USA would've been fine with this man as the president.
USA would've been fine with this man as the president
no shit
Burgers should just reinstate him. The orange potato wedge is obviously unfit to serve.
"Public health is not commonly understood as a security issue, but it should be. Pandemic disease can destabilize regions, undermine economies, and create fertile territory for social and political unrest.......We need to break the cycle in which our own public health system is beholden to emergency appropriations for specific epidemics, lacking the long-term budget certainty we need to shore up our defense for long term, accelerate development of vaccines...."-Hillary Clinton 2015
shill. Obama was the worst, most corrupt illegitimate fake POTUS every. Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Predator Drones, Gender Studies, Money Laundering, Cocaine smuggling, suveillance state free cell phones, political targeting of patriots through the IRS, weaponizing FISA, the list is tl;dr.
OP is the same Canuck J00 shilling the same garbage over and over. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Amen, nigger.
He already served as president. What the fuck are you driving at, leaf?
Amazing how transparent this board gets when memeflags are filtered.
Joe Biden is getting lined up to be Obama 2.0. He is the ZOG candidate. It's hilarious to me that biden has had a stroke and is visibly brain damaged and ZOG still believes that he is their best representative.
I'm sure I could find a quote from trump where he understands how dangerous a pandemic could be
Who is that guy?
king nigger wouldn't have done shit differently.
except maybe have a containment plan, an economic stimulus plan, a healthcare support plan, assistance for the pharmacare system, the ability to speak coherent sentences, have actually shits to give about the welfare of americans
Built for BBC
I think so.
But Biden is even better. He's a superhawk on China. Which is exactly what's needed now!
Fuck that Moslem traitor. WORST "PRESIDENT" EVER
Subhuman Monkey Nigger
OP btfo
How many people died before he did something the last time a chink coughed, maplekike? Remind us again.
110 can not come soon enough.
def built for bbc
>Fast and Furious
>Predator Drones
Based and bipartisan
>Gender Studies
Obama invented gender studies?
>Money Laundering, Cocaine smuggling, suveillance state
Time to take your meds, boomer
>free cell phones, political targeting of patriots through the IRS, weaponizing FISA, the list is tl;dr.
Didn't happen but should have
This. Obama would've had millions of masks and respirators appear at the snap of a finger
He looks like he fucks white guys.
He was president and the country went down the shitter
I remember the money laundering and surveillance state, but I don't know about the Cocaine smuggling
>Fast and Furious
guess how I can tell you're a shill?
>>>Containment plan (for all his family and person friends)
>>>An economic stimulus plan (yeah we all know who would gotten the stimulus...again)
>>>Healthcare support plan (that nobody would've been able to afford because it costs billions to set up a website)
>>>Speak coherant sentences (aka The teleprompter president)
>>>Care about the welfare of Americans (literally did more for every other country in the world WHILE bombing all their women and children into the ground)
Yeah grrrrreat guy, great great guy.
A lot of Bernie-bros hate him at this point.
You guys are just nostalgic zoomers who have no idea, he wouldn't have acted soon either.
different disease, barely even killed the chinks from where it came from relative to covid19
I don't know why people are starting to look at Obama through rose tinted glasses, Obama did nothing or actively made life worse, Trump is sort of similar except he does nothing or actively makes life better sometimes.
I can't get health insurance right now thanks to king nigger, he did not improve healthcare and made it worse with every change he made.
If Corona happened when Obama was in office the same shit that is happening today would still be happening.
A ton of corruption is being dug up on Biden of things he did when he was vice president do you really think Obama didn't act much the same way?
I'm actually going to agree with you.
However the reason it would be fine is because the media jews wouldn't have blown this shit out of proportion, freaked everyone the fuck out, and crashed our economy
I bet
I don't think he's a shill, Everything he just said can be proven with a simple google search. If he's a shill he's horrible at it, if he's a patriot he's really good at it ;)
So she was foreshadowing The Chinese Virud and also saying we should get more vaccines... yeah she DEFINITELY would have handled this better.
Yea everyone with corona would find themselves at the bottom of the Indian ocean unbeknownst to everyone.
Some Moslem guy that used to think he was a president.
don't be mad because your Orange is sour and rotten. you elected him in. fuck bush was a better president than the human Orange.
Fuck off, leaf
Probably not because Trump didn't talk about any actual issues like education, public health or deep level foreign policy
9/11 was a George Bush job
I wish
Is he in hiding right now?
meanwhile cuomo wasn't buying ventilators. this is big gov puppet talk to trigger demographics for votes and nothing more. there's no interest in actually delivering on it for everyone when they can taco up the country for less and gain more power.
biden is a banker stooge. same as obama. doesn't care about america as a whole and more miga than you'd ever believe too. he should have quit while he was ahead. being picked for vp was the luckiest day of his life.
Is he in hiding right now??
We did and it wasn't.
>Citibank would have been fine with this man as president
>Fast and Furious
I mean, the movies are shit now but I don't think it's his fault
Who ? Literally
Guy was an empty suit for bankers
maybe you should do a quick calculation on the case fatality rate using those numbers and understand why there's mass hysteria about covid19 but not about novel h1n1
except our deficit tripled and our dynastic families and their paypigs got even more powerful
committed to ending wars, didnt end a single one, in fact added them
this nigger fucked so much up that we are still reeling
>nice clock ahmed
>we wont let ice go to voting locations
>we wont be asking for IDs
shut the fuck up leaf, he was just as bad
like you've ever had a leader worth talking about without laughing
Nice try shill. From his own mouth doctors were wondering how he knew so much about this stuff
>le magic mulatto CIA man
Trips of truth
What the fuck kinda bath-salts are you smoking tonight?
How many gallons of AIDS-Infested Nigger-semen do you swallow on an annual basis?
Pic is YOU
>USA would've been fine with this man as the president.
Bullshit. The Zero was the worst thing to happen to our nation since FDR. Even in handling his own swine flu epidemic, he was lazy and hopelessly inept.
You are correct sir. And I enjoyed learning about ZOG.
less than you and your Orange el presidente does.
I hate to say it. But the nigger would have done a way better job.
I agree with most of this but I'm sorry, I'm not sure what a king nigger is. But it sure does sound fun.
Obama: A gay, muslim, half American who falsified legal documents such as his birth certificate, who helped satanic elites and zionist infiltrate the US political system and lied to the world... is deserving of being POTUS ? You are insane man.
When diamonds were plastic.
Obama proved you can be a son of a goat herder and get elected potus
Trump during your Presidency, unemployment is an all time high.