Which country is better to immigrate to, South Korea or Japan?
(In terms of economic situation and facing potential discrimination as a white person.)
Which country is better to immigrate to, South Korea or Japan?
(In terms of economic situation and facing potential discrimination as a white person.)
definitely SK, cheaper cost of living and you’re much less likely to be discriminated against.
she is built for a big black cock haha
Who is this Taiwanese beauty?
ask any honest korean
This but it's also steadily becoming a pozzed feminist shithole
japan by far
Less corrupt, more developed, safer, women will jump at any white guy
you do need a job for both though
Built for BBC
fuck off we are full.
Anyway Korea is a better country, so the answer is Korea.
Clap clap clap he said the line
>and facing potential discrimination as a white
South Korea is literally run by a cabal of crazy feminists
just don't
are you a girl or a boy?
Stay in your own country mutt
South Korean people are like Japs with Downs Syndrome.
why do people keep saying this? they got arrested years ago.
when i visited south korea it was pretty cash money.
Arguably Korea, not because it has a better living condition, but because Japan will soon be infested with weebs from all over the world, while Korea will still remain intact because of its obscurity.
South Korea because they accept mutts more than Nipland
South Korea has become rubbish with all their feminist nonsense they yell rape at every single opportunity these hoes are fucking psychos. Now Japanese on the other hand are submissive house wife material. My wife is from there and she is a literal womanchild. They are adorable.
>its obscurity
You won't be saying this for much longer.
Japan is pretty based, lived here 3 years.
If anything it’s the opposite, K-pop has more global interest than anime had at its peak. Japan’s soft power has been slowly declining since the 90’s.
I'd go with Japan since S. Korea is run by that insane feminist cult.
I agree. Go to Korea.
What makes those countries great is their homogeneity. You moving there diminishes it.
I frankly enjoyed the discrimination I felt in japan, I found it funny literally every time
like when I'm on a packed train with standing room only but the seats right next to me are open because nobody wanted to sit next to me
or when I'm walking and old ladies cross to the other side of the street when they see me coming
What does that mean in English? Mr Afican
Lived and worked in both. Its a give and take really. Its easy to get a job and a visa in South Korea. The people are laid back there and like Americans (except for the bus drivers). Most people speak at least some English there and most cities have English on their signs/maps. Downside, you are just south of North Korea (constant threat of invasion that doesn't seem to bother people there), tons of smog in the northern part of the country from China and lots of sickness spreading around all the time because the people there don't cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze in public places. Japan is cleaner and more hygenic but you will be working 6 days a week with everyone else and will be expected (as a "fun foreigner") to spend time with people outside of work or they won't like you very much at your job. Not nearly as many people there speak English and you will have to find your own way in a lot of situations. People in Tokyo will look at you like New Yorkers look down at tourists with disgust. Generally a much more uptight society. Oh, and earthquakes. Most people in both places are fun and interesting. Like a previous user said its MUCH cheaper to live in South Korea.
I think you should try wearing less cologne, when I was in Japan, schoolgirls literally fell asleep on my shoulder TWICE within a single month.
Are you black?
I am an arab and when I lived in Saitama and Osaka I never had any issue with people then again I could speak the language.
Korean chicks are literally ant people, cute if you´re int that.
The Japs simple are the most Übermensch of all gooks. Problem is they now it and a very racist about it, especially to niggers.
>being best at anything
Go to Japan. Korea is great, but it will never be the best at anything.
found the nigger
Oh, same guy here. If you are dark skinned definitely go to South Korea. There is blatant discrimination and racism in both countries but more foreigners from the US, South Africa, Europe and places like India and Pakistan have been working in SK for much longer than in Japan. The Japanese have it out for black men in particular because of American soldiers that raped their women over the years off of the military bases. Most were black. Also, both countries see tall white men and women with blonde hair as good luck charms. A friend of mine in SK would find that people would give him money to bless themselves and would always ask if they could touch his blond hair. In Japan they told me that the northern Europeans brought them the good things in their history, others brought them nothing. I'm neither so...
At least you drive on the RIGHT side of the road like every functioning society does.
I'm white but not blond. I've been to Japan extensively but have no experience in South Korea.
>northern Europeans
It was central Europe and it was the Dutch and Portuguese. Also Japan hates Chinks more than brown people.
Wow she looks like she likes a veiny throbbing BBC.
