Nobody owns the Earth. If you "own" more than 10 acres of land, the government should stop protecting it for you...

Nobody owns the Earth. If you "own" more than 10 acres of land, the government should stop protecting it for you. Anymore than 10 acres to one individual or corporation and that land should automatically become available for public use, and deeded to any living creature who takes up residence or directly mixes his labor with the land.

This will free up lots of land. Take care of a lot of absentee property. Take care of a lot of slumlords. Make land more accessible to everyone. Drastically reduce the cost of living. And best of all it is a libertarian, anti-government solution (as most of the best solutions are)

Also ideally there would be NO corporations, but you know, that's not gonna happen, so I'm trying to be more practical

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Fuck off, commie.

The plutocrat is afraid

commie retard, you act like farms and anything the pubic needs like solar, fruit, vegetables is all pointless. warehouses to make your computer your typing on, etc. If you think this is a good idea you're super out of touch on reality.

It is true that I am a "man of the libertarian left". If you choose to call me a "commie" then fine. What do you think of my idea though? I feel it is indisputable that this would produce a positive change in the world, without being TOO radical since IRL I am not an anarchist

I believe in self-sufficiency. This system would stoke self-sufficiency. Also with 10 acres for a corporation, they could still get an awful lot of production done. So it's not like you wouldn't still have economy and consumerism. But IRL with 10 acres you can more or less produce everything that you need for a whole family, much less one singular person

I really hope that ball spinning 1,000mph doesn’t lose the pressurized atmosphere into the vacuum of “”””””outer space”””””””

>Also with 10 acres for a corporation, they could still get an awful lot of production done.
I mean 10 acres is like 7 football fields or something. So you can still have manufacturing businesses and so forth. And supply chains. It's not THAT radical of a change. It will just decentralize business from a bunch of monopolistic corporations to smaller, more privately owned enterprises

cool it with the anti semitic remarks

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Why 10 acres?
Why not more?
Why not less?
Why any at all?
Why should anyone get to use it for what they want if I want to use it for something different?
Who gets to decide?
Who would trust them to decide fairly?
Why don't you kys commie?

And most of the people who built those computers probably had extremely left-wing political ideas about self-sufficiency and libertarianism, just like me. Except for the nazis that came over from paperclip, of course.

Seriously though, actual nut and bolt scientists are usually self-sufficient and end up as libertarian lefties who venerate nature and think humanity should be individually self-sufficient and green.


>Why 10 acres?
Well 3-5 acres would really be the amount you'd need to live and produce everything you need and be self-sufficient. 10 acres is just padding. 10 acres you can have a business, you can still have industry, economy. It wouldn't radically reshape our society all that much. It would just gut monopolistic corporate America and make the land (the Earth) more accessible to everyone

There are tons of places in the US where 10 acres of farmable land is dirt cheap, so why this commie bullshit?

Well depends on your definition of "dirt cheap" and a lot of that land you're thinking of prob isn't farmable. Like you can get land pretty cheap up in the rocky mountains........and you're living at 7000 ft elevation, you might just fucking die
But anyway it solves a lot of the problems in our society, and it does so in a non interventionist, non authoritarian way. There's no state violence involved. It is objectively LESS state violence, by definition. The state is simply committing to use LESS of its monopoly on violence to protect private property. Poor people will be able to better afford land. Small businesses and individuals will not be pushed out by corporations anymore. Our Earth will not be bought up and monopolized by the billionaire class and the privileged few

That's a very stupid plan.

There are tons of places in Australia where you can pick up a few hundered acres for 100 bucks.
How many acres do you want?

Some cattle staions are a million acres or more.

