AUS/POL/: Landlords BTFO edition

>rent and evictions to be suspended
>Landlords have a duty ti provide shelter for people during a crisis
Eat shit your property hording cunts

Woolies to open 20000 new jobs for workers impacted by virus

Next time reply to my comment and I wont have to make off shoot threads.

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im not getting too excited house prices might not crash
if you are renting then i am happy for you

Mates please drop in and see us at the /ausneets/ board on endchan. It is a thriving community with many posts per hour.

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Just got told from a very trustworthy source that NSW will be entering full lockdown midnight tonight

If you need anything best to get it now lads


>House crash
That's extremely unlikely as it is here and your prisonland.
Governments would rather simply bailout the construction sector with billions of cash than to suffer their own properties and assets going down along with others.

Only idiots believe people who don't care about them would burn their own houses just to help them out.

>rent and evictions to be suspended

Do you mean rent rates are FROZEN, or do I no longer have to pay rent?

Praying for Victoria to lock-down. The premier keeps saying that it's happening but then it doesn't, it's been like 3 times this week.

>Days since patient zero in Australia (25th January): 63 days
>Deaths by COVID-19: 13 (8 male, 5 female)
>Average age at death of infected: 76 years for men, 84 years for women
>Deaths per day: 0.2
>Average number of deaths per day in Australia (by normal causes): 480
>Normal deaths since patient zero: 30,240
>COVID-19 as % of all Australian deaths since patient zero: 0.04%
>Stimulus package announced by Liberals: $189 billion
>Bail-in per dead boomer: $14.54B/b
Status: nothing burger / scapegoat

When will Woolies start delivering again? Fuck going to the store.

What is exponential growth?

Are we locking down or what?

The only real issue at the moment is how disgustingly short on ventilators/ICU’s we are

We have 2,000 ICU’s across of all Australia, one of the lowest rates per capita in the entire developed world

If this thing gets out of hand we wind up with a high infection rate, we will get a Italy-tier death rate just because we won’t have enough beds for people

fuck up nuro

Hahaha imagine being this stupid.

This is really going off the deep end. I mean, I just got news that the military are going to be involved in forcing quarantine on people coming into the country? It's like I woke up in an alternate reality. I saw how people acted after 911, but I never would have thought a global 'quarantine' would ever be imposed exploiting fear of something that's at worst just going to kill people who'd otherwise have died from the flu.

Brenton had been freed.

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No disease works like that you absolute pants on head retarded shit eating moron

You think you're clever but you're showing how retarded you are

it's more complicated than that but basically yeah you're right

To any cunt talking about exponential shit
Show me the exponential curve of the Italian death rate.
Protip: you can't
Italians have been caught in a lie and their death rate is now suspiciously stable under a fraction of the natural death rate, because you can pretend that a 95 yo dying of old age died of Corona, but you can't invent fake dead people

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The death rate is not exponential you retard
It is the infection rate that is

It's not exponential however it does indeed grow quickly.

What's relevant though is the death rate. Again, it's flat in Italy for the past week. Where is your exponential?

If they stop the housing market from crashing we might see the currency become worthless. Either way I'm well positioned to get a house at the end.

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how long has it been stuck at 6000000. deaths? 4 days? 5?

>Woolies to open 20000 new jobs for workers impacted by virus
Fuck off ya dumb cunts you're going to make it harder to stay on cenno!

I hope frillys does the same thing u admit your gay ?

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>currency become worthless.
what sort of an economy would be have if all the chink shit and cars costs 5 times as much
a nigger economy is what

fuckin seppo cunt

gimme the percentage chance of a lock down

Fuck bois what a cutie.

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... fascinating.

Do you have a manifesto i can study ?

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67% by mid next week
100% by the end of it

M8 its gona happen, desu we're bassically in lockdown now. Lockdown will mean the same shit, you can only leave the home to go to shops, doctor or essential work. It just means people who continue meet in public will get fined. Like for example you can still outside for a run but people are paying it off and going outside ing roups and then walking to other peoples homes and chatting.

She has the hizzy...can no longer fuck

You are the retarded one here. you now lika stats guy er ?

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Is this also going to accrue millions of dollars in unpaid wages like last time?

Is this the thread? WA gun stores being closed with the exception of ammunition to farmers.

applying for woolies seems stupid when I'm gonna get so much neetbux now, but it would be good to have the job after 6 months but I'll likely get fired when they won't need all the workers anymore

Yeah its not fucking worth it unless they're offering big bucks to new hires. Once everyone is allowed to get back to work you reckon there will be a lot of hiring?

>rents and evictions to be suspended
this only applies to businesses, residential tenants are going to bare the full burden of this fallout. absolutely fucking useless to bail out businesses if all the consumer cunts who have been reduced to a state of virtually no income and abject poverty also have no money to spend in those businesses, it's only going to create a debt bubble similar to the US one that formed after the 2008 GFC. scott morrison is completely indifferent to the situation of the working poor (which is about 80% of the population) and his trickle down economic stimulus package which was a scheme to bail out the banks to give out loans to dying businesses only further vilifies him and the liberal party as the criminal scumbags they are. This is coordinated malice through and through and we (You) are going to feel it. Their approach is absolutely backwards and is only going to further plunge australia into disarray and chaos. Expect this to last 6 months. Residential tenants, don't pay your rents. Let scomo have his medicine.

