Chinese Sleeper Agents in AUS

Seriously, the fact that Hundreds if not thousands of "Aussie" Chinese can basically just be "activated" when china needs them in a foreign country is horrifying.

If ASIO doesn't round these clowns up and deport them when this whole thing is said and done AUS is well and truly KEKED

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Other urls found in this thread:ón_massacre

No shit. Btw this shit is happening in all countries... You don't deport them, you treat them as traitors.

>Seriously, the fact that Hundreds if not thousands of "Aussie" Chinese can basically just be "activated" when china needs them in a foreign country is horrifying.
During the 2008 olympics there were massive free Tibet protests.

And you can look it up, HUGE numbers of Chinese living in the west joined the counter-protests, demanding the continuing oppression of minorities in China.

So they are super loyal to china and its regime.

We don't deport such people because we are fucking cucks.

Asio are complete traitors

Isn't Australia basically a Chinese puppet state at this point?
Seems like China succeeded with the whole Pacific Co-prosperity Sphere thing where Japan failed

Trump cuck undid the TTP, to let China rule the whole Pacific.

Biden will fix this!

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I mean, are we honestly that fucking far gone, where our authorities just give a "meh" and a shoulder shrug when we see this shit now??

Have they seriously sold out to this level?

Based. Time to make a few examples of them.

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The world is at war man. I just hope people don’t take too long to realize it.

ASIO doesn't have any time to deal with chink sleeper agents. They're too busy trying to find "white nationalist terrorists" and covering for the muslims.

Make Australia and New Zealand into American states. It's the only way to avoid chinking

Communists have agents everywhere. That's how commies roll. The sooner the West learns how to deal with commies the better.

We need guns back.

Canada too

Chinks went to all the other countries and did this shit right off the bat.
Fucking subhuman trash make niggers look like saints, even the straight Africa nigs, they'll at least kill u to your face, unlike these spineless pieces of shit.
Fuck china straight to hell.
I'd be surprised if the whole world doesn't give china the ass kicking of the century

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what did you expect, you should've started caring when you saw what happened to your real estate.


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literally from sea to shining sea at that point.



You’d also get a heap of Antarctic territory

>I mean, are we honestly that fucking far gone, where our authorities just give a "meh" and a shoulder shrug when we see this shit now??
At least we're not racist mate. Racism is bad.

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As if being American would be an improvement. It's the basic bitch of countries.

They did the same thing is hongcouver.. went to the supply stores and tried to buy every mask. Just everyday looking chink ladies with heaps of cash.

at least youre not in canada

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No, but we would instantly end our reliance on the chinks. Any trade money we need from them would be replaced with stimulus packages from Washington. America would have total western and south Pacific territorial dominance

>Step 1: Kick out the Chinks
>Step 2: Anglosphere Alliance

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Mel was right, Pauline was right, Enoch was right

Wouldn't need to become a US state for that to happen though, just a complete upheaval of Australian politics with anyone found taking foreign money from ANY country that isn't Australia, shot in public.

Hope they get firebombed

Why do you think there's gooks going into stores coofing on all the produce? they're spreading this shit and they dont care if they die doing it.

You guys would be better off under Chinese rule.

It's a good thing having an American stick up for you.

Canada and australia are literally chinese colonies


Canadians voted for that gay spic twice. They can live with the consequences.

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Only got his mad cunt side from us Aussies anyways

Nah, that's from his Irish citizenship.

Absolutely, unfortunately we are both run by boomers who are obsessed with chink money and commies who love China on principle.

>implying China would be colonizing the planet without the help of US and Kissinger/R'feller since the 70s
Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?

US is China's greatest ally. if it was not for the US, China would still be a country based on subsistence farming.
US literally created superpower China...
Nixon/Rockefeller birthed superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
china would not be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology

China's rise was due to a transfer of wealth from the west.

>murica transfer of wealth/technology/industry to poor rural china
>murica create power strong china
>murica claim a strong china a problem
>murica plans on fighting strong china with totalitarian TTP eroding more citizen rights
>not creating a scapegoat to implement totalitarianism

the power brokers transferred:
-literally all the financial funds of US workers to China,
-transferred technology and jobs to China
-hyperinflated the housing so that only the Chinese (recipients of western funds) could afford the housing

the transfer of funds was done involuntarily without the consent of the owners of the funds
the power brokers took western funds sitting in banks and invested all of that in China.

all that wealth transfer was from your pockets. the private funds in bank accounts, the housing assets, the jobs, all transferred by corporate USA without your knowledge or consent...