That's wrong. The Earth is mine. I have a piece of paper that proves it. Now pay me rent or fuck off

fecal matter/10
apply yourself

reddit the post

25 please
so long as it is mostly relatively flat

The barely literate moron's public education is showing.

what is unacceptable about a person with the money purchasing 10 million acres plus??

you think you have valid answers to this but you havent through it through

kys nigger commie

your point?

and your point?

be serious


and what if someone else say 9 and another says 11, what makes them wrong(or non-ideal)?
try to use your sense

Dude that is blatantly stealing the Earth from humanity. "Buying" is only a legal concept that derives from statism. You're just using violence to drive humanity off the Earth, basically. It's literal oppression of the masses

The federal government owns 640 million acres, mostly in the west.

Nobody really owns anything in this life. The most you can do is lay claims to things and do your best to protect those claims and make other people acknowledge them.

Libertarianism is by definition a far-right wing political stance, i.e. maximum individual freedom and minimum government authority. You claim the idea in the opening post is Libertarian, though it’s literally the opposite, therefore you simply don’t have abclue what these words mean, or how the world works to any degree of complexity.


you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

I "own" 80 acres and I grow food but I guess no one told me specifically I have to feed you. They surely do command me to pay property tax though, so I am entitled to fire, police and other emergency services.
How 'bout you go fuck yourself instead faggot?

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My point is pay rent or you're evicted from the planet with a swift kick in the arse, commie

So my farm is invalid because it exceeds 10 acres. If this was actually implemented everyone would starve to death. Terrible bait.

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I own 28,000 acres and protect it myself. Hiring Security Contractors is pretty easy since the Afghan War is winding down. I only hire Combat Veterans.

When will the poorfags leave this board?

If you don't like the rules that the people made for a amount of land they gained by war then you can try and gain it from them with war.
You can perfectly go and sleep in some stranger in some strangers house but don't expect the people that follow the rules to let you go

Are you the poppy grower?

>Dude that is blatantly stealing

requires non-consensual force
you cannot be entitled to what isnt yours

>from humanity

no one can be owed anything just by being born other than never being agressed against

>"Buying" is only a legal concept that derives from statism

it predates every concept of state by an enormous margin

if you cannot have property (civility, mutual honor, non aggression, fair trade)
you reduce everything to pure survival of the fittest animalism

you either have civilization or you dont
you do not have civilization without property/ownership

>You're just using violence to drive humanity off the Earth

requires non-consent
you got getting your way is not non-consent nor harm

> It's literal oppression of the masses

every cain-minded adultchild screeching person/mob ever who refused to grow up and figure out the rules, namely life is hard and unfair, always produced to whiny liberal bitch-moan symphony of why they were entitled to what wasnt theirs and why any force should be used to take or destroy it

(just dont ever do the same to any member of that mob, pretty please)

cream rises to the top
if you dont want to be stolen from dont steal
figure out the rules of society or choose

I never said you had to feed me, you just can't "own" that much land. It's far too much for you to personally mix your labor with anyhow. More than 10 acres and you're legit just thieving from the rest of humanity via statism and authoritarianism. It's pure sociopathic violence

I agree that you should not have to pay property taxes on anything like 5-10 acres though.

Yeah cuz NOBODY else could grow food on that land, amirite? Just you. The veggies will only grow for you because of your magical capitalism aura or something

>more than 10 acres of land
why such an arbitrary amount? what a shit slide thread. sage

So no ones going to point out OP’s post is a screenshot from flex air?

>If you don't like the rules then deal with it
Cool, then apply this logic to immigration, or the 1965 immigration act. Suddenly the hypocrisy and insanity of your assertion that people should never advocate for political change because "those are the rules" or whatever becomes stunningly obvious

Why not just go to Africa exterminate the people there and take yourself some land? Why do you insist on begging more powerful entities for their land when you could be doing the smart thing and depriving it from weaker entities? Your entire approach this problem is irrational, it's why your ideology will never succeed - it's utterly dependent on Christian morality and yet it's also determined to undermine that morality.

I have 90 acres. I run cattle on that land... I imagine your idiotic idea becoming reality. I wake up and the cattle are not able to graze the land and you've put up a fence claiming your 10 acres of my 90... I'd put a bullet in your body... Would the government stop me?

