2K teir nothingburger. It will be priceless to watch these freako panic mongers and social media virus experts look like retards yet again.
Even normie lefties are going to have to start questioning why these people keep getting everything so spectacularly wrong over and over again... it would be priceless... I’m not saying that is what will happen, but it would be beautiful. I personally think NYC in particular is shaping up to be a potential problem. But there might be a certain poetic justice there too. ( not wishing any ill on anyone)
>My biggest hope is it being a massive Y2K teir nothingburger
It's going to be no matter what. There are two outcomes:
>government keeps lockdown for appropriate amount of time, thus reducing the curve
>normies will think it was overhyped, but the experts have plausible deniability
>it actually is overhyped, the gov. lets it run rampant and then we see that it was nothing the whole time
Every day the fatality rate decreases. it's not even going to reach flu numbers
But in some countries the death rate is like .2 percent... which isn’t a whole lot worse than a bad Flu season. I’m not pretending to be an expert, but I’ve seen conflicting accounts from people who are... we will know in 2-3 weeks if not sooner.
the flu infects millions in a similar amount of time every year. tens of thousands die from it every year. corona will likely be SLIGHTLY worse than the flu. death rate is
each country has it's own 2 weeks, retard
>If it doesn't slow even a little bit by then we are pure straight FUCKED.
no. by the end of two weeks (one and a half weeks from now for my locale in nj) ppl infected should start getting symptoms. so positive tests will likely hit a max around 10-20 days from now, and if they don't start tapering off after that THEN we are fucked.
ie. 4/17
It is growing exponentially. Look at the curve
It has been exponentially every 2 weeks though.
oops, well heres the other for both as well. might make life easier.
I wish you and me were getting drunk watching 90s action movies. No homo.
The death rate is not what you want to look at anyway. You want to look at the rate that critical care is required. Because right now western medical resources can cope with the patient load, but if we don't stop the spread that less than 1% death rate might end up being 5%.
Total Americans Coronavirus deaths increased by 30% today. It’s already exponential—you’re just ignoring it.
In Japan it's been "two more weeks" since fucking January. And Yas Forums gets mad when I say it's a nothing burger.
I guess here in Japan the wuflu has a... 11 week incubation period.
Like this?
It’s been exponential for the last month retard. Learn math
Or this?
Flu numbers are estimates, coronavirus numbers are facts being delivered in real time.
2 weeks
The U.S has the most cases in the entire world. Where were we 2 weeks ago, you fucking idiot?
You behind nibba. 15 days ends on March 31st.
The happening is progressing in 2 week intervals
We have the most cases in the entire world. Where were we 2 weeks ago? Are you even paying attention?
In the best case scenarios, you have South Korea, Singapore, and Germany. The death rates everywhere else, are much, much higher.
Get used to it. This is how we live now. We are going to evolve in to Morlocks from The Time Machine.
Globally the fatality rate comes out just shy of 15%. Some nothingburger, amirite?
People panic and say any random bullshit to fuel their panic.
It only goes exponential when no or minor suppression methods are taken, quarantine etc.
Most gov'ts have done fairly severe levels of shutdown, which means it will probably be peaking in 2-4 weeks in most places, without putting very severe strain on systems (italy, maybe spain/new york likely the worst).
The problem is that if we loosen the quarantines, the probability of a 'relapse' might be high, though this is still unknown. The controversial imperial college study suggests that the only way to beat the virus is either just stay in lockdown mode until vaccine, or go through periods of shutdown-mitigation-shutdown whenever testing indicates a new outbreak.
The doctor blix today was saying it's possible that the infection rate is much much higher, which would invalidate an important parameter in that model, but we won't know for awhile when there is easier testing for asymptomatics.
2 weeks will be over1 million. Cheers.
My mistake, it’s actually a bit over 16%
Nobody should panic. But it’s important we all understand the severity of this outbreak and psychologically prepare ourselves for what’s coming.
Fuck you. What about China? You nigger.
Its not going to happen user. Nothing is going to happen. Its not happening. Corona is not real.
It's happening now. Can't you tell by all the propaganda on the board to the contrary?
>ppl infected should start getting symptoms
Makes no sense, tons of people already infected showing symptoms. Something like 90,000
Flu numbers are much more understood than COVID numbers. Most Illinois hospitals are still only testing patients hospitalized with COVID symptoms who are negative for flu.
There are a ton of undocumented cases out there.
Flu has been around long enough that we know approximately what percentage required hospitalization. With that info, we can test those who are hospitalized and calculate approx number of total infections.
Since we don’t have data on COVID for percentage of cases requiring hospitalization, and were only testing hospitalized patients, we have no clue how many total cases there are.
i meant ppl infected this past weekend. before things really started to shut down around here.
anyone infected this past weekend would not likely show symptoms until maybe april 4/5 and then give it another week or so to get tested and the numbers to show up, brings us to about april 11/12. threw in another week for good measure.
so like i said, if the numbers aren't tapering by 4/18 THEN i think we are fucked.
>death rate is for current known cases
multiply the cases by at least 10 and you will get a more realistic figure
What do you mean by "go" exponential?
NPCs lack the self awareness. You know what's going to happen next year? When 98% of the world is still alive, all the doomers and panic buyers are going to be posting on Facebook "I knew corona was no big deal. Everyone else panicked but me." No one will admit they bought into it.
Do you remember how many morons seriously thought the world would end in 2012? It was all Yas Forums talked about for years. But after? Yeah, I wasn't worried. Those guys who bought into the Mayan shit were all idiots. Not me.
And it’s still less than swine flu
Japanese already socially distance as normal, and they wear masks alot.
you flu tards are the worst, you know the flu numbers are blown way out of proportion right? there was only an apparent influx of flue cases starting in 2004 right when flu vaccines became a thing and the cdc started recommending them and started claiming all these flue cases and deaths,
read about how they classify any death within like 3 or 4 weeks of someone having a flu for any other medical reason as a flu death, how they record every pneumonia death as the flu ect, its bullshit and provable, theres less then 1200 deaths a year where the flu is actually written on the death certificate as the reason or even named as in pneumonia as a complication from flu.
just like the corona virus no one is actually going to die from the flu. You'll die from complications due to dehydration and other stupid shit like that but not the flu. Why do you think it's only people with compromised immune systems dying?
Two weeks ago you guys had 2183 cases. How many you guys got now? 80K? What's it going to be in two weeks?
Its bullshit, the happening is going on for years, its only going to worse for a long time.
>implying japan has not been covering this up to try to save the Olympics only to totally flip the second they are canceled...
It's going to peak in the UK in the next week or 2 but after that it's going to be a rapid decline. Comfy.
Today is day 30.
the only ppl i know panicking are hospital workers, but 95% of ppl are taking it seriously and being cautious. nothing wrong with that.
philly/nyc area if it matters.
Smooth brains don't understand exponential growth.
Bullshit graph, no source listed.
Recoveries always outpaced the deaths in literally every country it's hit
I'm the source, faggot.
If you will kindly look at the line labeled "R", it is above the line labeled "D"
Over 6 gorillion probably
It's already exponential dipshit