By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill
-Sutton 1980

TTP was made for (((climate migrants))). Fuck off Chink.

simple genocide formula

>to fight inflation, give away money to shitskins ( exported inflation nomad/offshored dollars and indsutry/tech transfer)
>import back the trillions in inflation and the billions in shitskins
>to hyperinflate housing prices, import 100 million shitskins and give away loans to shitskins
>to fight wage growth, import 100 million shitskins and depress wages
>shitskins buy up all your businesses/houses/jobs/industries with the money you gave them
>goy go homeless and OD on chink fent

Whites genocided by capitalist economics

>send industries/money/wealth to asia (japan, korea, taiwan, china, india etc...) for free, since 1950s
>goyim, this is needed in order to contain USSR
>b-but USSR was dissolved by Bush a long time ago
>goyim, this is needed in order to export inflation
>goyim, now we need bring foreign investors, who we gave all your money/jobs to, in order to buy up your house, business, job
>goyim, now you will be jobless, homeless...
>goyim, this is good for the free market
>goyim, please buy chinese fent and OD

what they mean by exporting inflation is giving your money to asia/mexico and then importing the shitskins so they can buy up houses/businesses and hyperinflate the value of assets with the money they received from us

>Fed deliberately creates inflation by printing money
>Fed then say they need to resolve inflation
>Fed exports the inflation they created by giving it away for free
>Asia/shitholes recieve the exported inflation/free money
>Shitskins become rich in US dollars
>Fed says we need to attract the inflation back to the US
>Fed says we need foreign investment to return the money we gave them for free
>Shitskins invade the US with the money they recieved via the inflation US exported
>Shitskins buy up houses/businesses/stocks
>Shitskins create hyperinflation in all assets/services
>Shitskins remove Whites and replace with more shitskins
>homeless/opioid epidemic
>white genocide

chinks..jews..what's the difference
just gain 100 pounds and shit your pants and you're there

Second company doing it

It would be racist to defend yourselves from invasion.


Yeah I bet that's gonna get handled with a real strong hand from all the Chinese people in government?

why were ccp agents allowed to go into small towns in australia and burn them down to buy them at a cheaper price

why does australia allow the ccp have chinese police enforce chinese laws in australia to dissident chinese

why were chinese allowed to take over the australian education system

why are chinese being allowed to spread disease at super markets

>China suppresses all news of the virus
>when they do admit it they say it’s not human to human
>order chink companies around the world to buy masks, suits, thermometers, tests and sanitisers to send to China
>finally admit that it is incredibly contagious
>after the chinksects in the west have stripped and shipped everything off of the shelves

The Victorian Premier even signed up to the Belt & Road initiative making the state a de-facto colony of China

china was doing the same shit in mexico buying everything, taking over goverment that mexicans just killed them and deported themón_massacre

Can we go back to the good old non-retard days when we completely boycotted all travel and trade from communist countries and effectively countered their espionage now?

>self preservation bad
>BBC good


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>buy hand sanitizer
>get deported

It was a trade deal, Western dominated. Now it's all China's.
You're a fucking brainwashed moron.

>when we completely boycotted all travel and trade from communist countries
after you helped them win the war? You reap what you sow, anglo

No, they wouldn’t. Aussies would be treated as subhumans.

Asio already has this handled. Calm down dickheads

This is why Chinese need to go. The party leans on their diaspora globally to use as an impromptu spy network and if you don't play around they strong arm your family back in China.

Hi, I'm gathering a list of "sins of China," please feel free to add more. I've read the same companies involved in the theft of your medical supplies have been given favorable real estate interests by your government too.
>Chinese “labor” contains far more slaves and indentured economic prisoners than volitional workers
>Chinese slaves and indentured workers are exported to foreign markets under subsidy of the Chinese state
>Chinese-owned African slaves die for the mining operations of the Chinese Communist Party
>Chinese-owned African slaves’ widows are given to CCP members stationed in African projects
>Chinese-owned African slaves that fall afoul of Chinese authorities become human subjects for pharmaceutical investigations
>Chinese-owned African slaves in debt to Chinese corporations can repay with tissue and organ donation
>Chinese political prisoners are the primary source for human test subjects for various medical and military projects
>Chinese political prisoners are slain in great number every day as part of the economic functioning of the modern Chinese state
>Chinese state-owned hackers are the most malignant and destructive forces in cyber space, stealing data from poorly-secured Western firms, governments and militaries with impunity
>Chinese Cyber War experts are building self-directed “Blackmail Bots” that discover or otherwise construct viable coercion strategies personalized to each individual
>Chinese State security forces coordinated Chinese crowd-sourced exfiltration of valuable technologies outside of China
>Chinese State security forces coordinated Chinese crowd-sourced exfiltration of medical supplies desperately needed by hospitals, doctors and nurses in the middle of an incredible pandemic

They are everywhere.

>show more loyalty to your country of origin than your country of residence

>Videos of Chinese insects rubbing their disgusting infected fluids on public spaces
>Media filled with shills perpetuating Chinese propaganda
>Chinese companies aboard hording essential supplies and sending them to China
>Still lying about the cause and spread of the corona virus
Lying Chinks will have their reckoning.

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>"activated" when china needs them in a foreign country is horrifying

to a faggoty drama queen it's horrifying
where are the good Aussies when you need them

>continuing oppression of minorities

go back to r eddit you suckhole