/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2594

► Detected: 535,258 ► Died: 24,094
► 3 deaths were reported since the last thread was made.
Live: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw

— 3.7 billion people put under lockdown —
— 199 countries and territories infected —

Chinese company amassed Australian supplies and shipped them out

16 year old female dies in France

Chef that criticized people avoiding China Town has died of COVID

Japan has "unexpected" rise in cases, outbreak in Tokyo

Treatment with HIV drugs ends in failure in controlled study

21 year old without previous conditions dies in Britain

Type-A blood more likely to catch virus than type-O

Neuroinvasive potential of nCoV

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

People are not being tested in Japan despite symptoms

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

Over half of China shuts down: 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

Thailand hiding cases as "viral pneumonia"

Wartime conditions in China

01:05: 110 new cases and 2 new deaths in Mexico.
00:46: 96 new cases in the Dominican Republic.
00:37: 66 new cases in Idaho, United States.
00:35: 116 new cases and 1 new death in Panama.
00:34: 87 new cases and 4 new deaths in Argentina.
00:28: 102 new cases in North Carolina, United States.


Attached: Death's kiss.jpg (797x1024, 73.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 24,181
lol, still only 24,181.
How many days has it been stuck at 24,181? Four days? Five days?

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shooby dooby doo

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China lied people died

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I just want some BAT SOUP for my birthday today

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Anyone got the original for pic related?

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imagine being american right now.


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I love you, Gary. Will you thrust your massive erection into my hemorrhoid-filled rectum?

Post loli corona chans, the jannies are deleting them all.

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Already had some

Enjoy you sick fucks
HIGH DEF youtu.be/EvgmyziTvsY

oh yeah

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>► 3 deaths were reported since the last thread was made.

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mexico and brazil will become epicenters with their cuck faggot nothing burger just a flu presidents

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We love you, Gary

Daily check in again, coughing more. This shit sucks, don’t get ill guys I’m starting to think the whole “only old people die of this” shit is fake.

It’s a possibility everything is far worse than the media is letting on.

But they won't test to confirm

Screenshot 600k infected by like 6 pm est tomorrow

A Rogue splinter group of the Military is going to fire bomb New York and California this weekend

I'm sorry for all of you who live their but it's going to be a sea of fire. Escape. The military is going to start their coup d'état. It's Scorched Earth for both states

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low tier shill , if you want to earn your shekels do better

Australia is more than likely going to ban people from exiting a 1km radius of their house this coming weekend. It should be announced soon, and will take effect at 12PM on Sunday

Anyone enjoying spooking nigger cattle at stores?

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chill with the hentai nerds.

Coof coof OH YEA coof coof

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When will the malls open back up? I'm bored.

I love you too, as a person, as a human being, as a friend. If a lot of people love each other, the world will be a better place to live. You are part of our family and we love you very much, as a friend. But you are sort of like our son too, and we will help you anytime.

why would you care about this virus when more people die from death

>Top Four epidemics for the 21st century
>Deaths - location - date - event
>1)ACTIVE)24,073 (As of March 26, 2020)-Spreading worldwide from China-2019–present-2019–20 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak-COVID-19
>2)18,000+-Worldwide 2009-2010 flu pandemic-Influenza
>3)11,300-West Africa-2013–2016-Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa-Ebola virus disease-Ebola virus virion
>4)ACTIVE)10,075(May 2017)-Hispaniola-2010–present-Haiti cholera outbreak-Cholera
Corona-chan numba wuhan, kek
also any other user notice how they lowered the death count for the 2009 flu pandemic, which was 150 thousand dead, and now I can't find that number anymore?

Are there any numbers on how this situation has affected other shit like flu?

She hit 60k new infections in 24 hours.
Proud of this girl

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i hope you are right , hollywood needs to be cleansed after the travesty that is star trek picard...

5 minutes

>people are only allowed to die to corona
>no other possible death cause exists

Why do you think this?

Fucking nutjob take your pills

China is the Middle Kingdom. Everything and everyone revolves around it. China's superior system of governance is the way of the future. It's technology and science is unmatched by any civilization. It's people are proud, strong and intelligent. The Han Chinese are the Gods of the real world.

While average IQ westerners care about surface level knowledge, like "GDP" and "elections", the Chinese care about maintaining and advancing civilization. We balance the natural shifts of world power. Without China, the Earth would fall into eternal chaos.

Australia? You mean 澳大利亚. America? You mean 美国. It's Chinese autonomous territory. Hope you know Mandarin, subhumans. Start practicing Han culture instead of your barbaric one. You'll still be a Class-B citizen, but at least you won't be sent to the Sino-African vassal states to do hard labor. You are merely pawns in China's rightful quest of world (and eventual space) domination.