OP read Henry George. He came up with a workable solution to this problem that is actualy libertarian, in that it benefits both labor and capital but doesn't impose gay redistribution schemes like yours. Office workers don't need ten acres of land, basedbean farmers need more. There is a way to reconcile this with the free enterprise and individual rights.


>you just can't "own" that much land
Cope and get fucked. What do you think about that? Because that's your only option.

>Claims people are "entitled" because they expect to be able to live and exist upon the Earth
>Doesn't consider himself "entitled" to have literally the entire government of the USA protecting "his" huge swaths of land, which are far more than he could ever personally use, from ordinary poor people who might be guilty of the crime of trying to breath and exist
The hypocrisy. The lack of self-awareness. The sheer sociopathy and enjoyment of causing pain to your fellow human. Stunning.

Fuck poor people.

> "Buying" is only a legal concept that derives from statism.
Property rights were outlined in the Bible. It was enshrined in the 7th commandment. That's multiple thousands of years ago. It's not something people swindled the world into like 100 years ago.

A jew pays the government to protect more then 10 acres of land

>You lose

Attached: larval jew.jpg (800x600, 262.12K)

What does the bible say about them?

Your theory only works if everyone is willing to put in hard work and do everything by hand because equipment like a tractor could never be afforded through the produce of 10 acres. You’re simply delusional mate and never worked a day in your life on a farm or probably in general.

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>The bible
Oh boy, here we go. Suddenly we're going to start seeing some of the real roots of our current political woes cropping up in this thread
That is literally what it comes down to, doesn't it. You idiots defend this system because you think your invisible skyman sociopath who says he "loves you" but then threatens to murder you and torment you for eternity endorses it

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OP is a fag who has never heard of (((Farming)))

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>Thou shall not steal
Is the commandment, acknowledging that property can be taken meaning the right to property is at least from the Christian worldview divinely ordained.
>a view imposed on us by another view "statism"
Matthew 22:21 Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's." Romans 13:1

The Bible has also always advocated for respect of local law and tithe - recognizing that property not only exists but has extra personal obligations sometimes in respect to tradition.

I am not a Christian myself so I am not trying to hit you over the head withe Bible. Nor am I saying this is some kind of ace in the hole - just pointing out to you, nicely - that your ideas are the new ones and you're asking for imposition.


Take anything from me and I'll cut your head off and shove it up your mother's asshole you, limp wristed faggot.

>limit to 10 acres
>not all acres are equal
>20 years later people reeing about having to share the 10 acres I have

its like pottery.

>If you want a Jolly Rancher, fuck a farmer

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I am not delusional. You have an unnecessarily dim view of humanity. Humans choose to "work". that is the reality. What they shy away from is "slavery". A human will work 10 times harder, maybe even 100 times harder, for the chance to work for himself and free and independent. He is MOTIVATED to do things that make him independent. What fucking sucks and what saps all of that will and motivation is the enslavement. This is a big part of how the cycle of poverty is perpetuated. Conservatives either don't understand this or more likely just don't care because they hate the poor, for some reason

Of course being self-sufficient and farming some land for yourself or for a local economy is not all that much work anyhow. You might think it is cuz every farmer acts like "Phew, I worked so HARD out in those fields today!" but you've never been a slave for a company like Starbucks or anything.

He has though he’s farming (you)s

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Enjoy starving to death when you get a non farmable land or bad harvest.
Oh and no one will trade with you since they are no obligated too, sorry sweetie.

Why that is literally what leftism is all about. Conservatives are the one crying to government and using statism to thieve from the rest of humanity via private property, which I don't even have that much of a problem with technically, as long as there are some reasonable restrictions on it like the ones we're discussing in this thread. Not the left.

Lev 25:23 "'The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you reside in my land as foreigners and strangers."

God understood the folly in letting people hold a piece of property forever.

absolute idiot.
10 acres in Arizona is not equal to 10 acres in Michigan. In Arizona 10 acres is not enough to live off of, and it will just turn those people into leeches.

