Thomas Massie will be voting no because it will create too much debt.
This will create setbacks which will delay the vote
Thomas Massie will be voting no because it will create too much debt.
This will create setbacks which will delay the vote
Other urls found in this thread:
Wow what a faggot
our founding fathers would ask us if this dicksucking queer has done more for us than twelve hundred bucks
my answer is probably not
honestly i wouldn't be surprised if this guy solicits gay males for gay sex
just look at him
doesn't need to be a unanimous vote, dipshit
All you fags want your gibs.
This bill will bring in socialism if passed.
based. make those fucking leeches vote in person like I'm paying them to
Guy is definitely a fag but good on him for standing up to this bullshit. Fuck Trump and fuck Congress.
>This bill will bring in socialism if passed.
were you born yesterday
How would one (hypothetically) get their hands on one of these people? For educational purposes of course
based Massie
get a dictionary, this is socialism faggot
You gotta put in a dress and wait on the corner for the nigger tranny fucker congressmen nigger
Fucking based
>>This bill will bring in
get a dictionary lolberg pseud faggot
Uh, hello? Based department? Yeah we're gonna need a price check on 10 lb. of based in aisle based, thank you.
i cant stop laughing.
oh, not gonna get your free xbox you fucking incel kek
fuck off faggot
350,000,000 million for refugee resettlement.
Fuck this bill and all the fags fishing for handouts.
We'll get socialism if it's not passed
He looks like he browses Yas Forums
Carbon or VAT tax.
No, but after a voice vote, any member may ask for a recorded vote, which there currently isn't a quorum for.
look at Venezuela, thats where we're heading
I make more money than you. I just think lolbergs are a joke. they're grandstanding fags with a fucked up moral compass because they chose an ideology for pseuds to root on like muh special handegg team because they're sociopathic losers
This. I'm libertarian but people are out of work not due to market conditions but the government forbidding them from working. They have every right to expect compensation and necessary accomidations (e.g. mortgage delays, tax delays, etc.) The State is the one causing this.
>Yes, yes, this is the based department.
>Oh, yes, we've already heard about Thomas Massie.
>Yes, we've been getting a lot of calls about him today.
>Don't worry we've already talked it over and decided to upgrade his level to Chief Socialist Buttrage Enducer.
>Okay, thanks a lot for calling.
>Yes, you too. We really appreciate it.
>Keep it based, my brother, ayy lmao.
based get fucked bums
the free ride is over
geddahfugouddah heeeeeeeere
Hang all Libertarians! Useful idiots for the Jews!
Trumpbux is the most retarded idea ever. People will need food money but they're being told this will be over soon. So they're going to use the money they get on luxury goods instead like electronics and clothing. With our industry shut down, that means they're buying from China's manufacturing plants. So we're handing China two trillion dollars, and then we'll still have to pay for starving Americans a few months from now. How the fuck is this supposed to work at all?
Rothbard is actually right in the .png and for reasons that are meaningful. Dave Chapelle make a whole bit about it: "if she has the right to abort it, I should have the right to abandon it."
True, this is all due to government policy.
But this is being used to condition the public to accept socialist gibs. It's a trap.
why do american's have such greasy hair?
i mean holy shit i haven't showered in over a week and even my hair is not quite that greasy.
A 1 time emergency stimulus is not the same as the venezuela command economy, and you have rocks in your head if you think it is.
fuck NEET scum
hang all fucking losers
you lost
out on the street with the rest of the urchins
See my last post.
This is Pavlov conditioning.
Good. That's shit I don't want to pay for.
just pay up, you fucking niggers
funny how coons get infinite money yet if the white man who supports this whole thing gets a whiff of it, during a health crisis if you want to believe that, it's a big issue
fucking this FAGGOT and fuck anyone in government who might oppose it
>I agree with this jew because I should have the right to act like a nigger
Built for BBC
>A 1 time emergency
This will not be one time. People can't live long on $1200, and they're not giving anything to people who had a normal job last year.
There's nothing to stimulate, the economy is shut down. Where is the money going to go?
Libertarians really be like "it's not the job of the government to provide you with medical care if you die you die" and see absolutely nothing wrong with that
Fuck you...this bullshit will do more harm than good and niggers will make out better anyway. They always do when it comes to welfare handouts.
Can someone make a smug Pepe out of this fine gentleman?
UBI is probably inevitable user. You have no idea what is coming with AI and automation. Best to do as they did and present it as a one time tax rebate rather than a direct payment. Refusing this given the present conditions is political suicide and maybe economic too. All we can hope is that things open up again soon and things recover quickly.
Shut up you dumb faggot no it's not
No one's going to pay for NEETs, we'll just classicide you to save money if you become useless.
to prevent the credit system from collapsing
its target at people who have debt or pay rent so they can stay afloat one more month before going bankrupt and causing their lenders to default en masee
niggers dont derve handouts either, all we are asking is for nature to take over, and have some of the stupid, lazy people starve to death.
>Crying for your gibs
You're no better than a nigger.