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I have a feeling people who claim hospitals and morgues to be overrun in the US are full of shit

I'm not saying it's not going to happen, i'm just saying it's probably not happening NOW. Everyone and their mother would whip out their phones to take pictures if that were the case

I mean, why lie? If Trump is forcing people to go to work it's going to happen eventually anyway

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>but it's a n-nothingburger!
Man I still remember the threads where we were cheering for her to pass the regular flu. Now she's like a day or two away from the gold medal.


Daily reminder that lockdowns don't work. Italy is fucked. Completely fucked. They're even too sick to shit post at this point.

Kinda want to try retiming it myself. What software do you use for editing gifs?

Noooo burgerinos, what's happening to you? :/


haha wouldn't be funny if the bottle shattered LOL

downloaded before delete.

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>Lookner coughed?

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can i get a rundown on why elderberries are good?

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>Gary responses
Love you .

So we can all just wait like what we did in regards to China about the leaked vids. this is gonna be good

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Haiti has been in a three year decaying-bodies-in-dirty-water disease outbreak? Jeeze.

150k was estimated not confirmed

that vagina looks like a tranny axewound
why cant trannies draw vaginas


all you have to do is ask.

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Reminder that China lied, WHO helped cover it up and now people in all countries are suffering for it.

how are the Ebola-chan fags doing lately, haven't heard much from them lately
how are they coping with the fact their virus now officially has rookie numbers?

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These are urns explicitly from corona victims prepared for a festival. Longs lines to pick them up already

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Nobody is going anywhere the fuck near a hospital if they dont have to because it basically guarantees you get sick.

Sick people in the hospitals arent taking a lot of videos on their phones because they're sleeping like 19 hours a day to fight the disease (but I have seen a few videos).

Posts like this make me concerned.

Do you vape or smoke?


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meme Flag

how do you expect to be taken seriously if you use a nigger as pic?

So, uh, Coronavirus spreads via water droplets, huh?

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You're my favorite customer.

why are all corona happening fags the biggest weebs? anime is gay and youre all going to hell

oh okay that makes sense
Wait, so coroan-chan is already the worst pandemic of the century officially?
shit, I was just memeing it might become first 3 months ago but a I guess where here now, kek
How further do you anons think she'll go? 50k dead, 80k, or maybe 100k?

>more threads than people dying every thread
nothing burger.





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Taiwan knew that and took action early. All of our leaders were complacent.


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Thanks bro. Downloaded. Song name by chance?

Found this on FB. Are the normies finally waking up? People have been going online more and more since the lockdowns and are quickly finding out all the fairytales the government told them are lies.

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why the fuck are the nipples so high


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Ebola Chan and corona Chan should have hot lesbian sex

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moderate cloudy day, low to moderate wind, comfortable temp, gets people outside
not hurricanes

Fuck yeah, spread it!

still waiting for the Ebola-chan, Corona-chan team up in Afirca anons, are you giving them enough energy?

user, if that were the case then normies would be jumping the shit. We'd be labeled as mass murderers, that wouldn't do well on our peaceful agenda now would it?

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What's Coronavirus like your city, user. Pic related is mine. I'm interested in ATL New Orleans & Detroit.

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Is this what famous aussie shitposting degraded to? What a shame.
Have a (you), but only because of your flag.

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Literally built for BBC.

Does anyone have a coronachan bogdanoff edit?
>coof it

Lockdowns only slow down the contagion and make sure you don't get your entire population infected in a matter of days

The problem with Italy is that they did it too late and that they didn't give a shit about reducing the risk of getting infected, people still went out to do whatever

I said it on another thread, here in Argentina we had an early lockdown and it has slowed down a lot compared to other regions, bad news is that you get shitheads who ruin it for everyone (We recently have a fucking idiot that came from a plane and went to a party, he was diagnosed with CoVid)

I assure you, if countries did not have lockdowns you'd see dead people in the streets

also what the fuck is up with this captcha i have to fail it like 5 times before it gives it to me

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>tens of thousands infected and going to hospitals
>more than half of them need ventilators
They don't have the capacity to handle all the infected, and this is on top of the hospital individuals being exposed to each of these victims no matter what equipment. All it takes is one touch

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Neuroinvasive potential of nCoV

Does anyone have the original version of this paper? Previously the PDF said it may hide in neurons and never be cleared from the body. But it was updated mid-March and NOW it says nothing about being possibly permanent at all!!


have you prayed for her today?

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Don't worry though, Trump is sending the military to the Canadian border now. Gotta keep those Chinese, Italians, and Iranians out, 'cause everyone knows they'll enter the US illegally to infect otherwise safe Americans.

The lewder you go, the higher the quality requirement. I don't think this cuts it. We need some ishikei quality lewds of Corona-chan. Pic related.

Fuck, jannies aren't going to let me get away with this one.

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>if only he knew
The link was a clip of Arthas'culling speech

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>hurricanes, pandemic, earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, wildfires, war, famine, chaos, oh my
based 2020 year so far, can the year even get more based from here? kek

fuck being a virus denier this day & age

peak clown world

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