DNC found a rino to delay the vote

this is to remove the talking point that democrats held up the stimulus package.

Thomas Massie is purposely not saying if he will delay the vote tonight, so congressmen don't have the time to fly to the capital before tomorrow morning.

This is so blatant and their going to get away with it.

Attached: republican.jpg (608x315, 32.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


reps are asking to state what he will do. He is waiting until tomorrow to say that he will delay the vote. You will see a rush of articles from all of the media saying republicans will delay the vote

Attached: deanphillips.jpg (594x336, 38.59K)

Bump. This is sickening.

i hope he does it. this is yet another corporate coup and another nail in our coffin. at the very least i want to see every single congressfaggot forced to vote so we see where they stand.

You know why he says that right?

Hang all Libertarians! Useful idiots for the Jews!

Attached: 1558431832711.jpg (638x703, 125K)

Why did they agree to it early on and they try to stifle it?

Because hes kike cock sucking faggot and only sees green money for his kike masters

we need trump and all republicans to see this tweet. They need to call him out tonight so people see how duplicitous this really is

To demoralize use desu. They want people to feel helpless and then beg big brother for help. Then big brother knows they can control everything and nobody will do anything about it because they are desperate. They are going to release savage niggers and spics from prison and have them terrorize neighborhoods. Notice they have banned gun sales and shutdown gun shops in a lot of states

>republican representative blocks bill
>blame it on the dems anyway

MAGA brain in action

>DNC found a rino

You mean there is a republican that is trying to stop more government debt? He actually uncucked himself for a moment and NOW he is a fucking rino?

The absolute state...

Haha someones salty
>waste 200k in tax payers money. Since when did they give a fuck

He said on twitter he gonna vote no lol

Now the NG being on the streets makes sense

we don't care if he votes no. We care if he calls a point of order and asks for a voice vote. that would delay the vote

this is fake news

Yas Forums literally has the power to change history.

If we call him out they won't have this talking point tomorrow.

Seriously. MAGAtards are the worst examples of humans in existence

it is the dems. he is a rino. this is some backroom deal

>we don't care if he votes no. We care if he calls a point of order and asks for a voice vote. that would delay the vote

>Muh fucking gibs can't even wait for a voice vote!!

Your asshole must be torn to pieces selling it to survive, senpai. How fucking desperate are you?

on it


Extremely based.
This package is faggotry of the highest magnitude.

Trump already knew. Niggers in the bay area California are already ransacking stores with immunity because they said they wont be arrested

You know what would be great if the DOJ did their fucking job and indicted corrupt politicians.

>This package is faggotry of the highest magnitude


WTF!!! Corporate CEOs need their $100M bonuses NOW!!!!

Attached: 1571692326988.png (414x278, 196.61K)

Trust the plan user. Trust sessions. The stealth bomber is on it. Durham and Barr will take care of things. The sealed indictments. The Patriots are in control. The storm is near. The swamp is panicked

they baited fucking boomer constitutional republicans into approving this. the rnc is so incompetent it hurts

Attached: fitton.jpg (580x575, 47.22K)

This dude is right on everything he's saying. This is a shit deal for individuals. I don't understand all the faggots bitching.

That image is so fucking cringe.

Thirded. I want some Trumpbux but not with all the extra shit Pelosi and the kike puppets added

>Republican does a thing


you have to look at the bigger picture. All that matters is Trump winning 2020. If he loses there goes the judges, there goes everything.

If the dems use the talkign point that republicans delayed the vote, that is horrible for the election

>not letting your enemies make mistakes

if you don't believe the republican party is infected with rinos you are a paid shill

Lynch this faggot

So basically a few people would be calling the shots making whatever deal they or law they want?

It's almost like there's more to politics than the party you're a member of you irredeemably stupid retard


Attached: ithinkitstoolate.jpg (595x353, 36.55K)

> All that matters is Trump winning 2020. If he loses there goes the judges, there goes everything.
Heritage Foundation judges are all ziocon faggots anyway. They will all cuck just the same as Bush and Reagan appointees.
>republican party is infected with rinos
If these people run the party, doesn't that make them the real republicans? Wouldn't copefags who want to believe the GOP is based be the actual Republicans In Name Only?

It's a coronavirus bill in name only. So much extra kike shit added in I dont care about Trumpbux anymore

>Mordor and Shire (alternatively)
He should be hung for this reason alone desu

If you think that Trump and his authoritarian power grabs and undermining of America's institutions and career professionals represents real Republican values, maybe *just maybe* Republicanism is a cancer that needs to be purged from your brainlet country.