>if you die you die" and see absolutely nothing wrong with that
nature needs to take its course
We've told renters that they can't be evicted, so they're making pacts with tenants to all not pay rent.
I just filed my taxes today fucks sake
The future is going to suck dick.
Yeah its cool we can just keep giving so ialism to the niggers and spics and totally fucking not get rid of those programs in favor of spreading it to everyone. Sure, you fucking cracker cuckold.
i guess i just dont care anymore
i've seen enough
This whole virus hoax was constructed for the masses to be conditioned to accept socialistic income and to allow the Fed to buy into corporations on the free market to "save" the stock market. If anything, at this rate we are heading straight to communism.
Good. If I can't have neetbux. No one can
T. Dependent faggot
Well if that's the future, you can't really stop it. It started with free Jewish religion in the Untied States and giving Women and blacks the vote.
Go lick a toilet.
this is a total nothing burger. House only needs 216 votes. The reason why this is being blown out of portion IS NOT because the votes are not there. It is because Pelosi does not want to have their votes recorded. period point blank.
>A single payment of money = INSTANT SOCIALIST NATION
Uhhh how? How is just one payment going to suddenly turn the nation socialist?
Good. My dollar has shitty enough purchasing power as it is. Inflating it further will make me think twice about getting that 10,000 foot yacht I've always wanted.
Bloomberg and Sanders, they aren't hiding in the shadows anymore. Dangerous times.
> create too much debt.
The federal debt is too big to be repaid by austerity. It has to be monetized. Spend freely, recapture industry from China, spend heavily on infrastructure. Investigate and prosecute the NWO operators and lugenpresse responsible for crashing the economy.
>Now, if you pass by a drowning man in a lake you have no enforceable (legal) obligation to try to rescue him; but if you push someone in a lake you have a positive obligation to try to rescue him. If you don't you could be liable for homicide. Likewise, if your voluntary actions bring into being an infant with natural needs for shelter, food, care, it is akin to throwing someone into a lake. In both cases you create a situation where another human is in dire need of help and without which he will die. By creating this situation of need you incur an obligation to provide for those needs. And surely this set of positive obligations would encompass the obligation to manumit the child at a certain point.
-Stephan Kinsella
Dude, socialism
good. the bill is anti-neet and therefore, anti-american. fuck you wagies.
This is different as the people who need coronachan gibs have been illegally forced out of their jobs and ordered to lockdown. The government has mandated that they are now unemployed.
Because leftists hate you and Trump.
They don't actually have a quorum on the Hill if Massie requests a roll call vote. If he does so, the bill can't pass until enough congressmen fly back into town. So yes it will pass; people are spazzing over the delay though.
they all take burger juice via IV to survive.
>Now, if you pass by a drowning man in a lake you have no enforceable (legal) obligation to try to rescue him
Unless you are in a boat
Government forced companies to shut down and forced millions out of work. They have to pay for doing that. It's not socialism. Their orders created this situation.
These debt retards are even dumber than niggers.
>omg, we can’t have more debt that we’re never gonna pay back
>Just once. It's an emergency.
are burgers really going to keep the wall street-fed gravy train going?
Ron Paul has had him on multiple times on his show he seems like the closest to an idea politician that we could hope for. You all should check his videos with dr Paul out.
>inb4 just give me my !socialism bucks!
If you had a real job last year you don't get gibs, even though you're just as out of work. It's just taking more money from whites and giving it to niggers.
Unironically based. Once somebody who knows what the fuck they're doing flips the switch on an AGI that's worth a shit it's all over
I hope so, so I can sell and buy back the next dip
Aren't leftists supposed to be democrats? Isn't the whole point of democrats supposed to be "people first, businesses second"?
>This will not be one time.
So on the second try I will stand with you
We're in a crisis. Conditioning is something that happens regularly...
This is a necessary bandaid to cover the fact that the economy is shut down and people can't pay their bills and maintain the previously functioning economic network.
You're missing the forest here over some stupid ideological principle.
The psyop is condition the masses.
They took everyone's 401Ks are are redistributing them. Socialism 101.
>Come on guys this money is for Israel
Fucking pilpul.
Liberals told you we would live in a paradise where everyone was educated and "above" manufacturing jobs, and look where we are now. We can't even make enough medicine and medical supplies for a pandemic because it's all been shipped overseas.
They are always wrong. Wrong about all these green energy, self-driving cars, manufacturing, moving to a service industry, etc. They are wrong about AI and automation, too. Automation is going to kill China, not USA.
>finally a bill that actually helps working class white people and poor whites with cash in hand for the first time ever
Did this faggot do this when they have trillions to the stock market? Piece of shit
I'm not in favor of UBI at all and think the effects will be likely negative. But we're heading for a world in which the need for human labor in the vast majority of current tasks will be unnecessary and undesirable (the machines will do it 100x better than any human). There will be a lot of other jobs people do, but scarcity will have been so reduced that UBI will be economically feasable then, whereas it just isn't now.