Op please see On the subject of Georgism, and Land Value Taxes, the argument is the following:

>Taxes are a necessary evil, due to the need for collective defense and a collective criminal justice system.
>What is the least bad tax?
>A tax with the smallest deadweight loss to the economy is the least bad tax
>A land value tax has 0 deadweight loss, therefore it is the least bad tax, and therefore it is the best tax

There is also the Georgist argument about property rights:

>You own yourself.
>You own all things that are a product of your own labor and mind.
>It is unjust to tax wages, capital gains, property, interest, dividends, inheritance, transactions, etc, because these are the products of people's labor and minds.
>Land and natural resources are not the product of anyone's labor or mind.
>Therefore land and natural resources cannot be "owned" by anyone.
>Therefore it is just to only have a single tax on land values.

It’s a stupid idea but I’m enjoying thinking about it.

You might end up with some kind of client-patron system.

You really can’t keep the smart people down it’s paretos law.

You're right about not all acres being equal. That doesn't make the plan unworkable or less viable though. Nothing in our society is "equal" and more land can be curated and worked with outside of something like a desert. Even desert areas can have lots of use for non agriculture

In the end, despite not all acres being technically "equal", this system does make things a lot more "equal"
>20 years later people reeing about having to share the 10 acres I have
IDK what you mean by this. Who is going to want to share the 10 acres you have? Nobody.

Do you know how small 10 acres is?

>Anyone who "owns" more than 1/64th of a square mile is a greedy capitalist pig.

Eat shit, commie.

My family has been farming since arriving here and I’ve spent my free time on 10,000 acres of irrigated farmland, I know how it fucking works mate. All those acres and margins are still thin, you still might collapse next year, you still might get a frost.
The average person isn’t cut out for 16 hour days trying to make a living. Period. Now with your 10 acre parcels for everyone they’d be putting in 17 a day, not for profit, not for success, but to simply just fucking survive. You could grasp that if you had a clue.

It doesn't count if its at such a high elevation that you climb up there and just die, which is technically possible at 7000 ft. Yeah. That's right that doesn't count. Duh

ok so basically whole world would be a gigantic urban sprawl for sake of owning a farm and mythical "self-sufficiency"?

>Doesn't consider himself "entitled" to have literally the entire government of the USA protecting "his" huge swaths of land,

not possible
that is a figment
the state is nothing ever but violation of the NAP manifest
what it may do or seem that is all that it is
every state ever

>Claims people are "entitled" because they expect to be able to live and exist upon the Earth

yes, you are entitled to that by one thing which protects you from all aggression:
the NAP (initiation of the use of force)
ANYTHING beyond that violates it itself against another

> which are far more than he could ever personally use,

what does that have to do with anything?

> from ordinary poor people who might be guilty of the crime of trying to breath and exist

cream rises to the top
if there is freedom, some will succeed
and if some succeed, some fail

if you want to eliminate success you have to eliminate freedom

>The hypocrisy. The lack of self-awareness. The sheer sociopathy and enjoyment of causing pain to your fellow human. Stunning.

various fallacies
personal attacks
appeal to ridicule
etc etc

>10 acres in Arizona is not equal to 10 acres in Michigan.
I didn't say it was, but not everyone does agriculture, now do they, big brain?

What do you need more than 10 acres for?

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The Homesteading Acts of the 1860's gave you anywhere from 160 to 640 acres of land as that was recognized as the amount of ground the average family could farm and survive off of. That was with horse-drawn equipment and absolutely primitive knowledge of soil conservation and land management, 10 acres just randomly split off to a million retards would just result in a lot of folks dying, leaving, and absolutely tanking agricultural production.
Good luck trying to keep up agricultural output when any farm larger than a community garden is sub-divided into a million little chunks owned by random fuckers. You'd get the same lack of anything getting done that the Indian Reservations suffer with an almost identical land system.