>be a mutt
>rejoice at $1,200 Wiemarbux
>rush to Wallmutt to buy Mountain Jew and dunny wads
>latter sold out
>no worrieS -- will use shells -- buy more Mt. Jew instead
>return home, coofing all the way
>look in cockroach infested cupboard: nothing
>look in brokend-down, chink-made fridge: 5-year-old sachet of "Low Fat" / high fructose "weight-loss" shake
>crestfallen, close fridge, then go and slouch on lice-infested sofa
>drink Mountain Jew
>turn on TV -- Cucked Jews' Chattel
>enervated, fall asleep due to severe ketosis
>wake up coofing -- a week has past
>a knock at door
>it's landlord Moshe and piggy security detail, all in P-95 masks
>slumped on deserted street, in the rain, wrapped in star-spangled banner
>nigger Purges start
>pack niggers spot mutt flag from a distance
>rush in for a rabid chimp-stomp
>left bleeding, lying in gutter, coofing and choking on own pulmonary fluid
>the stars in the night sky begin to fade
>pigeon lands and shits on forehead
>time... to... die.


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they just want curries and they give a few sympathy jobs to old white cunts and they have 4-5 young white guys in the bottlo

fuck that i want neet bux i feel so entitled to it it's a (((stimulus)))

Just to let you know you parasite.
I have 2 investment properties.
1 of my tenants, a young single mother Maori dike, deposited 6 months’ rent in advance last Monday through my agent.
I know for a fact she got laid off work on the same day. This lady is house proud. She keeps the place spotless and the yard pristine.
I just advised the agent to let her know her rent has been reduced by 50% for the next 6 months and we will be paying for all yard maintenance for the same period.
Tenant 2. These fuckwits must have a time machine. They were on the phone demanding a rent freeze as soon as the first cases were being reported in Australia.
Banging on about their rights. They have lived in this property for 12 months. They have never paid rent on time. They have complained about everything from the house being too hot to how far they had to walk to the bus stop. Our agent has been refused entry to the property for inspections on several occasions. When she finally gained access, her advice to us was to terminate the lease immediately. They have turned the place into a laundromat and kitchen. They have several dogs (3) which they were not supposed to have. The house smells like shit and they ripped up the carpet.
In today’s environment Tenant number 1 would have been privileged to 12 months free rent if it were not for tenant number 2. I would be happy to do it but I cant because of the cunts in number 2.
There are way more number 2 types in the rental world.

plus you'd have a way bigger chance of getting corona and killing your mummy


I haven't had sex in 2 weeks bros, how the fuck am I supposed to cope with this shit

begging bogans won't be choosers, abbogan... you historically illiterate baasedmers will soon learn why you're considered as weak as piss your i-generation is

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>I have 2 investment properties.
Well thats your fault then isnt you dumb shit
>Gambling your savings on 'property' so that it might pay off in 20 years
You get what you deserve. I have 15k in the bank, I own my car, fortnightly neetbux, no debt and no liabilities. Thats what you get for not hording your cash like a smart person.

female maoris have a big dose of stockholm syndrome
i appreciate them being nice because the last thing i want are violent niggers around
but the main point is you're a faggot boomer and you should fuck off

Think back to a year ago when you hadn't had sex your entire life

i know 90% of the younger generations are weak as piss and gay as fuck tell me something i dont know boongi

whenever scomo or the media speak of information relating to tenants or rent, they're talking about businesses. there won't be any federal plan released to relieve residential tenancies. the stimulus was liberal's plan all along: save banks, big businesses and brag about the employment rate by skewing the statistics in their favour. as far as residential tenancies are concerned it's business as usual.

Sorry, all cash has been seized under emergency liquidity access provisions

No it hasnt baby.

I bought 1 each for my kids. Knowing the education standards these days I tought it was the only way they could get ahead.
They do not know these properties will belong to them.
1 Stands to inherit a nice property the other a bulldozer job.

>Thinking 40 years ahead

Dumb boomer.

Im a boomer but the only thing im fucking is your GF and mother.

>half oz of top shelf weed
>double neetbux
>grand neetbux saved up
>virtually no mutual obligations
>full pantry
>suspended rent
>list of comfy shit coming in the post
>normalfags losing their minds

my God this is heaven

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Fuck, Why am i so bad at online dating?

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>looking for a partner in crime
>i'm a cop
well that's misleading

Hurrr durrr

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is that in proportion to how good their blowjobs are?

I did a read that in the voice of detective john kimble

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at least I have weed

ok boomer

Reminder to remind people China attack ASIO, our ADF and parliament all the fucking time. 6 hacks on asio in the same amount of years

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