>It's a coronavirus bill in name only. So much extra kike shit added in I dont care about Trumpbux anymore


>Trump and his authoritarian power grabs and undermining of America's institutions and career professionals
I fucking wish

i guess we should have open borders then. gotta fix the republican party at all costs. what a dumb comment

Wow faggots we are in your heads rent free aren’t we?

massie is based, fuck you OP


>1 post

>The only alternative to Trumpublicanism is OPEN BORDERS FOR EVERYONE
great false dilemma; spoken like a true trumptard brainlet

>undermines credibility and authority of FBI, CIA, federal courts, DoJ, pentagon, Fed, various diplomatic missions throughout the world, state department
>"I wish"
It's happening in real time you blind, deaf and dumb Fox news-swiller

DNC can blackmail their congressmen into advancing their will. RNC does not have this power, therefore RINOS

Drop the memeflag nignog

For real. Fucking Zion Don

>>undermines credibility and authority of FBI, CIA, federal courts, DoJ, pentagon, Fed, various diplomatic missions throughout the world, state department
All of this would be great if Trump actually did it, too bad he is a spineless fag.

Fuck you faggot it's based. Fuck you, fuck your gibs, and fuck the economy.

uWu he's cute, 49 and looks 19


Oh, please. Most of you faggots don't even know what's in it. You keep quoting shit from proposed packages that were on the table a week ago instead of the current one. Try to keep up.

>corporate coup
>bill prevents extensive buybacks and the bailouts are specifically required to be directed towards keeping people on the payroll

Why do commie retards hate jobs so much?

Take your meds, Schlomo. Your telling me that the man who wants to end the Fed and who also sat in the TS room so he could read the unredacted JIS 911 report and has voted against Israel ever since is a kike? Fuck off, faggot.

>president wants it
>senate wants it
>house wants it except this one dude

Nah, he actually runs his own solar power house off the grid. youtu.be/qpPYkqpe-Ms He actually did the "renewable energy" meme for his house unlike 99% of congress. He cracked open a battery pack from a destroyed Tesla and used them to make a "power wall" like Elon Musk is selling.

I prefer the chaos. Having 1200 bucks would be nice but I don't ultimately need it. Just let it all shit itself.

He's just giving democrats shit by making them all fly out to Washington for a formal vote in return for all they shit they caused that kept this from being passed on Monday. Prove me wrong.

one on the right needs BWC

Two posts what now kikel?

Republican Party is such garbage, I am out once Trump is no longer President.

Attached: massie.png (580x575, 254.9K)

Newfags detected

Don't take my word for it, it's happening:
Ambassadors/Foreign affairs: politico.com/news/2020/02/06/marie-yovanovitch-trump-111374

CIA: bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38282533

FBI: politico.com/story/2019/06/13/fbi-election-interference-fight-donald-trump-1364597

Courts: brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/his-own-words-presidents-attacks-courts

market will drop 3000 pts because of this fag

This guy gets it. Massie is the only thing close to a founding father that we have I DC.

Attached: Based Massie.jpg (1200x1033, 404.15K)

He’s got MIT EE degrees. Surprised to see a guy like that end up in politics.

>another nail in our coffin
lol who can keep track anymore? grab as much monopoly money as you can. this country became a joke decades ago, pretending to protect principles is retarded because they are already gone.

You must be 18 years or older to post here.

Pffffff if the DOJ did its job most of the DNC and the entire fucking GOP would be behind bars, possibly executed by firing squad

Weak shit that even Romney would have done if his underlings had shit on him so brazenly. All of those people belong in concentration camps, the fact that Trump let them resign or just fired them is pathetic.

A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. Massie is overwhelmed by libertarian theories and ideals, but in practice he can't wrap his mind around race realism and Jewish subversion. I'm sure he's good with electronics.

Sperging out over 1200 shekels.
Neet detected.

Tom Fitton is backing his play. That’s good enough for me.

Massie needs to come his hair. Damn hippie

>principled but terribly misguided

Attached: >2011+4<br>>being real.png (309x344, 156.98K)

BASED. fuck you wagie fucks getting bucks.

Attached: 1565330156487s.jpg (244x250, 7.57K)

What general good has Tom Fitton ever accomplished? Another useless cuck.

Read my other post faggot. I said it was based. You fell for a meme you subhuman nigger tier IQ faggot