Who the fuck would wanna stay in Korea?
Japan is slowly getting into the LGBTQ nonsense because of all the western weebs but at least they won't let feminism get the better of them.
Chosun means Korea
Koreans are insane and have a chip on their shoulder. So Japan. Other factors are irrelevant.
>Short term
They’re about equal, but there’s probably more opportunities to make good money in South Korea.
>Medium term
Definitely South Korea, because work life in Japan will really start to wear you down.
>Long term / indefinitely
If you actually plan to have kids and grandkids there, I’d go with Japan. You’ll have to work harder and won’t make as much money, but it’s a more stable society and culture in general. I wouldn’t feel comfortable staking my genetic future in a civilization that has only been dominated and conquered.
those eyes
The ones I encountered (in Tokyo and further north) seemed to prefer being in the presence of those with lineages from Germany, Sweeden, Switzerland, Denmark and Norway, etc.
YES. The Japanese HATE the Chinese and vice-versa. But that pales in comparison to how much many (not all though) of the South Koreans hate the Japanese. Many don't know how the Japanese took women after the last world war (and five times before that in their history) from SK to their own country and how the descendents of those women still do not have full rights today in Japan even though they were born citizens.
Thank you USA for bringing degenerate values into Japan
Built for BBC.
>seemed to prefer being in the presence of those with lineages from Germany, Sweeden, Switzerland, Denmark and Norway, etc.
Nothing to do with history. Japanese people just like attractive people and to them these countries are where good looking people come from. In Asia looks is everything. You could be the greatest piece of shit to a girl there but if you blonde with blue eyes she is still gonna let you bake a child inside her womb.
In both SK and Japan women are still treated as secondary citizens in many ways. That is why feminist movements are now taking off in both countries. The solution until now was to learn English and get away by either marrying a foreigner from the US or Europe or getting a job with an international corporation that could place you out of country. I saw a lot of women in their 20s or 30s going to night school to hone their English for these reasons and had a few ask me out while I was there.
The looks thing is accurate, especially in Japan. Its hard to get a job there as a foreigner if you aren't tall, white and good looking. That is unless you are especially good at what you do and are involved in finance.
They came to Japan on their own
-will fuck obese men who are rich
-extremely materialistic
-no culture, literally christian-buddhist doomsday cults controlling society
-women despise working men
-men are pathetic incel bugmen, assblasted that their women like basically any men but them, openly wish for destruction of white nations
-idolize jews
-claim land that isn't theirs
-rightfully Japanese
-50%+ plastic
-like rap, black men are very popular here now
-only country in the world where 30% of births are to minorities purely because Sokos (95% of the population) basically don't have any kids at all
-will fuck you constantly if you are dating, but will pressure you into marriage
-if you get married then no sex ever once kids are born
-society of passive-aggressive autists who hate everyone else
-japanese women pretty much never lose their virginity unless they have a boyfriend, low amount of roasties in their society (but they are very lewd, since virgin women are mentally thots but thots are mentally trad- the great paradox)
-japan is an island, island nations are superior
-better nature
-you will work even after you're dead
>japanese women pretty much never lose their virginity unless they have a boyfriend
what nonsense is that? yeah the amount of 20s virgin women in Japan is high but they still ready to fuck if given the opportunity. I deflowered quiet a few during my time there and most were ONS.
Japan has the most pathetic cars in the world, legit feels like ur driving a cuck mobil
>Less corrupt
Pffffft hahahahahahaha holy shit what a fucking memeflag!
It depends. Are you fluent in Japanese or Korean?
if you have yellow fever then move to Kazakhstan, they are a mix of white russians and central asiatic people and their women look like hot steppe bitches and not ugly east asian insectoids
Don't go unless your Korean or Japanese, you are a pussy if you abandon your people.
Kys you filthy americunt you’re not welcome anywhere
>Which country is better to immigrate to, South Korea or Japan?
don't be a shitskin immigrant OP.
Read about what has been happening in South Korea, then go to Japan.
Bro fuck Korea. They are fucking insane.
Go to nipland and be happy
Jap has short legs
Kazakhs have very low IQ for some reason
>Ethnic Kazakhs obtained a mean British IQ of 82.2, ethnic Russians obtained a mean British IQ of 103.2, and ethnic Uzbeks obtained a mean British IQ of 86.0
Imagine getting brain mogged by Russians.